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Космические Миры: «Sword of the Stars 2»
 94 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 26.06.2011
По моему это не сбережения, а способность корабля создавать провиант для людей (а как же они несколько лет то летают).
То есть три параметра корабля ввели:
supply - количество провианта потребляемого/производимого
energy - количество энергии потребляемой/производимой
crew - количество мест для персонала на корабле требуемого/максимальное

76/155 - как раз таки показывает что корабль вмещает нужное количество оборудования для производства еды.

Последний раз редактировалось: Morrigi (14:40 23-07-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 14:39 23-07-2011   
 220 EGP

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Откуда: Sol 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2007
Обычный сборщик ресурсов VN
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... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.

Последний раз редактировалось: Dastox (10:47 27-07-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 09:33 27-07-2011   
 94 EGP

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Сообщения: 1116

Зарегистрирован: 26.06.2011
какое то новое интервью. ссылку на него нашёл здесь:
    Добавлено: 04:00 28-07-2011   
 220 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(245)
Репутация: 48
Сообщения: 887
Откуда: Sol 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2007
Ага, видел. Но это просто интервью с их писательницей. Единственное, что имеет отношение к самой игре - это этот скрин:
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... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.
    Добавлено: 12:55 28-07-2011   
 220 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(245)
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Сообщения: 887
Откуда: Sol 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2007
Новое интервью на английском:
Только звук.

Из интересного, что запомнилось:

- расстояния битв увеличатся; потребуется разведка ( с помощью тех же battlerider'ов); будет гораздо большее число вооружений имеющих дальность стрельбы больше чем стандартный радиус обзора

- во время битв могут быть доступны разные средства защиты: минные поля ("устанавливаемые" во время стратегического хода), Node-Fighters (истребители людей, которые могут прыгать между планетами системы во время битвы), System Defence Boats (корабли защиты на закамуфлированных базах где-то в системе; от игрока зависит, когда именно они стартуют; до этого они скрыты от врага)

- важно происхождение адмиралов; если одна из планет взбунтуется, то... Подмигиваю ; при отправке адмирала в отставку понизится мораль его родной системы; есть адмиралы, которые влияют на скорость терраформирования системы

- открытые и закрытые системы; это решает сам игрок; от этого зависит насколько там велика активность независимого населения; в закрытых система торговля меньше, но меньше и урон морали при потери этой системы

- дипломатические станции; на них можно сооружать модули для конкретных рас; присутствующие расы увеличивают дипломатический капитал, который можно использовать для заключения соглашений или для минимизации дипломатического ущерба

- тип правительства; зависит от действий игрока - например создание закрытой системы уменьшит кол-во свобод в целом; тип правительства также влияет на ожидания населения - в некоторых случаях оно будет хуже воспринимать поражения и т.п.

- морриги при колонизации смотрят на климат планеты и решают, какую из рас там выгоднее поселить

- у хайверов станция врат 3-го уровня называется Casters, 4-го уровня FarCasters; есть еще и 5-ый
... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.

Последний раз редактировалось: Dastox (16:34 01-08-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 15:30 01-08-2011   
 94 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 4(79)
Репутация: 2
Сообщения: 1116

Зарегистрирован: 26.06.2011

а весь текст кто нить может дать?

добавлено спустя 48 минут:
через Dragon Dictate или что то подобное распознать бы..

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I move him and him and him and him and him and him and him and him and him and him such as welcome to interview I profoundly excited and I bet currently interviewing Martin and Phyllis a sensorless Phyllis. I checked at the start of. I still screwed up a light white aren't so as he is a creative director at server studios working on sword of the stars and the roast deductions to gross convoluted this also by Sultan Eberhard seedless located in the out of off to great start here him. But I join the first interview as well of my very lovely assistant will be loosing she came she joins me on the war room are the art gaming podcasts and she knows more also the stars than anybody on the planet is most widely turned now so I think she will make a fine addition to this interview cell before but let's just do this, talk about the game I generally Martin disengages anybody who you know I have been showing off of the first game a lot but if there's anybody who isn't really a noble sort of stars orders Delaware confuse how he just kind of explain what sort of the stars is the universe and just kind of give us a brief overview of the game sure so stars is a classic X game it was designed and built so I'm going on six years ago now and was adamant on our take on revitalizing the rollovers of moving hello. Galactica members of the classics of Leo John a but we had a feeling of things or get a little stale little spreadsheet so other companies first project we decide to dive in and create a space trap game based on how the pundits based on the players actions and discoveries having real-world 3-D implications as opposed to just numbers in a message box crashed so out of that came a turn-based strategic real-time tactical hybrid design on somewhat akin to towards space where the accent was deathly on warfare as opposed to juggling numbers are eight and what have you checked the expanded on for the SQL old Lordy Lord alerted us to the wrong question from is not as much expanded as a ball to right and the other clichй as slots was a grand success and we're very happy about the sound very happy that the paradox was very excited about creating a sequel with us but again part of things that bother us in the genre as such were sequels to strap games where you buy the next game and all you're doing is exactly what you did and again you had before but with prettier pictures and maybe one or two more options but for all intensive purposes are researching the same things building the same things having the same fights just make them a little prettier perhaps for so the stars to we decided long ago 4. One production cycles over that slots to Louisiana be about an evolution of the form but when you played its you are going to feel like you had come back to the universe 100 years later mechanics would be slightly difference technologies would be different you would start in the middle of the old tech tree instead about the start again no one was going to force you to research rocks and twigs again and that sort of thing and the generally give you a head start on to the next the lead sake epic arc of the slots universe so stars that designed around arcs of the events and the and technologies that go with that so sorry yes he said against taking place 100 years in the future and that will detail the tail some obvious technological advancements like you guys have detailed a couple things thus far things like Phil. You're completely acting like you said the first sort of technology tree they'll be a bigger ships call the leviathan ship to find if I'm not mistaken and other types of now very significant advancements can you give us some details on now what more will be overseeing this I guess a more futuristic version of the future providing you slots one was about first contact rate yards and various other empires first faltering steps bumping into each other shooting first asking questions later building everything yourself defending everything yourself slots to is as much as such one was the age of contact slots to the age of empires. The player starts with a province instead of just a single plant the player starts with knowing who the other races or now it's much more about your relationship with other people exploring in one direction but manipulating your borders and the other your ships in yesterday cosmically much cut out the bottom third that the generic technologies and then the web upwards from the antimatter table and not just about generic will cut off vision and add a Google blue to dark matter drive straight the Slate belt logically doesn't get much better than converting massive energy at 100%. Instead will read it is new things to do with that energy

