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Канал сайта: «Перевод контента - черновики»
 1848 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
2 переводчики и редакторы

Пока наш всенародно любимый администратор Викинг помогает нам разбираться с орфографией, отмечу некоторые ляпы, на которые прошу обратить внимания - не потому, что мне лень это исправлять, а просто потому, что стилистика стилистикой, но ведь на русском-то у нас текст практически идеальный - почему на английском должно быть иначе? Подмигиваю

итак, что я нарыла в двух проверенных темах.

1. Я играла в русифицированную версию Фрилансера, и не в курсе, как точно пишется имя Джуни, но интуиция, доверие к грамотности одноименной пилотессы, а также некоторые пилоты подсказывают мне, что это выглядит как Juni, а не Junni, и уж тем более не Junny.Может, и как-то по-другому, но уж точно не двумя способами, описанными выше. Особенно повергает в философские размышления присутствие в тексте 2-х способов написания одновременно Уже крыша едет... Гы-гы
2. рандеву. Тут комментировать нечего, ибо це есть французский глагол, и пишется он не иначе как rendez-vous, а вовсе не randzevous, как было написано в переводе.
3. Паб происходит от public house, поэтому в сокращенном виде выглядит как pub, а не pab. Это легко понять даже по произношению.
4. BEGGINERS. Тут, имхо, просто опечатка, понятно, что имелось в виду BEGINNERS, но тем не менее.

Я понимаю, что времени на доскональную проверку каждой запятой у вас может и не быть, но, пожалуйста, старайтесь быть чуть внимательней Улыбка
    Добавлено: 21:04 01-01-2004   
 560 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
SunnyGale :
просто потому, что стилистика стилистикой, но ведь на русском-то у нас текст практически идеальный - почему на английском должно быть иначе? Подмигиваю

Ну, с этим можно поспорить. Иногда как раз приходится корректировать косяки, перешедшие в перевод из русского текста, не страдавшего особой стилистикой. Но то, что на английском должно всё должно быть the very best - согласен, иначе лучше вообще ничего не делать.

SunnyGale :
1. Я играла в русифицированную версию Фрилансера, и не в курсе, как точно пишется имя Джуни, но интуиция, доверие к грамотности одноименной пилотессы, а также некоторые пилоты подсказывают мне, что это выглядит как Juni, а не Junni, и уж тем более не Junny.

В русском разделе б.д. написано, что её вообще звали Jun'ko. Я сам во фрил не играл совсем, так что без понятия, как её в игре зовут. Буду иметь в виду.

SunnyGale :
2. рандеву. Тут комментировать нечего, ибо це есть французский глагол, и пишется он не иначе как rendez-vous, а вовсе не randzevous, как было написано в переводе.

Посыпаю голову пеплом. Pardon my French Гы-гы

SunnyGale :
3. Паб происходит от public house, поэтому в сокращенном виде выглядит как pub, а не pab. Это легко понять даже по произношению.

Дык я ж вроде поправил, где заметил Подозрение.

SunnyGale :
4. BEGGINERS. Тут, имхо, просто опечатка, понятно, что имелось в виду BEGINNERS, но тем не менее.

Блин. По илсесоавдиянм аинсойглкго уивнртеисета... Гы-гы буду внимательнее.

SunnyGale :
Я понимаю, что времени на доскональную проверку каждой запятой у вас может и не быть, но, пожалуйста, старайтесь быть чуть внимательней Улыбка

Постараюсь... Улыбка
    Добавлено: 05:23 02-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Crimson :
Дык я ж вроде поправил, где заметил

Crimson :

так держать! Гы-гы
    Добавлено: 14:22 02-01-2004   
 422 EGP

Репутация: 82
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Откуда: спросите что полегче
Зарегистрирован: 31.10.2003
Заглянул сюда, хотел внести свой вклад в переводе на буржуйский язык материалов форума, но вы взялись конкретно!... Гы-гы

