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Канал сайта: «Перевод контента - черновики»
 585 EGP

Репутация: 120
Сообщения: 1065
Откуда: Днепропетровск, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 10.04.2003
X-BTF. Товары

Here is the X-Universes goods list and description.

|Goods name|Description|
|Argnu beef|Argnu originally roamed wild over the lower foothills of the Argon mountain ranges and were first hunted by the early Argons. After the Argon boost in knowledge they were farmed in vast herds. This meat, when processed for off planet export is sold in half tonne pressed blocks known as Cahoona meatsteaks.|
|BoFu| Bofu meals are known to be very nutritious and healthy. Borons love them and it is said that a Boron pilot can live on just a nugget of Bofu for almost a week. BoFu is grown in special BoFu Chemical Labs from Plankton and other secret ingredients. Even though the Boron are famous for their delicious Stott spices among other races, the taste of Bofu is no joy to anybody but them.|
|BoGas| The unusual natural resources of the planet Boron means that the planet is really a huge chemical factory. From these many chemicals the Borons manufacture a unique gas that is used throughout the universe as the ultimate pain killer and anaesthetic. After the Boron government stopped any commercial use of the natural resources of it's planet Boron gas is now artificially reproduced in Bio Gas Factories throughout the Boron empire.|
|Chelts Meat| Chelts are natural sea bound animals that once roamed the seas and oceans on the Split home planet that the Split killed for meat, oil and their skins which they processed to create a tough leather like material. However for many years Chelts were over hunted and almost brought to extinction. Nowadays Chelts are grown in space Chelt Aquariums and are later sold to Split food factories.|
|Cloth Rimes| Argon cloth is one of the most versatile items to be found throughout the X Universe. Produced by merging the stems of Delexian Wheat with various animal fat based oils it provides the raw materials for hard wearing, and durable clothing, such as work suits, and leisure clothing. Argon also use it for all kinds of packaging. It is traded in great bolts of cloth known as Rimes. Argon Cloth is also further proceeded into explosive materials and used in weapon manufacturing.|
|Computer Components| Computer Components are important resources for the production of all modern technology. From wrist watches to gigantic spaceships, everything is controlled by computers.|
|Crystals| Crystals are important for the production of various weapons. They are produced in Crystal fabs from Silicon wafers.|
|Delexian Wheat| Delexian wheat is grown on the plains of Argon. It is a yellowish green plant that stands four to five feet tall. The top of the plant produces grain which, when threshed, produces a versatile flour like substance which forms the substance for all Argon foodstuff. Argon settlers have taken this plant wherever they have colonised a planet, and nowadays even grow it on gigantic farms floating in space.|
|Energy Cells| Energy Cells are the unified energy storage used throughout the whole known universe. The unification of the energy storage specifications allows for interstellar trading with this most basic of all products.|
|Maja Snails| Maja snails are found in pools and underground rivers deep underground on the Paranid home planet. Their shells are formed from a white shiney material that is very shiney and, when subjected to certain light sources produce a myriad of different colours. In Space they are cultivated on Snail Ranches.|
|Majaglit| Majaglit is made from the shell of the maja snail and is a very precious material used by many races for creating jewellery, and ornimentation. Due to its precious nature it fetches high prices. The few space jewelleries capable of processing Majaglit are famous for high quality artworks.|
|Massom powder| Massom is a powdered form of Scruffin. It is a basic yellow powder produced by the Split from the Scruffin, a sweet potato like food grown by the Split. This powder is traded by other races that use it to mix and enhance their own foodstuff. It is manufactured in Massom Mills found everywhere in the Split territory and sold in large, one tonne bulk containers.|
|Meatsteak Cahoonas| Argon meatsteaks are traded throughout the universe. They provide a nutritious meat based food suitable for most types of races. Some races prefer to use Argon meatsteaks in conjunction with different Boron Spices. It is traded in blocks known as Cahoonas.|
|Microchips| Microchips are manufactured from silicon wafers that are especially treated with various coatings to create the required conductivity. They are mainly used in the production process of computer components.|
|Nostrop Oil| Nostrop or Teladian sun oil is the main Teladi food product. It is mixed with various spices and sold in different flavours. The Teladi produce and mix it in so called Sun oil refineries based on sun flowers.|
|Ore| Ore is the most common mineral throughout the whole known universe. It is used in the production process of almost all technical goods. Ore is produced in Ore mines which are build around small asteroids.|
|Plankton|Boron plankton is found as a scum like surface that floats on the surface of the chemical swamps on Planet Boron. It is produced naturally from certain chemical reactions that are found in the swamp mixing with the amonia based air. This scum is collected and then treated with additives and other Boron minerals to produce a wide range of different, and nutritious spices. Since the Boron seas are now completely protected from any industrial usage, Plankton is mainly produced on huge Plankton Space Farms everywhere in the Boron empire|
|Quantum Tubes| Quantum Tubes, also called Plank Tubes, are used inside the engines and controls of many of the larger transporter ships and destroyers. The manufacture of Plank Tubes is both costly and complex making Quantum Tubes one of the most expensive trading goods.|
|Rastar Oil|Rastar is an oil produced from the animal fat of the Chelt, a farmed sea bound animal on Split. This oil, once refined, is very fine and is used by most races to lubricate engines and other moving mechanical parts. It is refined in Rastar Refineries and sold in large barrels known as Gretts.|
|Scruffin Fruits| Scruffin is a large type of edible vegetation similar to sweet potatoes. It is grown by Split farmers in large open fields, as well as on gigantic space installations called Scruffin Farms. It is a versatile foodstuff that, when processed, provides a number of Split food types. Even though scruffin is traded inside and outside the Split territory it is mainly demanded by various Split food factories.|
|Silicon Wafers| Silicon is the main mineral resource that all modern technology goods are based on. It is usually found just below the surface of asteroids and mined in huge Silicon mines in space.|
|Soja Beans| Soja beans grow naturally inside large caves found throughout the Paranid home planet. As they grow in the dark they are white in colour and retain a large amount of moisture. The Paranid farm them and gently squeeze out this moisture which they then use as a source of water. The dry beans are then mashed, and processed to produce a type of basic foodstuff used as the base for many of the Paranid different food types. It is traded as Sojahusk. The space installations growing these beans are also called Soyfarms.|
|Soja Husk|Soja husk is the dried and processed form of the Soja bean. It is the number one food in the Paranid territory. It can be mixed with many different indiginous things to produce a wide variety of flavours. Sojahusk are produced in space factories called Soyeries.|
|Space Fuel| Illegal goods! Argon Whisky is never traded openly by members of the Argon race. It is rumoured that somewhere in the Argon sector some illicit whisky producing plants exist providing a cheap version of the alcoholic drink that is smuggled into other race sectors by the pirates. It is known as Space Fuel and is smuggled in containers known as Fuel Tanks. Argon regulations forbid ANY trading with this product.|
|Spaceflies| Illegal goods! This creature is a small unintelligent space fly that lives in the vast emptiness of deep space. They are the size of a small bird and seem to be made out of delicate shinning gossamer that reacts to light and shimmers and shines in a multitude of colours. The Markus live in vast complex hives hollowed out of asteroids and perform a valuable function by collecting space junk and other debris, which they capture and take back to their asteroids to be used in the construction of their hives. They travel together in great swarms and communicate with a series of musical notes, similar to bird song, that echo inside space. Their beauty, and the beauty of their music, is famed throughout the X Universe and all intelligent space races delight in seeing them. Pilots will stop to watch a swarm fly past. Creatures working on the outside of ships and space stations have claimed that the Markus will fly near them and even perch on them, singing all the while. However throughout space sightings of The Markus Space Fly are becoming very rare. This is manly due to the actions of The Split, who capture and use the small space fly to power their spaceships. Currently the Foundation Guild are pressing for the Markus to be made a protected species and pressure is being put on the Split to change their system of powering their space ship engines. It is believed that, despite a universal ban on their capture or trading, some pirates still hunt and capture this creature in order to sell then to the Split.|
|Spaceweed| Illegal goods! Spaceweed can be smoked or ingested through the mouth. Because of its intoxicating effect, and the fact that it is supposedly habit forming, this plant has been outlawed by the governments of all races, with the exception of the Teladi. It is suspected that the Teladi produce spaceweed in a factory they called the Bliss Place.|
|Stott Spices| Stott Spices also known as Boron spices are highly regarded by all races in the known universe. They are used to mix with many different basic foodstuffs to provide tastier foods with more exotic flavouring and differnt flavours and tastes. They are traded in containers known as Stott Jagos. It is not known to outsiders how the chefs working inside Space Stott Mixeries archive those delicate products out of just Boron Plankton and only few other ingredients.|
|Sunrise Flowers| Teladian sunrise flowers are large plants with blue leaves and stems and large white flowers that originally grew in the vast open swamplands found on the Teladi home planet. These flowers provide the Teladi with a number of different resources. The stems and leaves are used as vegetable matter and provide the Teladi with their basic foodstuff. The flower heads of these plants are gathered and pressed to produce a crude oil, which is used for cooking and for heating purposes. Sunrise Flowers are grown on Flower Farms nowadays because of the superior light and gravity conditions in space.|
|Swamp Plant| The Teladi Swamp plant is a small moss like plant that when dried and processed acts like a narcotic known as spaceweed. Swamp Plants are also used as the resource for Nostrop and other Teladian food products. The Teladi grow Swamp Plants on big space farms the Teladi call Dream farms.|
|Teladianium| Teladian mud is a very fine silty type of sediment found at the bottom of rivers and swamps on the Teladi planet. This mud when dried out becomes a hard mineral called Teladianium. This mineral later can be mixed with certain chemicals, processed and can even be added to synthetic plastics to create a tough flexible material stronger than hardened steel but much lighter. In space Teladianium is produced in chemical plants called Teladianium foundries. Teladianium is used throughout the X universe by many races in the construction of buildings and the interior structures of spaceships and space stations.|
|Warheads| Warheads are needed in the production process of missiles. Most technical details about the internals of warheads are kept secret.|
    Добавлено: 15:56 28-12-2003   
 585 EGP