Things to do when weapon rising up that sort of thing story goes the initial contact with the first game is finding out that more than half the races had contacts with the race called the silk of the original pressures of the leader this and the and the ones who nearly committed genocide on the Ricci by creating the zoo Laura's bio weapons living by weapons slots to is about those guys not really been dead that Basilica are back on track we have clear either lied or they were mistaken interesting so I know you guys available Correa on the details of the silk but besides that little blip you just told us can you give us any more specific information on the and specific information they are indeed worthy of their reputations (about where the case so they sound like they sound like a bunch evil bastards from what you described yet they play little different than evil bastards may have seen another game okay more importantly you get to play them completely you get to play the as masters all subservient race the zoo will in the slots to Arabs will split the two factions one of which were loyal to God at work with Basilica the other faction which have decided to rebel against God and then take the choice of free will impact of allied themselves with the leader of cash, shake some people is retaken half of the most evil racial insults one's and allied them with the nicest range to test the broken block cell speaking speaking of that affection got a bunch of your questions here but there's one that really relates to that point this country hitman 27 and he asks it was said that instead of races there will be factions of what what are the factions and how will that kind of the it be incorporated into the game that's somewhat of an overlooked was Asian okay are back there are factions Over break down along racial lines have been told and as old as logically fights the humans are busy human Empire target but his guitar campfire the leader are now the leaders will alliance right and you'll see that breaks down in terms of the Lear handling the higher-end activities the high-end science the high-end movements visible handling these more blood and guts operations you have the Murray evil function now much more like an alliance of independent worlds so for instance where's the slots one readers.students argument player colonizes the world you see a world it's hazard rating is based on what is right for humans and you decide whether to, is based on back when you're greedy player you colonized world and you look at hazard rating and you go which of my member species is best adapted to live here and so you have human beings in your alliance you can terraform world towards the human standard if it's easier that becomes a fully productive mainly human world loyal to the Murray Guillot cell to allocate us RSS and I we get is that you could still kind of have some multicultural empires insert the start of one but he seemed like you're expanding it even more if going for the second were going to do again because things change straight summary here no longer the hunted rate they're back now on the back doing things the way that they see fit and parlay that seat that is always to have client races and trade and embrace other cultures but sort of) so as those independent planets that very much have a join us or die future in the slots one era now have a much more interesting future in which the Marie player has a much better chance of saying, join with me less control but easy to require right selloff on why to some questions I may give Lucy a chance to jump in here and see if there's anything she was asked he did see me at the leaders will means right one is not the same back to hard-core fans of visible have been wondering if they're back to steel drives will make a comeback and how is the STL Friendly's alliance going actually. Easy and clear complications drives will be using me at professional outlines that the zoo will previously will remember there's two groups of zoo will which were of two fairly diametrically opposed the peoples put it mildly I think if you think about it is fairly easy to assume which side would not be thrilled with them ripping paint holes and mother universe and which side would be more than comfortable it so those terms the leaders alliance the leader will handle the STL travel for the zoo and the silica faction the resulted repulsive universe of their hearts content and so I'll ask you well AVI campaign for service as to because there are scenarios. One of his no actually overarching story campaign it'll still be this there'll be saying back slots to the thing to remember is it's the richest universe if CAME but it's still a working right in our job is still to deliver open sandbox play at the court's we can create scenarios would create some links would also link scenarios this time nights but for a full on your full mission campaign arcing story arc that would take you another product dedicated to an adventure game strapped situation I was something I also kind of was wondering up because sword of the stars is it's an incredibly rich universe you've got a ton of back story. She and others details all these races and everything like that but for soil stars one it was some presented I think in a way that was a it was in I guess the best presentation that you cannot just sit down and you had to, go through and and read and else's screen and read all the different back stories always wondering for sword of the stars to our Yukon of changing up the way you ask the present sort of the universe and kind of the mythology of the game water lead writer and demo is much more involved with production slots to choose on board as a designer as well as writer and she is responsible for the slots PDM which means you will have a living dynamic background device built in the game so when you discover a minor race the first time you will get paid but a part of their Baxter able to be unlocked in the slots. Forever reference from that point say they were technologies sector workers scenarios and things we encounter menaces that sort of thing not only will you have a living breathing encyclopedia but you'll be able to create your own notes in the margin. So it might be you will you unlock the portion that tells you about the system killer and what is known about it you can then type in along the sidelines try using these weapons instead so at some point when you feel like it you can trade your marginalia with someone else so I you and I've been playing for a while as a legacy would you think of facts straight you send me the file I played the game I see my side notes and I see your side notes at the same time and interesting such as distinctive chance for this ask another question to you will he the previous diplomatic system in one back eagerly herded on antialiasing exactly the/campaign it would do and what was meant to be it was the era of God boat diplomacy right with no qualms about about and that's what was possibly but right now were dealing with the age of empires diplomacy is more prominent more interesting but still not the realm of endless message boxes so slots to now lives in a manner where you build diplomatic stations you put habitation partners on the stations based on species the more you want to relate with someone the war you make them well, they are diplomatic stations those stations generate diplomatic points so say your part and I'm human I'm interested in opening up trade treaties with. It said just in most of the game spamming about you until you read and write work. From it I earned diplomatic points every time I engage in diplomatic actions I if I want to do a lot of dealing with you I make sure that I have a lot of diplomatic stations that will come a lot of parking residents to the diplomatic personnel that builds up more points of my reservoir also in terms of the different diplomacy now now so that's the states toward peace we can also agree to arms limitation packs we can agree to stay out of certain territories we could create buffer zones and the we can also find out that we lie to each other that I find that to be due to get a fascinating waited to diplomacy to me – it has seems like from what I understand from you telling me it's like let's say I want to ally with the heart that that the target empire soul I let all the of the darkened skin and reside freely in my empire however I'm not such a fan of the high verse like and bar them from residing in my empire and therefore are diplomatic relations with count will go down and knowing that you have less ability to react to the hikers diplomatic if so let's say you sign a treaty meet you and the hyper sign a treaty concluding us from building more than one leviathan of It all agree about for everybody's state of the peace of 3M buyer shall have one leviathan each I cheat to build a leviathan in my back now I have lots of target relationship I have lots of target below diplomacy points buildup I have very few hyper if the truth comes out I can spend my parking points lessening the damage to the target empire of fortune with the hybrids I have no dramatic leverage and pants have to take the full brunt of the reaction so if they declare embargo against me no one will be annoyed at them for interesting areas that sounds very very cool time will we call the sentence. The corrosive Joe for all a game believes in the real implications of we shy away from simple message boxes what we want to get down to the nitty-gritty rate in the nitty-gritty of diplomacy is not message boxes its action reaction and subterfuge and every been introduced that it would like the game for apply for a nozzle working on the mainly because I've always I have never been a fan of diplomacy in most camps just because it just seemed unrealistic it seemed awkward LII people were reacting as I thought they would react in real life so I always, shot away from it just you – things with my hammer because the that stuff will find me but it sounds like a lease for so the stars you really put a lot of forethought and the howl of the diplomacy spinner. Good work and how different races are to react to certain think the universe you would like to keep things multifaceted and often I get asked if we're going to have a cultural victory my reply is not well historically what's happened is that if your bugs were cultural victory without the military fistfight at other people just, take your culture. It {the Greeks did not score a cultural vitriol the Romans with this court was a free invasion but yet they they they scored not having all the cities burn down the exactly right side bind I find a lot of of diplomacy suites without a backbone to them and without a frame of reference reality somewhat like busywork to meet] is this other thing we decided you can do it has no bearing in reality certified rape and so that's why you various races and slots have always reacted differently) but it's always like you better if you have a big sword the cell hub thanks I will want to*is you guys are a smaller developer development studio and I was just always wondering what's kind of the that challenges for you is a smaller development studio in as a whole as it seems like more developments to the studios are being taken over by bigger companies and have been shut down and I can stuff I is the same as being a small military unit rate and has the same problem in the sense that it's far riskier to get caught up the open something goes wrong is you don't have a vast amount of resources behind your right on the other hand you are much faster react and were able to adapt to changing situations so it comes down to for instance how a game is organized and made we are very reacted with full team inputs from programmers artists they can suggest options for the game just as much as a designer I worked in other places where unless you submit something in eight pages to five different producers it doesn't go anywhere; we are much help we are much less able to yell spend seven years on a project basis With with 150 people on it on the other hand the distance between idea and existence is a lot shorter but which does make for exciting interesting games far as I'm concerned I say what you like to jump in the with which Yasser. Ease incidents one time the trade system was myriad abstract and get back and
as I know my friends are wondering I will treat me a little bit more expanded gambling easier to you so he wonder how much it options for us is both a part of internal old accused to up again as reflecting its the game of again empires and develop empires trade options and much more automatic is a quite robust much more reactionary level trade exists in response the things you do trade will spring up itself in response the things you do you can take control of it if you want but that's very much like forming a government Corporation if you build a freighter yourself and teleported gold yourself than that is you reap the maximum benefit on the other hand is a totally artificial construct where is the rest your economy grows, botanically you in reflection of how things are going and what you're doing so for instance if you declare you colonize the first of the survey star system you declared open or closed if you declared open that means public citizens in your empire are free to do with their development as well so I'm mining base my spring up by itself at no cost to you which is grouping on the other hand if it gets killed people we just as mad at you as if you built it yourself and filled with people so that becomes a decision for you do you want things created pell-mell in your inordinate portion empire or do you want to put your fist down and say no to close the Academy were only building exactly what I want where a when I want so you have both streams running and slots to sell this can be us to be and I know something that the C-1 asked but am I know there's a new set of governmental system in the game you are looking for. I was wondering back to the that. How lucky is Canada explain the governmental system like to me that sounds kind of organically based on the actions you doing the game a certain type of government will he fall but Wilmore will certain states be more prone to having ex-government happened or why government happened and so on and so forth. I mean in the background we've always been less than thrilled with the pinky of government types of the drop of a hat's and that's what you feel like doing it's one level traction is okay but we've ever been that comfortable with of, diplomacy okay it's time to fight a whole bunch of other empires of becoming is about an important factor in the ethic of stewardship will lock is an and the cost to be that will be three turns of no production rate, said that the pyramid and the National a prophetic is that the of not that of the give any game in particular distance act I can't imagine withholding of you. Hold the vehicle was the sale was. So half of wiener but quite comfortable with that because government kind of rises up in two directions yes you take things a certain direction but a few people decide to come with sales of certain expectations based on the so if you've decided that by the things you do you live near leading more and more to being a ruling junta out to conquer things and your people are okay with that they, get expect things to go a certain way which means you better keep when their reactions that things are different than it say they were in a middle ground social democracy so thus we tried to build we built the spectrum backup worked around a neutral center with government types orbiting around it and the actions that you do move you along certain points of the graph in certain directions each action to solve what it's date before which is this the cladding system closed and only building the economics there you decide would move you away from the libertarian whole. Of the government wants to cross out of what you cross out of the central ground into one of the eight polar government types than your people have expectations pertaining to the now certain aliens out aliens will be already if you picture that graph in your head that zero point will be over farther to the polls another one script human being by start the center whereas we can safely assume that the silk are probably you up there in the point of side effects. Dose or anything else you want to ask but did the government listened to send earlier very intrigued about how this can work with you the antispam but not with the plans and expectations and the fact holds the mountains there has been that you have released information about my cat pretty scant that there might be armed rebellions that thinking and Anthony were treated like the first thing anyone really think he'll think it makes chance they could find what exactly I rebellion the yeah… Now think of what the people who brought you a I rebellion will be doing a full on culture revolution instead of just disquiet on plants could show suddenly then wondering while I wonder what planet that Adm. comes from the half full would be the one that just rebelled the felt so I got I love your questions in his I always have your question though before I get into them there something I can wanted to talk to you about and I know you're adding a new race into the stars to and I'm going to make an assumption that they will be expansion packs with maybe more races down the road follow the same pattern have you excel to pull expansions one reason each one now okay so basically I was thinking to what would've he said the new of races can be and it seems that the races and so the star the kind of based off I guess like animals our species here on earth like there's the Hiebert which are obviously like you giant space bugs there is the leader which I call the space dolphins and so on and so forth some good pitch you some ideas for new races and the photo is okay by first oneamoebas like giant amoebas that may come in and like absorb enemy ships through osmosis interesting you won't be disappointed but I It would be big I can't really see those guys sit around a table in the survey. The but keep the space amoeba in mind because they might see it okay to most the management staff wise girl very wide for the I have a space giraffes and Nina told herbivores and displays a summary of Oregon to explore another hack I just Forgot a starship that much free range grasp is okay elastomeric is giant space brains and if I get on a few flash to Futurama how the others race of brands policies of the silhouettes of the stars media now recommended you're certainly going to see a something's things up very large brains of there will be in jars. Okay but you can put Adm. brains in jars and such as Ubuntu our first day of your question and honestly comes from surf USA and he says will we see any actions of four individual planets for example ground wars or local governments are basic city building to a follow-up question and he also asked what is the maximum number ships will able to use in a battle at one time maximum file size to the will rotate around things like optimization and stuff and but they will be roughly analogous to sauce bottle sizes right just a little more centralized and what else was he as was asked about my rate structure them plans no still no busywork your the Emperor you don't build movie theaters it is about somebody taking care of is that you do have a space station developments and you have four stations persist for type stations the system diplomatic naval research and civilian which is based betrayed and those that have options built on the Spurs so for those of us who like to build things there will definitely be some of that action on so you're telling me that holy and didn't waste his time micromanaging the individual places the theaters I could see one I can only imagine the response be told about people in Marseille words it is aqueduct was a running program at that moment or better I could tell you it is a but then they would have the adequate but that is where Gallo were Canadians here and I guess you speak any French and I don't speak any French units like I speak enough French to meet you bleep about her back but it with it would not of been the Napoleons Parisien fractures of the but still other tossed the ball of losing his analyses, slots questions this used to Stein asked if you with me after scheme was based around defined ranges to the majority of weapons in many clubs for the majority and work with increasing between size to a full system and costly multiple planet system for a single flea acrobat are you leading increasing the relative ranges around the map mind will have to wonder ranges Most definitely and the LS essay scouting quite a bit more important there'll be quite a bit of beyond visual range combat so we also get with Mike sent traps or minefield priest revealed minefields for ischemic heart Work courteous and indeed now there'll be a minefield set up before combat bigots cost thereof there'll also be some hidden batteries are also be system the fencepost basins but you can hide in your system so picture having three STB assets hiding in Astra belts and watching the enemy ship show up on sensors and deciding whether to launch or not you decide not to launch and let them fly by rape that behind them, is there support ships then you decide to launch and just so that you can not work and make it once as a full sources were no longer abstracting all the action down to a single plan alike were insults right now we have the full solar system play with with all the implications thereof. These will still move right along right there will still be some abstractions but yes it will be a much more a wide-ranging battlefield with wide-ranging options the RHI another of your question comes from Sweden! And he says the event is a must for the okay had of. He is the waving of the move around the camera with the WHD keys instead of having to click on plants and ships we're experimenting with that again sense of the maps are little different as nature is a ghost or testing it doesn't get people horribly lost suicidal like it did insults one then you might find it but that revolves completely round play testing believe you me you could not see the horror of people getting lost a full 3-D star map by WSG their way around it with two kids went blind golfer exploded it was just terrible so while that's what we said last way we did the camera centric version for that. They got what I think I deeply that before you before you took this nurse responsible producers. The civilian population as to that was that was a military go over he knew he was doing that. He gave his life for the Prakash of Canada so. I know that your question from Napoleons old guard and he says will there be new perks to the different races and only certainly more systems so there's certainly more ways that they expressed their aspects of the act had of late and that the struggle to hear the senile asked the question you asked the question you and will have a system is between you and you serving as the holy Dutch legislator agreed to before the show starts. In the technology screen on people have been wondering medium that many scientists branch has been introduced by integrating meet other new branches interrelated to amount I Than the original ones glitzy industrialization is been split now into industrialization and engineering and but you're the expert on sauce one, Keck treated we have subsequent I will send now I got 15 of them hang around my head so the sentence entries found for the tech through the attack forest so you five next of your questions took this one comes from Ronald Reagan and he asked Willoughby to more lasers please say there'll be more lasers thank you they go there will be more lasers awesome as I've often said that the more lasers you have the more often you have several picture laser the comparables and pulse mode and bemoan what you have lasers that fire lasers I think that will provide the variables the laser does what is that that is and for my question E-news again in sense 11 Indiana things that you have to make any destroyers for newer players destroyers, lost tactical value yet I was certainly not measles and things like that certainly will say that was the those early experience level thing in multiplayer. You do it other guys once again occurs is that only cruisers versus the guys who did cruisers and sometimes The destroyers were ready for the times was butter I do so, slots and believe in language animated underclass