Перевели все, что можно, и все, что низя! Ничего не оставили. Ой, не могу!..
Совесть придумали злые люди, чтоб она мучила добрых!
    Добавлено: 14:26 02-01-2004   
 560 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(9)
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Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Попробуй редактировать. Хотя если не особо знаешь язык, то лучше не надо Гы-гы
    Добавлено: 14:29 02-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Перевели все, что можно, и все, что низя! Ничего не оставили

нифига подобного бе-бе-бе!
там еще как минимум полбазы валяется Подмигиваю
    Добавлено: 16:35 02-01-2004   
 145 EGP

Репутация: 23
Сообщения: 192
Откуда: Ангарск, Сибирь, Россия, Земля
Зарегистрирован: 09.06.2003
там еще как минимум полбазы валяется

Я неплохо знаю английский.Куда что кидать чтоб перевести кусосек?
Искренне ваш и всегда с вами в ваших сердцах, мозгах и печенках.
    Добавлено: 21:06 04-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
мне кидать в приват мыло. Можно его же кидать в эту тему. Я высылаю исходники и ты переводишь.

а вообще-то все достаточно четко и подробно расписано на первой страничке темы Зеваеца
    Добавлено: 18:47 05-01-2004   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Vot vam, gospoda korrektory, chto bi ne skuchno bilo ))))) Гы-гы


In the Sirius Sector of the present time, four great houses have the lead role. Those are Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, and Reihnland. Populations of these houses are ancestors of the different races of people from the planet Earth that has been destroyed during the great disaster.
There is no reason to talk about the events occurred before that tragedy, when armies of the Allies and East Confederation met each other in the brutal battle. Allies were loosing it, and when it was clear that Confederation was going to win, Allies built five sleeper ships on their secret shipyards. Thus, under cover of a small fleet, those ships began to breach through the Confederation blockade, searching a better future.
Five sleeper ships with the colonists aboard left the Solar System and flu to the undiscovered abyss of Space. Each ship was introduced with different races that lived on Earth: people of North America, England, Germany, people from Asia, and, sunny Spain. Sleeper ship “Hispania” had lees luck than her sister ships – “Hispania” was, probably, destroyed by Confederation, and, therefore, only four ships could get out from Solar System and fly to the deep Space.
Those ships came to the Sirius Sector at the different time, and the first ship to make it was “Liberty”, whose passengers founded the house of Liberty. There are rumors that Liberty people left Solar System earlier than others, knowing that attack on the sleeper ships has been planned. However, there is no evidence of that.
Thus, four sleeper ships reached the Sirius Sector, and began rebuilding civilization in the different regions of the Sector. Survivors began to settle the planets, build cites and construct space station, giving them names of geographical locations from the vanished home-planet Earth.
Today, Sirius Sector is divided between the great houses, actively trading with each other. There are often military conflicts and incidents over the resources and new territories, because all of the houses are trying to colonize border systems, but different criminal fractions are settled there. Moreover, border systems have terrible environmental conditions, which slow the expansion of the houses.

- House of Liberty
- House of Bretonia
- House of Kusari
- House of Rheinland
- Criminal fractions and clans
- Other organizations


Even if there seems to be some uncertainty in the society of the Sirius Sector, in fact, there is noticeable harmony between the social, political, military, and racial groups. Old wars for the territories are over, only local conflicts and some rare firefights take place. It looked like peace comes to the Sector. Although, any peaceful time comes to an end, time to time there are up coming reports from the Border Worlds about unknown ships that look much different than those that belong to humans. Having more sophisticated weapons, ships of unknown civilization began actively scout the Border Worlds, especially in Northeast part of Sirius Sector. Exactly at this dangerous time lonely ship left Lids System and went searching adventure.


First who came to the Sirius Sector were people from North American continent of the planet Earth. Using the right of pioneers, they settled in the center part of the Sirius. The first system was named by the biggest American city – New York, and the very first settled planet of that system was named Manhattan. Having a newest technologies, strong economical and financial system, Liberty prefer to solve all its problem using diplomatic means, rather than involving its Military forces and technology. At the present time Liberty consists of the next systems: New York, California, Colorado, and Texas. Lately, Liberty is trying to explore the Alaska System.

