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Канал сайта: «Перевод контента - черновики»
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Freelancer – Database menu


Freelancer is a real long-term project of the Space Simulation type of games. It’s a project with a hard fate that was founded by the developer of “Wing Commander” and “Privateer” Kris Roberts. Freelancer saw the world in 2003 with the help of Microsoft and, already, without leadership of Roberts. However, the game is great.

Freelancer is a Space Fight-Trade Simulator that has a story line (game is similar to Privateer). A player takes the role of free pilot, who lives in the desperate time, when the World is endangered. The story takes place in the Sirius Sector eight centuries after the humankind landed on one of the planets there. Earth is gone – unknown alien race destroyed it right after the humans took their ships off the planet and left the Solar System.

The known space is divided on four regions by the “houses” of the descendants of the old Earth countries. There operate also different independent fractions like pirates, fanatics and Interstellar Corporations. A player is submerged in the wonderful, wide and well-developed game environment that lives with its own life. Every time entering the open space you will feel that life: radio transmissions of the strangers, ships flying somewhere, and hundreds of unique locations create the atmosphere of a free pilot’s life. Also, the story line missions you may complete with the progress of the game open new sides of that world, and one more time give you chance to feel the mastership of Kris Roberts.

The game is made as a good compromise between quality and speed. Long development of the Freelancer made the graphics to look not so incredible as it was couple years ago. However, the game does not need a huge resource base and perfectly works on average, today, computers, even if in-game settings put on maximum. In addition, Freelancer uses a unique method of controlling with a mouse, which is different from the Space Simulators of the past. Probably, in the beginning, it may feel as “not common”, but with the time coming by, you will understand that it’s a nice and well-made approach to the steering of a space ship, when its guns are not dead-bolted to the hull, but rotate on the turrets.

Obviously, Freelancer has all of the chances to become the best Space Simulator of the year, even if “X2: The Threat” may see the market soon.

Materials of the Topic:
- General description: Game disks, story line, overview of the Beta version, review
- Freelancer’s Universe: History, fractions, political situation
- For beginners: Interface, controls, “hot” buttons, trade and trade routes, mining
- Recommendations: FAQ. Do you know that…
- Other: Our tournaments, Hall of the Glory, Gallery, Cheats and other
- Lags: How to fight in-game lags developed because of pirate-versions and modifications
- Files and Links: Downloads section for different addons, mods, patches and usable utilities for the game

Release: 2003
Developer: Digital Anvil
Publisher: Microsoft
System Requirements: Pentium III 500 Mhz/ 128 Mb Ram/ 32 Mb video card
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 01:07 24-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003

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Пилоты, хорошо знающие английский! Большая просьба: помочь в редактировании перевода. Перевод будет лежать в этой теме до его просмотра официальными редакторами.

Темы, где в графе "Готовность перевода" стоит пометка E, существовали в английском варианте до их перевода нашими пилотами. Чтобы избежать бессмысленной работы и траты времени, старайтесь проверять возможные источники (сайты) англоязычного варианта выбранной темы. Пилотам, имеющим сведения о наличии таковых источников по другим темам - просьба назвать их здесь.

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Freelancer (Меню базы данных)fonCrazотредактированCrimson, Xboronкомпилируется
Freelancer (Миссии (кроме странички описательного характера))fonCrazотредактированCrimson, Xboronкомпилируется
Freelancer (Рецензия)Russian_MikeредактируетсяCrimson---
Freelancer (Знаете ли вы, что...)ArcticA-ZuBRпереведен------
X-BTF (FAQ)jenyaпереведен------
X-BTF (Товары)jenyaпереведен------
X-BTF (Апгрейды)jenyaпереведен------
Privateer2 (Начало игры)Sith LordотредактированCrimsonготов
О сайте (Правила общения)ArcticA-ZuBRпереведен------
Главная страницаCrimsonотредактирован---не готов
X-Tension (Микроквесты)Fryвзят 24.12.03------
X-Tension (Расы и альянсы)SunnyGaleвзят 24.12.03------
X-Tension (Корабли класса М5)Xboronвзят 24.12.03------
X-Tension (Корабли класса М4)Pegasus взят 24.12.03------
X-Tension (Товары)Thornвзят 24.12.03------
X-Tension (Экономическая система)Thornвзят 24.12.03---
X-Tension (Описание фабрик и советы по их установке (целиком))Thornвзят 24.12.03------
X-BTF [Весь]jenya---------
Elite [Весь]Crimson---------
Battlecruiser [Весь]Crimson---------
ParkanX-plosiveвзят 26.12.03------
Freelancer Торговые маршрутыfonCrazвзят 31.12.03------
Freelancer Фракции (целиком)fonCrazпереведен Е------
X-BTF Клавиши управленияjenyaпереведен------

По всем вопросам обращаться ко мне в приват, ICQ 278574198 или myletter@yandex.ru
    Добавлено: 12:23 24-12-2003   
 560 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Для начала попробовал перевести заглавную страницу Я не при чем...

