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  » Гонки в JG | страница 1
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Онлайновые игры » Канал Jumpgate: «Гонки в JG»
 270 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 2(15)
Репутация: 31
Сообщения: 1435
Откуда: Планета Земля. Сразу за углом!
Зарегистрирован: 06.01.2002
Нас опередили
Будут 2 гонки на скорость, читайте правила:
(Official dates to be announced)
First of these races will be the Amananth to Hyperial Gumball Rally.
For those of you, unfamiliar with the concept of the Gumball Rally it works like this:

It is an unlimited race, any ship, and any combination of equipment and/or artifacts.
In addition, the route from Amananth to Hyperial will be of your own choosing.
It's not the route or ship you use to get to Hyperial that counts; it's how fast you get there.
The use of disconnecting or dying while using the /home command as well as exploits in the game known or unknown to win this race will not be tolerated, DUH!

The second race will be The Soria Grand Prix.
This race will be held in Solrain Core sector and will be a single sector race.

The prizes for these races are as follows:
Gumball Rally:
1st) 5,000,000 + 2 artifacts(PCM-EE3,PCM-EB3) + Fish Hook medal (Awarded by TRI)
2nd) 2,500,000
3rd) 1,750,000

Soria Grand Prix:
1st) 5,000,000 + an artifact + Speedway Supreme medal (Awarded by TRI)
2nd) 2,500,000
3rd) 1,750,000

Amananth to Hyperial Gumball Rally

Tentative date and time for the race is: Saturday, July 27th 7pm CST
Date and Time is subject to change.
These changes if they become necessary will be posted and emailed to the racers early enough for them to reschedule.

The Office of the Charon asks that racers follow the guidelines below.

Amananth to Hyperial Gumball Rally Guidelines:
1) Ship type, equipment/ModX, weapons, and artifact loadout will be left up to the racers.

2) Race route with exception of the starting and finish lines will also be up to the racers involved. (Lots of ways to get to Hyperial from Amananth. Some ways are more deadly than others)

3) Combat is be expected between racers, but any racer that gets a bounty in regulated space will have 2 minutes added to their total time. Also, weapon fire by the racers inside Amananth sector is prohibited and grounds for disqualification.(Remember: This is a free-for-all RACE)

4) The Office of the Charon requests that nonracers not interfere but does expect that everyone uninvolved will stay that way.

5) The race will start the 0(zero) gate in the Amananth station sector.

6) The finish line will be the 0(zero) gate in the Hyperial sector. (The Charon suggests racers make sure they know which gates those are before the race)

7) Final rule: Have Fun! That's an order

Soria Grand Prix Rules:
1) Race WILL require that a rotacol be mounted, so that the racer can follow the course.

2) Racers will mount no weapons of any kind.
(Security of the racers from outside attack will be taken care of by The Office of the Charon. See below*)

3) The racecourse will be a set of 8 rotacol points inside Solrain Core sector to comprise a course of 10 legs. With the course beginning and ending at the 0(zero) gate.

4) Scout and Ranger class ships ONLY for this race.

There will be no entry fee for these races.
*The Office of the Charon will finance all security and race officials wages and fees and award all prizes.
Race Officials and Security Staff will be paid for the time spent on duties.

Please send Security Staff, Race Officials, and Racer applications toElder23@solrain.corestation.net or F4 me in game.

[ 10-07-2002: Сообщение отредактировано: ScorpRex ]
    Добавлено: 20:03 10-07-2002   
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