Liberty Police Inc.
Liberty Police is a private security organization, which is responsible for the safety of the Liberty Space, resisting drugs, violence, smuggling, and piracy. Liberty Police, also, stops the attacks on commercial and civilian ships. Police is equipped with fast and maneuverable ships that are able to race and destroy any criminal.
Allies: Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: Liberty Rogues, Corsairs, Red Hessians, Unioners, Xenos.

Liberty Navy
Military forces of the House of Liberty are responsible for the well being of Liberty citizens inside, as well as outside of the Liberty Space. Liberty Navy has powerful heavy fighters that are equipped with modern weapons and defense systems. Navy pilots do not know fear, and are ready to fight any enemy, even if they are technologically outraged.
Allies: Liberty Police, Liberty Security Force, Liberty Corporations
Enemies: Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers, Outcasts, Xenos, Unioners

Liberty Security Force
Liberty Security Force is a special regiment of the Liberty military forces, which does secret operations inside and outside of Liberty Space. LSF agents not once have proved their professionalism in preventing sabotages and espionage against Liberty.
Allies: Liberty Police, Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations
Enemies: Liberty Rogues, Outcasts, Corsairs, Xenos, Unioners, Red Hessians

Synth Foods Inc
Synth Foods Inc is a Liberty Corporation, which is developer of a new food product – “synthetic mass”, and very popular line of “Bio-Covers” that are used to grow agricultural products.
Allies: Liberty Police, Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: DPF, Farmers Allians, criminals

Orbital Spa and Cruise
This is a big company that owns a majority of vocational resorts and cruise liners in Sirius Sector. Company uses flexible politics of sales events, and, even at this dangerous time, has stable positions on the market, increasing flow of tourists from all regions of Sirius Sector. In fact, “Orbital Spa and Cruise” has strong security service that is ready to resist any invasion into the company’ business.
Allies: Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: Gaians, Outcasts, criminals

Deep Space Engineering
It’ a construction corporation, which builds jump gates and trade lanes across the entire Sirius Sector. All of the known jump gates and trade lanes were build by “Deep Space Engineering” (DSE). Construction of the gates and trade lanes in the Border systems goes slow, because of the lack of security means that DSE administration cannot financially support, leaving the government to deal with all of the problems.
Allies: Liberty Police, Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: Lane Hackers, Outcasts, criminals

Universal Shipping
This is one of the three most powerful Liberty Corporations, which transports valuable and expensive cargoes across Sirius Sector. In the beginning, this corporation successfully was transporting silver, and made its main capital exactly there.
Allies: Liberty Police, Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: criminals

Ageira Technologies
This is also one of the three most powerful Liberty Corporations, which makes scientific researches of the jump gates technology in the space-time continuum applications. Software, made by Ageira Technologies is widely used in Sirius Sector.
Allies: Liberty Police, Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: Lane Hackers, Xenos, Liberty Rogues

Interspace Commerce (IC)
The third most powerful Liberty corporation that has its business in the ensuring of the cargo and cargo transportation across Sirius Sector, including Border Worlds. IC is a strong financial corporation.
Allies: Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: Lane Hackers, Outcasts, criminals

Cryer Pharmaceuticals
This is a pharmaceutical company that develops and sales medications, and its production range varies from the cheapest to the exclusive drugs. There are rumors that company is connected with criminal syndicates, when it comes to developing and sale of the narcotic drugs.
Allies: Liberty Police, Liberty Navy, Liberty Corporations, Liberty Security Force
Enemies: Outcasts, criminals


The sleeper ship with the settlers from the cold England came to Sirius Sector on one decade later than the others. They took the West region of Sirius Sector. The region is less suitable for living, filled with ice asteroids, became the new home for space travelers. They named it “Bretonia”, as it was the old name of England. After Bretonians settled, they began actively compensate the technological gap between them and the other colonies. Bretonian ships are slow and weakly equipped with weapons, but they are perfectly suited for the trade operations. The first settled system was named New London. At the present time House of Bretonia has six systems, which are New London, Lids, Edinburgh, Manchester, Dublin, and Cambridge.