Look at the skies right above you!.. There, behind thin ozon layer, behind sattelites and junk, beyond the asteroid ring, beyond the borders of the Solar systems, out of the bounds of time... there are Stars. Deepness of Space - Far, Vast, Luring. And Free.

Incountable lots of planets and myriads of ships cruising between them, each following own route. Delivering cargo to Tionisla colony, guarding the well-being of the Federation of Three planets, exploring the god-forgotten Lentis sector, preparing to protect own people against mysterious race of Conflux...

From aside, it is funny to watch those shiny dots swirling among the stars. But what if one of those were you? What if you were in the world where no gravity, no borders, nothing whatsoever could stop you and you were completely in charge of your own fate?.. the world of the Freedom Among the Stars?..

Welcome to the only site of its kind: site dedicated to Free Space Simulators - genre originated in 1984 by the infamous Elite. We will give you the atmosphere which for so many people had been the classic standard in 80-ies, the legend in 90-ies and which became unreachable height in 2000-s. We will tell you everything you were so eager to know but had no one to ask. And then, after some time passes, you will surely be able to say that you have become a Real Pilot!..
    Добавлено: 01:03 25-12-2003   


Cool Улыбка

Freelancer’s Missions.

Mission #1.

Your objective is to escort transport loaded with food and medications from Fort Bush to the planet Pittsburgh. Pilot Michael King, who supposes to assist you, waits near Manhattan docking ring. Difficulty is low. Your reward is 2000 credits.


Take off Manhattan. Right after that you’ll see the in-game movie-clip as Order fighters destroy Reihnland battleship that was a headquarter of diplomatic mission with admiral Otto Shultzky in charge. It will be easy to destroy Order ships, so do it. After you are done with them go to Fort Bush, where you have control point to meet the transport, and escort it to Pittsburgh.
On your route, Liberty Rogues will attack you. Fight them and continue your trip, not paying attention to the second squadron of Rogues that will appear. Land on Pittsburgh after you bring the transport ship there. Then you’ll see the movie clip of the conversation between Trent and King. You may leave the planet after that. Do not forget to save your game.
Leaving the planet enter the formation with fighters group Epsilon (button F4), which would be sent to search and destroy Rogues base. Some time after you’ll receive the “SOS” from a prison ship that will be attacked by Rogues. Finish them up and go to the control point, where you’ll receive a transmission pilot Beta 4 is under attack by Rogues. Pilot Beta 4 will give you coordinates of the location, where his group came under fire. When you come there you are a subject for Rogues attack. Proceed to the control point – it’s the location of Rogues base. You’ll need to destroy several weapon platforms, allowing friendly ships to launch torpedo strike on Rogues base. After base is destroyed got to Pittsburgh. On your way you’ll receive a transmission from Junni, say that you are now a free pilot and may do whatever you want in New York System.
Mission is over.

You can do missions up until you have enough credits to be promoted. When you have them, Junni will contact you and ask to meet her in the pab on the planet Manhattan.
If you have money, it’s advisable to by a “Defender” (price is just 12,600 credits). Ship can be purchased on the battleship Missouri, near Norfolk Shipyard. If you are “friendly” or “neutral” to Junkers, it’s possible to buy better armored, but less equipped “Bloodhound” on Rochester Base.
Those, who have patience, can buy probably best, for the beginning of the game, fighter “Dagger” on Outcasts’ base Buffalo. The problem is that Outcasts are your enemies. However, you can fix that for no more that 100 K with the bartender on Rochester base.

Mission # 2.

Your objective is to capture the smuggler Sean Ashcroft, who carries illegal artifact to the New York system. Difficulty is mild-low. Your reward is 4,500 credits, plus access codes for the jump gates across the Liberty.