Репутация: 120
Сообщения: 1065
Откуда: Днепропетровск, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 10.04.2003
X-BTF. Апгрейды


|Shields name|Description|
|1 MW Shield|1MW Shields are the weakest protection currently in production. Shields are vital for survival in space. They protect the ship from small impacting objects like mini asteroids as well as during fights.|
|5 MW Shield|A 5MW Shield is a medium protection typically used for bigger fighters and transporters. Shields are vital for survival in space. They protect the ship from small impacting objects like mini asteroids as well as during fights.|
|25 MW Shield|A 25 MW shield is typically used on big ships like destroyers. Shields are vital for survival in space. They protect the ship from small impacting objects like mini asteroids as well as during fights.|
|125 MW Shield|The 125 MW Shield is the most powerful protection known. Typically used onboard big installations and carriers. Shields are vital for survival in space. They protect the ship from small impacting objects like mini asteroids as well as during fights.|

|Lasers name|Description|
|Alpha Impulse Ray Emitter|This is a basic laser that is used in many light weapons and smaller fighter craft. Can be found in Teladies sectors.|
|Beta Impulse Ray Emitter|This laser is used in larger weapon systems and many larger fighter craft. Can be found in Teladies sectors.|
|Gamma Impulse Ray Emitter|This laser is found in larger weapons systems and many larger fighter craft. Can be found in Argons and Splits sectors.|
|Alpha Particle Accelerator Cannon|A weapon found in some of the larger fighter craft and on some smaller destroyers. Can be found in Borons sectors.|
|Beta Particle Accelerator Cannon| A weapon found in many larger fighter craft and on some destroyers. Can be found in Paranids sectors.|
|Gamma Particle Accelerator Cannon| A weapon found on some larger fighter craft, destroyers and on some battleships and carriers. Can be found in Borons sectors.|
|Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower| A deadly weapon found on some fighter craft and on all destroyers. Can be found in Borons and Paranids sectors.|
|Beta High Energy Plasma Thrower| A deadly weapon found on all destroyers and carriers. Can be found in Argons sectors.|
|Gamma High Energy Plasma Thrower| A deadly weapon, and one of the most powerful in the universe. It is found only on carriers and battleships. Can be found in Teladies sectors.|

|Missiles name|Description|
|Alpha Missile| The alpha missile is part of the standard equipement of all earth fleet ships. Used on training. You can’t buy it.|
|Baluga Missile| The baluga class missile is a strong space space weapon developed by earth space fleet after the great terraformer wars. You can’t buy it too.|
|Dragonfly Missile| The dragonfly class missile is a medium powerful but very heavy missile typically used for attacks on slow big targets.|
|Hornet Missile|The Hornet Class Missile is the most powerful weapon known today. The gigantic resources needed to produce this monster also make it extremely expensive. It is not known if any ship currently carries these missiles.|
|Mosquito Missile|The Mosquito Missile is the most commonly used light missile in space fight. Small Fighters typically come equipped with this defensive weapon.|
|Silkworm Missile|The Silkworm Missile combines the latest breakthroughs in quantum technology with a warhead able to destroy even heavily protected targets. The Silkworm can only be found on heavy battleships like destroyers or carriers.|
|Wasp Missile| The Wasp Class Missile is a very powerful but still light missile. The Wasp missile is the first choice of mid and larger fighter craft. It is fast accurate and very deadly. It's lethal reputation has even led it to be fitted to some destroyers.|