Bretonia Armed Forces (BAF)
Bretonia Armed Forces are responsible for the peaceful being of the Bretonian part of Sirius Sector. Constant border fight incidents bring a great deal of experience to the Bretonia pilots, which is soften the lack of technology.
Allies: Bretonia Police, Bretonia Corporations
Enemies: Mollies, Gaians, Outcasts, Corsairs, Red Hessians, Lane Hackers

Bretonia Police Authority
Bretonia policemen are the only force that can resist corruption and violence in the Bretonia Systems. These guys are well trained and equipped. They understand all the difficulty and responsibility of the assigned tasks.
Allies: Bretonia Armed Forces, Bretonia Corporations
Enemies: Mollies, Gaians, Outcasts, Corsairs, Lane Hackers

Bretonia Mining and Metals (BMM)
This is Bretonia’s prosperity corporation, which mines and refines minerals. BMM has its net of semi-automatic stations in every Sirius system.
Allies: Bretonia Armed Forces, Bretonia Corporations, Bretonia Police
Enemies: Mollies, Gaians, Corsairs, Outcasts

Planetform Inc
This corporation has specialization in transforming unusable planet-like formations into living worlds across the entire Sirius Sector. Planetform grew up from small company that was adapting planets in Bretonia space.
Allies: BAF, Bretonia Corporations, Bretonia Police
Enemies: Gaians, Outcasts, criminals

Border Worlds Exports (BoWEx)
This is one of the oldest companies in Sirius Sector, making money on cargo transportation. It’s possible to call BoWex as pioneer in exploration of Sirius Sector. BoWex has an exclusive license on transportation of the BAF supplies.
Allies: BAF, Bretonia Corporations, Bretonia Police
Enemies: criminals

Gateway Shipping
It’s essentially young company, which transports supplies in the near-border Bretonia systems.
Allies: ALG, IMG, Planetform
Enemies: Corsairs, Outcasts, Mollies, Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers, Junkers, Hagosha, Farmers Allians


Population of Kusari presents Asian people of the vanished Earth. Thus, everything, including architecture, ships, their being, is filled with ancient culture of those, once power, nations. Basically, Kusari is the only House of Sirius Sector that completely saved their culture. Imperator governs Kusari society that is centered more on well religious, rather than well economical politics. Kusari is located in the North region of Sirius Sector, and, thus, often is subject of attacks from the different military groups, fighting for reinstate current government regime and their believes. However, opposition does not interfere with Kusari’ technological progress – they gained a lot of success in shipbuilding, and Kusari ships, sometimes, overcome opposing them Liberty and Bretonia shipyards. As at the present time, Kusari consists of eight systems : New Tokyo, Hokkaido, Chugoku, Honshu, Kyushu, Sikoku, and Tyugoku.

Kusari Naval Forces (KNF)
Military Space forces of Kusari are well organized and technologically perfect space ship regiments. They have excellent combat experience, severe discipline. Kusari pilots are unfaithful warriors and deadly enemies for any opponent.
Allies: Kushiro, Samura, Kusari Polie
Enemies: Red Dragons, Corsairs, Outcasts, Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, Xenos

Kusari Police
Kusari Police is an imperial government structure, existed to fight opposing to the regime clans, as well as, any other criminal formations, resist drug-dealers and violence.
Allies: KNF, Samura
Enemies: Red Dragons, Outcasts, Corsairs, Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues

Kishiro Technologies
This is a powerful government corporation that took out of market many Kusari industrial companies. Kishiro Technologies began with developing of genetic products and nano-technology, now it controls all the imperial industry.
Allies: KNF, GMG
Enemies: Xenos, criminals