Watch the movie-clip and take off the planet. You will meet King near the docking ring. Together you’ll go to the Colorado jump gate. Once you are in Colorado, proceed to the control point and wait for Ashcroft. It’s going to be a ship of DSE (Deep Space Engineering), controlled by unknown pilot. Scan the ship. King will start the dialog with the pilot, who’ll be your enemy when King finishes. Fight that ship, but when it’ll be almost down, pilot will tell you that he is not Sean Ashcroft. At that moment Junni will contact you tell that Pueblo Station being attacked. After the battle for Pueblo Station is over, you’ll be informed of where you can find Sean Ashcroft. Proceed there. Upon your arrival, Ashcroft’ people will attack you. Fight them and follow to the control point, where Ashcroft will retreat. Bring down his ship and pick up the escape pod. Carry it to the battleship Missouri in New York System. Near Fort Bush Rogues ships will attack you. Fight them and then proceed to you destination – battleship Missouri.
Mission is over.

If you did not buy a good ship before, it’s a right moment to do that. Do not forget to get yourself more powerful weapons and defense shield. To begin the third mission you have to be a 5th level.
After you gain that rank, Junny will call you to meet her in the Manhattan’s pab. However, she is not going to be there. She’ll leave a message with the bartender. Message will direct you to California Minor in California System, where Junny supposedly will wait for you.
Once you are in California System, some unknown man will join you near the jump gate, but appeared ships will destroy him. Before the third mission you better buy more shield batteries and nanobots.

Mission # 3


After the meeting in the pab of California Minor, leave the planet and meet Junny near the docking ring. Together fly toward the Magellan jump gate and meet with a convoy on the other side of the gate. As soon as you meet convoy you will go to the “Entrance Buoy”, then to “Nav Buoy #1”, then to “Nav Buoy #2”. On your way toward the “Nav Buoy #3” significant forces of Outcasts will attack you. Fight them and fly to the “Nav Buoy #4”. Finally, after #4 you’ll get to the Willard Research Station. Dock there and buy as many as you can shield batteries and nanobots. Leave the station and go back to California Minor. On your way you’ll meet three Reihnland fighters. Put them down, and land on California Minor. Visit the pab and take off to meet Junny and Walker on the backside of the planet. During your meeting with them, you’ll receive a signal from Willard Research Station, saying that Reihnland attacks them. Go there and fight. After you win that battle mission will be over.

To get the next mission you have to find a job. After you’ll earn enough money to be promoted, Junny will call you to meet her in the Manhattan’s pab in New York System.
    Добавлено: 01:21 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Passajirom zapisali...

MIssion # 3

Yoy objective is to escort a convoy from Magellan jump gate to Willard Research Station. Difficulty is high. Your reward is 3000 credits.
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 01:22 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Mission #4

Follow Junny to the California System, toward California Minor. Reward is 7000 credits, but after Junny kills an officer, your objective is to leave Liberty space, together with Junny, and stay alive. Reward is your miserable life.


After the officer’s death take off the planet. You’ll be under attack of the waiting ships. Attempt to retreat through Fort Bush will fail – all of the ways will be covered. You’ll be left wit one – protect yourself and fight for your life. Some tome after you’ll receive help and be able to go on Westpoint Military Academy. From there take a trade line to Ithaca Research Station. There you’ll receive coordinates of Benford Station. Land there and watch the movie-clip. Junny will ask you to protect Benford, but it will be impossible. Wait until station is destroyed ( do not enter the firefight, just circle around), and go to the Magellan jump gate after the capital ships will approach for the final hit. In the Magellan System you’ll have to get to the Freeport 4. On your way you are subject to attack by Bounty Hunters. Fight them with a help of Line Hackers. Go to their base Mactan and repair your ship. Take off the base and meet Junny outside. Near the base Reihnland fighters will attack you. Finish them and go to Leeds jump hole. Take a soft jump to Leeds System in Brettonia space. Go to the planet Leeds and land there. Go to the shop and meet Tobias and talk to him.
Mission is over.

Tobias will give you 25,000 credits (yes, 25 K credits), and you’ll be promoted to the 8th level. So, you’ll be able to buy ships on Leeds. The better step is to buy “Crusader” on the planet New London or battleship Norfolk, with the price of 35 K. More maneuverable Corsair fighter “Legionary” is sold on the Trafalgar Base that belongs to Junkers. After you purchase your new ship go and do some work gaining next rank. After you get it, Junny will call you to Cambridge System, planet Cambridge, to meet you in the pab…

She is a nice girl – take care of her. After the pab escort her to the apartment (you may want to call taxi, because drive and drink – big “no-no”), and stay for a cup of coffee. You’ll see what’s coming next… lol

Mission #5

Your objective is to find professor Quintaine. Difficulty is unknown. Your reward is an information about strange alien artifact.