antitank the you still have to stress and asked leave making working me for and noticeable for newer players eager to The first 8 feet is more useful standing blank drank as well all destroyer class vessels have now become battle writers the nurses dangers up that no one sees it being the connect economically sound to fit in at the L Dr. on something that could pop quite so quickly as they did insults one so destroyer sized ships now ride on other ships like carriers that sort of thing in a highly specialized functions so even though you, and say with a full dreadnought fleet odds are you will launch your up for flight of scope battle writers to see as far as possible as quickly as possible just like your enemy might be lumbering around with a leviathan and of the dreadnought escort will still probably launch interceptor battle writers to bring down your scouts before you can see him you probably don't know smart the entire question was a subtle jab at me but I'll. My psychic powers did reveal to you. Unlike I gather built a massive death leader recognize and then just rules one and sometime the right sometimes the right answer right on the other times sometimes it's pointing to give guidance on guided impact is totally owned by dreadnoughts like what I guess you should've brought a lot more little faster.your ships with just some times used in just a this?
I do have like a specific timeframe that you many to go in and do anything as of right now while I just is a lot more questions here so I know how much more time of your time you're willing to give us on my, probably another half hour here all perfect wonderful in those you know into the fun here but it a little else has a question here he says there seems to be a very limited variety of universe strategy games what you think this is also what you think the future of the strategy game genre is I think there's so few as we got lazy to be honest I think the game developer community.complacence God used to letting every suggestion become a feature instead of think about whether those features fit thing so we have like about the past 15 years of really cool, needs opening games and then the sequels are completely bogged down in details which maybe should be there or that sort of thing or conversely you have a very successful titles were the sequels are just exactly the same rate which is good for retaining the exact same player community except the ones who die of old age, but is very bad up bringing new people in right it's not very excited as to where I see things going online and I think really we said that the cost of those two different directions at the use of the cost of people continuing to reinvent the genre or falling back into very safe very pedantic designs. So I on and out like us decisively Mike my favorite game of all time is is a star craft and Star Trek do came out and even though was very similar to Star Trek one I still thoroughly enjoyed it so funny sometimes understand that maybe sometimes it is safe tried-and-true maneuvers can e-mail everybody loves the things they love writing seven on the other hand is the room in your heart for star craft and eat other games exact like starker of the hands-on how is the modular Kremlin and I think I said exactly like stopping it up, going to question the note but rapidly do it at that. No I didn't have played a couple star craft ones that I didn't enjoy but a myth that there was like you know siblings are grabbed no I did not plan this laser is in place FOR like the Clinton years there can be only one. we all have designs near and dear to her to make sure that the app should be kept alive right that Q is that we all can't make the same gang rape is over doing then is just finding a smaller version of the exact same and there's no room every kid is going to find his new starker rate of ends going to be given a chance and someone has to make the new star craft like it. I'm also should go. Get out if it's 15 years from now somebody makes their own retro sword of the stars I'll be very happy keeps it of that sort of thing and zero so I guess there is room in both directions is just well Be in one boat and antiestablishment. Uri Lessing will you I need will ensure that my cat gain leverage especially banking at interviews Meeks this management the angry challenging like that at any seen Michael bunch of different designs and ships and everything like Something fantastic which is more personal and something from among my friends and when asked will mature Releases like three of their ships because they are so hostile there being left. A couple of target shots I personally leaked in the world myself because there's EASY to do anyone any information you have the Conference and Are They Not Just in and with It. Best but There's Squealing Also) Have for Sale the Real Issue Is That Someone in the Chain of Treats Going out the Door Someone Has To Go Left Right the Silk Are Going Last Last August) but the Target, Got Pictures Is Especially since the New Ships Are so Beautifully Beautifully Evolved from the Original Set Right That There Is I Released a Couple of the Board to Release a Couple Screenshots That Were Slightly Gimbaled Because of a Couple Graphic Errors in Them but You Could See That There Were Minor but You Reveal Some Observed to the Full World out There on the Dictionary That Rex Was Releasing to the Folks on the Boards of the Treat and They're Pretty Hectic There Is a Pretty a Ships out There and Seeing a Word. Thanks on a Daily Design the Human Chance to Yeah Got I Run the,, Soccer for the Human Ships I Have To Say about the Family and It's Looking More to Which and How to Did the Physicians Guess What to Start at the Start of Slots to the Preproduction Phase Could We Did Hire a Bunch of Button Kids for Artists I Afraid I Did Pull the Old Guy Wandering around the Office with the Looks of a World War II Battleship but a Report from My Library Going to Be the Patronage of This Reason to It but Also… And to Accurately Follow a the Ship and File It Away. That to Put a Gun That They Can Top Your Head. It Is the Way to Me Please How Is the Talking That Listen to Privilege of Okay Get to Where I Attached As Well If Not, That Is Made a Bit. More Jack Is One of the Ontario That up before I Get into the Next Year Question HaveOctopuses or Squid Is Gasping School
Easily Seen the Teachers of the Silken Ships That Exactly Right that They Have Tentacles and Love You Short on Tentacles Susie Show Me a Squid That the Pounding of His Metal Fly with a Hammer I'm down with That of Calcite and Acts like You Said That You Has White Because the Dolphins of Telekinesis. People like You Do Anything in There to like Because They Can. Going Right so How Exactly the Look of the Golf and Make Metal out of Volcanic Vents like from about 50 Feet Away. The Severity of the IV Died There's No All Life Forms Are Interesting They'll Can Be Worked out Just Some Have Special Needs Right and Again What You Find in A Lot Of the Sedan Don't like to Be Honest Because I Tend to Write Some Side Surgeries Used to I Was Much Younger I Tend Not to like the Portraits with the Interchangeable Features and the Plus Ones of Minus Ones That Let Certified Rate and Then There's Refined the Tentacle Monsters and Smelled of the Octopus Memo Is un like like der Five I'm Played a Game and There Is a Octopus Dude Event I Want to Know How That Octopus Anybody Don't Really Have Any Modifiers Towards Her and Lose I Could to Take a Little Bit of a like for Me in a Liberal Would like from over There and Throwing Some Stuff Would like under a They Have a Point of Origin They Do Have Modifiers Towards How Awfully Behaves but It's Often Somewhat Michigan-Based so an Admiral with the Green Thumb Attributes Is Very Good Using His Fleet to Help Terraform He Is Good at That's Where As an Admiral with the Conscript Attribute Which Meaning He Was Drafted at Some Point in His Life Has a Different Loyalty Modifier of the True Believer Do and Location Will Make A Lot Of Difference in Terms of Morale For Instance History Is Rife with Admirals and Generals Saw. And They Keep Their Jobs Sometimes Annoy Obey Many Conductors but People… All I Want to Hear Somewhere in the Old Days There Was Reminded All Commodity Know This Ridiculous Note and Unrealistic Know Who the Good General Would Design and Tired Campaign across One Bridge with 1 Billion Takes in Three Bridges of the Stupid First Nordic I Get A Lot Of Credit for Invading out What I Would Do Together When Possibly Means but He Was Either Grabs Avoid His Troublesome Difficult And/or Incompetent Adm. Joseph Kept Their Jobs Am in the Wargaming You That That Would Never Happen What They're so Our and My Task Was to Think of What I Doesn't Happen Can That Be Translated between Dick but Sometimes You Keep the Idiots in Charge of Something Because of Worries from so in the Case of Socks Firing Admirals Is a Tricky Business Palm the Place for There from Generally Not Too Thrilled with a Certain so Sometimes It's a Matter of Waiting a Place for It Adm. to Do the Least Damage Which Doesn't Come up Often but Comes up to the Music If Does Real Life Is like That so If You Had a Planet on the Brink Go with a Dubious Morale Rating and You Wanted to Get Rid of Their Adm. You Might Think Twice about the Just Wondering You Animals the Forced Money I Get Acreages Hello He's Been Permanent If You Want to Come out of the Chain), the China Command the Rise of Talk by the to the Level Brilliancy or Competency Effect of of a of a Float in Your Pool of Admirals and Things to Choose from You'll Find in Slots to As Far As Organization Does the Fleet Is Now Paramount over the Ship Right You Can Have All the Schiavo Lot of Ships but the Fleet Is the Will That Gives Them Direction and for so You Will Find That Admirals You Never Have Quite so Many Admirals As You Have Plans Most of the Time As I Find of the Games I've Been Playing so They Are Very Valuable about Them While They're Not Exceedingly Rare There Were Enough That It Aims You to Lose the Soul Linked Each Rate with Little Loyalty System You Can Actually and She Drank Ruled Admirals like Angles Is the Role Defined Well by Doing after I The Comments on Your Fixtures) Well Not Spontaneously Right like It's Very Hard Is Not like You Saw an American General Join a Random Country or One Awake on the Other Hand of the Civil War Verdict to Help Pick Sides That but Pregnant You Will See Much the Same Thing Also Went Admirals Captured One of There's Always Been Leased to You Could Extort Money the Filename Do You Could Send Them Back in They Can Because They Can Cough up Information on an Depending Who Does the Capturing They Could Even Join the Is a Sorry I Doubt I Cut This Image in My Head of ER Gen. George Patton Waking up One Day to Get That Defecting to Thailand See Everybody but of Another of Your Question Comes Here from Coexistent Cineastes Will You Reinvent or Change up the Existing Races from Some of the Stars Silly Feel Fresh and the Second Little Feel Fresh Lave a Week They Were Not Plato. Wanted Anyone Should Report Weblog Select Left of the Time I Did Have Another Tenant I Question from What Year Your Chinese Seems Art Visual Date Phased out As Their Own Playable Race Could Seems like Half of Them Jointly Aaron Half of Them Joined the Silk Which He Still Plays Just Physical Nudity to Be Honest You Were Never Playing Is Just As an Upgrade You'll Easily Be a Bazillion Play. One Would Puzzle the Were Looking for Dad Rape Had Wasn't over There Running around Tragic the Efforts so Now You Get to Play Visible Who Have Grown up for the Soul the Past at Home Group and but the Note That Still Means Lots of Stuff Done Lots about That When He and Exactly, That Had the Big Z Lee above It. So Fear Not It's Not As a Result of Dropped out or Been Tethered or Are Minor Race or Anything like That that Call to Be Fair I Wasn't the Software to You but I Was Just Curious. Bloggers Will A Lot of a Hard-Core Jewel Players Are Worried about the with the Institutions and Capt. Is to Visit Some Wrong with People Inflated Module I Have a Tendency to Agree with You That Slowly I Knew from You Tina Measles for His Is an Icy Always Loses and When He Turns He Cycled for Exhaust Everything Michael… Bipolar Respect the Earth by to Take It up a Notch at a Good Auto Right but Merely in the Early Days of Slots There Was Lots of Interview Questions like I to Worry Betrays Us a Different Moment in a Holiday Can Appeal to Everybody Just like They're Not That's the Ire Idea Rights We're Giving You a Game First before and the Filing Six Different Raises the Play in Six Different Ways so That in No Way Do You Feel like You Been Cheated If There's One of the That You Just Cannot Deal with Other Philosophically or Tactically or Whatever Rate You Were Exactly Where Give You Six Times of You Six Times a Gameplay of Normal and Order for You to Be Picky and Choosy As You Want. Asked Sell This Error Curiosity… He Has Keep Stats. But like I Is There Defined That There Certain Races That People Play More Than Other Races Would Either Erases the Most Popular in a Recent the Least Popular in the Community It's Fairly Blurry and I Would Say I Mean Always the First Nine Expansion Always Benefits Well the Next Venture Comes Long so It Others Will Had a Heyday the Memory in a They Rates and When It Falls Back down I'm Surprised That the Hikers Are Always Popular My Local Hardware Store Me yet He Is Made a Statement Encasing When I Was Designing the Hybrids They Were My Biggest Worry That I Was Going to Screw Stuff up Right I Really Was Worried about How People Were Going to React to Just Hobbling along on Everybody Else You Flew along at High Speed so I'm Always a Bit Shocked to See That They Are It's so Popular I'm Pleased but of of the Trap I Just Eat Iams and a Group of Friends Immediately and Literally Was Being Held Extended Peter Was Thinking Is It My Brain Could Comprehend Helplessly Search Building Gate Stations on a Planet Intro Restaurant Readme Let Me a Finance Guest Level Level Level III Station a Caster Level for a Forecaster with the Rarity Is, Finding and Grammar Stage V the Lens of Creation at All That Is but It Sounds Pretty Awful Else Would They Name Their Largest Gate Complex Guessing You're Made of the Chubby Online Answer Whenever the Patients Be Certainly Interesting Was Overdue Interesting Things I Read You Would Congratulate How the Races Tailor Themselves a Game on and There's Another Point Tried Zoo Will Have Gate Station Tried the of the Third Hybrids Are It's Another Tool Don't Have Diplomatic Stations the Attribute Station. So It's My Character's Yes It Is This Unable to Look like Giant Q-Tips Decided Subexpression Is the the the the the the and Is a Star Trek Music It to Humans and the Mentally the Strengths Boring Sorry and the Rugged Him and Him Glance One of Many Strategies; TTY Glad to Be Just Create like a Cold War Situation Wildland Regains When with Friends-and the Date once a Month Goodness and Immediately Coming Back of the Vessels Will Be Coming Back in Your and Don't Think He's Honest and I Can Make Them Extra Time Is Compiled Strength and the No Avail the Destroyed Platters They Will Still Be There Small, Independent Things but As Far As Living Your Dead Sexy I Believe Your Note Fighters Libeled by's If You Remember Course You Are the Expert on Sought so You Do Remember the Origin of the No Drive Corrects Use It for Poor Dr. Who Which Dr. Was the Name Bonus Points You Leaking Think You Get the CMX It Is a Nice Piece of Splash Page Artwork of in a the Human Body Should Unit You Should See Some of the Solvers Sulfur Splash Printer but the Economist Demo Has Ordered up and She's Got Me Exact the Art That She Wanted for a Moment Written a Blur beside Them Sincerely Are the Various Directors and Stuff an Their Reels It Is on Some but in This Sign of the Real Estate When It Was Immediately Time Will LDM and Imbeciles in the Solar System That We Have To Limit Things Kind of at Saturn Orbit Closest There Is Some Level of Abstraction but It Just Seems That People Didn't Want Quite Spent Three Hours and One, around Truck Again from the 19th Me to Jump Station Terpene Is Filed off like a Punchline for a Joke He Is a Note but They Go Back to Be Notified from a Rather Poor Dr. Fell into an Old Line and Where He Came Oats of Fragile Needed and Radioed Commandant Creating a Quick Employment Strike Fighter That Functions along Those Lines Give so but It's All Magic Noting Noting from Earth Orbit to Jupiter Orbit the Unique Soulmates and Fellow Marseille Causation That Did Not Understand but Am I Worked Were Coming up I Guess TA at the End and of Our Time and before Altogether There Were Two Things That I Want to I Want Asking and First off Is That Sword of the Stars of One of the Voice Acting Was That Speak This Be Franco Was Not the Past It Was Not the Ithaca Still Is but He Did curiosity and I Have Been Wondering This and Think about This in Economy A Few Jokes about It Must've the Stars Video but among A Few Would Allow Me to Be a Voice Actor for Sodas Toasted Slices That I Sent When My Sultry Voice for Free I Do Not Require Any Pay I Will Gladly Would Just Wrap Voice Acting the Tree Pickups Rebels Wrapped up the before and so Close Well Plotted Solar Lanterns Alice Casler the Expansions and Expenses, As Expansions the One You Could Be Assured of That Good or Bad Slots Will Not Be the Denizen of the Incredibly Blabbed Incredibly in the Voice of Boys Acting Which Is Come to Dominate Most of Video Games Especially Wargames Yes on the I Am Shifting at the Dock Now Arrested Your Play Medawar Yes That Was Not the Worst Voice Acting at Their so Spectacular Most of Most of Dobbs of of the Blueberry Is so Japanese Games Some Very Interesting Is but a Knife Wielding We Love the Mall and Ghetto We Certainly Love Mr. Interesting the Human Researcher Who Will Be Showing up in Slots Two. But That Is a Charming Guest Appearance Pilot There Is Another Evil Rate Voice Acting and Asked Each of Meters This Plan Screen Floor over Budget Research Antihydrogen He Might Either to Back Him He Called the Back heraclitus. That Ultimately Locking Them the Advantage to the Police to Come Back to Bring the Israelis Bring Recycling Is Always Led That Was Covered by the Media Wife Quietly or Women Hang around but Vastly to Beefs Researching a Certified. There'll Stoked There'll Always Highest Level since 19 Belt There All There'll Always Be a Strain about Two Years Thousand Spirally Painful Excerpts That. And the Far I like Gehl Just Want to Ask out As Fast Gently in Everyone My Interviews with Your Favorite Game of All Time and You Cannot Say so the Stars for Sgt. No Time When Sen. Actually Just Because Are Not Done yet so Consistent Computer Game Not Wargame Get Sick with Videogames Videogames A Lot This Negligent PC Game One Is 60 Year and 64 and Yes Whatever How One Is so Grunted with Such a View Wording Choice Though Right to One of Mood I'm in Fudge Fudge Fudge Fudge the Costliest Week That Make. I Could Top Five of My Nugget Top 55 They Go to Bargain a Bargain down to the Position I System System Shock Easy but I Am Moved Just Easy It. Collecting Them on the Atari ST Using Okay You Have To Never Heard Whatever That Landed Little at One Else to Meet Friends for You to Follow the Grumpy about This M1 Tank Platoon yet Another Agency Within 9001 One Yeah and One Tank Okay Nope Got a Drop in One Take Good Replace with Battlefield 42 That This Is High It to You When You Said That the Salad Had Happened Speaking of Games That You Don't Need to Be Changed If the Ages Walked up Front That I Got Tired with Battlefield 42 Be Just like Native DirectX and Purdy I Be Less File You Get an Evil after All Group Elected Last Play That Game to My Eyeballs Follow the Leading of the Guy Ran under Died Throwing Grenades That Is a Good but Was Now Relentless Guys That When the One Year This Is the Stars Have for a Member from Battlefield 42 Is When You Know Everybody Response Missed a Couple Guys Running Towards the Planned Idea Whether the Guys Will Shoot the Guys Rate Was the Lazy You Can Get into the Boat Never Did I Was More of Those Guys Transfer Those Guys I Would Swear at the Snipers We Can Catch the Flag Newspapers Go. It's He, in Mincemeat from the Philippines You Still Go to Move out Attentively to the East-Ameritrade Got Allowed with the Immediately. She Here Opening and Giving over the Event You Will Regret What Happened to You by Saddest Story from Battlefield to the Expert of Colorado If I Missed It Is Just Jealous but down I Can Make It Really Brings That They Had a Wad the Squad System Battlefield Two and the Squad Yes Lighting System about 42 It Was the Map That Had the Half Completed Apartment Building down the Hill from the Gun Placement into Run Well the down and Work Your Way up the Floors of the Bus of the Building and Then You're on Top MS for the Flag Was so Me and A Few of the Role It Was God the Photo in the Top and It Was Still Early Enough That in My Head Am Still Playing Battlefield 42 the Run of the Top Make the Flag I like Place down and Waiting for the Flag to Change I'm Alone All by Myself Might Only Thought It's Battlefield 42 If Someone Appears They're the Enemy's and and My Teammates on the Top of the IMDB at Higher Heavy Tripod Machine-Gun into Knocking off into a Dumpster Explores Love to Which It Is the Overjoyed That Was Being but Is Sorry That Was Me Sorry about of What Else It Was So-So. And with and Then We Got the Position That Overwhelmed the Something Don't i Come to the Flag and Stop It Was a so It Was so Not Just from the Fire It Was like I Held down the Button for the Full 25 Seconds like Every Bullet from the Clip If Is It Just like I Sorted Twisted ~I like to Review the Kilgore Is a K@Children's.Bats of the Book. The and There Was Our and Probably Wing Commander Only Wing Commander Rocked My World or Personal That Is What I Knew That Gaming on All Other God Small Computer Platforms Was Dead the PC Had Find Richard on the 11 ST of the I and with That I Think We've Come to the End of Our Interview I Want to Thank You so Much Martin for Your Time, Was It Absolutely Wonderful Conversation about the Also the Stars and Battlefield and Incompetent Generals and Everything in between I Thoroughly Enjoyed It and I Cannot Express How Excited I Am for so the Stars to and You Have My Utmost Hopes in and out Wishes That You Will Be a Success in the Game Will Come out till on on Time and Will Sell 1 Billion Copies. Oh Well Thank You for Your Interest in All the Kind Words the Names I'm Immediately More to Give a Whistle I Actually I Considering That I Style It and Neither the Same Promise I'm Been Talking to Chris and Maybe I Might Really Come down and Visit You Guys in Vancouver and and See the Game Basically Come down Maybe When the Waco School Window Insanity Returns Yes We Be More Than Welcome to Send up a Fantastic Great Media Both I Think, They Get, and Are in Jar Once That's I Get the Rate of Time As Not Get Me to an Antimatter Powered Starship to Early Death Missiles 77 Sudanese That Exactly but Okay Next and of Your Question Comes from Battalion This Review Is a Recent One Will Again Be Available on Steam Yes and Confirm the Rebel Available on Steam. And It Will Have Achievements of the

