Elite Games - Свобода среди звезд!
Наша конференция посвящена космической тематике и компьютерным играм.
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  » Перевод контента - черновики | страница 3
Конференция предназначена для общения пилотов. Для удобства она разделена на каналы, каждый из которых посвящен определенной игре. Пожалуйста, открывайте темы только в соответствующих каналах и после того, как убедитесь, что данный вопрос не обсуждался ранее.

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Канал сайта: «Перевод контента - черновики»
 1220 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 293
Сообщения: 15898
Откуда: Москва, деревня Чертаново
Зарегистрирован: 23.03.2002
Зубр скинул в приват мне я выкладываю сюда.

Rules of dialogue on a site

Means of communications Elite Games are intended for discussion of the various questions connected to subjects of a site, and dialogue of pilots on any themes interesting to him.


Each participant of conference is obliged to observe the following rules:
1. In conference it is accepted:
1.1 Messages friendly discussions on any themes, except for forbidden.
1.2 The opened theme should correspond strictly to subjects of the channel in which she(Theme) opens.

2. In conference are forbidden:
2.1 Discussions of religious and nationalist questions.
2.2 Repeated themes.
2.3 Personal disassemblies which can be solved through private messages.
2.4 Discussions of actions of moderators. In private talk.
2.5 Advertising.
2.6 Themes having empty names(meens nthing) and/or the maintenance(contents). For example, «help!».
2.7 Offensive statements to address of other pilot.
2.8 Dishonest methods of conducting discussion.
2.9 Containing obscene expressions (at the discretion of a moderator).
2.10 Advertising messages and appeals to increase of a rating something or somebody.
2.11 Mention EGP and points of reputation in a context of their begging or distribution.
2.12 Deprived semantic loading (for example containing one smilies) - under the discretion of a moderator, depending on a context.
2.13 Overquoting (for example citing of the given rules in full, with the subsequent addition of one smile).
2.14 Personal correspondence.
2.15 Posts written by capital letters.
2.16 Containing excessive amount of grammatic mistakes, behind exception of specially deformed words.
2.17 Registration by the same person more Is forbidden than one registration record.
2.18 Use for pumping out of conference of programs - граберов, such as Teleport PRO, Netsonic and similar to this programms. The user applied the similar software receives immediate blocking. Paginal preservation of interesting themes through a browser(I.E. 6 for example) is authorized only.

Publishing any message in conference you automatically agree with these rules. Under rules of Conference the messages left in structures of pilots and in the Picture album also get. In separate, not game, channels by moderators the additional rules which are not contradicting to basic can be entered.

In case of non-observance of any of these rules the administration of a site reserves the right to itself to make any actions with registration record of the infringer, down to its removal, without an explanation of the reasons. The administration of a site reserves the right to itself to change the given rules at any time with the notice on changes in news of a site (rules inure from the moment of their publication). Please, inform moderators on all infringements of the given rules. Thus you will help to keep a worthy level of dialogue on a site.


Registration is not obligatory, but desirabl in the event that you are going to write to conference on a regular basis. The registered pilots receive additional opportunities, such as: participation in a rating, an opportunity to edit the messages, an opportunity of use E-MAIL of functions and many other things. For today in a chat and to voting the registered pilots with 20 EGP and more (about EGP -see lower) have access.

Pay attention, that by rules you can register only one registration record. If you will register new registration record, send signal and the password of old registration record for its removal.


On a site the system of ratings based on so-called Elite Games Points (EGP) which allows to appropriate/give most precisely and flexibly to the registered pilots various ranks operates. Irrespective of a rank, each participant of conference possesses the identical rights and the responsibility.

The rank of the pilot is displayed graphic "Shoulder-Strap" depending on quantity EGP.
- Usually all pilots have dark blue Shoulder-Strap.
- Pilots registered on a site less than three months have green Shoulder-Straps.
- If the pilot is the author of the material being a part of information filling of a site (sections of creativity here do not enter), him Shoulder-Strap will be yellow.
- For those pilots who will consist in a team of a site, are stipulated red Shoulder-Strap.
- In case the pilot is absent on a site more than three months, his color Shoulder-Strap varies on black. Thus the letter with the notice is sent the pilot, that it is necessary for him to have an effect during two months.
- In case he does not appear and after that term (total - more than five months), the pilot is considered lost, to him is given the status « Lost in Space », and registration record leaves.

Quantity Elite Games Points of ranks necessary for reception:
- 0 EGP
- 2 EGP
- 10 EGP
- 20 EGP
- 40 EGP
- 70 EGP
- 120 EGP
- 180 EGP
- 250 EGP
- 350 EGP
- 500 EGP

There is a set of ways to earn and lose Elite Games Points. They can be divided on standard and special. Standard ways are stipulated on a technological level and charged by system of communications Elite Games automatically. Special ways vary depending on concrete circumstances, and in charge / removal EGP people in this case are engaged.

In standard cases Elite Games Points are charged:

-> In time, carried out « together with Elite Games » (time from the moment of registration):
30 days +10EGP
90 days +20EGP
150 days +35EGP
300 days +50EGP

-> For the activity shown in conference:
50 messages +5EGP
100 messages +10EGP
500 messages +20EGP
1000 messages +35EGP
2500 messages +50EGP

-> For quantity of voices of other pilots. No more than one EGP in a week from one pilot. You can vote for the message which has liked you in conference, having pressed on the button near to the text of the message. You can vote no more an once in a week for one pilot and in the event that at you more than 20 EGP. At voting for the message to the author one is added EGP.

At a set of the certain quantity of voices of pilots you it (is serially interchangeable) receive awards:

Quantity of voices of pilots

50 +25EGP
100 +50EGP
200 +100EGP

For you you can see quantity of voices of pilots in the structure for what in conference it is necessary to find the message and to press on "Nick name".

EGP given out during a presence in conference, for activity shown in conferences and bonuses for reception of medals, not added, they are interchangeable. Adds only voices given for you pilots.

In standard cases Elite Games Points are removed:

-> For everyone removed by a moderator or the manager the message, without dependence from the reason of removal -1EGP
You can delete the messages without removal EGP.
-> For the born warning -10 EGP
At reception of 5 warnings the structure of the infringer is blocked automatically.
-> For blocking of a structure-50 EGP
The subsequent unblocking - at the discretion of administration.

-> For artificial increase Elite Games Points in any ways.

VOTING: you can vote against the message or the pilot, sent administration the letter and having specified in it signal the pilot and the reason why you vote against him. Removal EGP is made at the discretion of administration (in the quantity chosen by administration).

As any quantity Elite Games Points can be given or selected at the pilot for his actions. The quantity removed / charged EGP in this case is established by administration, depending on character and scales of actions of the pilot. So, for example, EGP can be taken off for infringement of rules of conference and are charged for the help in creation of a site.

In case of rough infringements (after the warning) the structure of the pilot can be blocked.