Samura Industries (SI)
It is the second Kusari corporation that along with Kishiro Technologies controls whole Kusari economy. Battery incidents between these two companies are controlled by Imperator personally, allowing to keep neutral relationships between two giants.
Allies: Kusari Police, KNF
Enemies: Red Dragons, Xenos, criminals


The last sleeper ship, named “Rheinland”, was carrying settlers from Germany and Austria, two countries on the planet Earth. Those settlers founded The House of Rheinland in Southeast region of Sirius Sector. The first colonized system they named New Berlin, as it was the name of the capital of old Germany. Following the ancestors traditions of Tephton Knights and Nazi fanatics, Rheinland people dream of governing whole Sirius Sector, and time to time engage Kusari and Liberty in border incidents.
All the buildings in Rheinland are massive and well defended, like the old castles, their ships have the maximum power, compare to the other Houses. Rheinland has powerful military technologies and centers its politics on conquering Sirius Sector, but it created some problems inside Rheinland itself, which are used by the different criminal organizations. As at this moment, Rheinland controls five systems: New Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Shtutgard.

Rheinland Military
It’s the most powerful military organization in whole Sirius Sector. Strong ships and colossal firepower are ready to destroy any target that a pilot may point on. No one of the fleets in Sirius Sector can confront the Rheinland Military. However, overestimation of its own strength serves bad to Rheinland Military, sometimes getting strong resistance from Kusari, as well as from weak Liberty.
Allies: Rheinland Police, Rheinland Corporations
Enemies: Red Hessians, Unioners, DPF, GMG, Outcasts, Corsairs

Rheinland Police
Rheinland Police is the most organized and well-equipped law enforcement agency in Sirius Sector. Rheinland Police operates on Rheinland territory and fights crime.
Allies: Rheinland Military, Rheinland Corporations
Enemies: Red Hessians, Unioners, DPF, GMG, Outcasts, Corsairs

Kruger Minerals
Kruger Minerals works together with ALG in Rheinland systems and border worlds.
Allies: Rheinland Military, Rheinland Police, ALG
Enemies: Red Hessians, GMG, criminals

Daumann Heavy Construction
This is the biggest and oldest corporation in Rheinland that works in the industries. DHC makes weapons for Rheinland Military, including heavy missile engines.
Allies: Rheinland Police, Rheinland Military, Republican Shipping
Enemies: Red Hessians, DPF, Unioners, Corsairs

AGL Waste Disposal
AGL has its waste reprocessing factory in Rheinland, but company itself collects waste in the all worlds and system of Sirius Sector. The major activity this company possesses in collecting debris of the crushed ships and radioactive garbage. Reprocessed waste AGL uses to produce rocket fuel.
Allies: Gateway Shipping, Kruger, Rheinland Police, Rheinland Military
Enemies: criminals of Liberty and Rheinland, Outcasts, Corsairs, GMG

Republican Shipping
Republican Shipping controls all cargo transportation on Rheinland territory. Company tries to cooperate with Liberty and Bretonia Corporations, but it goes not well and many projects were closed.
Allies: Daumann, Rheinland Police, Rheinland Military
Enemies: Unioners, Xenos, criminals


Colonization of Sirius Sector, definitely, leaded to the appearance of opposing to The Houses groups of people. Thus, many different in their ideology criminal fractions were existed. These separated and small clans, fighting with each other, were robbing ships and killing innocent people across whole Sirius Sector.

It’s the biggest and most organized criminal clan, which controls the South independent worlds. Corsairs managed to organize themselves so well that began technologically progressing. Technical characteristics of their ships are unknown, but those survivors, who managed to escape death, were saying that Corsair ships are the way better than any one belonged to The Houses or Corporations. Only the lack of centralized command and own misunderstandings do not allow Corsairs to conquer whole Sector.
Only killers partially solve the Corsairs problem, and excellent diplomacy in between Red Hessians and Outcasts does not allow Corsairs seriously control bordered with The Houses systems.
Allies: no one
Enemies: House Corporations, House Militaries, House Polices, Red Hessians, Outcasts, Mollys, Bounty Hunters, IMG, GMG

