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  » FFE D3D: AndyJ version (22.10.2014) | страница 4
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Канал Elite » Канал проекта Elite 3 под Direct 3D: «FFE D3D: AndyJ version (22.10.2014)»
 1187 EGP

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Откуда: Lave
Зарегистрирован: 17.09.2004
Olnord :
Вот, собственно, пациент:

У меня такое было только после минимизации и последующего восстановления окна игры, даже хуже (см.скриншот несколькими постами выше). Правда, я играю только в оконном режиме, а у вас, вроде, полноэкранный? В оконном запускать не пробовали? Не переключаться из полноэкранного в оконный, а сразу в оконном запустить?

Olnord :
Ну и заодно, можно ли попросить немного проинструктировать по возможностям настройки этого самого конфига

Ну, я не то, чтобы в теме, просто наискосок прочитала идущий с дистрибутивом readme.txt и комментарии в конфиге. Посмотрите в ридмишку, там все настройки описаны. Я особо не разбиралась, т.к. мне хватило отключения хай-рез облаков и мультитекстур, чтобы избавиться от тормозов. Но в последнем билде там ещё много чего можно отключать, в т.ч. и ставить дефолтную текстуру на фон кабины, на сколько я поняла, но я не пробовала. Если не забуду, попробую вечером запустить дома на ноуте, там у меня тоже интегрированный интел, правда мозгов полтора гига. Отпишусь, что получилось. Улыбка

А FFED3D_v1.01_CoreTextures.zip ставили?

добавлено спустя 5 минут:
Запустила в полноэкранном на рабочем компе - всё Ок. Переключилась в оконный... стало почти как у вас. Переключилась обратно в полноэкранный - стало совсем как у вас. Улыбка В общем, игра не любит, когда переключают режимы и не любит, когда сворачивают окно. Возможно, это ещё от видюхи зависит, у меня на рабочем GeForce 8400GS.
Не води компанию с теми, с кем бы ты не хотел умереть.

Последний раз редактировалось: Helga (11:04 27-09-2013), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 11:04 27-09-2013   
 1187 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(125)
Репутация: 240
Сообщения: 2509
Откуда: Lave
Зарегистрирован: 17.09.2004
Не получается запустить на ноуте, на DirectX ругается. А какая версия нужна, кто-нибудь знает? ОС WinXP SP3.
Не води компанию с теми, с кем бы ты не хотел умереть.
    Добавлено: 21:51 27-09-2013   
 2835 EGP

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Откуда: The Dark Wheel
Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2005
DirectX9, как помню. Сначала был 8, потом перешли на 9.
..А поверх седых облаков
Синь - соколиная высь.
Здесь, под покровом небес
Мы родились..
    Добавлено: 22:09 27-09-2013   
 1187 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(125)
Репутация: 240
Сообщения: 2509
Откуда: Lave
Зарегистрирован: 17.09.2004
HeadHunter :
DirectX9, как помню

Обновила. Игра пошла. Все текстурки на месте. Но тормозааааа..... Но и ноут у меня старичок: Celeron 1.4, 1.5Gb RAM, Intel 915GM 128M, и "плюшки" я не отключала. Улыбка
Не води компанию с теми, с кем бы ты не хотел умереть.
    Добавлено: 22:35 27-09-2013   
 52 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 22.09.2013
Helga :

Обновила. Игра пошла. Все текстурки на месте. Но тормозааааа... Улыбка

Спасибо, что не поленились проверить Улыбка Попробую методом тыка разобраться, куда эти текстурки пропадают. Да еще - на скрине этого не видно, но прицела тоже нет, надеюсь это не фича такая, хотя сомнительно, конечно Улыбка

P.S. А шрифт в запускающем файле зашит? Вроде в базовой версии 3D3 его посимпатичнее сделали, а когда сверху ставишь AndyJ опять становиться, как на скрине моем.

Последний раз редактировалось: Olnord (00:02 28-09-2013), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 23:41 27-09-2013   
 203 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Helga :

If minimised and then restored the game look terrible.

Yes this is known. I am still fixing the DirectX code, but due to the way FFE draws parts of the screen once it will perhaps not be perfected.
Try CTRL+F12 to switch between window/fullscreen and then again, it will usually correct colours.
At this time, restoring from minimized is mainly to allow saving of game rather than it being fully supported. before it just displayed a black screen so it had to be shut down.