To allocate separate pilots for their merits, on a site the system of awards is stipulated. Awards are subdivided into three categories: standard (a dark blue background of a substrate), creative (a green background of a substrate) and awards for special merits in creation of a site (a red substrate). Each award, besides, adds the certain bonus to a EGP-rating of the pilot.

Below the list of awards and their brief description is resulted:


Choice of pilots 2001 Given award winners of competition « have received the Choice of pilots 2001 » in nominations where prize-winners are one or two pilots. +50
Choice of pilots 2002 Given award winners of competition « have received the Choice of pilots 2002 » in nominations where prize-winners are one or two pilots. +50
Choice of pilots 2001, 2002 Given award two-multiple winners of competitions have received « the Choice of pilots » in 2001 and 2002.+50
Member of Club of Pilots the Sign for pilots made the contribution to payment of a hosting.
The patron of art the Patron of art who has brought in on payment of a hosting of a site of 50 and more US dollars.
The professor of "Space science" the Award for the most active participants of discussions in the Channel of secrets of the universe, and as for the pilots who have shown the scientific knowledge. +25

The deserved sceptic This award is entrusted to sceptics of the Channel of Secrets of the universe. +25
The collector of citations the Prize to the pilot who has sent a plenty of citations for their demonstration on pages of a site. +25
The honourable hunter behind mistakes the Award is entrusted the pilot who found on a site the big number of mistakes and defects and has sent detailed instructions on their correction. +40
The winner of competition « Star Track/Trek » the Memorable award for a victory over competition « Star Track/Trek». +40
The defender of freedom is familiar to the Data are marked the pilots who have proved as true fighters for freedom, identical to all. +20
The deserved writer This award is received by the best writers on a site. +40
The deserved composer This award is received by the pilots who have received gratitude of others for music written by them. +40
The deserved artist This award is entrusted the pilots who have made the most beautiful graphic works. +40
The script - master the Special sign for the pilots who have appliedput the hands to technical part Elite Games: CGI and PHP to scripts. +70
Hero Elite Games the Award for merits of the supreme degree. +80
Gold star. It is given in the event that the pilot has collected all medals, and has received 1000EGP
Freelancer the Participant of the project of Fashions for Freelancer.
Freelancer the Script - master of the project of Fashions for Freelancer.
Freelancer the Winner of 2-nd single tournament Freelancer.
Freelancer the Member of team Elita Nova - the winner of command tournament Freelancer.
Freelancer the Double winner of races across Sirius.

If you consider, that someone from pilots deserves the award, but till now it has not received - write!


In the messages you can use special graphic figures - smilies. Smilies allow to express feelings and emotions and as simply to diversify your conversations. Add a smilie in the message you can the special word made in colons. To each word there corresponds the picture. The full list of all smilies is on each page of the publication of the new message. You can use no more than eight smilies in one message.

html CODES

In the messages you cannot use standard HTML-tags, however instead of them there are special codes. For fast addition in your message of one of them use the buttons located under a field for input of the message.

You as can change a tracing of a font, using system of a marking of text EGO (the help on EGO-тегам is to the left of a field of input of the message in conference).
Вера в себя - это вера в то, что в вас есть нечто большее, чем вы о себе знаете
    Добавлено: 15:32 26-12-2003   


Eto pervaya polovina moevo perevoda "РЕЦЕНЗИЯ" v Freelancer Database, vtoraya polovina budet gotova segodnya, ili zavtra. Esle kto moshet eto xorosho poniat' procommentiruite poshaluista. Kstati, ya pisal bez slovorya takshto ochen' bistro poluchilos' eto vsie zanelo meshe chasa i vse bilo napisano naletu(u menya Angliski' na urovne desyatovo classa v Kanade takshto on dolshen bit' legko poniatnim.)


Эту игру ждали так долго, что она уже стала легендой еще не родившись. Титулы «самая многообещающая», «самый долгожданный проект» и прочая, прочая, сыпались на нее после каждого шоу Е3, после каждой конференции разработчиков компьютерных игр, после каждого «закрытого» показа и эксклюзивного интервью. У этой игры было все, у нее был талант братьев Робертс, у нее были деньги Microsoft, у нее была армия фанатов, заочно уже ее полюбившая, предварительные заказы на нее принимались, когда она еще не достигла даже альфа-тестрирования, скриншоты размером со спичечный коробок становились предметом обсуждений на игровых сайтах и форумах. Так что же в конце-концов удалось Freelancer’y, а чего он так и не смог достичь?

Странные слухи о не совсем ладных делах в датском королевстве ходили уже давно. То Крис Робертс из лидера проекта уходит на должность, хоть и называющуюся как-то вроде «самого главного, почетного и уважаемого консультанта» но значащую по смыслу что-то вроде зиц-председателя, то разработчики сообщают общественности, что поддержки джойстика (и это в игре именующей себя симулятором!) не будет, но взахлеб расхваливают удобство управления космическим кораблем при помощи мышки (надо полагать Microsoft IntelliMouse, хотя… джойстки ведь тоже делают?). Затем вдруг «свободный» или elite-like симулятор приобретает захватывающий сюжет, который, впрочем, не должен слишком назойливо тащить за собой игрока. Мы волновались, мы ругали алчность продюсеров, пошедших на поводу у безликого казуала, но мы все-таки ждали эту игру.

Все-таки Ranger в своем мрачноватом пророчестве был прав. Freelancer имеет все шансы стать игрой года, по крайней мере, в том жанре, к которому ее относят. Безукоризненно сделанный продукт, действительно талантливая работа всех, начиная от дизайнеров и художников, заканчивая авторами диалогов. Быть может, оригинальных идей маловато, но когда в конце-концов мы видели оригинальные идеи в очередном голливудском блокбастере, который, несмотря на такую вторичность, уверенно собирает рекордные кассы?

Но, начнем по порядку. Сюжет игры ближе всего, что, учитывая, то, откуда растут ноги у команды разработчиков вполне естественно, к вселенной Privateer. Те же таинственные инопланетяне, артефакты, полиция, пираты, станционные бары в которых пьют свой алкоголь охотники за головами, хакеры, контрабандисты, солдаты и просто проходимцы всех мастей. И, разумеется, вольный стрелок в стильной кожаной куртке в роли главного героя. Не поленитесь, раскопайте в своих архивах те самые три дискеты с Privateer I и найдите десять отличий. Кто его знает, быть может, игра должна была называться Privateer III, если бы не тяжкое наследие второй части, получившей более чем скромные отзывы и давно канувшей в лету. А седую старину первой серии игры не помнит поколение NEXT, так что... сами понимаете. На самом деле, если уж не слишком пристально искать аналогии и заимствования, то следить за развитием сюжета достаточно интересно, особенно учитывая добротное качество сюжетных cut-scenes. Герои действительно обладают мимикой, характерными жестами, умеют достаточно достоверно изображать эмоции. Режиссура же этих роликов сделана не на 5, даже на твердые 6+. Единственное, что мне показалось несколько натянутым, так это псевдоготические антуражи, высокие стрельчатые потолки, химеры с драконами, среди которых живут вполне несредневековые персонажи. Все эти рогатые птицы с туловищами козла должны, по-видимому, символизировать древность истоков цивилизации Сириуса, но, получается как-то не очень. Тем более что переселились на Сириус потомки землян отнюдь не в XIV веке по земному летоисчислению.