|Devices name|Description|
|Cargobay Extension|Irreplaceable thing for trader (and not only). Increases carrying capacity of the ship. More cargo - more money! It's sold in any sector at space stations.|
|Freight Scanner|Pilots whose spaceships are equipped with a freight scanner can see exactly what is inside other ships they scan. Oftentimes this scanner is abused by pirates before they attack and rob peaceful pilots.|
|Mineral Scanner|The mineral scanner is an important add on for every pilot who plans to exploit asteroids for mining. Mounted to a spaceship it adds valuable information to the scan results of Asteroids.|
|Ecliptic Projector|Simplifies navigation inside system. Projects ecliptic map on a view from cockpit. Can be found in Borons sectors.|
|Video Enhancement Goggles|Increase identifications range of the ships. Can be found in Teladies sectors.|
|Trading System Extension| Using the trading system extension a pilot can request detailed price information for all goods without actually docking to a factory or space station. This can be very useful for frequent traders.|
|Docking Computer| Docking with object without pilot’s participation. Can be found in Paranids sectors.|
|Motion Analysis Relay System|Very useful thing for fighting. Allows autopilot follow object in a sight. Can be found in Splits sectors.|
|Tactical Navigation System| The tactical navigation system is an extension to the standard radar system found on almost every ship. It projects all objects in a systems ecliptic onto a 2 dimensional map. This extension is a must for every regular trader.|
|Rudder-Optimization|Improves ship control.|
|Singularity Engine Time Accelerator (S.E.T.A.)| Compress time in 10 times. Unfortunately, the device is not adapted for parallel ship control. Usually used for flights on the large distances.|
|S.E.T.A. Boost Extension|This device work only in S.E.T.A. mode. Allow you to flight in S.E.T.A. mode using turbo. Can be found in Argons sectors.|
|Engine Tuning|This upgade is put as addition to the engine. It's possible to put few such devices on one ship. Each improvement increases speed of the ship by 10 %. Can be found on any Pirate Base|

    Добавлено: 15:56 28-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Tak chto takoe "EGO" ? etot vopros mne ne daet pokoya - ne mogu rabotat' nad topicom. Улыбка
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 22:49 28-12-2003   
 901 EGP

0n1ine 4eva!
Рейтинг канала: 2(15)
Репутация: 259
Сообщения: 1742
Откуда: Смешной и странный лес
Зарегистрирован: 23.03.2003
ЕGО - это система Elite-Games Online - разработана пилотами и используется на сайте. А также спец. система разметки документов для сайта. Ссылки где-то были.
Это все - внутри твоей головы.
    Добавлено: 23:04 28-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Aa-a... Spasibo... Teper' moya dushen'ka spokoina. Prodoljau rabotat'. Улыбка
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 05:36 29-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
2 fonCraz

вообще, ты молодец, но было бы еще лучше, если б ты продолжал работать непосредственно с исходниками текста в EGO Улыбка А? Кинь мне свой мейл в приват, я тебе исходники вышлю... Только скажи - что именно...
    Добавлено: 08:13 29-12-2003   


Chast' 2/2 po perevodu Freelancer "РЕЦЕНЗИЯ"

Chast' 2/2
Но, увы, рано или поздно появляется горькое чувство обиды, за то, что все эти красоты нам показывают как бы… через узкую щелку донельзя странного интерфейса. Начнем с того, что установленный по умолчанию вид «Сзади-сверху», более уместный для консольной аркады, чем для серьезной ИГРЫ, в которой нам так многое обещали, и по своему сдержали это обещание, ни в коей мере не способствует ни успешной игре, ни любованию окружающими красотами. Едва вступив в бой, игрок получает, безусловно, яркую, но абсолютно неинформативную картинку. Фактически, разглядеть что-либо за эффектными трассами двигателей и всполохами орудий невозможно. К счастью, переключение на более привычный вид из кабины возможно, даже имеется эта самая кабина, разная для каждого транспортного средства, но в этом случае, игрок превращается в строго зашторенную лошадь, поскольку ни в право ни в лево из кабины вид не предусмотрен. Желаете осмотреться? Пожалуйте обратно за борт. В итоге, путешествуя между мирами Freelancer’a, вы вынуждены лишь периферийным зрением фиксировать величественный battleship, проплывающий по левому борту, впереди у вас только ворота, за ними еще одни, и еще, и далекая планета на горизонте. Так же вызывает недоумение, почему авторы «отвязав» прицел от курса корабля, что в принципе, достаточно логично для прогрессивной техники далекого будущего, «отвязали» туда же и самый правильный девайс для управления симуляторами — джойстик. Об этом было множество споров, Digital Anvil даже обещало оставить его в качестве альтернативы, но своего слова не сдержала. В том же I-War'e, при схожей системе прицеливания и аналогичным количеством степеней свободы в управлении кораблем, джойстик более чем уместен, и почему было не оставить его хотя бы в качестве запасного варианта, для особо консервативных игроков? Как бы то ни было, мышь не привносит никаких новшеств в процесс управления кораблем и ее роль в игре представляется несколько надуманной.

Несмотря на все заверения о живой вселенной, торговая система, основа основ свободного симулятора мне лично показалась достаточно плоской и примитивной. Скудный перечень товаров на продажу, их количество редко когда позволяет набить полный трюм даже на истребителе, станции производящие товар, зачастую продают его по значительно более высокой цене, чем те, куда этот же товар завез случайный торговец.