I update "known issues" in the ffed3daj_readme.txt file for each build Подмигиваю

Helga :

I'll try to increase a little cargo space of airfighters editing shipdata_orig.txt so they don't flight unarmed, but changes are not affected the game. PatchShipData set at 1. What I am doing wrong? Подозрение.

Aniso version: shipdata_aniso.txt
FFE version: shipdata.txt

shipdata_orig.txt = backup copy of original values just for reference.

Missing d3dx9_xx.dll error?

FFED3DAJ requires DirectX9.0c to have been installed. If you encounter an error message that it cannot find d3dx9_42.dll then you will need to download and install the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)

@Olnord - I think that 1GB RAM is probably not enough, 2GB+ minimum I think.
If the background image is not loading (tex96) then there are many more after that which will also fail.
Try in ffed3daj.cfg:

Textures are loaded first before any models when starting up, so probably there is too much data to load into 1GB. Sorry.


Edit: Experimented with settings on an old PC and it is possible to load into 1GB with low-resolution textures and the above settings (even up to 40 models being cached.)

Последний раз редактировалось: AndyJ (21:27 05-10-2013), всего редактировалось 3 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 01:08 28-09-2013   
 1187 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(125)
Репутация: 240
Сообщения: 2509
Откуда: Lave
Зарегистрирован: 17.09.2004
AndyJ :
Aniso version: shipdata_aniso.txt
FFE version: shipdata.txt

shipdata_orig.txt = backup copy of original values just for reference.

Thanks! Улыбка
Не води компанию с теми, с кем бы ты не хотел умереть.
    Добавлено: 21:08 29-09-2013   
 203 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Here is a quick v1.04 patch that completes the DirectX code changes that I didn't quite have time to finish for v1.03.
Aspect ratio fixes are to be addressed in a future patch, I've not forgotten about this!

As before - If installing this for the first time:
You must add this patch over FFED3D v1.12b++ or Ittiz b3 packages for it to run.
Please be sure to add FFED3D_v1.01_CoreTextures.zip as well - this is REQUIRED!
You may also add FFED3D_v1.01_ExampleSkins.zip for examples of multiple textures & colours on spaceships, cargo containers etc.


2013-10-01 - Version 1.04:
+ DirectX code now fully supports switching between Windowed mode and Fullscreen, Fullscreen can be restored
after being minimized, and after switching modes or restoring the game, colours are now correct and stars/dots
are not lost from the maps.

Note that when switching modes or restoring from minimized, only those parts of the screen which are being
drawn each frame will be redisplayed. Some areas such as the text in the Equipment page will be lost.
This is to be expected and happens when the DirectX display device has had to be reset, clearing the screen.
Just switch to another view or page to restore a complete screen.

"Thank you!" to HeadHunter for always giving the time to update the primary post with the most recent patches Улыбка

FFED3DAJ v1.04 patch. Requires supporting assets from v1.01 if you have not already added them.
 Имя файла:  FFED3DAJ_v1.04.zip
 Размер файла:  2.33 MB
 Скачано:  704 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 03:10 02-10-2013   
 2835 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 6(346)
Репутация: 540
Сообщения: 16365
Откуда: The Dark Wheel
Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2005
Don't mention it. Улыбка Thank you! Давай пожмем друг другу руки!

FFED3DAJ v1.00-1.04 (Complete Pack):
..А поверх седых облаков
Синь - соколиная высь.
Здесь, под покровом небес
Мы родились..
    Добавлено: 16:51 04-10-2013   
 203 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Hi HeadHunter.

Please could I ask you to alter the "Complete Pack" so that it only includes the files that are in these 3 zip packages?


Otherwise it includes several files that have been removed because they are not required now, or because they conflicted with either Ittiz's pack or the FFED3D v1.12++ default setup. (notably models\panel.X and textures\tex724.png)

    Добавлено: 19:19 04-10-2013   
 2835 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 6(346)
Репутация: 540
Сообщения: 16365
Откуда: The Dark Wheel
Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2005
Hi! No problem. Улыбка
All right? -
..А поверх седых облаков
Синь - соколиная высь.
Здесь, под покровом небес
Мы родились..

Последний раз редактировалось: HeadHunter (19:52 04-10-2013), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 19:51 04-10-2013   
 203 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 6(352)
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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
yes, that's much better, thanks!

добавлено спустя 20 минут:
@Helga: I have been doing some memory-requirements testing with v1.04 following questions over on the Frontier Forum, and recall that you have 2GB in your PC/Laptop.