Качество звука, во внутриигровых роликах, особенно на шестиканальной звуковой системе, действительно очень похоже на то, что мы привыкли слышать в хорошем кинозале или на дорогом домашнем кинотеатре. Столь же насыщено звуковое сопровождение и непосредственно во время игры. Внятные, сочные звуки стрельбы (после известной практики, думаю, ветераны смогут на слух отличать, какой именно ствол в это время работает по их кораблю), очень гармонично сочетающийся с визуальным рядом ambient, наполненный переговорами эфир, в эту игру НЕЛЬЗЯ играть иначе, как выкрутив громкость на максимум.

О качестве графики лучше просто промолчать. Это классический случай, когда описать увиденное не представляется возможным, поскольку число известных, по крайней мере, мне слов значительно меньше количества красок, в которые окрашены галактики и планеты Сектора Сириуса. В буквальном смысле этого слова неземные красоты далеких миров прописаны с академическим тщанием, как при посещении Бородинской панорамы, понять, где кончаются трехмерные объекты, а где начинается background невозможно. Туманности, планеты, пояса астероидов выглядят именно так, как может представить себе самое смелое воображение, как бы далеко не находилась такая картинка от той реальности, которую увидят наши пра-пра-правнуки, когда доберутся до этих мест. Модели космических станций поражают своими размерами и обилием деталей. Вокруг каждой из них хочется летать часами, в очередной раз проклиная тех, кто решил что ручная стыковка не нужна в принципе. Планеты имеют атмосферу, сквозь которую на неосвещенной солнцем стороне видны огни огромных городов, в бескрайних полях астероидов каждый обломок базальта или замерзшего метана не похож на своего соседа.


This game has been awaited for so long that it became a legend even before its release. Titles such as "Most promising", "Most anticipated project", and others have been given awarded to it. It has been brought back into the light after every E3 show, every conference of game designers, and every "private showing" and exclusive interview. This game had it all - the talent of the Roberts brothers, Microsoft's money, an army of fans who already loved the concept, preorders even before alpha testing, and screenshots the size of a matchbox that were topics of discussion in numerous forums. So after all this what did Freelancer excel at, and what it just couldn't deliver?

Disturbing rumors have been going around that Chris Roberts is changing his position from the project leader to another consultant position. Compromises have been made such as the loss of joystick support (and they dare to call this game a simulator!), but they have been praising the comfort of mouse control (we have to suppose they want us to use Microsoft IntelliMouse?). After all that, suddenly an “open” and Elite-like game gains a story line that promises not to drag the player with it too much and still keep the game very open. We have been worried, disappointed with the producers, but after all we were still waiting for this game.

After all Ranger in his own morbid predictions has been right. Freelancer has all the potential to become game of the year, or at least in its own genre. Excellently made product with talent from everybody, starting with designers and artists and ending with the voice actors. It might lack the many original ideas that were promised, but when have we last seen original ideas in the last blockbuster that despite unoriginality sets new box-office records?

But first things first, the universe and the story line of the game is obviously related to the universe of Privateer. It has the same mysterious aliens, artifacts, police, pirates, the bars where bounty hunters drink their booze, hackers, smugglers, soldiers, and travelers from all over. And of course a willing fighter pilot in a leather jacket that plays the main character. If you want a challenge, then find those 3 floppies with "Privateer I" and find 10 differences between the games. Who knows, maybe the game should’ve been called "Privateer III", if it wasn’t due to the poor reviews that Privateer II received. But if you want to forget about the similarities and simply look at the plot of the game, it becomes quite interesting to follow, especially considering the superb quality of the cut scenes in the plot. The heroes definitely have a lot of character, with animated gestures that portray emotions well. The animators have outdone themselves, and not simply did an “A” job but a solid “A++”! The only thing that seemed really out of place and a bit lame is how many extremely high ceilings and rooms with dragons there are in the game while the characters that reside there are far from being so medieval. But all those dragons and other horned birds probably symbolize the ancient roots of civilization in the Sirius sector, but it doesn’t quite seem to fit that intention. After all the colonists of Sirius haven’t been humans from the 14th century Earth but were far more advanced then us.

The sound quality during the cut scenes is very similar to the one we are used to hearing in a good movie theater, especially if you got a six-channel surround sound system. The same superb sound quality remains during the rest of the game. Very clear weapon sound effects will likely allow trained veterans to distinguish the type of weapon being fired at them simply by listening to the sound, and it integrates very smoothly with the ambient sound that is filled with radio traffic and excellent background effects. This game cannot be fully enjoyed unless your volume is cranked up to the max.

As for the graphics, well – you should see for yourself. It’s the classic case where its magnificence cannot be described using words, because the number of words that are known to me are outnumbered by the rainbow of colors in which the galaxies and planets of the Sirius Sector are painted. Literally, the beauty of the universe is out of this world and many times it leaves you wondering where the 3D objects end and the background starts. The nebulas, planets, and asteroid belts look exactly like in our wildest imagination, we can only hope that it will be a similar sight that our grandchildren will see when they will reach similar places. The models of the space stations amaze us with their size and all the small details that they present. You want to fly around those stations for hours, and curse the person who decided that manual docking is not necessary for this game. Planets have an atmosphere through which you can see the lights of the massive cities on the dark side that isn’t illuminated by the sun. And in the almost endless asteroid fields every little piece of rock or frozen piece of gas is unique and unlike its neighbor.
    Добавлено: 18:39 26-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003

Russian_Mike, Crimson, Xboron, Sith Lord, ArcticA-ZuBR, fonCraz и Tramp за компанию Хы... - всем по егопке за перевод и редактирование
(Харлик + админы - не резать, сие не нарушение 2.11, а официальное заявление - надо ж как-то народ поддерживать Хы...)


PERSONAL, но это уже детали Улыбка

Дыбай лучше переводчиков, редакторов наверняка будет предостаточно

да и тех, и других надо дыбать, в общем-то...

отредактированное забираю.

2 редакторы
Кстати, просматривайте периодически метки edited в моем первом посте, чтобы проверять то, что еще не было проверено.

ЗЫ. скоро выложу часть своего перевода - ляпов там должно быть страшно много Я не при чем...

ЗЗЫ. Напишите, плз, какую именно тему из перевода fonCraz'a вы редактировали.
    Добавлено: 21:26 26-12-2003   
 560 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(9)
Репутация: 130
Сообщения: 3041

Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Редактировано Crimson
Просьба Майку еще раз просмотреть и возможно подкорректировать мои корректировки, поскольку я далеко не лингвист.