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    Добавлено: 19:14 01-08-2011   
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Откуда: Sol 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2007
Этот текст никуда не годится. Улыбка

"Kerberos Productions" = "the roast deductions"
... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.
    Добавлено: 22:35 01-08-2011   
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да уж. про технологии в интервью что нибудь говорится? особенно интересны совместные проекты Подмигиваю
    Добавлено: 22:58 01-08-2011   
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Откуда: Sol 3
Зарегистрирован: 31.08.2007
Только то, что уже было тут или там - старт аналогичен Fusion эре оригинала; будет дальнейшее развите веток в эпохе АМ; самих деревьев стало больше - например, индустрия поделилась на двое Industrial и Engineering.

О совместных проектах вроде ничего не было.

От себя могу добавить, что на форуме была фраза о том, что будет более продвинутый шпионаж, и соотв. бюджет игроку предстоит делить на три части - Разведка, Контрразведка, Операции. Думаю, по этому направлению тоже могут быть технологии.
... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.
    Добавлено: 23:44 01-08-2011   
 94 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 26.06.2011
Dastox :
"Kerberos Productions" = "the roast deductions"

скорее всего проблема в том что Kerberos Productions нету в словаре программы. потом ещё почитаю текст

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The interview I am profoundly excited to bring you I am the currently interviewing Martin and Phyllis the solicitor was socialist. I checked at the start of. I still screwed up anyway wherein the source use it creative director at server studios working on sword of the stars and the rest productions to euros of it to you but it is also about alternative a hard seat was located out of rough dirt great start here for. But join the first interview as well of my very lovely assistant will be loosing she to she joins me on the war room Art the Art gaming podcast and she knows more also the stars than anybody on the planet most likely turn now so I think she will make a fine addition to this interview so the focal luckless just a discount to talk about the game I generally Martin disengages anybody who you know I I've been showing off of the first game a lot but if there's anybody who doesn't really know what sort of star Azores Delaware confused how he just kind of explain what sort of the stars is the universe and just kind of give us a brief overview of the game sure zero stars is a classic X game it was designed and built so going on six years ago now and was cut amount of heartache on revitalizing the euro all lovers of mood hello. Galactica members other classics of thefor a jogger but we had a feeling of favorite little Stijl Little spreadsheet he so other copies first project we decide to dive in and created a space dread game based on houses put its based on the players actions and discoveries having real-world 3-D implications as opposed to just numbers in a message box crashed so out of that came a turn-based strategic real-time tactical hybrid design somewhat akin to total war in space where the accent was deathly on warfare as opposed to juggling numbers are eight and what have you checked the expanded on for the SQL oh Lord Lord Lord that's a good one question that a fire from is not as much expanded as a ball right and the other clichй as slots was a grand success and we are very happy about so very happy that paradox was very excited about creating a sequel with us but again part of things that bother us in the genre as such were sequels to strap games where you buy the next game and all you're doing is exactly what you did in the game you had before but with prettier pictures and maybe one or two more options but also the purposes are researching the same things buildings and things having the same fights just make them a little prettier perhaps for so the stars to we decided long ago you for the slots one production speckles over that slots to was to be about an evolution of the form but when you played its you were going to feel like you had come back to the universe 100 years later mechanics would be slightly difference technologies would be different you would start in the middle of the old tech tree instead about the start again no one was going to force future research rocks and twigs again and that sort of thing and generally give you a head start on to the next let's say epic arc of the slots universe so stars as the designed around arcs of her events and the and technologies ago with that so sorry yes he said against taking place 100 years in the future and that will detail the tail some obvious technological advancements like you guys have detailed a couple things this far things like Bill. You're completely acting like you said the first sort of technology tree they'll be a bigger ships call the Leviathan ships if I'm if I'm not mistaken and of other types of in a very significant advancements to give us some details on the what more will be able to see in this I guess a more futuristic version of the future karate. He assaults one was about first contact right yet ours and various other empires first faltering steps bumping into each other shooting first asking questions later building everything yourself defending everything yourself slots to is as much assaults one was the age of contact slots to his age of empires. The player starts with a province instead of just a single plan the player starts with knowing who the other races or now it's much more about your relationship with other people exploring in one direction but manipulating your borders on the other your ships and yester check out reprint much cut out the bottom third division era technologies and then went upwards from the antimatter table and not just about generic will cut off vision and add a Google blue dark matter drive stripe is like a bout melodically doesn't get much better than diverting massive energy of 100% of the instead regretted his new things to do with that energy new terrifying things to do when westernizing it that sort of thing story goes the initial contact in the first game is finding out that more than half the races ahead contacts with the human race called the soak of the original pressures of the leader this and the ones who nearly committed genocide on the Ricci by creating the zoo laws by weapons living by weapons slots to is about those guys not really been dead that the silica are back to crack rehab we're either lied or they were mistaken interesting so I don't you guys build Correa on the details of the silk but besides that little blip you just told us can you give us any more specific information on the specific information they are indeed worthy of their reputations was about where okay so they sound like they sound like a bunch evil bastards from the way you described year they play little different than evil bastards you may have seen another day okay more importantly you get to play them completely you get to play them as masters of subservient race does rule in the Sox to Arabism will split the two factions one of which were loyal to God and work with Asoka the other faction which have decided to rebel against God and take the choice of free will and of allied themselves with the leader crash had a shake some people were taken half of the most evil racial insults once and allied them with the nicest racial testicle people so speaking speaking of that affection got a bunch of your questions here but there's one that really relates to that point this country hitmen 27 and he asks it was said that instead of races there will be factions of what one of the factions and how will that kind of the be incorporated into the game that's somewhat of an overload was Asian okay are back there are factions half over break down along racial lines have moved out and is old is logically fights are humans are busy human Empire target space guitar campfire the leader are now the leaders will alliance right and you see that breaks down in terms of the Lear handling the higher-end activities the high-end science the high-end movements does rule handling these more blood and guts operations you have the Marie will function now much more like an alliance of independent worlds so for instance words and slots one and such do so human player colonizes the world you see a world it's how the rating is based on what is right for humans and you decide whether the callcome back when you're greedy player you colonize world and you look at hazard rating and you go which of my member species is best adapted to live here and so you have human beings in your alliance you can terraform world towards the human standard if it's easier that becomes a fully productive mainly human world loyal to the Murray Guillot so that we can but authorities are now it is a crystal kind of have sort of multicultural empires to sort the start one but he seemed like you're expanding that even more into going for the second were going to do again because things change straight the year no longer the hunted right there back now on the back doing things the way that they see fit and parliament Cepheid is always to have client races and trade embrace other cultures but sort of) so as those independent planets that very much have a join us or die future in the slots one era now have a much more interesting future in which the Marie player has a much better chance of saying come join with me less control but he's you to require are so form want to settle my questions on a give Lucy a chance to jump in here and see if there's anything she was asked him he is as Quintanilla Linley resume rooms-online the that same half hard-core fans and is all have been wondering if there are that STL drives will make a comeback and how is the STL Friendly's alliance going actually factory using the leader palpitations dryads are will be using me a professional note lines that the school previously will remember there's two groups is all which were of two fairly diametrically opposed of peoples but about what I think if you think about it is fairly easy to assume which side would not be thrilled with them ripping paint holes and mother universe and which side would be more than comfortable it so those terms the leaders alliance the leader will handle the STL travel for the sole and the sole cuff action the resulting repoll universal or hearts content him of so I want to ask you whether via I campaign for sort of source to because there were scenarios sort of source one was no actually overarching story campaign it'll still be the spell Bizet expects lots to the thing to remember is it's the richest universe enough K but it's still a working right in our job is still to the liver open sandbox play of the court's we can create scenarios we create some links would also link scenarios this time nights but for a full on you know full mission campaign arcing story arc that would take you another product dedicated to an adventure game strength situation are something I also kind of was wondering because sort of the stars is it's incredibly rich University got a ton of back story there is another's details always races and everything like that but for sort of stars one it was him presented I think in a way that was a in was in I guess the best presentation pages had to sit down and you had to, go through and enter read an analysis ring and read all the different back story so was wondering for sort of the stars to our Yukon of changing up the way you actually percent sort of the universe and kind of the mythology of the game Waller lead writer and demos much more involved with production substitutions on board as a designer as well as writer and she's responsible for the slots. Which means you will have a living dynamic background device built in the game so when you discover a minor race the first time you will get paid with the Boulevard other Baxter able to be unlocked in the slots. Forever reference from that point that there were technologies a good worker scenario savings we encounter menaces that sort of thing not only will you have a living breathing encyclopedia but you'll be able to create your own notes in the margin so it might be young you unlock the portion that tells you about the system killer and what is known about it you can then type in along the sidelines try using these weapons instead so at some point when you feel like it you can trade your marginalia was someone else so I you and I've been playing for a while as a legacy would you think of the stripe you send me the file I play the game I see my slide notes and I see your side notes of the same time and interesting sanitizes to give a chance for this ask the question to you on what he the priest diplomatic system and socks one that either. On page A1 exactly in the/Thing there were directly what was meant to be it was the era of gun boat diplomacy right with no qualms about about about what was possibly but right now were dealing with the age of empires diplomacy is more prominent more interesting but still not the realm of endless message boxes so slots to now lives in a manner where you build diplomatic stations you put habitation partners on the stations based on species the more you want to relate with someone the more you make them welcome of your diplomatic stations those stations generate diplomatic points so say your part-time human I'm interested in opening up trade treaties with you etc. just in most of the game spamming about you until you agree right to work. Probably I'd earn diplomatic points every time I engage in diplomatic actions I if I want to do a lot of dealing with you I make sure that I have a lot of diplomatic stations that welcome a lot of target residents to the diplomatic personnel that builds up more point of my reservoir also in terms of the different diplomacy now now so there's the states of war and peace we can also agree to arms limitation pacts we can agree to stay out of certain territories we can create buffer zones and we can also find out that we lie to each other that I find that to be too severe a fascinating way to do diplomacy Triassic has seems like from what I understand from we are telling me it's like let's say I want to ally with the heart that that the talk empire so I let all know the tartans kind of the reside freely my empire however I'm not such a fan of the hive or so I can bar them from residing in my empire and therefore are diplomatic relations will count will go down annoyed that we will have less ability to react to the hikers diplomatic if so let's say you sign a treaty me you and the hyper sign a treaty precluding us from building more than one leviathan object in all agree that for everybody's state of peace of three empire shall have one leviathan each I cheat the billable leviathan my back to now I have lots of target relationship I have lots of part of the law diplomacy points buildup I have very few hyper if the truth comes out I can spend my target points lessening the damage to the target of fortune of the hybrids I have no automatic leverage and pants have to take the full brunt of the reaction so they declare embargo against me no one will be annoyed at them for interesting areas that sounds very cool time but we call the sentence the sought the corrosive Joe for all again and believes in the real implication. We shy away from simple muscles boxes what we want to get down to the nitty-gritty right to the nitty-gritty of diplomacy is not message boxes its action reaction and subterfuge and department introduced that it would like to give reflect but allows working on now maybe because I've always I am never been a fan of the diplomacy in most games just because it just seemed unrealistic it seemed awkward LII people work reacting as I thought they would react in real life so I always, shied away from it Justino bash things with my hammer because the that some will find me but it sounds like a resource of the stars you really put a lot of forethought to how the diplomacy Skinner. They go to work and how different races or to react to certain think the universe you would like to keep things multifaceted and often I get asked if were ever to have a cultural victory my reply is well historically what's happened is that if your butts were cultural victory without the military fistfight at other people just come and take your culture to him it of the greatest the Greeks did not score a cultural victory over the Romans with the stored was a free invasion right yet to pay this court not having other cities burned down exactly right sidebar and I find a lot of of up diplomacy suites without a backbone to them and without a frame are brought reality someone like busywork to meet) here's this other thing we decided you can do but has no bearing in reality sort of thing right now so that's why you various races and slots of always reacted differently right to the charge always like you better if you have a big sword it. So how but I just what I want to*is you guys are a smaller developer development studio and I was just always wondering what's kind of the challenges for you is a smaller development studio in as a whole as it seems like more developments Utes studios are being taken over by bigger companies and him being shut down and I can stuff it of his things be a small military right and has the same problem in the sense that it's far riskier to get caught out in the open something goes wrong as you don't have a vast amount of resources behind your right on the other hand you are much faster react and were able to adapt to changing situations so it comes down to for instance how again is organized and made we are very reactive with full team imports from programmers artists they can suggest options for the game just as much as a designer I worked at other places where unless you submit something in eight pages to five different producers it doesn't go anywhere single we are much elsewhere much less able to yell spend seven years on a project basis you with with 150 people on it on the other hand