Take off the planet and meet Junny outside. After that go to Omega 3 System, planet Sprague, where you have to find Dr. Sinclair, who knows of where the Hell is Quintaine. In the Omega 3 System you’ll know that there is no trade lane to the planet Sprague and you’ll have to rape your thruster to get there. When you’ll be almost near the planet, Reihnland forces will attack you. Bring em down and land on Sprague. Watch the movie-clip and assign to the new duty – evacuation of Dr. Sinclair to a safe location. Take off the planet and perform fast retreat maneuver, to avoid enemies, in a direction that Sinclair will shoe you. Loose your enemies and proceed to Baxter Research Station (you must be complete scientist by that time – how many Research Stations did you visit already?), and land there. Station will be under attack right after you land there. Take as many shield batteries and nanobots, as you can (if you already spent all your money on Junny’s jewelry – it’s too bad, brother…). Fight the Reihnland forces and fly to Cambridge jump gate, and proceed to the control point in the Cambridge System. On your way you have to meat several Reihnland fighters – don’t be afraid, you do the right thing. Go to Leeds jump hole and meet there Reihnland battleship, but you will get allies that destroy focking battleship and you’ll need to finish up only with enemy’ fighters. Jump to the Leeds System and go to planet Leeds. Land there.
Mission is over.

Mission #6.

Your objective is to win the race with Hovis. Then you have to find Quintaine. Then bring him to the planet Leeds in the Leeds System – you’ll be busy for about couple hours… Difficulty is unknown (damn Hovis…) Your reward is information about the artifact (be responsible and save the Earth !).


Take off the battleship Hood. Win the race with Hovis. Mine is different, but you are better to turn on your Cruise Engines (Ctrl+W), and pass all of the rings with the full speed. Hovis will loose control by the end of the race and spin out of track. That is where it will get interesting… You’ll be under fire, but don’t pay attention to it – Hovis is a freak and will tell you where Quintaine is.
By the time when you get to the station, where Quintaine is located, it will be under attack. Protect the grandpa and kill all of the enemies. Land to the station (Glorius…. Name of the station. And take more batteries and nanobots). Then go to planet Leeds in the Leeds System, where you’ll meet Sinclair (she has a nice body, by the way…) and Junny (not funny anymore…). Take off the planet and fly to the control point, where you’ll meet some Reihnland forces. Kill em all… (my hero…), and go to Leeds jump gate. There will be an ambush, so be ready to kick some asses. Take a jump to Leeds and got o the planet Leeds, where you must land.
Mission is over.
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 02:47 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
It's getting boring
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 02:48 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Mission #7.

You must hide from Reihnland agents. Follow with Junny, Sinclair and Quintain to the Border Worlds and find Kress base (be careful – nothing personal with the ladies). Difficulty is very high (hard to resist – they are so cute). Reward is your life.


Take off the planet. Junny, Sinclair and Quintain will wait you outside. Unfortunately, Reihnland forces will attack you. Fight em and fly to the control point near Stokes Mining Station, where you’ll be under attack again. Then fly to the Tau 31 jump gate, where you’ll be outnumbered with enemy’ forces, but Tobias will give you some relieve, and after fight jump to the Tau 31 System. There follow the control points toward the Tau 29 jump gate. Inside the Tau 29 System, before the trade line to Tau 27 jump gate, you’ll meet Reihnland forces. Do not fight them, but follow the control point as far as they lead you. On your way, some gunboats will attack you, but they are easy to destroy. Just shoot them in their butts and problem will be solved. In the Tau 29 System fly to Shinkaku Station and land there for repairing your ship. Then fly to control point and fight Reihnland forces that you’ll find there. After that fly to Tau 23 jump hole, using control points. Inside the Tau 23 System land on Cali base. You’ll have to receive so info there. Take off the base and the scout near docking ring. Fly together toward the Kyushu jumps gate. There, inside the system, go to the planet Kyushu, where you’ll meet Lord Hakkera.
Mission is over.

To continue your quest you have to get 14th level. After you gain it, Junny (she is definitely has something toward you) will contact you and ask to meet her on Shinagawa Station in New Tokyo System. Change your ship on “Barracuda” or “Dragon”, or “Wolfhound”. Buy new weapons and equipment.

Mission # 8.