This game has been awaited for so long that it became a legend even before its release. Я не уверен, но интуиция подсказывает мне что had been Titles such as "Most promising", "Most anticipated project", etc. have been given awarded to it.

Так всё таки, given или awarded? А вообще предлагаю
Titles such as "Most promising", "Most anticipated", etc. were pouring down on it.

It has been brought back into the light after every E3 show, every conference of game designers, and every "private showing" and exclusive interview. This game had it all - the talent of the Roberts brothers, Microsoft's money, an army of fans who already loved the concept, preorders even before alpha testing. Screenshots of the size of a matchbox became topics of discussion on numerous game forums. So, what did Freelancer excel at, and what it just couldn't deliver after all?

Disturbing rumors have been going around that Chris Roberts is changing his position from the project leader to something that sounded like the verymost honoured senior principal chief hono consultant who nevertheles doesn't make much difference in actual development process. Compromises have been made such as the loss of joystick support (and they dare to call this game a simulator!), but they have been praising the comfort of mouse control (Microsoft IntelliMouse, perhaps?). After all that, suddenly an “open” and Elite-like game gains a story line that promises not to drag the player with it too much and still keep the game very open. We have been worried, disappointed with the producers, but after all we were still waiting for this game.

After all, Ranger was right in his morbid predictions. При всём уважении к Ranger'у, имхо данная фраза будет звучать малёхо лишней. Особенно учитывая то, что вновьприбывшие вряд ли будут знать толком о самом Rangere не говоря уже о его мрачных пророчествах
Freelancer has all the potential to become game of the year, at least in its own genre. Flawlessly realized with talent from everybody, starting with designers and artists and ending with the voice actors. It might lack the many original ideas that were promised, but when have we last seen original ideas in some blockbuster which racks in cash despite having nothing truly original?

But first things first, the universe and the story line of the game are obviously related to the universe of Privateer. It has the same mysterious aliens, artifacts, police, pirates, the bars where bounty hunters drink their booze, hackers, smugglers, soldiers, and just scoundrels from all over 2Mike проходимцы - это не travellers!! Нет. And, of course, a cool freelance fighter pilot in a leather jacket that plays the main character. If you want a challenge, then find those 3 floppies with "Privateer I" and find 10 differences between the games. Who knows, maybe the game should’ve been called "Privateer III", if it wasn’t due to the poor reviews that Privateer II received. But if you want to forget about the similarities and simply look at the plot of the game, it becomes quite interesting to follow, especially considering the superb quality of the plot cutscenes. The heroes definitely have a lot of character, with animated gestures that portray emotions well. The animators have outdone themselves, not simply doing an “A” job but a solid “A++”! The only thing that seems really weird and out of place are all those rooms with high gothic arcs, dragons and chimeraes in place while the characters that reside there are far from medieval. All those decorations probably symbolize the ancient roots of Sirius sector civilization, but it doesn’t quite seem work too well. After all, the colonists of Sirius left the Earth way later than 14th century.

The sound quality during the cut scenes is very similar to the one we are used to hear in a good movie theater or six-channel surround sound system. Гы... звучит так как будто мы чуть ли не каждый день ходим в кинотеатры с surround-звуком и уже привыкли к этому Гы-гы Предлагаю The sound quality during the cutscenes is similar to what you'd expect to get in good movie theatre and Dolby surroud system would be just good enough for it And that same thick, dense quality sound atmosphere remains through the game. Very clear weapon sound effects will allow veterans to distinguish the type of weapon being fired at them by listening to the sound. The ambient that is filled with radio traffic broadcasts and excellent background effects. This game cannot be fully enjoyed unless your volume is cranked up to the max.

As for the graphics, well – you should see it yourself. It’s the classic example where its magnificence cannot be described in words, because the number of words that are known to me are outnumbered by the number of color hues of galaxies and planets of the Sirius Sector. Literally, the beauty of the universe is out of this world and many times it leaves you wondering where the 3D objects end and the background starts. The nebulas, planets, and asteroid belts look exactly like in our wildest imagination, we can only hope that it will be a similar sight that our grandchildren will see when they will reach similar places. The models of the space stations amaze us with their size and number of all the smallest details that they present. You want to fly around those stations for hours, and curse the person who decided that manual docking is not necessary for this game. Planets have an atmosphere, and you can see the lights of the massive cities on the dark side. And in the almost endless asteroid fields every little piece of rock or frozen piece of gas is unique and unlike its neighbor.

SunnyGale :

Russian_Mike, Crimson, Xboron, Sith Lord, ArcticA-ZuBR, fonCraz и Tramp за компанию Хы... - всем по егопке за перевод и редактирование
(Харлик + админы - не резать, сие не нарушение 2.11, а официальное заявление - надо ж как-то народ поддерживать Хы...)

Блин, так вот кто мне иддилию испортил!! было так всё чётко, 3 репутации, 3 звездочки на погонах, 33 EGP... а ты... Ругаюсь, недоволен! Расстроен

Шучу... пасиба Гы-гы Подмигиваю

Sunny Gale :
2 редакторы
Кстати, просматривайте периодически метки edited в моем первом посте, чтобы проверять то, что еще не было проверено.

Я лично просто беру и смотрю с конца что там еще есть непроверенного... но на всякий случай буду смотреть.

SunnyGale :
ЗЗЫ. Напишите, плз, какую именно тему из перевода fonCraz'a вы редактировали.

Я fonCraz'а не редактировал вообще. По-моему это вообще не перевод, а прохождение в стиле "поток сознания". Кто-нибудь покажите мне что он переводил (где это на сайте лежит)?

ЗЫ SunnyGale, и вышли мне, плиз, материалы по Elite и BCM.
    Добавлено: 08:03 27-12-2003   


2Crimson: Mi(Kanadtzi) k sorround sound privikli Улыбка...i Anglechani na mirror budut privikshimi skorei vsego... Spasibo za correctirovanie, shto ti emel nashed "proxadimtzev"...ya iz rossie 7 let nazad uexal Улыбка Vtoruiu chast' perevoda postavliu zavtra utrom(cherez 12 chasov posle etogo soobsheniya)
    Добавлено: 08:18 27-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Crimson :
Блин, так вот кто мне иддилию испортил!! было так всё чётко, 3 репутации, 3 звездочки на погонах, 33 EGP... а ты..

Гы-гы кроме меня тебе еще кто-то идиллию подпортил, между прочим Хы...
Crimson :
Я fonCraz'а не редактировал вообще. По-моему это вообще не перевод, а прохождение в стиле "поток сознания". Кто-нибудь покажите мне что он переводил (где это на сайте лежит)?