Немного избыточным показалось и количество асоциальных элементов в окрестностях хорошо защищенных систем, в которых (ну, просто парадокс из нашей современной жизни) тебя, мирного (относительно) и честного (очень относительно) торговца через каждые пять метров тормозит милицейский патруль с целью проверки документов и груза на предмет недозволенных вложений. Когда криминалы «стопорят» тебя на безлюдной трассе, это ожидаемо, но то, что возле столицы Бретонии с упорством камикадзе постоянно материализуются какие-то гопстопники, причем, материализуются только для того, чтобы бесславно погибнуть под огнем сил правопорядка, никуда не годится. Самое интересное, что ненависть этих криминальных элементов, да и всех, кому ваше «Альтер-эго» успело перейти дорогу так высока, что едва завидев корабль игрока, они гурьбой бросаются выяснять с ним отношения, храбро (но очень глупо!) презрев висящие буквально на хвосте полицейские истребители. Как можно верить рекламному лозунгу о том, что NPC живут своей, не привязанной к игроку жизнью, когда я едва вылетев из магистральных ворот заметил, что достаточно далеко от меня возле одной из станций кипит жаркий бой, в котором участвуют полтора десятка кораблей с обеих сторон, справедливо рассудил, что им вполне не до меня и продолжил движение по маршруту, благо мне не нужно было лететь через поле боя. Но не успел я и приблизиться к воротам входа в транспортную магистраль, как из тыловых колонок раздались характерные удары, свидетельствовавшие о том, что мне быстренько снимают щит и начинают разбирать на запчасти. Доставалось, кстати, от обеих сторон: к пристроившимся мне в хвост бандитам в свою очередь пристроились копы, и трассеры всей этой братии сходились аккурат между моими кормовыми дюзами.

На этом, к сожалению, несуразности физической модели игры не заканчиваются. Такое радикальное средство ведения боя, как таран, не производит ни на противника, ни на ваш корабль практически никакого эффекта. Столь же безболезненно оканчивается столкновение с астероидом, едва ли не крупнее вашего корабля, причем на форсаже. Вместо того, чтобы превратиться в легкое и печальное облачко пара, вы поплатитесь максимум одним пунктом энергетического щита. Поэтому поле астероидов в качестве арены боевых действий — всего лишь живописный пейзаж и испытание для слабых компьютеров, но никак не существенный фактор, вносящий изменения в тактику боя или расклад сил. Хотя, в целом, управляемые искусственным интеллектом противники действуют достаточно грамотно, активно пользуются форсажем, резко меняют направление движения, стремясь стряхнуть вас с хвоста, не боятся применять ракеты.
Понравилась встроенная в игру система репутаций, хоть и встречавшаяся до этого в других играх (X-Tension), но имеющая весьма полезную изюминку: возможность «взлома» вашего электронного досье с целью улучшения репутации у той или иной группировки. Достаточно полезное свойство, особенно учитывая, что практически каждая преступная группировка, равно как и каждая раса обладают своей, уникальной оружейной либо защитной технологией, которую ни за какие деньги не купишь за пределами их территорий.

Вообще, в игре достаточно много подобных «изюминок», скрашивающих некое однообразие челночных рейсов в процессе первоначального накопления капитала и столь же однообразных несюжетных миссий по истреблению неугодных либо властям, либо крупным корпорациям. К сожалению, и сюжетные миссии нельзя назвать калейдоскопом приключений. На протяжении трех или четырех сюжетных эпизодов, приходится все время убегать от превосходящих сил противника, методично крошащих одно ваше временное пристанище за другим. Тот же I-War II (Freelancer все время приходится с кем-то сравнивать) обладал более интересным с одной стороны, но в то же время ненавязчивым сюжетом. Здесь же игрока буквально вышвыривают из уже более-менее освоенной системы и заставляют обживать соседнюю, словно боясь, что он, застряв на одном месте, не увидит всех нарисованных художниками игры бэкграундов.

О достоинствах и недостатках этой игры можно, в принципе, говорить еще очень долго, тем более, что автор, да и мало кто из играющих может на сегодняшний день похвастаться, что раскрыл абсолютно все заложенные в игру загадки и сюрпризы. Тем не менее, пора подводить итог. Игра получилась. Она получилась красивой, интересной, но мало что общего имеющей с Elite. Торговля и выполнение заданий здесь всего лишь средство, даже не достижения конечной цели, просто перехода к следующей главе сюжета. Как в сделанном по канонам жанра фильме — мы твердо знаем, что главный герой и ключевые персонажи не могут погибнуть от случайного выстрела, пока не отыграют свою роль до конца. Герои и злодеи, если это не статисты гибнут только по воле режиссера или заранее прописанного скрипта. Приключение обязано иметь завязку, кульминацию и развязку, зритель вставая с кресла в кинозале или вытаскивая CD-ROM из дисковода, должен четко представлять, что оно закончилось, по крайней мере, до следующей серии/части. Игры, в которые можно играть бесконечно долго, у которых нет конца — как никогда не перегорающие лампочки. Говорят, что они давным-давно изобретены, испытаны, но никогда не поступят в продажу. Нужно ли объяснять, почему?

Translation Part 2/2

But sooner or later you develop a sense of disappointment because all this beauty is presented from a small “window” due to the fact that the default view is a fixed view from the back-top of the ship. It will remind you of the console arcade games, instead of a serious space simulator that has been promising so much for us. When you engage in combat you are presented with a very fiery and flashy view, but it lacks the informative side of the battle. Luckily a more comfortable view out of the cockpit with a different cockpit for each ship, but there is a major problem with this view – you cannot view the sides of the cockpit and it feels like being glued to the screen. You want to check out the surroundings? Welcome back overboard and back to the old view. During your exploration of Freelancer you will get used to the same sights such as a “trade lane” in front of you and one behind, a magnificent battleship passing on the side, and a planet on the horizon. The designers also made the crosshair for the aiming separate from the piloting cursor, in effect that would make the joystick almost useless if it was supported by the game. There was a lot of arguing about this and Digital Anvil even promised to keep the joystick as an alternative but they never kept their word. After all the option of using a joystick could’ve been left for the most conservative pilots, in fact the mouse doesn’t deliver any new and revolutionary control scheme.

Despite all the promises for a living universe, the trading system that is the base of every open space simulator seems to me really linear and primitive. The goods often lack diversity and many times the price won’t match the profile of the base such as a base that produces a good would be selling it for more then another place that simply gets the goods from passing traders.

Another element is the illegal trade and pirates. In a well-defended system you - a relatively peaceful and relatively honest trader - are stopped every 5 meters to have your papers and goods checked by the police. And when the police are off your case, the pirates are waiting for you in the middle of nowhere and deserted places where you can never find a soul (that is expected of them though) and they attempt to mug you for your goods. Another amusing aspect of the pirate/police relations is that there is always some pirate fighting in the most protected systems and it seems that he came there simply to commit a certain suicide. Another thing is that instead of living their own life like the title promise the NPCs swarm you and try to get something out of you – so much for living on their own. For example I was flying by and there was a battle raging between a dozen ships, luckily I didn’t have to go through that area but when I almost got to a trade lane I noticed them chasing after me instead of fighting the heated battle.