It’s one of the biggest criminal clan that controls the North independent worlds. These people fighting everyone, except Zoners, but that is more a short brake, than reality. There are rumors that Outcast are ancestors of the settlers, who were on sleeper ship “Hispania” and got lost in space.
Outcasts are well organized and their ships are not worse than Rheinland Military’s. Part of their technology Outcasts learned from others, part they steal through their friends Lane Hackers. It’s known that Outcasts develop and sell famous drug “Kardamin” that affects more and more of the new systems. Outcasts ships are used by many criminal clans, who sell drugs and weapons.
Allies: Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues
Enemies: House Corporations, House Polices, House Militaries, Corsairs, IMG, Bounty Hunters, Xenos, Hogosha, GMG

Lane Hackers
Lane Hackers, a.k.a. Road Hackers is a criminal organization that consists of fired personnel of Ageira Technologies. Lane Hackers makes attacks on the trade lanes, trying to assume control over the routes and get profit of robbing cargo ships. To achieve that Lane Hackers can hack into the jump gates and trade lanes control systems. Hackers have outstanding intellect and avoid any traps and difficulties on their way. Lane Hackers have Outcasts as their allies, so hey do not worry about maintenance of their ships. No one knows where is Lane Hackers base.
Allies: Outcasts, Liberty Rogues
Enemies: House Polices, House Militaries, Ageira Technologies, Bounty Hunters, Xenos, Interspace Commerce

Liberty Rogues
This is multiracial criminal group that operates in Liberty systems. They attack any ship with the purpose of robbery or murder only. Sometimes, this gang works for more powerful clans, for instance, Liberty Rogues were seen contacting with Outcasts.
Allies: Outcasts, Lane Hackers
Enemies: House Police, House Military, House Corporations, Bounty Hunters, Xenos

These are rogues sweeping abandoned areas for anything valuable. They collect waste, supplies, sometimes stealing right on the stations, and barely attack cargo ships. Junkers are harmless until they are put in a corner. They mostly sell the stuff that they steal or find in Liberty systems. Also someone may call them “Black traders”, who can find for you whatever you want.
Allies: no one
Enemies: House Corporations, Xenos, Hogosha

This is criminal clan making profit inside and near Liberty systems. Lately, Xenos became active on other House territories as well. Xenos attack cargo and military vessels, interrupting work of the Corporations. They do not have allies, but were able to become enemy for everyone.
Allies: no one
Enemies: everybody, except Zoners and IMG

Hogosha is a clan of smugglers. They are half legal and transport goods between criminal clans
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 00:22 06-01-2004   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
To be continued Хы...
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 00:22 06-01-2004   
 517 EGP

Репутация: 117
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Откуда: [Sakura]
Зарегистрирован: 24.09.2003
Фонкраз - это можно было не переводить, а скачать из и-нета...это вырезка из официальной инфы...
    Добавлено: 03:39 06-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
агаааа, вот наконец-то мы поймали человека, который в переводе разбирается Хы... нам как раз и нужно знать - какое творчество принадлежит ЕГ, а какое уже лежало в английском варианте где-то еще.
    Добавлено: 04:21 06-01-2004   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Mojete vibrosit'... BTW tam eshe mnogo raznoy info lejit, and esli tolkovo razobrat'sya, to perevodit' voobshe ne nado. No eto plagiat... Chto budem delat', Arkticheskiy Zubr ? A to chto ya naperevodil, mne na pol'zu v lubom sluchae poshlo...
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 06:12 06-01-2004   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
Господа, если материал уже где-то на англ. лежит - не забудьте кидать ссылки, где именно и расставлять копирайты Улыбка
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 06:48 06-01-2004   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Tak chto je, zabivat' budem razdeli chimi-to textami and prosto stavit' C-circle s logotimom levogo avtora ? Совсем запутался...
Gospoda Viking and Zubr... Ne pitaetes' li vi skazat', chto ya leniviy plagiator ? Sudya po tonu vashih posts, tuchi nad moey golovoy sgushautsya ?!
Vi mojete prikolot'sya and naiti hotya bi odno edentichnoe predlojenie iz moego perevoda and s temi game discriptions, kotorie Mr. Zubr upomyanul... And daite mne znat', chem vse eto zakonchitsya... Гы-гы
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 07:20 06-01-2004   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
Gospoda Viking and Zubr... Ne pitaetes' li vi skazat', chto ya leniviy plagiator ?