как это не редактировал? где-то на второй странице валяются твои заметки по поводу его перевода, даже с цитатами с подписью "fonCraz" Подмигиваю А темы он брал - Меню Базы Данных и Миссии(кажется, без описания на этой странице - только сами миссии)
    Добавлено: 10:49 27-12-2003   
 560 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
SunnyGale :
Гы-гы кроме меня тебе еще кто-то идиллию подпортил, между прочим Хы...

Кругом враги, гы... Гы-гы

SunnyGale :
как это не редактировал? где-то на второй странице валяются твои заметки по поводу его перевода, даже с цитатами с подписью "fonCraz"

То я уже перепостил и штамп проставил.

SunnyGale :
Подмигиваю А темы он брал - Меню Базы Данных и Миссии(кажется, без описания на этой странице - только сами миссии)

Совсем запутался... Тогда выражаю Кразу свои глубочайшие извинения. Не нашел. Не у него одного Крисмас был Гы-гы

Отредактирую - повешу (перевод в смысле)

ЗЫ Блин да когда ж вы мне дадите самому-то перевести хоть что-нибудь?.. Гы-гы

ЗЫЫ Так, на всякий случай, если кто не знает - Lingvo: нагло-русско-английский переводчик. Пользуемся, не стесняемся... Я не при чем...
    Добавлено: 11:19 27-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
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2 Кримсон

на первой странице этой темы лежит перевод Краза Подмигиваю
    Добавлено: 13:28 27-12-2003   
 560 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Я оригинал имел в виду.

Короче, вот подправленный мной перевод fonCraz. Красным выделены его рождественские перлы, оставленные на твое усмотрение.

Events begin when Edison Trent ("the main hero") arrives at station Freeport 7 for a deal of his life to make some 1,000,000 credits. But, unfortunately, station gets destroyed. You are among the saved. Rescue ship lands on planet Manhattan, Liberty sector. You only have 500 creds on your account. Go to pub right away. The bartender there will direct you to Jun'ko Zane, who is in that same pub. She will send you to equipment dealer, provide you with a ship, and give you a mission.

Mission #1.

Your objective is to escort transport loaded with food and medications from Fort Bush to the planet Pittsburgh. Pilot Michael King, who is to assist you, waits near Manhattan docking ring. Difficulty is low. Your reward is 2000 credits.


Take off Manhattan. Right after that you’ll see the in-game movie-clip as Order fighters destroy Reihnland battleship that was a headquarter of diplomatic mission with admiral Otto Shultzky in charge. It should be easy enough. After you are done with them go to Fort Bush, where you have control point to meet the transport, and escort it to Pittsburgh.
On your route, Liberty Rogues will attack you. Fight them and continue your trip, ignoring the second squadron of Rogues that will appear. Land on Pittsburgh after you bring the transport ship there. After movie clip of the conversation between Trent and King you may leave the planet. Do not forget to save your game.
After leaving the planet, enter the formation with fighters group Epsilon (F4 button), which will be sent to search and destroy Rogues base. After some time you’ll receive mayday from a prison ship which is attacked by Rogues. Finish them up and go to the control point, where you’ll receive a transmission that pilot Beta 4 is under attack by Rogues. After you're done with them, Beta 4 will give you coordinates of the location, where his group came under fire. When you come there you will get under fire, too. Proceed to the control point – it’s the location of Rogues base. You’ll need to destroy several weapon platforms, allowing friendly ships to launch torpedo strike on Rogues base. After base is destroyed go to Pittsburgh. On your way you’ll receive a transmission from Junni, say that you are now a free pilot and may do whatever you want in New York System.
Mission is over.

You can do missions up until you have enough credits to be promoted. When you've had enough, Junni will contact you and ask to meet her in the pub on the planet Manhattan.
If you have money, my advice is to buy a “Defender” (price is just 12,600 credits). Ship can be purchased on the battleship Missouri, near Norfolk Shipyard. If you are “friendly” or “neutral” to Junkers, it’s possible to buy better armored, but less equipped “Bloodhound” on Rochester Base. Those, who have patience, can buy probably best, for the beginning of the game, fighter “Dagger” on Outcasts’ base Buffalo. The problem is that Outcasts are your enemies. However, you can fix that for no more that 100 K with the bartender on Rochester base.

Mission # 2.

Your objective is to capture the smuggler Sean Ashcroft, who carries illegal artifact to the New York system. Difficulty is mild-low. Your reward is 4,500 credits, plus access codes for the jump gates across the Liberty.


Watch the movie-clip and take off the planet. You will meet King near the docking ring. Together you’ll go to Colorado jump gate. Once you are in Colorado, proceed to the control point and wait for Ashcroft. When you see the ship of DSE (Deep Space Engineering), controlled by Unknown, scan it. King will start talking to the pilot, who’ll be your enemy when King finishes. Fight that ship until it's almost down, Then, the pilot will tell you that he is not Sean Ashcroft. At that moment Junni will contact you and tell that Pueblo Station is under attack. After the battle for Pueblo Station is over, you’ll be informed of where you can find Sean Ashcroft. Proceed there. Upon your arrival, Ashcroft’ people will attack you. Fight them and follow to the control point, where Ashcroft will retreat. Bring down his ship and pick up the escape pod (B button). Carry it to the battleship Missouri in New York System. Near Fort Bush Rogues ships will attack you. Fight them and then proceed to you destination – battleship Missouri.
Mission is over.

If you did not buy a good ship before, it’s a right moment to do that. Do not forget to get yourself more powerful weapons and defense shield. To begin the third mission you have to be a 5th level.
After you gain that rank, Junny will call you to meet her in the Manhattan’s pab, but she's not going to be there. She’ll leave the message with the bartender. Message will direct you to California Minor in California System, where Junny supposedly will wait for you.
Once you are in California System, unknown man will join you near the jump gate, but ships that appear will destroy him. Before the third mission you better buy more shield batteries and nanobots.

Mission # 3

You are to escort a convoy from the Magellan Gate to Willard Research Station. Difficulty is high. Reward is 3000 credits.


After the meeting in the pab of California Minor, leave the planet and meet Junny near the docking ring. Fly together toward the Magellan jump gate and randzevous with the convoy on the other side of the gate. As soon as you meet convoy you will proceed to the “Entrance Buoy”, then to “Nav Buoy #1”, then to “Nav Buoy #2”. On your way toward the “Nav Buoy #3” significant forces of Outcasts will attack you. Fight them and fly to the “Nav Buoy #4”. Finally, after #4 you’ll get to the Willard Research Station. Dock there and buy as many shield batteries and nanobots as you can. Leave the station and go back to California Minor. On your way you’ll meet three Reihnland fighters. Put them down, and land on California Minor. Visit the pab and take off to meet Junny and Walker on the backside of the planet. During your meeting with them, you’ll receive a signal from Willard Research Station, which tells you they are under attack by Reihnland. Go there and fight. After you win that battle mission will be over.