Your objective is to attack a transport in Honshu System. Transport will have Proteus Tome aboard, heading to Reihnland space. Difficulty is very high ( you are not rookie anymore…). Your reward is Proteus Tome (do not ask me why the hell you a taking books instead of those cute girls…)


Take off the planet, meet your allies outside and follow together by control points toward the Honshu jump hole. Once you are in Honshu fly to the transport ship. First destroy the weapons platforms and only then enemy ships. After you win the fight enter the formation with the transport ship (button F4). On your route to Chugoku jump gate you’ll meet enemy fighters that you’ll have to kill. In the Chugoku System fly to Kyoto Station, following control points, and land there.
Mission is over.

You have to get 16th level to be able to continue the story line. So, get it… Find yourself a job and work out money as all normal people do.

Mission #9.

Your objective is to attack the reinforced Tekagi Base in Tohoku System. You have to snick inside the base and steal Proteus Tome (desperate time calls for desperate measures…). Difficulty is focking high. Your reward is Proteus Tome, one more time.


Take off the station and meet Ozu. Fly to the Tohoku jumps hole. In the Tohoku System you’ll have to fly to Ryuku Base, where you’ll meet your “sturmsoldaten”. After everyone will be present go to attack Tekagi Base. On your way there will be a patrol that have to be destroyed. Fly to Tekagi Base and destroy four shield generators and land with the base. Take the Proteus Tome off there and deliver it to Kyoto Base. To get there fly to Chugoku jump hole. On your way you’ll meet some enemy forces that would attacked Junny (save the girl !). After that go to Kyoto Base, land there and go to pab (I like it – after job, go to pab, have a drink or two, or three… Have a girl… Life is marvellous!).
Mission is over.

Now you have to have more money…. So, take care of it !

Mission # 10

Spy of Lord Akera in the Reihnland space, Her von Klaussen (comrade Shtirliz) has an important information about Nomads. Your objective is to go in New Berlin System, planet New Berlin, find the sucker and bring him to the safety in Kusari System. Difficulty is very high. Your reward is survival of the humankind.


Take off the base and meet Lord Hakkera. Go to Sigma 13 jump hole, and inside the System got to control point and fight Reihnland forces. After you’ll kill em all, go to New Berlin jumps hole. In the New Berlin System land on the planet New Berlin and got o the pab. Take off the planet (buy new weapon and other stuff…or new ship. Be advice that you would not need any controceptical means…). After you are off the planet, someone Fisher will join you. Together fly to Frankfurt jumps gate. Near the gate you’ll find Reihnland fleet waiting for you, but they’ll let you go away… Once in the Frankfurt System, follow the control points and land the planet Holstein, and meet von Klaussen there. Take off the planet and got to Bruchsal Base, but when you’ll be near it, base will be under attack. Fight for the base ! After the mess land the base. When you take off the base everyone will wait you outside. Follow the control points to a shipyard, passing a mine field and destroying one of the experimental battleships. After you’ll destroy that battleship, von Klaussen will give an order to retreat. Follow the control points, which will lead you to the Hamburg jumps hole. Inside the Hamburg System you’ll see enemy battleship right on front of you…, and Order battleship Osiris. Land to Osiris.
Mission is over.

After this mission aboard the battleship Osiris, you better buy heavy fighter “Anubis”, plus different equipment…
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 04:05 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
"Martini & Rossi" does it, as it suppose to do... Улыбка It's funny already...
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 04:08 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Poshel na povishenie gradusa... Segodnya katolicheskoe Rojdestvo, tak vse p'ut and edyat vkusno... Nu, an dya tu da je...Ой, не могу!..
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 05:11 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Mission # 11

You have to save president Jacobi (she is a nice chick as well… ) from a prison, because she is a last hope of the humankind to win the war with Nomads… (Have you seen “Battlestar Galactica, the new one ? “These people need to make as many kids as they can…” – I love this fraise…lol )


Take off the battleship and go to the New York jumps hole. In the New York System you’ll be under attack, and, after you kill em, fly to the Buffalo Base. Land there and repair your ship… Take off the base and fly to the New York jumps hole… it will bring you to another side of the Sirius Sector. Behind the jumps hole, fly to the satellite and destroy it (nobody cares how are you going to do that…). Fly to the control point and meet walker there. Together go to Alaska jumps gate and face there enemy forces… During the battle, the gate will open and you’ll be able to jump. In Alaska fly to the prison station Mitchell. Land there and save president Jacobi (very popular mission… take care !). Leave the prison and save your asses from the great number of enemies who’ll be ready to tear you apart. Fight them… Then Walker will make a decision and sacrifice himself for your safety. After he does it fly to the New York jumps gate. Then fly to the control point and kill of the enemies there, together with battleship Osiris that will come right before your ass will be roasted. Land on Osiris.
Mission is over.