the distance between idea and existence is a lot shorter it extensively for exciting interesting games far as I'm concerned fascinating agility jump and listened on with motion yester. The in this instance one of the trade system was very answer in the analyze I know my friends are wondering will trade me a little bit more expanded panel and easier to you so hidden under election the options for us but also a part of a journal over to chat up again as reflecting if the game of again empires and develop empires trade unction's and much more automatic is a quite robust much more reactionary level trade exists in response the things you do trade will spring up itself in response of things you do you can take control of it if you want without very much like forming a government Corporation if you build a freighter yourself until where to go yourself then that is you reap the maximum benefit on the other hand is a totally artificial construct where is the rest your economy grows, organically you in reflection to how things are going from what you're doing so princes if you declare you colonize Loughridge of the survey a star system you declared open or closed if you declared open that means public citizens in your empire are free to go when their development as well so a mining base might spring up by itself at no cost you which is groovy on the other hand if it gets killed people we just as mad at you as if you built it yourself until the people so that becomes a decision for you do you want things created pell-mell a near in order Porsche rimfire or you want to put your fist down and say no to close the enemy warily building exactly what I want where I when I want so you both streams running and substitute so I this convey took began to know something that the C-1 asked but am I know there's an use of governmental system in the game you want to. I was wondering if you think how lucky is Canada explain the governmental system like. To me that sounds kind of organically based on the actions you do in the game a certain type of government will he fall but Wilmore will certain states be more prone to having ex-government happening or why government happened and so on and so forth. I mean give you background we've always been less than thrilled with the picking of government types of the brothel perhaps as to what you feel like doing it's one little traction is okay but we've been back comfort with public diplomacy okay it's time to fight a whole bunch of other empires of becoming is about as far after an unethical search it will because and and the cost to be that will be three turns of no production and was a build. Among those death natural, but it is the of not that him to give any game in the distance act I can't imagine what only you. Only you would be a little of it was so half of winter been quite comfortable about because government kind of rises up in two directions yes you take things a certain direction but a few people decide to come with sales have certain expectations based on so if you've decided that by the things you do your live near leaning more and more to being a ruling junta out to conquer things and your people are okay with that they can't get expect things to go a certain way which means you better keep when their reactions to things are different than if say they were in a middle ground social democracy so thus we tried to build we've built a spectrum by cutting works around a neutral center with government types orbiting around it and the actions that you do move you along certain points of the graph in certain directions exaction do so what I just date before which is disk the cargo system closed and only building the economics there you decide would move you away from the libertarian pole to of the government after I want to cross out of what you cross out of the central ground into one of the eight polar government types then your people have expectations pertaining to now certain alien general aliens will be already if you picture that graph in your head that zero point will be over farther to the polls the mother wants her human beings by start the center whereas we can safely assume that the sole car probably you up there in the hotel side effects. A dose or anything us you wanted asked but did the government listened to know you're very intrigued about how this can work on one yet on each anti-Semitism declines and expectations and feel that holds nose there has been that you have released information about Lancaster pretty sent that there might be armed rebellions that in thinking and and they were like the first game were really big deal to make him a chance to make a slight well except of AI rebellion not you… Now think of what the people who brought you AI rebellion will be doing a hopeful long culture revolution instead of justice quite on plants could show suddenly then wondering while I wonder what planet that Adm. comes from the half full would be the one that just rebelled the so so I got out of your questions in his I would have your question before I get into them there something I can want to to to talk you about and I know you're adding a new race into the stars to and I'm going to make an assumption that they will be expansion packs with maybe more races down the road follow the same pattern perhaps you excel to pull expansions one reason each one now okay so basically I was thinking to what what are these and races can of Vienna seems that the racism sort of*the kind of based off I guess like animals are species here on earth like there's the Hiebert which are obviously like you giant asked is the leader which I call the space dolphins and so-and-so for suffocate you some ideas for new races and Bowden okay my first oneamoebas like giant amoebas that may come in and like absorb enemy ships through osmosis interesting you won't be disappointed but I can see we rebuke I can't really see those guys sit around the table. Out of him, but keep the space amoeba in mind because then you might see it okay the most nonrandom so wise girl very was. I have a space giraffes meter for herbivores and space a summary of hours to explore another had died as Throughout a starship about much free range grassed him that you have a K of Alaska here is giant space brains kind of like it on the few flushed Futurama how the of those race of Brands Odyssey so they could answer the stars is now a year certainly going to see some things things a very large brings a plan B in jars. Okay the template Adm. brains in jars and such as blood to our first the fear question and honestly conserve surf USA and he says will we see any actions for individual planets for example ground wars or local governments are basic city building is a follow-up question and he also asked what is the maximum number ships will able to use in a battle at one time maximum biocide still rotating around things like optimization and stuff but they will be roughly analogous to sauce bottle sizes right just a little more centralized that no one else was ASU zazen about the right structure them plans note still no busywork you're the Emperor you don't build movie theaters him about somebody taking care of is that you do have space station developments and you have four stations persist for type stations the system diplomatic naval research and civilian which is patiently traded and those that have options built on boats was sober those of us who like to build things there will definitely be some of that action on so you're telling me Napoleon didn't waste his time micromanaging the individual places the theaters I can see: I can only imagine the response be told about people in Marseille words it is aqueduct was running properly to him okay Bowman. For better I could tell you but then I would have been out for but it is where Gallo were Canadians here and I guess you speak any French I don't speak any French units ice I speak enough French to meet you bleep about Quйbec but it would and would not of been the Napoleons Parisien for the go. Sell Ameritas the following listing is and she's got lots and lots questions she's just not ask you some him with me after seeing was based around nice light ranges that the majority of weapons you really close for the majority and network with increasing midplane size to a full system and costly multiple planet system for a single fleet current or legally increasing the relative ranges from the map's multimodal have to longer maintenance it most definitely and the LS essay scouting quite a bit more important there'll be quite a bit of beyond visual range, so we also get links that traps or minefield priest minefields minefields for ischemic heart that work gets in indeed now there'll be a minefield set up before combat. Cost thereof there also be some hidden batteries are also be system the fencepost basins but you can hide in your system so picture having three STB assets hiding in Astor about and watching the enemy ship show on sensors and deciding whether to launch or not you decide not to launch and let them fly by right than behind them, was their support ships then you decide to launch a just so that you and not more panic is a full sources were no longer abstracting all the action down to a single plan (lots right now we have the full solar system play with with all the implications thereof right the diesel still move right along right there will still be some extractions but yes it will be a much more, wide-ranging battlefield with wide-ranging options and RHI another of your question comes from Sweden! And he says the event is a-you lost theropods okay at of. He is a wave able to move around the camera with the WHD keys instead of having to click on planets and ships we're experimenting with that again since the maps are little different most major it a ghost or testing it doesn't get people for blue loss and suicidal like it did insults one then you might find it but that revolves completely round play testing believe you me you could not see the horror of people getting lost on a full 3-D star map by WSG and there way around it with two kids went blind gopher exploded it was hysterical so while that's what we sent Wetzler read the camera centric version for that of the data will a guy to play chess that before you before you ship Maersk responsible producers for the civilian population is a that was that was a military gopher he knew he was doing. He gave his life for the price of Canada some of another your question from Napoleon's old guard and he says will there be new perks to the different races that only certainly more system so there's certainly more ways that they expressed their aspects of our ice and him only and that it was probably alternate here missing the question you have to question you in on what the system is deeply. Now you surely this will without sponges later agreed to before the show started with him on in the technology screen people have been wondering e-mail many Sihanouk branch has been introduced by is a rating meet other new branches entering to talk about I can in their original ones glitzy industrialization has been split now into industrialization and engineering but you're the expert on sauce one, executive we have social on ice will send now got 15 up paying around my head so I sent the second is about the tech tree about tech forests so you think I next of your questions and this one comes from Ronald Reagan and he asks Willoughby the more lasers Placerville be more lasers thank you very out there will be more lasers awesome as I've often said that the more lasers you have the more often you have several picture laser the Empire both in pulse mode and bemoan but you have lasers that fire lasers I think that will about the convertible beam laser does okay with him at on and for my question on him and I can't incense 11 Nina things that happen in destroyers for newer players destroyers, lost Value yet I was certainly out measles and things like that certainly will say about was getting closer experience level thing a multiplayer and new development it other guys once doctors did only cruisers written the guys who did cruisers and sublets A destroyer swarm right for the times it was butter I do so thoughts on and on how we in 1999 their class
and I you still have destroyer size nostrils how we make working me for a noticeable for newer players to wrap that up verse 88 is more useful standing Frank Reich's raw all destroyer class vessels from now become battle writers the nurses dangers up that no one sees it being you connect economically sound to fit NSTL drive on something records pop quite so quickly as they did insults one so destroyer sized ships now ride on other ships like carriers that sort of thing in a highly specialized functions so even though you condensate with a full dreadnought fleet odds are you will launch your a full flight of scope battle writers to see as far as possible as quickly as possible just like your enemy might be lumbering around with a leviathan and of the dreadnought escort will still probably launch interceptor battle writers to bring down your scouts before you can see him you probably don't know smart but avatar question was a subtle jab at me but him because it is my psychic powers did reveal the. Unlike I gather built a massive debts later dreadnoughts and then just rolls on and sometime it right sometimes the right answer right on the other kind sometimes it's pointing to hear the garlic on collided impact is totally owned by dreadnought slickrock Ossetia brought a lot more little faster dodger ships the that some genius in just a description Myrna Tswana you have a specific timeframe that you need to go in and do anything as of right now while I guess there's a lot more questions here so I know how much more time of your time you're willing to give us online him upright another half-hour here all perfect wonderful vendors you know and to the fun here but it a little else has a question here he says there seems to be a very limited variety of universe strategy games what you think this is also what you think the future of the strategy game genre is I think there's so few as we got lazy to the honest I think the game developer community card complacence Godson used to letting every suggestion become a feature instead of thinking about whether those features fit thing so we have like about the past 15 years of really cool, needs opening games and then the sequels are completely bogged down in details which maybe should be there for that sort of thing or commercial you have a very successful titles were the sequels are just exactly the same rate which is good for retaining the exact same player community except the ones who die of old age, but is very bad up bringing new people in right it's not very excited as Tracy things going I'm I think really we set at the cost of those two different directions evidence of the cusp of people continuing to reinvent the genre or falling back into a very safe very pedantic designs. So on a note like him a society silica my my favorite game of all time is is a star craft and Star Trek do came out and even though is very similar to Star Trek one I still thoroughly enjoyed it so I mean sometimes I just say that maybe sometimes they safe tried-and-true maneuvers can you know everybody loves of the bailout right now seven Downham is the room in your heart for star craft and eight other games exactly like starker of depends on how loyal to Zarqawi will have like I said exactly like stop it up, would allegedly know the travel do you do that. No I am I have clinic couple star craft loans that I did enjoy but I mean that there was like Yosemite Lazard no I did not find the place or is it simply start have for like the engineers could be only one. Okay we all have designed near du jour hard to make sure that the app they should be kept alive right but a acute is that we all can't make the same gate right is all we're doing then is just finding a smaller version of the exact same and there's no room every kid is going to find his new starker right to you giving him a chance and someone has to make a new start [. And the social go. Get out if this 15 years from now somebody makes their own retro sort of the stars I'll be very happy but it's good old that sort of thing and zero so yes there is room in both directions is just well can be in one boat and I establishing. You the listing on the yes come on we will ensure that Mike English I'm especially liking that interviews makes this at management planning recounting like that at any seen Michael bunch of different design ships everything like time something much more personal and something from among my friends that when it will talk really feel like three of their ships because they are so hostile there being left. A couple target shots I personally leaked in the world myself because there's a lot to see you in one video from angry young man was in conference and really not just in a molecular bus but there squiggly also right and have for sale the real issue is that someone in the chain of treats going out the door someone has to go left right the sill gargling glass last August by that but the target, got pictures there's especially since their new ships are so beautifully beautifully evolved from the original set right that there is I released a couple of the board to release a couple screenshots that were slightly gimbaled because of a couple graphic errors in them but you could see that there were minor but you reveal seven months of the full world out there on the Internet-Rex was released of the folks on the boards of the treat and they're pretty is pretty ships out there and you will see they were very nice on a daily anxiety he mentioned yeah got I run the, the most sucker for the human ships I have to say about the only thing it's looking more to which and how to get his physicians guess what the start at the start of thoughts to the preproduction phase out because we did hire a bunch of button your kids for artists I afraid I did pull the old guy wandering around the office with the looks of the World War II battleship but it should work for my library going like you judge the reason that to you… And to turn following the ship and it looks that way. That will put a gun that big top your head. When replays in did stockinette listen to the ship is okay to wear an eye patch as well if not out of the love you Nick fury or more jocular is one of those that up before I get into the next year question haveoctopuses or squids space grins*