To get the next mission you have to find a job again. After you’ll earn enough money to be promoted, Junny will call you to meet her in the Manhattan’s pab in New York System.

Mission #4

Initially, objective is to follow Junny to the California Minor in California System, reward - 7000 credits. But after Junny kills an officer, your objective is to leave Liberty space, together with Junny, and stay alive. Reward is your life. "Reward is your miserable life"... fonCraz, попрошу без самодеятельности Не делай так! Гы-гы


After the officer’s death take off the planet. You’ll be under attack of any ships that will get you in sight. Attempt to retreat through Fort Bush will fail – all of the ways will be covered. You’ll be left with the only choice – to protect yourself and fight for your life. After some time you’ll receive help and you'll be able to retreat to Westpoint Military Academy. From there take a trade line to Ithaca Research Station. There you’ll receive coordinates of Benford Station. Land there and watch the movie-clip. Junny will ask you to protect Benford, but you won't be able to do it anyway. Wait until station is destroyed (do not enter the firefight, just circle around), and go to the Magellan jump gate after the capital ships will approach for the final hit. In the Magellan System you’ll have to get to the Freeport 4. On your way you are subject to attack by Bounty Hunters. Fight them with the help from Lane Hackers. Go to their base Mactan and repair your ship. Take off the base and meet Junny outside. Near the base Reihnland fighters will attack you. Finish them and go to Leeds jump hole. Jump to Leeds System in Brettonia space. Righ after that go to the planet Leeds and land there. Go to the shop, meet Tobias and talk to him.
Mission is over.

Tobias will give you 25,000 (yes, 25K) credits, and you’ll be promoted to the 8th level. You’ll be able to buy ships on Leeds, however, my advice is to buy a “Crusader” on the planet New London or at battleship Norfolk, for 35 K. More maneuverable Corsair fighter “Legionary” is sold on the Trafalgar Base that belongs to Junkers. After you purchase your new ship go and do some work gaining next rank. After you get it, Junny will call you to Cambridge System, planet Cambridge, to meet you in the pub…

She is a nice girl – take care of her. After the pab escort her to the apartment (you may want to call taxi, because drive and drink – big “no-no”), and stay for a cup of coffee. You’ll see what’s coming next… lol

Млин, fonCraz... я ж просил без самодеятельности... Ой, не могу!.. Ой, не могу!..

Mission #5

Find professor Quintaine. Difficulty is unknown. Your reward is information about strange alien artifact.


Take off the planet and meet Junny outside. After that go to Omega 3 System, planet Sprague, where you have to find Dr. Sinclair, who knows of where is Quintaine. ...who knows of where the Hell is Quintaine...Так, всё ясно, Сатурну больше не наливать... Гы-гы In the Omega 3 System you’ll find out that there is no trade lane to the planet Sprague and you'll have to get there on your own. ориг. перев. ...and you’ll have to rape your thruster to get there... When you’ll be almost near the planet, Reihnland forces will attack you. Bring'em down and land on Sprague. Watch the movie-clip and assign to the new duty – evacuation of Dr. Sinclair to a safe location. Take off the planet and perform fast retreat maneuver in a direction that Sinclair will show you. After your enemies loose your proceed to Baxter Research Station, and land there. Station will be under attack so load up as many shield batteries and nanobots, as you can (if you already spent all your money on Junny’s jewelry – it’s too bad) before taking off. Fight the Reihnland forces and fly to Cambridge jump gate, then proceed to the control point in Cambridge System. On your way you will meet some friendly Rheinland fighters. Go to Leeds jump hole and meet there Reihnland battleship. Your allies will destroy it and you’ll need to finish up only with enemy’ fighters. Jump to the Leeds System and go to planet Leeds. Land there.
Mission is over.

Mission #6.

Your objective is to win the race with Hovis. Then you have to find Quintaine and bring him to the planet Leeds in the Leeds System. Difficulty is unknown. Your reward is information about the artifact. (be responsible and save the Earth !)


Take off the battleship Hood. Win the race with Hovis. My advice is to fire up your Cruise Engines (Ctrl+W) right after leaving the dock, and pass all the rings with the full speed. Hovis will loose control by the end of the race and spin out of track. You’ll be under fire, but don’t pay attention to it.
Hovis will tell you where Quintaine is. By the time when you get to the station, where Quintaine is located, it will be under attack. Again, kill all of the enemies. Land to the station Glorius and buy more batteries and nanobots. Then go to planet Leeds in the Leeds System, where you’ll meet Sinclair and Junny. Take off the planet and fly to the control point, where you’ll meet some Reihnland forces. Kill em all, and proceed to Leeds jump gate. There will be an ambush waiting for you, so beware. Take a jump to Leeds and go to the planet Leeds, where you can land safely at last.
Mission is over.

The next mission starts right away, you don't need to earn any ratings like before.

Mission #7.

You must hide from Reihnland agents. Follow with Junny, Sinclair and Quintain to the Border Worlds and find Kress base (be careful – nothing personal with the ladies). Difficulty is very hard. (hard to resist – they are so cute) Reward is your life.


Take off the planet. Junny, Sinclair and Quintain will wait you outside. Unfortunately, Reihnland forces will attack you. Fight em and fly to the control point near Stokes Mining Station, where you’ll be under attack again. Then fly to the Tau 31 jump gate, where you’ll be outnumbered with enemy’ forces, but Tobias will give you some relieve, and after fight jump to the Tau 31 System. There follow the control points toward the Tau 29 jump gate. Inside the Tau 29 System, before the trade line to Tau 27 jump gate, you’ll meet Reihnland forces. Do not fight them, just follow the control points as far as they lead you. On your way, some gunboats will attack you, but they are easy to destroy, just shoot them from behind. In the Tau 29 System fly to Shinkaku Station and land there for repairing your ship. Then fly to control point and fight Reihnland forces that you’ll find there. Use asteroid field nearby to charge up your shields. After that fly to Tau 23 jump hole, by control points. Inside the Tau 23 System land on Cali base. You’ll have to receive your info there. Take off the base and the guide near docking ring will be waiting for you. Fly together toward the Kyushu jumps gate. There, inside the system, go to the planet Kyushu, where you’ll meet Lord Hakkera.
Mission is over.

To continue you have to gain 14th level. After you gain it, Junny [colro=red](she is definitely has something toward you)[/color] will contact you and ask to meet her on Shinagawa Station in New Tokyo System. Change your ship to “Barracuda” or “Dragon”, or “Wolfhound”. Buy new weapons and equipment.

Mission # 8.

Your objective is to attack a transport in Honshu System. Transport will have Proteus Tome aboard, heading to Reihnland space. Difficulty is very high. Your reward is Proteus Tome.


Rendevous with your allies off the planet and follow together by control points toward the Honshu jump hole. Once you are in Honshu fly to the transport ship. First destroy the weapons platforms and only then enemy ships. After you win the fight enter the formation with the transport ship (F4). On your route to Chugoku jump gate you’ll meet enemy fighters that you’ll have to kill. In the Chugoku System fly to Kyoto Station, following control points, and land there.
Mission is over.