Sadly this is not the end of the problems with the game’s physics model. For example a radical but old fashioned method of fighting is ramming the opponent, in Freelancer this practically doesn’t have any effect on you or your enemy. The same thing happens after a collision with an asteroid twice the size of your spaceship and at full speed, there is no crippling damage. Instead of turning into a cloud of space dust you just get some of your shield removed but it restores itself after a couple of seconds. Due to this an asteroid field is nothing in terms an arena for a battle, it could test the navigation skills of young pilots but doesn’t require you to change tactics in a serious combat. Despite all this the AI performs quite intelligently, by using strafe and changing directions rapidly to avoid fire and to simply shake us off their tail. There is a built in electronic reputation system, that despite being implemented in other games (e.g. X-Tension) can now be “hacked” for a price in favor of a certain faction. That’s quite useful considering that each criminal organization and house empires posses their own unique weapon systems or defense systems that cannot be obtained anywhere else outside their territory.

Over all there can be found many annoyances that are hiding in the beginning especially when you start collecting your wealth. One clear annoyance is the random missions that aren’t related to the story line, they always relate to destroying an enemy of your contractor at a certain location. Sadly you can’t even call the story line “kaleidoscope of adventures” when for the duration of 3 or 4 missions you are being chased by a growing number of enemy forces. Even “I-War II”(Freelancer always has to be compared to something) possessed a more interesting and at the same time less compulsory storyline. Then he story line throws you out of a now familiar system into a new one, almost like the developer feared that we could miss some of the different backgrounds.

Talking about the pros and cons of this game could take even more time, considering that the author found every single secret and surprise hidden in this game. But it is time to make a conclusion. This game turned out well. It turned out beautiful, interesting, but having little in common with Elite. Trading and completing random missions turned out to be a tool for progressing into the next story line mission. Made just like a movie script – we are certain that our hero and key characters cannot die from a random bullet until they will play out their role to the very end. The heroes and villains will only die by a predefined script. The adventure of course has a problem, climax, and a resolution – and you get the same feeling like walking out of a movie theater or taking out a CD-ROM and being certain that it has ended until the next expansion/version. Games that you can play forever, those that have no ending and will never become dull – just like light bulbs that will never burn out, and have been said to be invented and tested will never be on the market. Do I even need to explain, why?
    Добавлено: 08:44 29-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Обновила радикально свой первый пост - темы, переводчики и иже с ними теперь разместились в таблице. Просьба туда заглядывать время от времени.
    Добавлено: 14:20 29-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Да. И еще.
В связи с поступлением нескольких писем, содержащих просьбу переслать исходники в ЕГО уже ПОСЛЕ завершения перевода, считаю нужным прояснить ситуацию.

Ребят. Мне, в общем-то, все равно, как и в каком порядке вы переводите. Но неужели вам настолько не жаль своих сил и времени, чтобы СНАЧАЛА перевести кусок, а ПОТОМ уже загонять его в EGO?!! Неужели не проще переводить непосредственно исходник?!! Я просто фигею, честное слово.

Итак. План действий для тех, кому все-таки дороги затраты, ушедшие на перевод.

1. ПЕРЕД ТЕМ, КАК БРАТЬСЯ ЗА ПЕРЕВОД, сообщаем выбранную тему мне в приват, в эту тему или в тему про зеркало (все это описано в моем первом посте Подмигиваю ).
2. Я высылаю исходники выбранной темы вам, и
3. вы переводите текст НЕПОСРЕДСТВЕННО В ИСХОДНИКАХ, сохраняя, разумеется, форматирование,
4. после чего выкладываете тексты - ИСХОДНИКИ, еще раз говорю! - сюда.

пример человека, идеально приводящего данный план в исполнение - jenya.

или, если уж вы переводите сами то, что вам попадается на глаза, как делает fonCraz, не просите у меня исходники - я все доделаю сама - смысла нет проворачивать два раза работу, которую можно сделать однажды.
    Добавлено: 20:46 29-12-2003   
 100 EGP

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Откуда: North Dallas debris field
Зарегистрирован: 24.10.2002
Замечание к Зубровскому переводу правил конфы.

Учётную запись лучше обозвать account, чем structure (по-моему,
в разделе по блокировке такое дело было)
Мы, славяне, не ищём лёгких путей!
мой e-mail - mantz@mail.ru
    Добавлено: 20:47 29-12-2003   
 100 EGP

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Откуда: North Dallas debris field
Зарегистрирован: 24.10.2002
Тээкс, вот перевод раздела Parkan
I am proud to say that the "//**Parkan: Imperial Chronics**//" game was made by Russian developers from the Nikita Inc. The project
was started in the beginning of the 1994 and was finished in three years. The release happened in September 1997. After that, the game
took the first place by sales in Russia.

The story of the game begins in the far future, in the 4097 year from the Lentis colony founding. All known Universe had joined the
Federation of the Worlds. The Trade League that had overgrown the corporation size, became its opposition. Later the opposition
changed into the war, known as The League War. The research that run on the planet Lentis was the occasion for the First League War.
The powerful energy weapon was used during the conflict. As a result, all planetary sector was destroyed. But the League was forced
to conclude a truce. Post-war development changed the Federation into the Empire. The fleet of the Empire controlled the forbidden
sectors of the Lentis space. Instability of space in the Lentis sector caused general alarm (total anxiety?). Cruiser **//Wanderer//**
was sent to explore the Lentis sector and disappeared as it reached the border regions. Imperial raider **//Parkan//** was sent from
Argus base to find the Wanderer, inspect it and the area nearby. The crew is only one man - you.

After launch, the navigation system failed, and you appear in the unknown sector of the Lentis space. You don't know where your base
is, so you have to master the unknown world. But the quest is the same - Wanderer.


The Parkan game ("Parkan" = "boomerang") is the combat space simulator with elements of the economical simulator and the FPS. The
game required a good system (by the year 1997) to run. For the "fast" game you would need Pentium 200 with 32MB of RAM. At this time,
such computer was a luxury.

The universe of the game is quite big. The Lentis space consists of 6 sectors, one of them is secret and can been visited in the later
stage of the game. Each sector has up to 10 stars, which, in its turn, has planets. In total, the Lentis space has about 400 planets.
The universe is generated on the start of the game, like in the **//Diablo//**.