It seems that due to some refinements in the v1.03/1.04 build that the game can now load all models at once, but so long as it isn't using multiple skins as well.

In my test area, which was using Ittiz's beta3 textures and models as a starting point, the game required 1.53GB of memory.

If using the standard FFED3D 1.12++ beta textures (low-resolution) then the memory usage falls to 1.175GB.

So depending which set of textures you are using then you might be able to load everything in on your 2GB PC and perhaps even on a 1.5GB PC.

If you'd like to try this, set the following in ffed3daj.cfg:

To save even more memory (1.17GB) you could also use the low-resolution skies, setting hiresCloudTextures=0 if you needed to.

To check if it all works correctly, let the intro sequence play to the end when the Thargon warship appears, as this uses the very last model for its engine. If sound & video work correctly then all should be ok!

I have also been testing a linker setting that it seems will remove the 2GB process limit when running on x64 versions of Windows, raising it to 4GB. With this build everything can be switched on and it uses 2.1GB. This will be helpful in future to add more models or skins for those users who can make use of them.

Последний раз редактировалось: AndyJ (20:41 04-10-2013), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 20:37 04-10-2013   
 203 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Experiment with low spec hardware and 1GB:

With FFED3D beta 1.12++ textures, it will load on a 1GB PC. With the Ittiz pack though, it does not, the high resolution images require too much memory.

I have managed to run the current v1.04 build on my very old 2.4GHz Pentium4 Compaq Laptop that has 1GB RAM, a Radeon IGP 345M using 128MB (so 896MB free RAM) running WindowsXP.

The GPU isn't good enough for the object shaders (black asteroids etc) or MSAA so these were all turned off too.

The setting changes were as follows:


Planet detail parameters set as follows to reduce planet triangles:

Really this is too weak a CPU to cope with drawing replacement models as well, and to get 10+ FPS requires usePrimitiveModels=1. (Large cities otherwise reduce the game to 2 - 4FPS)
Some of the replacement models are also too complex for this old PC and didn't draw completely. e.g. the space station in the intro, and the 'Old Blackelk' star port.
So it's possible to tune the settings, use low-res textures and have it work on old hardware, but performance may not be acceptable.
    Добавлено: 21:29 05-10-2013   
 203 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Here is a new v1.05 patch which fixes many issues with the drawing of the original polygon ships/space stations, as well as fixing the missing large asteroids. Most of the game settings can now be defined in the .cfg file too.
64bit Windows users with more than 2GB will also benefit by being able to load all models and skins at start-up.

As before - If installing this for the first time:
You must add this patch over FFED3D v1.12b++ or Ittiz b3 packages for it to run. Also please be sure to add FFED3D_v1.01_CoreTextures.zip as well - this is REQUIRED!
You may also add FFED3D_v1.01_ExampleSkins.zip for examples of multiple textures & colours on spaceships, cargo containers etc.

2013-10-28 - Version 1.05:
+ Changed Link options for build to indicate that the FFED3DAJ executables supports large memory addresses.
This now enables the loading of textures and models beyond the normal 2GB limit on 64bit Windows systems.
+ Option to Pre-load all models supported. Requires an 64bit OS with >2GB memory with everything enabled or for multiple-skins to be disabled: modelPreLoad=99.
+ Option to capture the mouse in fullscreen mode so that it can't escape to another monitor. Enabled by default with setting fsCaptureMouse=1.
+ Correction to window size, height was short by 2 pixels.
+ Possible fix for GUI buttons not being drawn. This issue could be reproduced when switching from the Combat Computer view straight to the System menu or to the Stockmarket screen via the Services menu.
+ Fixed the seam that was visible in the galaxy skybox.
+ Added support for line circles. The Battle Target Control search recticle will now flash within the laser sight area when it has been activated and is searching for a target.
+ Adverts now draw complete with their backgrounds and logos onto the TV screens. The background colour can be blended/hidden via a new .cfg setting "advertsBackgroundAlpha" where 0 = full transparency and no backgrounds are drawn, just the text/logos over a plain screen, upto 255 which draws a solid colour/textured background. Where the advert has textured backgrounds, these are visible (>0) or hidden (0) as they do not support blending.
+ polygon doors and yellow dashes are now hidden when drawing the replacement Docking bay model.
+ Docking bay number will be suppressed if 'notDrawText=1' is defined in the tris.ini setting of model 233.
+ Orginal Polygon windows will not be drawn now when a replacement Church model is being used.
+ Fallback allowing the use of a bitmap console panel and icons for users who can't see the model version. Set bitmapConsole=1 to enable. This will reset to the original click locations and use the original textures. Note that in current packages, the Status light images, textures\212.png thru 217.png are present but have been renamed with a trailing underscore, and that orange (transparent) images are in their place. These images would need to be manually reverted by the user to appear once again.
+ Exposed the game settings in the .cfg file, except for the map details. These can optionally override the defaults and/or settings loaded from saved games. Map settings aren't supported as they weren't taking effect on the start of a new game. I can't see why anyone would actually want to switch these items off anyway, so I've decided that ultimately it wasn't worth spending a lot of time trying to support them.
+ Large asteroids now appear in the game and aren't invisible! Their detail can also be increased by adjusting the new setting asteroid_max_divide_deep. 0=no increase, up to 3.