easily seen the teachers of the sill patient that exactly right to know that they have tentacles and love you short on tentacles Isuzu show me us with the pounding of his metal fly with a hammer I'm down with that of all cytotoxic as you said is why because the dopants of telekinesis. People like you to go the thing the marriage like because they can hurt going right so how exactly does up of the golf and make metal out of volcanic vents like from about 50 feet away. The so they go diving I there's no all life forms are interesting they'll could be worked out just some have special needs right and again what you find in a lot of Azevedo like the honest because I tend to write some side surgeries used in one I was not younger to attend not to like the portraits with the interchangeable features and the plus ones a -1 about sort of thing right and there's refined the tentacle monsters and smelled of the occupants memo is under fire from plate again and there is a octopus dude in it I want to know how that octopus dude got there right after Palm outcome with right on down with it but I got no right to if it is just what is required in order him into adult about the jar once that's I get it right but not as not get me to management powered starship no early death missiles seven season Sunnis that exactly but okay next of your question comes from Italian this pretty one recent one will again be available on steam yes I confirmed the radio available on steam it up and will have achievements from the intro he am not that old obvious double standard of the achievements of okay and obvious fan achievements but another a lot of people out there who are signed and prohibited to have the not to have been alike die bon appйtit your achievement to do your chores for him and him and him that I added a lot of that it sounds a awesomely mundane is totally useless and to be honest him with the Second Life are my number 131 read jump up in the air without you and you make the of Dr. Byron Amari. Yes that is my favorite useless of like you and I but I think we've officially digressed yes okay let's look at this rail was free rail. On one of things that only my friends are really curious is even announced and in its man to schools of thought and I need you to confirm the site sell it up I have to note on the better I will declare learn your holy or about relevant on the night there were going either towards the paradox Vittore excuse either serene kind in the Apple system where any that may appear in = room but there's no and half my finest city harming their hanging right or like the total work like medieval to total were running meant Renй came from Mikey ECM like like and they don't really have any modifiers towards her loses I guess we think of the Buddha but we like for me in a liberal electorate over there and throwing some stuff electro they have a point of origin they do have modifiers towards our awfully behaves but it's often somewhat mission bakes so an admiral with the green thumb attributes is very good using his fleet to help terraform good that's where as an admiral with the conscript attribute was meaning he was drafted at some point of his life has a different loyalty modifiers than the true believer do location will make a lot of difference in terms of morale for instance history is rife with admirals and generals who suck and they keep their job's sometimes know of a manipulative but beautiful… Oh I want to hear somewhere no natives I wanted oh come on the know of this ridiculous know in an unrealistic no really good general would design an entire campaign across one bridge with 1 billion thanks and regards of the stupid first known a guy get a lot of credit for invading one I wind up together when you Possibly looms but it was I digress to the point is trouble some difficult and/or incompetent Adm. Joseph There jokes in the wargaming you that that would never happen would write there so far and my task was to think of what I doesn't happen and cannot be translated into a gay but sometimes you keep the idiots in charge of something because of worries from so in the case of slots firing admirals is a tricky business the place where they're from generally not too thrilled with that sort of thing so sometimes it's a matter of finding a place for an admiral to do the least damage which doesn't come up often but it comes about the music of who does real life is like that so if you had a planet on the brink out with a dubious morality and you wanted to get rid of their admiral you might think twice about on just wondering on Eland mostly forced learning I didn't just as and nodded to deal they come out of the chain), the chain of command they rise the top of the to the level brilliancy or competency effect of a baby float in your pool of admirals and things to choose from you will find in slots to as far as organization does the fleet is now paramount over the ship right you can have all the Schiavo water ships but the fleet is the will that gives them direction and form so you will find that admirals you never have quite so many admirals as you have plans most of the time as I find out from the games I've been playing so they are very valuable of Latin wild but not exceedingly rare there were enough that it pains you to lose the so lights in with little loyalty system you can actually achieve you have make ruled admirals like admirals is the role well. I can not sign your existence well not spontaneously right like it very hard is not like you saw an American general join a random country or fax one away on the other hand the Civil War verdict to help pick sides of the thing. That you will see much the same thing also one admirals captured one of there's always been least you can extort money the silent death you could send them back in they can because they can cough up information and the pending who does the capturing they could even join the list sorry I've now got this image in my head of Fiat Gen. George and waking up one day to get it defecting to Thailand see everybody but of another of your question comes here from coexistence and he asked will you reinvent or change up the existing races were sore the stars so they feel fresh in the second though feel fresh that way they'll they were not Plato slots one in any way shape or form weblogs alights with a tie I did have another kind of the question from what year your time he seems art visual like phased out as their own playable race could seems like half of them join the rear and half of them joined the silk which he still plays just visible newbie to be honest you were never playing is just as afraid you'll easily be a bazillion plate in South one was older looking for dad. That was open thereunder treasured the efforts so now you get the plate is little who have grown up for the soul the past at home. But you know dad still means lots of stuff done lots about independently exactly, that had the measles looming above it. So fear not it's not as if is all but dropped out or been tethered or our minor race or anything like that okay that well to be fair I wasn't the software to you but I was just curious as to what is all a lot of a hard-core little players are worried about with the institutions they been kept in the book is just wrong with people inflated with dual I have a tendency to agree with you that totally my new friend you can read his all for his is my feelings loses not returns is I over exhausted everything Michael was bipolar respect. You he… A guy a good auto right but rarely in the early days of slots there was lots of interview presciently actuary betrays us are differently in a hardly an appeal to everybody just like they're not that's the ire idea but we're giving you a game first before and the only six different raises that play in six different ways so that in no way do you feel like you been cheated if there's one of the you just cannot deal with other philosophically or tactically or whatever rate you were exactly where give you six times of the six times a gameplay of normal in order for you to be picky and choosy as you want. So this era curiosity I don't know if you guys keep stats. But like I is there defined that there are certain races that people play more than other races would either a racist the most popular in the race of the least popular in the community it's a fairly blurry I would say I mean always the first nine expansion always benefits well the next ventricles long so it others all had a heyday the memory unit a they rights when it falls back down I'm surprised that the hikers are always popular will hire us to be getting he was in a statement in KC when I was designing the hybrids they were my biggest worry that I was going to screw stuff up right I really was worried about how people were going to react to just hobbling along while everybody else you flew along at high speed so I'm always a bit shocked to see that they are it's so popular I'm pleased but of the trap I just him and him and him and a group of friends we're planning and literally was being held extended as thinking you he might bring you to quickly search building gate stations on him that. Or on to me that may at least means the level level level III station a caster level for a forecaster with the you, finding higher so stage V the lens of creation… That is but it sounds pretty powerful as what they made their largest date conflicts get senior made of the jumping I answer whenever youcertainly interesting was really Duragesic when I radio Подмигиваю rescue but how the races tailor themselves the game him and there's a motherboard card's all have gate station tried the doorbell better primers of each survivor Sewall don't have diplomatic stations that attribute stations and so on it's a picture for Australia yesterday at this and I will fight joint Q-tips decided to the expression him that that is a Star Trek music but on humans is at midnight the strings for a start and the rugged him and him glance one of the main strategy in ecology 31 and let that be just create like a Cold War situation and all my online games only for to make note glasnost goodness and immediately coming back of the missiles will be coming back you will have a note he is awesome and I can make them as Congress, while striking the script now I will feel the strength plan as they will still be there small, independent things but as far as delivery are dead sexy I believe your note fighters liable but's if you remember course you are the expert on sought so you do remember the origin of the no drive correct yes it report Dr. who which Dr. was the same bonus points on you as you can only say you get to see a mechanism by equipment will the human body should unit you should see some of the salt first saw for splash manager of the Hamas demo has ordered up and she's gotten the exact art that she wanted for a moment written a blur beside them sincerely are the various directors and stuff in their spiels it is also but in this sign of the real space when it is immediately you will will will get in the souls in the solar system that we had to limit things kind of at Saturn orbit…. Some level of abstraction but it just seems that people didn't want quite spent three hours and one, around truck again from the enhancement agent station during chirping him well enough like a punchline for a drug it out without but the Gulf effectively notified of her morale the poor Dr. fell into a note line and where he came out to vaginal needed had pretty commander creating a quick employment strike fighter that functions along those lines I sent to give soapboxes on badge noting noting from Earth orbit to Jupiter orbit the UNIDO date Tullamore cyclization I did not understand but am I worked were coming up I guess TA the in the end of our time and before together there are two things that I want to I want asking an first off is that sort of the stars won the voice acting was that speak this refrain it was not the past it was a not the visit is still questioned chewing awesome and I have been wondering this and think about this and that animated few jokes about in mice of the stars video but him on a few would allow me to be a voice actor for so the stars didn't message that I sent when my sultry voice for free I do not acquire any pay I will gladly would just wrap voice acting attorney pickups were just wrapped up they've forgotten. So close well the solar Swenson's Allison asked little of expansion Улыбка senses, expansions the one to be assured of that good or bad slots will not be the Dennison of the credibly blabbed incredibly in a voice of ways I think which is the dominant most of video games especially wargames yes often I am shifting at the dock now out at your play Medawar yes that was the worst ways acting at the initial spectacular most of most of Dobbs of of the blueberry was so Japanese games Very Interesting but It Is Wheeled We Love the Mall and You Know We Certainly Love Mr. Interestingly Your Human Researcher Who Won't Be Showing up in Slots Two. But There Is a Charming Guest Appearance by Mother There's Another Deal Reports Acting Asked Him He Said He Was Missed on Screen for over Budget Research Hybrid Eaten - or to at Him He Called Me That minor like a Spider That Only Toys Watching Them Build and Manage It Doesn't Pleased to Come in at All You to Get the Israelis Brain Recycling Is Always in Glasgow Revived. Why Quietly Her Women Hang around but Vastly Should Be Asked Researching a Certified. There'll Stoke There Always Just Won't Clear to Me If They're All There Always Be a Strain about Two Years Thousand Highly Painful User's That. And the Far I'll Go Just When I Ask Is Asked Gently in Everyone My Interviews with Your Favorite Game of All Time and You Cannot Say so the Stars for so As Not Wimps Intellectually Just Because Are Not Done yet so Consistent Computer Game Not Wargame Gets Sick with Videogames Videogames A Lot This Night NGC Game One Is 60 Air and 64 NES Whatever I'll One Is so Grunted with Such a View Wording Choice over the One of Mood Him and Fudge Fudge Fudge Fudge Costliest Week Then. I Should Top-Five out by Nugget at Top Five Fine Ago Bargain All Bargained out of a Position System System Short Easy That the Move Trust Easy Imperium Galactica Him on the Atari ST Easy Okay You Have To Never Hurt a Little at One of the Friends Born yet to Go for the Grumpy Lovefest M1 Tank Platoon yet Another Agency Within a Year One More Death and What Type Okay Now Got a Drop M1 Tag and Replace with Battlefield 42 to Does This Hot It Is Named Yes to That Settled Had Happened Speaking of Games That You Don't Need to Be Changed If the Agents Walked up Front That I Got Tired His Battlefield 42 We Just like Made a Direct Extend Birdie I Be Less While You Guys Aren't Evil after All. Like the Last Way That Gave to My Eyeballs Bolan 11 and a Guy Round Rock Throwing Grenades As a Good but Was Not Relentless Guys That When the Linear This Is the Stars Have for a Member from Battlefield the 42 Is When You Know Everybody Sponsored List the Couple Guys Running Towards the Plan Idea Whether the Guys Will Shoot the Guys Right Towards the LLC You Can Get into the November
If I Was for Those Guys Words Were Those Guys I Would Swear at the Snipers We Can Catch the Flag As Diapers Go. Now When My Friend Phil He Used It to Move in the Is Used in a Very Very Data about the Live in Fear Share on Opening the Beginning of the Battle to Preserve Will Grammar, but Babysat a Story from Battlefield to the Expo and of Colorado AF Imus the Distance to Us a Gal like to Make a Really Brief so They Have a Wad the Squad System Battlefield Two and the Squad Sliding System about 42 It Was the Map That Had the Half Completed Apartment Building down the Hill from the Gun and Placement and to Run Well the down and Work Your Way up the Floors of the Bus of the Building and the Neuron Top MS for the Flight Was so Me and A Few Remote It Was God Befuddling the Top and It Was Still Early Enough That in My Head Am Still Play Belleville 42 the Run of the Top Plaintiff like I like Place down and Waiting for the Flag to Change I'm Alone, by Myself My Only Thought It's Battlefield 42 If Someone Appears They're the Enemy at and My Teammates on the Top of the IMDB at Higher Heavy Tripod Machine-Gun into Knocking off into a Dumpster Explorers Follow through It Is Lead Overjoyed That Was Being but Is Sorry That Was Me Sorry about What Else Are It Was so so I and with and Then We Got in a Position That Overwhelmingly Something You Know like to Fly Could Stop It Was a so It Was so Not Just Friendly Fire It Was like I Held down the Button for the Fall 25 Seconds like Every Bullet from the Clip If He Is It Just like I Sorted Twisted ~I like Really Killed It Is Difficult at Children.That's and Him and Him and It Was out and Probably Wing Commander Only Wing Commander Rocked My World and Personal As What I Knew about Gaming on All Other Small Computer Platforms Was Dead the PC Had Fun Which Anointed 11 ST of the Him I and with That I Think We've Come to the End of Our Interview I Want to Thank You so Much Martin for Your Time, Was an Absolutely Wonderful Conversation about the Also the Stars and Battlefield and Incompetent Generals and Everything in between I Thoroughly Enjoyed It and I Cannot Express How Excited I Am for so the Stars to and You Have My Utmost Hopes in and out Wishes That the Title Be a Success in the Game Would Come out till on the On-Time Mental Salability Copies 3001 Thank You for Your Interest in All the Kind Words Made by Me Immediately Mars Give It Was a Am I Actually I Considering That I*Live in the Same Province I'm Been Talking to Chris That May Be My Building Come down and Visit You Guys in Vancouver and See the Game Basically Come down Maybe Winning When It Goes Gold with Mental Sanity Returns Yes We Be More Than Welcome to See up a Fantastic Rigby Bubo I Think, They Do