All inhabitants of the Lentis space are robots organized in clans. There are 5 clans and pirates. So you may feel yourself the only
human being in the hundreds milliards miles Улыбка. If you are in the bad terms with a clan, you are in the bad terms with the whole
sector. Answer to yourself, do you need this?

The common currency in the Lentis space is the fuel. It is the money, the "food" for robots, the energy for hyperspace engine. It
might be collected in different ways:
1) By robbing pirates or clans
2) By taking and completing missions
3) By trading
4) By colonizing planets.
The last way is the most profitable one. But it has one disadvantage - you have to return to the colonized planets after some time to
take gathered fuel.

To achieve your mission and find the Wanderer, you have to complete some missions. But you can leave them for a long time and do some
space exploring, colonizing, trading, executing missions or shooting (both in space and stations).


First, I want to notice one disadvantage (personally for me). All menus in this mode fill up to half a screen, but it doesn't disturbs

This is a primary game mode, but not the only one by importance. At the beginning, you may only fly between planets in the star
system, but after you find the jumper device, vast space opens in front of you, just waiting to be explored. It is populated by clans'
ships, pirates, stations...

The "meeting" pirates happens inside the star system. First times you can pay an "tax" to get rid of their attention, but after a
while they pull the trigger without finding out who are you and how much you can pay. They are usually attacking by a small wings of
2-4 ships. There are several groups in almost every system. So, wiping out them won't be a hard flight. But you may meet stealth
ships, which are a big threat to you unless you have special radar equipment installed.

Energy distribution between different ship systems has big influence on your ship efficiency. There are four such systems: engine,
shield, weapons and radar. These systems can be upgraded later and artifacts can be used to increase their efficiency. This will
greatly increase ship chances to survive.

The energy can be distributed in several ways:
1) All systems receive the quarter of total amount each. Usually, it's not the best decision, because each system uses 25% of its
2) Two systems receive half total amount each. It is suitable in almost all situations, especially effective in combat (between weapon
and shield). The fact that engine receives no energy doesn't mean you cannot move and the radar works poor,but works, without energy
3) One system receives all the energy of the ship. The system will be overwhelmed with energy and show the best it can do. If you put
all the energy into the engine, for example, you can retreat from any massacre. And supplying radar with all energy you have makes
finding ship easier.

Your arsenal contains energy weapon, missiles and mines. There are several types of energy weapons, but you can't use them together.
Rockets can be either small and fast or slow but deadly. Their stock can be fulled by:
1)"borrowing" them from pirates;
2)buying them;
3)producing them on your planet.

Mines are used to destroy enemy missiles, but you can "feed" enemies with them.

For additional support the fighter drones might be used. There are few drone types that can be used against your enemies. They will
have a hard time.

The graphics were quite good for their time. You won't find nebulous here, but ships are 3-D and look excellent: developers weren't
grudge about textures. You can view all ships up to screws and bolts.


It must be said that when you dock with ship/planet/moon and switch into 3D-Action mode, you can find some interesting things in your
ship. First of them is a terminal with the manual. The second one is the shield recharger, which would "heal" your armor if you walk
into it.

When you are bored to fly and/or need to "visit" planet or ship (esp. pirate one), you dock with the object and "put on" your gear.
You can colonize/conquer planets, buy or sell goodies, take a mission, hear the latest rumors, search for equipment/artifacts for your
ship etc in this mode.

Your battle gear has protection from dangerous radiation, chemical poisons etc. You can also climb walls while using it. And it
carries weapons.

There are four weapon types in the game.

1) Laser. Almost infinitive weapon. "Almost" because it is depleted, but very
slow. I haven't ever used more than 2/3 of its load, which would be restored as
soon as you leave the base, ship etc.
2)Machine-gun. It's more effective, but needs bullets to run. They can be found
on bases and ships.
3)Rocket. Powerful weapon, but uses rare ammo. Three hits, your enemy is
4)HUGE rocket. Very powerful. One hit will wipe out almost every opponent. But
VERY rare ammo, so you should use them with care.

All trading operations are done at the terminals. The way to them is marked, so they are easy to found.

With terminals, you can:
1)Buy/sell goodies;
2)Repair your ship (needs factory);
3)Change broken mechembryos(robot "seeds") on new ones (2:1 even on your
4)Take a mission;
5)Hear the news.

You can find different objects while you are on ship or base. These are fuel tanks, mechembryos, ammo, robot cartridges and
artifacts. The last two are the most precious.

All objects in this mode are 3D. All except robots, who are flat as just after scrap-metal-recycling press. What might be said here...
The **//Quake//** and 3D enemies existed then, but there... I suppose that they were afraid that the game will need enormous by that
time resources to run and the release then would be frozen for better days. Ships and esp. bases are large multi-grounded labyrinths,
so it is easy to lost. Fortunately, there are signs on the walls that will always show the way to exit.


The economical simulator is very simplified ( this is not **//X-tension//**). If you have the fuel - all the universe is open. If you
haven't - it's very bad. Then you can't repair ship, can't buy rockets, can neither "pay a tax" to pirates nor jump to another system.
By the way, if you decided to jump to another star, take enough fuel to return back, if needed, and two mechembryos for colonizing a

You have already read how to get fuel. Let's cope with its mining on planets.

Each planet has four parameters:
1) Temperature;
2) Atmosphere;
3) Organics;
4) Resources.

The most interesting ones are the last two. The higher they are, the faster planet produces goodies. In general, free planets with
organics, especially with big amounts of it, are very rare. Colonize them if you can.

The colonization is done as described here.

1) Free planet. Land down on it, fight your way to the trading terminal
(usually there are pirates on such planets), leave two mechembryos on the
planet. Clearing all the planet is not necessary.
2) Occupied planet. It is done by the same way, but you have to clear out the
entire planet and kill all ships defending it. After that you have to leave two
mechembryos on the planet. The planet is yours.

You can develop planets after colonizing.

After planet colonizing, the first mining drift is built. For continuing development, you'll need geologist's cartridge and two
mechembryos for each next drift. More drifts are working - the fuel is mined faster. If there are organics on the planet, after full
mine upgrade the first factory drift is built. There you can repair your ship and exchange broken mechembryos on new ones ( but still
2 broken per 1 new ). For further development, you'll need engineer, technologist and scientist cartridges and new mechembryos. After
these upgrades the planet will produce rockets, drones and ships to protect the planet. The higher organics amount the planet has -
the faster these goodies are produced. You can take anything you like from your planet.

