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Канал Freelancer: «A request»


I ask not to be banished more. This history of banishment lasted only too much.

I affirm to have to recover my 4 persos, of which Elyseeum with more than 182 million and to be contacted on the server.

A person with pseudo Voodoo having affirmed me that the administrators knew my address IP.
It added that if they wanted, they could banish me. Why then this change?
I hate to be taken for an imbecile. There is it a relation between two banishments, Resurrection and EG?

1. Each time I sent to you the screens of insults, no answer -> Spoon, Wougz and Samogon (Precision: be damned).

2. Banishment until July 25, 2005. You intervenes: FOREVER.

3. Banishment on EG after a banishment on Resurrection. However, no new fact on EG.

a. Reason of my banishment on Resurrection: Conflit ->Target - > Le_juste.

b. People engaged in this conflicts:

-Members of the CCS.
-Dream = Corsaire = Folmahaut
-Abyss (Administrator of Resurrection) = Spoon (EM).
-Vinc (Administrator of Resurrection) = Wougz (EM).
-Le_juste -> Target and object of the conflit.

Result: Resurrection practically destroyed. They can without taking only with themselves, these imbeciles.

To finish:
I ask for explanations. I will not be satisfied with silence, the banishment or the suppression of this topic.

P.S. :
I affirm to be insulted by a member of clan EG. No lie, no delirium.
I estimate to have made large effort and I accounts so that that is taken into account.
    Добавлено: 03:55 12-09-2005   
 1590 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 18(3284)
Репутация: 248
Сообщения: 8377
Откуда: Москва, она большая...
Зарегистрирован: 12.01.2005
Rules of Server:

1.7. Once an admin takes action against a player on a server, whether it be a warning, banishment, a kick or a ban, that decision is final and not for the remaining players to question. Players who abuse admins will be removed from the server. The admins are there to enforce the rules, whether you like the rules or not.
If you think someone admin is not right you can appeal to senior admin by e-mail or private message.

Then closed. Repeating to create another topic about this question will stoped with Warning, then Ban.
Зафлуженный Мастер Тамагочи-до на пенсие
и психопатологоанатом на апчественных началах
    Добавлено: 10:34 12-09-2005   
Канал Freelancer: «A request»
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