You'll have to get 16th level to be able to continue the story line. So, get it. After that, go to Kyoto Station pub.

Mission #9.

Your objective is to attack the reinforced Tekagi Base in Tohoku System. You have to sneak inside the base and steal Proteus Tome. Difficulty is high. Your reward is Proteus Tome again, one more.


Take off the station and meet Ozu. Fly to the Tohoku jumps hole. In the Tohoku System you’ll have to fly to Ryuku Base, where you’ll meet your “sturmsoldaten”. After everyone will be in place go to attack Tekagi Base. On your way there will be a patrol that has to be destroyed. Fly to Tekagi Base, destroy four shield generators and dock to the base. Take the Proteus Tome from there and deliver it to Kyoto Base. To get there fly to Chugoku jump hole. On your way you’ll meet some enemy forces that would attack Junny. Save the girl! After that go to Kyoto Base, land there, go to pub and talk to Juni. Mission is over.
(I like it – after job, go to pab, have a drink or two, or three… Have a girl… Life is marvellous!)

One good thing is that from now on you won't have to earn any ratings any longer

Mission # 10

Lord Akera's informer in the Reihnland space, Her von Klaussen (comrade Shtirliz) has an important information about Nomads. Your objective is to go in New Berlin System, planet New Berlin, find the informer and bring him to safety in Kusari System. Difficulty is very high. Your reward are survival of all the people.


Take off the base and meet Lord Hakkera. Go to Sigma 13 jump hole, and inside the System got to control point and fight Reihnland forces. After you’ll kill em all, go to New Berlin jumps hole. In the New Berlin System land on the planet New Berlin and go to the pub. Buy new weapons, or, perhaps, even a new ship. Take off the planet. After you are off the planet, someone Fisher will join you. Together fly to Frankfurt jumps gate. Near the gate you’ll find Reihnland fleet waiting for you, but they’ll let you go your way. Once in the Frankfurt System, follow the control points, land on the planet Holstein, and meet von Klaussen there. Take off the planet and got to Bruchsal Base, but when you’ll be near it, base will be under attack. Fight for the base. After the mess land on the base. When you take off the base - everyone is waiting for you outside already. Follow to a shipyard, passing a mine field and destroying one of the experimental battleships. After you’ll destroy that battleship, von Klaussen will order retreat. Follow the control points, which will lead you to the Hamburg jumps hole. Inside the Hamburg System you’ll see enemy battleship right on front of you…, and Order battleship Osiris. Land on Osiris.
Mission is over.

After this mission aboard the battleship Osiris, you can buy heavy fighter “Anubis”, plus different equipment. Rather cheap.

You have to rescue president Jacobi from a prison, because she is a last hope of the humankind to win the war with Nomads… (Have you seen “Battlestar Galactica, the new one ? “These people need to make as many kids as they can…” – I love this fraise…lol )


Take off the battleship and go to the New York jumps hole. In the New York System you’ll be under attack, and, after you kill em, fly to the Buffalo Base. Land there and repair your ship. Take off the base and fly to the New York jump hole (that will take you to the different part of the system). On the other side of the the jump hole, fly to the satellite and destroy it (be careful, it's guarded). Fly to the control point and meet Walker there. Together go to Alaska jumps gate and face enemy forces there. During the battle, the gate will open and you’ll be able to jump. In Alaska fly to the prison station Mitchell. Land there and save president Jacobi. Leave the prison and try to stay alive until Walker will finally make a decision to sacrifice himself for your safety. After he does it fly to the New York jumps gate. Then fly to the control point and kill of the enemies there, together with battleship Osiris that will come right before you would get roasted. Land on Osiris.
Mission is over.

Buy whatever you need, and make it twice! Hard times are coming!

Mission # 12.

Your objective is to get Nomads’ energy cell. Difficulty is considered to be suicide, yet your reward is survival.


Take off the battleship and fly to control point, where you’ll find Nomad Lair. Upon your arrival, there will be a huge number of Nomad ships. To get inside Nomad lair you’ll have to destroy three shield generators. Ignore the Nomad fighters, you are short on time. Get inside the Nomad Lair, following the control points. (it’s somewhat radioactive inside there… so you may want to make kids before this mission). As soon as you are there grab the Nomad Power Cell and fly back to control point, if you want to get out of there… Take a jump hole that control point will lead you to, and, kill all of the enemies on the other side. Then fly to the planet Taledo and land there…
Mission is over.

Buy everything you may need. The next mission is the last one.

Mission # 13

You have to go the Nomad’s home system and activate hyper gate system, so that Nomads would not be able to rich Sirius Sector. Difficulty is considered suicide. Your reward is the survival of the humankind… Pathetic.


After you buy whatever you may need, take off the planet and protect the Order base. First, shoot down all of the enemy fighters, and attack the Nomad’s battleship. After you destroy it, another one will appear. You'll need to land on the planet Toledo.
Take off again, and escort transport ship with Dr. Sinclair aboard (you can do her, it’s your last mission anyway…). Escort them to the battleship Osiris and land there, follow the control points. This is the last chance to buy anything you may need. Take off the battleship and follow the allied fighters to the Alien jumps gate. In front of the jump gate you’ll have some fight with the Nomad fighters, but bring them down and jump through the gate. In the Nomad System you’ll have to destroy four shield generators, do it as quickly as possible. After that, follow the control point to get inside… There destroy some more shield generators and watch the final video clip, where you’ll take all responsibility for destroying of the Nomad system.
Mission is over. Humankind is saved one more time… Thanks to you, freelancer.

Ху-у-х... Совсем запутался...
    Добавлено: 15:25 27-12-2003   
 647 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 24.06.2001
Сань-Галь - а от меня респект не за узурпаторский раздел, а за саму идею, и, наиболее всего - за нахождение неленивых людей, к примеру Кримзона и ванКраза.. Супер!
    Добавлено: 20:09 27-12-2003   
 1525 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 2(13)
Репутация: 336
Сообщения: 15406
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 07.02.2001
Галь, еще раз упомянешь егопки - тему просто снесу, для таких сообщений есть приват.....
Я привык говорить людям правду в глаза...
    Добавлено: 20:43 27-12-2003   
 777 EGP

Репутация: 265
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Откуда: Троицк Московской обл.
Зарегистрирован: 04.04.2003
Переводы просто обалденные Круто! Опять хочу примазаться к ним с мелкими замечаниями Улыбка