The colonized planet is a stable income source. All you need to do then is to visit the planet regularly and gather "crops". It is
good to have a planet in each Lentis system. It will help in case of empty fuel tanks...

You can also trade, but it is profitable to trade with big quantity of goodies, because the prices difference is low.


Of course, the game has its disadvantages, but which doesn't have? In general, the game was made excellent. Interesting story, which
doesn't finish after discovering the Wanderer, good graphics (by the year 1997) and the fact that it is the first Russian product that
took worthy place in game industry not only in Russia but abroad too. Let's wait for Parkan 2, which is in the near future and let's
hope it will "overweight" all other Elite-type games. We all will be very pleased if the best Elite game would be done in Russia! Подмигиваю

Have a good flight!
Мы, славяне, не ищём лёгких путей!
мой e-mail - mantz@mail.ru
    Добавлено: 20:51 29-12-2003   
 560 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(9)
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Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Так, прошелся по Parkan'у. Желательно чтобы Xboron тоже глянул.
2X-plosive: убедительная просьба не ставить в конце каждой строчки перевод строки (Enter). Я задолбался их убирать Гы-гы

I am proud to say that the "//**Parkan: Imperial Chronics**//" game was made by Russian developers from the Nikita Inc. сомнения по поводу Inc. The project had been initiated early in the 1994 and took more than 3 years to finish. After the product had been released in September of 1997 it held first place by sales in Russia for quite a long time.

The game's storyline begins in the far future, 4097 years from foundation of the Lentis colony. Every known planet in known Universe belongs to the Federation of the Worlds, although many of them are just formally in the list. The Trade League, which had overgrown the corporation size, became its opposition. Later the opposition changed into open war, known as The League War. Research experiments running on one of the planets served as an ocassion. Most powerful energy weapons were used during the conflict. As a result, the whole planetary sector had been destroyed. Later, however, the League was forced to conclude an armistice.

Post-war development changes the Federation into the Empire. The Empire fleet is patrolling Lentis space, which became prohibited area. Instability of space in the Lentis sector causes everyone's alarm. Research ship **//Wanderer//**, sent to investigate the phenomena, disappeares as it reaches the border of the region. Imperial raider **//Parkan//** is sent from Argus base to find the **//Wanderer//**, inspect it and the area nearby. Its crew is only one man. You.

After launch, navigation system fails. You find yourself in unknown sector of the Lentis space, unable to return back to your base. You will therefore have to accustom yourself to the new world. But the primary mission remains the same - find **//Wanderer//** and figure out what happened.


The Parkan (ancient hindu for boomerang) is the fused mix of combat space simulator, strategic economical simulator, and first person shooter. The game needed a pretty fast system to run on (for year 1997 specs). For the "fast" game you would need Pentium 200 with 32MB of RAM. At that time, such a computer was considered a luxury.

The universe of the game is quite large. Lentis space consists of 5 sectors, plus one secret sector which can be visited in the later stages of the game. Each sector has cluster of up to ten stars, which, in its turn, have their planets. Totally, there are about 400 planets in Lentis space. The universe is generated at the start of each game, like in **//Diablo//**.

All inhabitants of the Lentis space are robots divided in clans. There are 5 clans and pirates. So you can consider yourself the only living soul in hundreds billions miles Улыбка. If you are in bad terms with the clan, you are in the terms with the whole sector. Decide yourself if you really need that.

The common currency in the Lentis space is the fuel. It is the money, the "food" for robots, the energy for hyperspace engine. It can be collected in several different ways:
1) By robbing pirates or clans
2) By completing missions
3) By trading
4) By colonizing planets.
The last way is the most profitable one. But it has one disadvantage - you have to return to the colonized planets after some time to take gathered fuel.

To achieve your mission and find the Wanderer, you have to complete some missions. But you can leave them for a long time and do some space exploring, colonizing, trading, executing missions or shooting (in both space and stations).


First, I want to note one inconvinience (IMHO). Different menus in this mode fill up to half a screen. But it doesn't actually interfere too much.

This is a primary game mode, but not the only one by importance. At the beginning, you may only fly between planets in the star
system, but after you find the jumper device, vast space opens in front of you, just waiting to be explored, inhabited by clans' ships, pirates, stations...

Meeting pirates happens inside the star system. In the beginning, you can pay a "tax" to get rid of their attention, but later they just pull the trigger without asking who are you and how much you can pay. They are usually attacking in small wings of 2-4 ships. There are about half dozen groups in system. So, wiping them out won't be too hard. But you might run into stealth ships, which are a big threat unless you have special radar equipment installed.

Energy distribution between different ship systems has big influence on your ship efficiency. There are four such systems: engine, shield, weapons and radar. These systems can be upgraded later and artifacts can be used to increase their efficiency. This will greatly increase ship's chances of survival.

The energy can be distributed in several ways:
1) All systems receive equal amount of energy. Usually, it's not the best decision, because each system only uses 25% of its abilities.
2) Two systems receive half total amount each. It is suitable in almost all situations, especially effective in combat (between weapon
and shield). The fact that engine receives no energy doesn't mean you cannot move and the radar works poorly, but works, without energy
supply. There are certain limitations on this mode: you cannot distribute energy between weapons and drives, or between shields and radar.
3) One system receives all the energy of the ship. The system will be with energy and show the best it can do. If you put all the energy into the engine, for example, you can retreat from any massacre. And supplying radar with all energy you have makes
finding ship easier.

Your arsenal contains energy weapons, missiles and mines. There are several types of energy weapons, but you can't use them together.
Rockets can be either small and fast or slow but deadly. Their stock can be fulled by:
1) "borrowing" from pirates;
2) buying;
3) producing them on your planet.

Mines are used to destroy enemy missiles, but you can "feed" enemies with them as well.

Fighter drones can be used for additional support. There is a number drone types that can be used against your enemies. They will have a hard time.

The graphics were quite good for that time. You won't of course find background nebulas there, but ships are 3-D and look excellent: developers were meticulous about textures. You can view all ships down to screws and bolts.


It must be said that when you dock with ship/planet/moon and switch into 3D-Action mode, you can find some interesting things in your
ship. First of them is a terminal with the manual. The second one is the shield recharger, which would "heal" your armor if you walk
into it.

When you are bored to fly and/or need to "visit" planet or ship (esp. pirate one), you dock with the object and "put on" your gear.
You can colonize/conquer planets, buy or sell goodies, take a mission, hear the latest rumors, search for equipment/artifacts for your
ship etc in this mode.

Your battle gear has protection from dangerous radiation, chemical poisons etc. You can also climb walls while using it. And, it carries weapons.