попытка перевода №2. всё так же плохо? сейчас более лучший анализ до начала перевода.

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you just told us can you give us any more specific information on the specific information they are indeed worthy of their reputations was about where okay so they sound like they sound like a bunch evil bastards from the way you described year they play little different than evil bastards you may have seen another day okay more importantly you get to play them completely you get to play them as masters of subservient race does rule in the Sox to Arabism will split the two factions one of which were loyal to God and work with Asoka the other faction which have decided to rebel against God and take the choice of free will and of allied themselves with the leader crash had a shake some people were taken half of the most evil racial insults once and allied them with the nicest racial testicle people so speaking speaking of that affection got a bunch of your questions here but there's one that really relates to that point this country hitmen 27 and he asks it was said that instead of races there will be factions of what one of the factions and how will that kind of the be incorporated into the game that's somewhat of an overload was Asian okay are back there are factions half over break down along racial lines have moved out and is old is logically fights are humans are busy human Empire target space guitar campfire the leader are now the leaders will alliance right and you see that breaks down in terms of the Lear handling the higher-end activities the high-end science the high-end movements does rule handling these more blood and guts operations you have the Marie will function now much more like an alliance of independent worlds so for instance words and slots one and such do so human player colonizes the world you see a world it's how the rating is based on what is right for humans and you decide whether the callcome back when you're greedy player you colonize world and you look at hazard rating and you go which of my member species is best adapted to live here and so you have human beings in your alliance you can terraform world towards the human standard if it's easier that becomes a fully productive mainly human world loyal to the Murray Guillot so that we can but authorities are now it is a crystal kind of have sort of multicultural empires to sort the start one but he seemed like you're expanding that even more into going for the second were going to do again because things change straight the year no longer the hunted right there back now on the back doing things the way that they see fit and parliament Cepheid is always to have client races and trade embrace other cultures but sort of) so as those independent planets that very much have a join us or die future in the slots one era now have a much more interesting future in which the Marie player has a much better chance of saying come join with me less control but he's you to require are so form want to settle my questions on a give Lucy a chance to jump in here and see if there's anything she was asked him he is as Quintanilla Linley resume rooms-online the that same half hard-core fans and is all have been wondering if there are that STL drives will make a comeback and how is the STL Friendly's alliance going actually factory using the leader palpitations dryads are will be using me a professional note lines that the school previously will remember there's two groups is all which were of two fairly diametrically opposed of peoples but about what I think if you think about it is fairly easy to assume which side would not be thrilled with them ripping paint holes and mother universe and which side would be more than comfortable it so those terms the leaders alliance the leader will handle the STL travel for the sole and the sole cuff action the resulting repoll universal or hearts content him of so I want to ask you whether via I campaign for sort of source to because there were scenarios sort of source one was no actually overarching story campaign it'll still be the spell Bizet expects lots to the thing to remember is it's the richest universe enough K but it's still a working right in our job is still to the liver open sandbox play of the court's we can create scenarios we create some links would also link scenarios this time nights but for a full on you know full mission campaign arcing story arc that would take you another product dedicated to an adventure game strength situation are something I also kind of was wondering because sort of the stars is it's incredibly rich University got a ton of back story there is another's details always races and everything like that but for sort of stars one it was him presented I think in a way that was a in was in I guess the best presentation pages had to sit down and you had to, go through and enter read an analysis ring and read all the different back story so was wondering for sort of the stars to our Yukon of changing up the way you actually percent sort of the universe and kind of the mythology of the game Waller lead writer and demos much more involved with production substitutions on board as a designer as well as writer and she's responsible for the slots. Which means you will have a living dynamic background device built in the game so when you discover a minor race the first time you will get paid with the Boulevard other Baxter able to be unlocked in the slots.