That's one BIG asteroid!

The following changes apply to the drawing of the primitive models which FFE originally used:

+ Added support for drawing filled circles. Engines now appear on Falcon, Tiger, Boa and Lynx ships.
+ Spinning double-ring antenna displays on top of the sawblade and destroyed thargon ship.
+ Sidewinder and Python landing gear is drawn if replacement models are enabled, but no model exists for this ship and the primitive polygon version is being displayed.
+ Bio-domes tweaked to remove 'Z-fighting' between fields and green base. (some occurs 8000->10000m altitute)
+ Corrected colour/texturing of cones. Eagle MK3 side pods now correct with cyan circle at front. Lifter should always have had textured engines.
+ Corrected sizes of Ball objects used on primitive models for pilots heads, distant front wheels, lifter cargo and at the power station.
+ Many(!) individual tweaks to the positions of primitive squares, triangles and polygons... This fixes the display/flickering of ship engines, Id's, landing gear bays, and the shark teeth and stripe decals. Also squares, lines and texts on the various space stations. (squares suppressed on the Lave type space-stations as they proved too glitchy to display reliably)

v1.05a replaces the v1.05 patch which was previously attached. That contained an incorrect ffed3daj.cfg file. Sorry for any inconvenience! Расстроен

FFED3DAJ v1.05a patch
 Имя файла:  FFED3DAJ_v1.05a.zip
 Размер файла:  2.35 MB
 Скачано:  697 раз(а)

Последний раз редактировалось: AndyJ (12:20 29-10-2013), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 04:12 29-10-2013   
 50 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 04.04.2012

Thanks for keeping this old pearl updated.

Any chance to make your source code accessible? I have my own custom modifications to ffe.asm which I like to compile in my binaries since the time of classic jjffe. Улыбка
    Добавлено: 08:40 31-10-2013   
 203 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Here's v1.06 - mainly fixes in the .asm code, it fixes the issue with repeated clicks during video playback (no more accidentally buying a ship!) and Helga, I'm pretty sure that it fixes the assassination mission crash in the Aniso mod (I think that I've found the source of the stack fault!)

Otherwise, a minor shader change to fix transparencies in model textures. It's a short list of fixes I know compared to 1.05, but 2 significant ones that I know people have been waiting for, so I didn't want to delay a patch for too long while I'm investigating other areas!

+ Fixed the crash in Aniso 0.9c mod when attacking a peaceful AI ship. This had been corrected in Aniso's final "rolling update" build of 0.9c but not in the released source code. The issue was in FUNC_ShipHit, JUMP_NoMusic needed to 'pop eax' after the 'call FUNC_001903_SoundStopSong' statement.
+ Fixed video playback so that they don't leave their final frame on the screen, and so that a subsequent video doesn't begin by displaying the final frame belonging to the previous video.
+ Fix to prevent a mouse click during video playback from triggering multiple GUI button actions.
+ Correction to global Ship and Object shaders to preserve alpha values from the skin. This reinstates the transparent cockpit of the Falcon.
+ Corrected the message that's displayed when jettisoning items from the cargo bay, was drawing in green text.
+ New FFE/Aniso hacks added, originally from CheatMode FFE v1.29 by Stone-D (Laga Mahesa):
+ + Prevent military drives from generating Radioactives from fuel. Setting the value of milDrivesCreateRadioactives to 0 enables this cheat.
+ + Remove requirement for military drives on classified missions. Setting the value of classifiedMissionsReqMilDrives to 0 enables this cheat.