There are four weapon types in the game.

1) Laser. Almost infinite weapon. "Almost" because it can be depleted, but very slowly. I haven't ever used more than 2/3 of its load, which would be restored as soon as you leave the base, ship etc.
2)Machine-gun. It's more effective, but needs bullets to run. They can be found
on bases and ships.
3)Rocket. Powerful weapon, but uses rare ammo. Three hits, your enemy is
4)HUGE rocket. Very powerful. One hit will wipe out almost every opponent. But VERY rare ammo, so you should use them wisely.

All trading operations are done at the terminals. The way to them is marked, so they are easy to find.

With terminals, you can:
1)Buy/sell goodies;
2)Repair your ship (needs factory);
3)Change broken mechembryos(robot "seeds") on new ones (2:1 even on your planet);
4)Take a mission;
5)Hear the news.

You can find different objects while you are on ship or base. These are fuel tanks, mechembryos, ammo, robot cartridges and artifacts. The last two are the most precious.

All objects in this mode are 3D. All except robots, who are sprites, just as flat as scrap after metal-recycling press. What can be said here...
The **//Quake//** and 3D enemies existed then, but there... I suppose that they were afraid that the game will need enormous resources to run with acceptable perfomance, and the release then would be frozen for better days. Ships and especially bases are large multi-level labyrinths, so it is easy to get lost. Fortunately, there are signs on the walls that will always show the way to exit.


The economical simulator is very simplified (way simplier than **//X-tension//**). If you have the fuel - you got the whole universe open before you. If you don't - too bad. Then you can't repair ship, can't buy rockets, can neither "pay a tax" to pirates nor jump to another system.
By the way, if you decided to jump to another star, take enough fuel to return back, just in case, and two mechembryos for colonizing a

You already know how to get fuel. Let's cope with its mining on planets.

Each planet has four parameters:
1) Temperature;
2) Atmosphere;
3) Organics;
4) Resources.

The most interesting ones are the last two. The higher they are, the faster planet produces goodies. In general, free planets with
organics, especially with large amounts of it, are very rare. Colonize one right away if you find it.

The colonization is done as described here.

1) Free planet. Land down on it, fight your way to the trading terminal
(usually there are pirates on such planets), leave two mechembryos on the
planet. Clearing out the whole planet is not necessary.
2) Occupied planet. It is done by the same way, but you have to clear out the entire planet and kill all ships defending it. After that you have to leave two mechembryos on the planet, and the planet is yours. If not, that means you didn't kill someone somewhere.

You can develop planets after colonizing.

After planet is colonized, the first mining drift is built. To continue development, you'll need geologist's cartridge and two mechembryos for each next drift. More drifts are working - the fuel is mined faster. If there are organics on the planet, after full
mine upgrade the first factory drift is built. There you can repair your ship and exchange broken mechembryos on new ones (but still
2 broken for 1 new). For further development, you'll need engineer, technologist and scientist cartridges and new mechembryos. After
these upgrades, the planet will produce rockets, drones and ships to protect the planet. The higher organics amount the planet has -
the faster these goodies are produced. You can take anything you like from your planet totally free.

The colonized planet is a stable income source. All you need to do then is to visit the planet regularly and gather "crops". It is
good to have a planet in each Lentis system. It will help a lot in case of empty fuel tanks...

You can also trade, but it is only profitable to trade with big quantity of goodies, because the prices difference is too low.


Of course, the game has its flaws, but which one doesn't? In general, the game was excellent. Interesting story, which doesn't finish after finding the **//Wanderer//**, good graphics (by the year 1997) and the fact that it is the first Russian product that took worthy place in game industry not only in Russia but abroad too. Let's wait for Parkan 2, which is in the near future and let's hope it will "overweight" all other Elite-type games. We all will be very pleased if the best Elite game would be made in Russia! Подмигиваю

Have a good flight!
    Добавлено: 13:48 31-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
так. В очередной раз обновила ПП (первый пост - прим. авт. Гы-гы )
приписала туда фонКраза, Пегаса пока не приписывала - чуть позже (я все помню, но раз вы там с Торном договорились, то это не горит, а мне надо залезать куда-то и смотреть, что взял Пегас, так что позже. Главное, что тема старая).

Кого забыла - скажите.

Сделала первую страничку (Паркан это был). Скоро доделаю еще три, которые уже отредактированы
Господа редакторы! Обращайте, пожалуйста, внимание на орфографические ошибки Подмигиваю
    Добавлено: 14:08 31-12-2003   
 980 EGP

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Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
Господа редакторы! Обращайте, пожалуйста, внимание на орфографические ошибки

Нивапрос! Непосредственно перед публикацией беру на себя обязательство вычитать каждый текст - говори, что уже готово Хы...
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 14:43 31-12-2003   
 1220 EGP

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Откуда: Москва, деревня Чертаново
Зарегистрирован: 23.03.2002
Вик, спасибо,конечно,но вообще-то,то,что готово - ПОМЕЧАЕТСЯ РЕДАКТОРАМИ!!! Хы...

Вера в себя - это вера в то, что в вас есть нечто большее, чем вы о себе знаете
    Добавлено: 02:54 01-01-2004   
 1220 EGP

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Откуда: Москва, деревня Чертаново
Зарегистрирован: 23.03.2002
или см. в первом посте(моем,ессно)
Вера в себя - это вера в то, что в вас есть нечто большее, чем вы о себе знаете
    Добавлено: 03:17 01-01-2004   
 1220 EGP

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Откуда: Москва, деревня Чертаново
Зарегистрирован: 23.03.2002
то есть санигалином
Вера в себя - это вера в то, что в вас есть нечто большее, чем вы о себе знаете
    Добавлено: 03:19 01-01-2004   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
What fuck..g ever ?! Happy New Year ! Супер!Супер!Супер!
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 08:49 01-01-2004   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
U menay On prihodit -and
"no" perevodam for a while Супер!Супер!Супер!Супер!Супер!

"Russian Radio" - ROCK! ! ! ! ! Супер!Супер! Супер! Супер! Супер! Супер! Супер! Супер!Супер!
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 08:51 01-01-2004   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
Вик, спасибо,конечно,но вообще-то,то,что готово - ПОМЕЧАЕТСЯ РЕДАКТОРАМИ!!!

Ok it shall be done Улыбка
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 09:48 01-01-2004   
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:) ;) :D :gigi: :lol: :( :mad: :weep: :abuse: :spy: :interesting: :wow: :insane: :super: :bored: :ass:
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