Buy whatever you need, and make it twice ! Hard times are coming !

Mission # 12.

Your objective is to get Nomads’ energy cell. Difficulty is considered to be suicide. Your reward is survival (do not fock the girls before your departure!).


Take off the battleship and fly to control point, where you’ll find Nomad Lair. Upon your arrival, there will be a huge number of Nomad ships ( + cavalry). To get the inside Nomad lair you’ll have to destroy three shield generators. Do not pay attention to the Nomad fighters, just take out the generators. After you do so, go inside the Nomad Lair, following the control points… (it’s somewhat radioactive inside there… so you may want to do kids before this mission). As soon as you are there pick up the Nomad Power Cell and fly back to control point, if you want to get the fock out there… Take a jump hole that control point will lead you to, and, kill all of the enemies on the other side, after you jump. Then fly to the planet Taledo and land there…
Mission is over.

Buy everything as much as you can…

Mission # 13

You have to go the Nomad’s home system and activate hyper gate system, so Nomads would not be able to rich Sirius Sector. Difficulty is considered suicide. Your reward is the survival of the humankind… (Pathetic).


After you buy whatever you may need, take off the planet and protect the Order base. First, shoot down all of the enemy fighters, and attack the Nomad’s battleship, when it appears. Destroy the focking thing and land on the planet Toledo.
Take off again, and escort transport ship with Dr. Sinclair aboard (you can do her, it’s your last mission anyway…). Oh, there will be professor Quintain as well.. (it’s not a problem for such spacewolf as you are, right ?! He retarded long time ago, anyway… ). Escort them to the battleship Osiris and land there, follow the control points. Buy there everything that you can afford. Take off the battleship and follow the allied fighters to the Alien jumps gate. In front of the jump gate you’ll have some fight with the Nomad fighters, but bring them down and jump through the gate. In the Nomad System you’ll have to destroy four shield generators, and do it as soon as possible. After that follow the control point to get inside… There destroy some more shield generators and watch the final video clip, where you’ll take all responsibility for destroying of the Nomad system.
Mission is over. Humankind is saved one more time… Thanks to you, freelancer .
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 05:53 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Auch ! Brendy and Elvis rock ~!
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 05:54 25-12-2003   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
2 fonCraz:

Superb! Bravo!
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 10:01 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Ne.. v sutkah bol'she... A pro yashiki tut govorit' voobshe ne stoit... Golova bolit- aj chitat' bol'no... Улыбка
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 11:43 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
A eshe govoryat - 'intellectual'anya sobstvennost' ", ili kak ee pravil'no tam nazivaut... Golova bolit - jut' !Зеваеца
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 11:46 25-12-2003   
 777 EGP

Репутация: 265
Сообщения: 1228
Откуда: Троицк Московской обл.
Зарегистрирован: 04.04.2003
fonCraz Круто! Отлично!
только fraise- это, наверное, phrase.
You’ll have to receive so info there. Take off the base and the scout near docking ring.
Здесь не совсем понятно слово so, и, наверное, scout- это глагол? Тогда the не нужно.
Then fly to the control point and kill of the enemies there
кажется, "of" здесь лишнее.
Мне сегодня весело с самого утра ((с) Кот Леопольд)
    Добавлено: 11:52 25-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
fonCraz - Расстроен пусть проходит, противная Гы-гы
    Добавлено: 11:53 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Drunk, man !!! Ой, не могу!..
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 11:57 25-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Xboron, ты у нас редактор? Официальный? Сказал бы тогда, а то я тут хожу и думаю, где бы нам редакторов надыбать Улыбка
    Добавлено: 12:01 25-12-2003   
 777 EGP

Репутация: 265
Сообщения: 1228
Откуда: Троицк Московской обл.
Зарегистрирован: 04.04.2003
SunnyGale :
Xboron, ты у нас редактор? Официальный?

Мне так понравился перевод, что я не удержался от желания хотя бы каким-то боком оказаться к нему причастным Гы-гы
Мне сегодня весело с самого утра ((с) Кот Леопольд)
    Добавлено: 12:04 25-12-2003   
Быстрый ответ

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