Нет, что ты Улыбка
Это я сказал для всех и на будущее Улыбка
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 07:35 06-01-2004   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
K redaktoram...

Izvinite za opechatki and oshibki - ya chasto pishu, kak slishu... Moya problema eshe so shkoli... A eshe buttoni na klave inogda ne probivaut, a moy Word lika ne vyajet... Really sorry...Улыбка Ya tol'ko chto perechital posledniy moy perevod - izvinite eshe raz... Sam udivlyaus'... Word - sobaka Улыбка
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 07:43 06-01-2004   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
Word - sobaka

На Ворд надейся, а сам не плошай Гы-гы
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 07:50 06-01-2004   
 517 EGP

Репутация: 117
Сообщения: 3037
Откуда: [Sakura]
Зарегистрирован: 24.09.2003
Никто не пытается обвинить тебя в плагиате, просто мы, насколько я понял работаем над информационной базой, а не над юмористической газетой...
И некоторые твои шаги просто выглядят пустой тратой времени...можно было просто найти инфу по официальному тексту или вынуть ее из текстовиков самой игры. Просто если ты работал и переводил - это был не самый быстрый способ - Мой пост это не обвинение, а совет! В будущем просто подумай, что проще - найти текст или перепечатать его самому?
    Добавлено: 16:16 06-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Так, господин Викинг тут уже всех построил по стеночке Гы-гы можно мне теперь свое слово вставить? Улыбка

ребята, идея состояла несколько в другом. Дело не в том, что мы будем тупо передирать с закордонных сайтов инфу и расставлять копирайты. Это мы сделать всегда успеем, если приспичит Подмигиваю
Тут ситуэйшн несколько иная. Вообще-то этот разговор носит не столь локальный характер, как кажется и не совсем здесь должен лежать... Давайте так - я выскажусь, но все дальнейшие обсуждения мы переносим в тему про зеркало, ок? Она - как раз для ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ проекта, а здесь мы выкладываем ПЕРЕВОД Подмигиваю Почувствуйте разницу Улыбка

В окончательном варианте зеркала будет разнообразная инфа - как и уникальная - выданная пилотами ЕГ, так и имеющаяся в английском эквиваленте где-то еще - будь то другой сайт или сама игра. Иначе смысла нет - выкладывать только родной материал кусками. Очень жаль, что я не предупредила об этом заранее - надо было предвидеть такие заморочки, особенно учитывая увлеченность народа непосредственно переводом, абстрагированным от будущего зеркала... Но ребят - Зубр прав, сами подумайте: смысл переводить то, что уже давно преспокойно отдыхает себе в уже грамотно составленном англоязычном виде! Было бы неплохо, если бы вы проверяли инфу на наличие ее английских источников и, если они имеются, давали бы ссылки на них Улыбка

Не забывайте - мы не просто переводим базу, мы делаем ЗЕРКАЛО, то есть, отдельный САЙТ, на который будут приходить люди, уже знакомые с распространенной инфой на английском. И - мне так кажется - наличие на зеркале этой же инфы, но перефразированной нашими пилотами вызывет больше сомнений в нашей способности самостоятельно справиться с проектом, чем простое и честное размещение известного материала с соблюдением всех копирайтов. Вспомните, что психология иностранцев (я имею в виду в основном европейцев и американцев) резко отличается от нашей - они ОЧЕНЬ пунктуально относятся к соблюдению своих авторских прав.
И, в конце концов, просто жаль потраченные вами впустую силы и время Подмигиваю
    Добавлено: 17:39 06-01-2004   
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