The radioactives generation by military drives was always a major bugbear of mine, I'm always forgetting to jettison them after hyperspacing so I'm glad to have found CheatmodeFFE by Stone-D and to add that cheat as an option in the patches section of the .cfg file. The classified mission cheat from CheatmodeFFE is untested though as I've struggled to find such a mission ... but I don't want to hold the build up, so let me know it works or not!

@stamasd - for the moment I'm not wanting to give out source. I've a couple of bugs left to try & fix and personal goals (e.g. atmosphere shaders) that I want to achieve before I really consider that, and not least have a good tidy up first! There's also any potential 'legal' implications to consider too (perhaps ok with GLFFE & unix JJFFE 'out there') but also how best to make it available... haven't really thought about or looked into that...
I'd be really interested to hear about your changes though - pm me here or the other forums - I can chuck you a private build if you want? But maybe your changes would be of wider interest? I could add them in and wrap them via the 'patches' options like the Nic mod? I saw in an old thread you've un-fixed a bug that JJFFE had fixed - is this related to the combat fudges at all?

FFED3DAJ v1.06
 Имя файла:  FFED3DAJ_v1.06.zip
 Размер файла:  2.35 MB
 Скачано:  766 раз(а)

Последний раз редактировалось: AndyJ (14:43 27-11-2013), всего редактировалось 9 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 01:59 27-11-2013   
 175 EGP

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Откуда: РАПС (ЭТУ)
Зарегистрирован: 04.08.2003
I have no undercarriage animation for Constrictor.
The file was got from "Elite forever" site.
Can I do anything to get correct effect?
Hounored Strong Leg of Pirates ^)

Последний раз редактировалось: LK (09:15 04-12-2013), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 09:14 04-12-2013   
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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Hi LK.
I don't know what's in the "Elite Forever" package but it must contain outdated FFED3D files if the Constrictor doesn't have working landing gear.
You can find Potsmoke66's fixed version here if you just want to update that model separately. (it will need to go into the models\39 subfolder)
But I'd recommend that you download the full beta 1.12++ package of FFED3D from the parent thread on this forum (here) as it may contain other updates, and then add my patches over the top of that.
Once you've unpacked FFED3D, grab both the FFED3DAJ v1.06 patch and the core textures to add over it, and optionally add the shader/skins examples too.
    Добавлено: 00:57 05-12-2013   
 175 EGP

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Откуда: РАПС (ЭТУ)
Зарегистрирован: 04.08.2003
Thank you for response!
"Elite forever" is here http://www.eliteforever.co.uk/games.html

BTW may I ask a question?
What do you think about difference between engine exhaust animation of Imperial Courier in Frontier and FE?
Accroding to fans "apocryphal works" a very special engine was developed for IC, giving him amazing acceleration (for this size). And there are a very individual exhaust animation was in Frontier. In FFE it became common, similar to other ships, as a result, IC lost his allure by 50% Гы-гы (by technical point of view Constr and Asp are more reliable ships).
Hounored Strong Leg of Pirates ^)
    Добавлено: 21:11 05-12-2013   
 203 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 16.03.2013
Thanks LK, I do know the site but didn't agree to my patch being included in the installation. I want it to remain separate as a patch, and I've said so in the read-me, so I guess that I should ask that it be removed or at least be updated...
This forum is also where FFED3D originated, so this is where I primarily recommend the download from! Улыбка

I can't say that I realised the IC has different animations between Frontier & First Encounters? Perhaps I've misunderstood and you are commenting that there are more ships with animated engines when it was unique in Frontier. I guess FFE is just pushing the boundaries more in what it could draw, some of the ships are downright ugly and impractical looking which seems more about showing off that FFE could draw lots of curves on ships.

By the way In case you want to see the original FFE ship models in FFED3D, then you can see them by setting "usePrimitiveModels=1" in the ffed3daj.cfg file, or you can toggle between the modes with Ctrl+Home in-game.
(I made a LOT of fixes in v1.05 to how the ship models are drawn, which fixed the engines and decals)

My ship of choice in Frontier was the Imperial Trader rather than the courier, it's a very pretty and capable ship! And I played Frontier for many more hours than FFE, I have to admit!
In FFE though, I upgraded from the default start to the Cobra MKIII (of course!) as soon as I could, then to the Viper Defense ship and then finally to an Asp before reaching the final 'story' missions. As you say, both the Constrictor and Asp are very capable ships.

Последний раз редактировалось: AndyJ (16:20 06-12-2013), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 06:10 06-12-2013   
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