В демонстрации следом за настройками карты в меню выбора расы и количества игроков бросалась в глаза настройка из 6 эмблем, которые заменяют собой альянсы (вроде бы), и так я понимаю по этому интервью у этих фракций свои бонусы будут оО

ZedF :
As a hint, think more along the lines of what the Zuul are like now at the start of the game, with maybe some behind the scenes help from the Suul'Ka. They seem like they only get to acquire more direct help from the Suul'Ka later on as the game progresses, if they can build up enough to merit such assistance. I could point you to evidence for this but unless you have donated to Clarion you'll have to take my word for it.

Naja :
A lot of these details are only revealed to Clarion donors. But what I can say is that it seems that direct interaction with the Suul'Ka will be a mid-late gate phenomenon for the Horde player, depending on certain actions you take.

So it seems that Horde Zuul will play a lot like current Zuul in SOTS1 (ultra-aggression) for the early game, and call upon the Great Masters in the late game if they have played their cards right.

Суулка союзники результат успешного развития Зуулов. Интересно. Но это очень хорошо правит баланс. Зуулы вполне могут оставаться такой же рассой в начальней игре, и уже позже получать супер суда Суулка

что то ни кто ничего не обсуждает. а судя по той теме очень много информации есть в закрытом разделе, и просачивается она очень мало на общий форум. думаю это раздел рас:
The Lore
All things Human, Hiver, Tarka, Liir, Zuul, Morrigi... and the Suul'ka.

вот этот комментарий удивил:
twentypence :
Whilst point 5 is awesome, the whole section is fascinating in just how many hints it gives to new game mechanics.
Looks like the Horde Zuul / Suul'ka are going to be a very interesting and different faction to play, much more than just SotS1 Zuul.

остаётся гадать Расстроен

Последний раз редактировалось: Morrigi (20:59 12-08-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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20-го августа форумы рас наконец-то откроют, и станет ясно что к чему.

Пока могу добавить еще одну деталь из другой темы - Суул'ка живут в своих кораблях.
... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.

Последний раз редактировалось: Dastox (20:15 05-08-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 18:07 05-08-2011   
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Dastox :
20-го числа форумы рас наконец-то откроют, и станет ясно что к чему.

20 августа?

Dastox :
Суул'ка живут в своих кораблях.

Abh (это модифицированные люди из интересной космооперы) напомнило
жаль уже знаю что они во многом другие. но страсть к генной инженерии у тех и у других

Последний раз редактировалось: Morrigi (18:26 05-08-2011), всего редактировалось 3 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 18:25 05-08-2011   
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Интервью с вопросами игроков и новыми скриншотами:

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Впечатлило Хы...

... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.
    Добавлено: 22:07 05-08-2011   
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Зарегистрирован: 04.09.2010
В общем, интервью особо ничего нового не раскрывает, также создается впечатление, что некоторые вопросы составлял КО.
Немного удивился также из-за того, что крейсеры будут сразу доступны (если я правильно понял). Этим же можно уничтожить дестроеры как класс, они будут просты не нужны.
Немного также расстраивает то, что игра пока-что (надеюсь) не знает, что такое "сглаживание".

Последний раз редактировалось: WiZz (10:51 06-08-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 10:48 06-08-2011   
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Зарегистрирован: 07.08.2005
WiZz :
В общем, интервью особо ничего нового не раскрывает, также создается впечатление, что некоторые вопросы составлял КО.
Немного удивился также из-за того, что крейсеры будут сразу доступны (если я правильно понял). Этим же можно уничтожить дестроеры как класс, они будут просты не нужны.
Немного также расстраивает то, что игра пока-что (надеюсь) не знает, что такое "сглаживание".

Ага, вот и меня терзают смутные сомнения.
Экстенсивный рост размеров кораблей и технологий это очень шаткая дорожка.
Кому вообще это нужно? Мне лично пофиг что там технологии продвинулись с яд установок до тяд установок это не стори гейм. Ну появятся какиенить сингулярные установки а смысл останется тем же, а дальше как в КР2 придумают 100 новых технологий чтобы оправдать историю игры и зачем?
По кораблями я согласен с человеком, что писал ранее - слил 100 кораблей, создал, слил их еще....

Последний раз редактировалось: Alhimik (11:55 06-08-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 11:53 06-08-2011   
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Народ, читайте внимательно. Подмигиваю

Разработчики сказали раз двадцать, что не станут обрезать нижнюю часть технологического древа только для того, чтобы тут же его повторить. Они понимают такой подход к дизайну, и он им не интересен.

- не будет третьего источника энергии - ни "сингулярных установок", ни как-нибудь других.

- эсминцы в прежнем виде исчезнут; их новая роль - боевые миссии в конкретной системе - межзвездные движки у них убрали; они больше не являются самостоятельными кораблями - в бой их доставляют кэрриер.

- левиафаны это не новые линкоры; на секции они не делятся - но есть модули; есть всего два базовых дизайна - кэрриер и боевой корабль; каждый левиафан является коммандным кораблем.
... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.
    Добавлено: 12:34 06-08-2011   
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Зарегистрирован: 26.06.2011
Dastox :
левиафаны это не новые линкоры; на секции они не делятся - но есть модули;

а сколько модулей доступно?

добавлено спустя 17 минут:
Dastox :
эсминцы в прежнем виде исчезнут; их новая роль - боевые миссии в конкретной системе - межзвездные движки у них убрали; они больше не являются самостоятельными кораблями - в бой их доставляют кэрриер.

напоминает введение в MOO 3 введение кораблей без двигателя межзвёздного.
+ введение миссий напоминает MOO 3. надеюсь не наступят на те же грабли

Torezu :
Some unrelated notes/questions:
- castewar noted that you can take on joint projects as an answer to one of the first questions, but that's already a feature in SotS 1. I think the question was more along the lines of: "Can you ask a non-human (AI) ally to start a joint project, instead of waiting for the AI to offer it?"
- Provinces were mentioned a few times. Are they going to be something like trade sectors, where they're already defined at game start, or will we be able to determine size and organization of provinces ourselves (to our own purposes/advantage)?

Mecron :
Yes...and the latter.

Torezu :


Wait, that "yes" is contingent on the AI liking you, isn't it?
And I'm going to assume there are some tricks to learn about province distribution that could screw you over if you do it wrong...these are some of the reasons I'm going to love this game!

theliel :
The other really long interview talked about building up diplomacy points - I'm assuming you'll have to spend a fair bit of those depending on what is being researched.

As to provinces there was also something mentioned that added to the maximum number of systems you could have in a province which means that there is most likely a maximum size at start and that it can be increased.


Mecron :
All fleets need Admirals...All Admirals need a CnC ship...All Levy's are goofs


Флотов без адмиралов значит не будет.

Последний раз редактировалось: Morrigi (20:57 12-08-2011), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 13:48 06-08-2011   
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2 Morrigi

Большая просьба: не пиши столько постов подряд. По возможности объединяй в один.
Править должна не сила, а страх перед этой силой!
    Добавлено: 20:48 12-08-2011   
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Опубликовано очередное интервью:

новые скриншоты:

в интервью впервые рассказывают о том, кто такие Suul'ka
 убийца, как обычно, дворецкий   (кликните здесь для просмотра)

Это сошедшие с ума старейшины Лиир.
Обычно в глубокой старости, когда они становятся просто огромными и оказываются раздавленными толщей воды. Но не все. Некоторые из них ставят свою жизнь и свои желания превыше всего. К тому времени их способности к телепатии и телекинезу возрастают многократно, и они обладают возможностью управлять другими на очень больших расстояних. В сообществе лиир - они могли управлять всем населением планеты. В какой-то момент они отдают приказ создать себе эдакую космическую броню и отправляются покорять космос, т.к. их опъяняет это ощущение власти.

"Живым оружием" уничтожившим большинство из них был лиир, которого прозвали Черный. Он искал и уничтожал суул'ка одного за другим. Результаты этих схваток - обломки брони суул'ка (Alien Derelicts).

В игре фракция Орда Зуулов сможет призывать одного (или нескольких?) из семи выживших суул'ка.

... и тогда я стал превращать людей в деревья.

Последний раз редактировалось: Dastox (22:58 14-08-2011), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 20:16 13-08-2011   
 94 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 26.06.2011
Вот это порадовало:
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The playable faction is called the Suul'ka Horde. For players who were fond of the Zuul in the original game, the play style, the core philosophy, the mode of FTL transport, and even the voice acting have not significantly changed: The heart of the horde is always Zuul.

The Suul'ka are the gods of the Zuul. Only seven of them survive in the modern age, but they can be summoned, like gods, when the Zuul build them an altar. Once they have been summoned, the Horde player has access to their power, including access to their knowledge of science, access to their mode of FTL transport, and control of the Suul'ka themselves in combat.

Every Suul'ka is different, and they have different strengths and weaknesses. Players will learn to use them (or dread them) by name.

Суулка получаются как герои в других стратегиях, и особенно интересно на счёт лимита призыва, а также что за технологии они приносят с собой (и особенно правила использования этих технологий. на пример может ли зуул раса передать их кому то, или потеряет ли она их в случае гибели призванного, если не успеет все выучить). Особенно интересно если много зуул игроков будет, то суулка может стать дефицитом и кому то может не достаться )

p.s. не совсем понял зачем картинка эта:
можете пояснить что значит картинка и текст О_О

Последний раз редактировалось: Morrigi (21:40 13-08-2011), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 21:38 13-08-2011   
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