And, of course, a cool freelance fighter pilot in a leather jacket that plays the main character.-- Не "that", а "who". Или главный герой- кожаная куртка? Улыбка
You are among the saved. Если не ошибаюсь, в таком контексте (спасение при аварии, катастрофе) употребляется salvaged.
After some time Наверное, лучше after a while.
Do not forget to – лично я встречаю редко, гораздо чаще- просто Remember to…
randzevous – rendezvous.
reward - 7000 credits вместо тире все-таки надо глагол is.
my advice is to buy a “Crusader” on the planet New London or at battleship Norfolk – нет ли ошибки в словосочетании at battleship Norfolk?
After that go to Omega … и в других подобных фразах лучше писать Then go to…
Land to the station Glorius – м/б, Dock to the station? Или Land on the station?
Rendevous – rendezvous.
After everyone will be in place go to attack Tekagi Base- мож. быть, After everyone is in place, attack Tekagi Base ?
Your objective is to go in New Berlin System- to go to New Berlin…
because she is a last hope of the humankind – she is the last hope…
Мне сегодня весело с самого утра ((с) Кот Леопольд)
    Добавлено: 21:23 27-12-2003   
 647 EGP

Репутация: 247
Сообщения: 5276
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 24.06.2001
Harley :
Галь, еще раз упомянешь егопки - тему просто снесу, для таких сообщений есть приват.....

Гыыыы. Егопки не егопки, а репка у SunnyGale поднялась на 14 за несколько часов - рекорд, однака! Гы-гы
    Добавлено: 21:31 27-12-2003   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
Галь, еще раз упомянешь егопки - тему просто снесу, для таких сообщений есть приват.....

Поддерживаю. Сам хотел отписать, но решил дождаться законного начальника канала Подмигиваю
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 22:40 27-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Я не при чем... Я больше не буду, честно. Спасибо, что сразу не снесли (Харлик, я от тебя такого вообще не ожидала - думала, приду, а у меня надпись будет красоваться: "Извините, вам был закрыт доступ к форуму..." Хы... )

Ладно, ребят, серьезно - теперь только приватом, а то действительно чего-то я обнаглела уже...
    Добавлено: 22:49 27-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
2 VRus

спасибо Гы-гы
тока это не я их нашла, а они меня Ну...

2 переводчики и редакторы

в своем первом посте добавила ссылки на взятые на перевод темы, чтобы не возникало вопросов вроде: "А где это вообще лежит???" Подмигиваю
    Добавлено: 23:09 27-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Dobroe utro ? Улыбка
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 05:38 28-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Добрый вечер? Гы-гы

2 all
Если я забываю помечать отредактированные темы - вы мне говорите Улыбка
    Добавлено: 06:11 28-12-2003   
 585 EGP

Репутация: 120
Сообщения: 1065
Откуда: Днепропетровск, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 10.04.2003
Пришлось идти в другой клуб.
Все уже в ЕГО.
Часть текста на английском брал прямо из игры.

X-BTF: Управление

|<H>| List of simple control keys|
|Arrows keys|Controls ship on axes X and Y|
|<Q>,<W>|Controls ship on his axes|
|<N>|Activate Tactical Navigation System demonstrating flat sector’s map|
|<O>|Open/Close freightbay|
|<T> or <Space>|Target on cross hair|
|<I>|Target info|
|<P>|Pilot info — status, statistic, logs and others|
|<S>|Ship info — weapons, shields, cargo and others|
|<A>|Increase speed|
|<Z>|Decrease speed|
|<D>|Use Docking Computer (dock with station)|
|<U>|Use Motion Analisys Relay System (autopilot)|
|<Backspace>|Zero speed|
|<PageUp>,<PageDown>|Next target, previous target|
|<F>|Load freightbay|
|<J>|S.E.T.A-mode (compressed time mode)|
|Shift+<J>|S.E.T.A. Boost Extention (turbo with compressed time)|
|<Alt>|Activate Video Enhancement Goggles|
|<Ctrl>|Fire laser|
|<L>|Launch missile|
|<M>|Select missile|
|<F1>|Cockpit view|
|<F2>|Ship external view|
|<F3>|Remote camera view|
|<F4>|Rear view|
|<F5>|Activate Ecliptic Projector|
|<Shift>+<X>|Skip training|
|<Shift>+<P> or <Pause>|Pause games|
|<Shift>+<L>|Load game|
|<Shift>+<Q>|Quit game|
    Добавлено: 15:52 28-12-2003   
 585 EGP

Репутация: 120
Сообщения: 1065
Откуда: Днепропетровск, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 10.04.2003
Вопросы по поводу версий от 7Волк и Триады ИМХО -нафиг. Если не прав - переведу.

Here you can find answers on some frequently asked questions.


**Q**. How can I save in **//"X-Beyond the Frontier "//** ?
**A**. You must buy Salvage Insurance on any factory.


**Q**. Where can I see my game version?
**A**. Game version shows in a window, which appear when games starts.

**Q**. The sound often interrupts. What can I do?
**A**. Install //DirectX 8.1// or later.

**Q**. After video communication I have a troubles with radar.
**A**. Try to install latest driver for your videocard. If your card based on //nVidia// chip, install reference driver.


**Q**. When I fly to station and asking for docking, they discards me.
**A**. You have not deserved it yet. Your rating at this race is low. To raise up status shoot some Xenon or Pirate ship. Usually enought to hit two or three ships. It’s also possiblle that you too far from station. At inquiry of landing permission it's necessary to be at least on 2 kms distance from station.

**Q**. How to build your own factory?
**A**. For beginning you need to find TL-transporter which will agree to transport factory parts. Those transports are in each sector with Shipyard. On radar it shows like wide rectangle. Communicate with transporter and recruit it. Then dock to Shipyard and buy factory. Then fly to place you want to build it: transporter will follow you. When you will be there, connect to TL. Remember: if you want to build Mine you should be convinced for available of minerals on asteroid. For thi use Mineral Scaner. Don’t build factory too far from other factories – that will be less buyers.

**Q**. I heard something about Pirate Base, on which I can buy things that I can't find on other stations.
**A**. Pirate Bases are situated only in five sectors : “Company Pride”, “Priests Pity”, “Atreus Clouds”, “Ore belt” and “Chins Clouds”.

**Q**. How can I pick up containers in space?
**A**. You must open cargo bay by pressing <O>. Then on minimum speed fly to container. When it will be right ahead you container will be captured. //WARNING!// When cargo bay is open, shield energy is down, and you can be bring down with one shoot.

**Q**. How can I employ ships?
**A**. After building your factory, buy for it some defending ships. Now communicate with factory and ask for supply. Factory’s ships are follows you and you can give them orders.

**Q**. How to employ transport ships for my factories, or I must deliver resources myself?
**A**. You can employ ships for all factories except Solar Power Plant.

**Q**. Are in game time compression? It's hard to fly from station to Space Gate due half-hour.
**A**. Yes. But you must buy upgrade S.E.T.A.


Here some links on files for english version of **//"X-BTF"//**.

**Official sites.**

"Egosoft[http://www.egosoft.com/]" - developers site.
"THQ[http://www.thq.de/]" – publishers site.

**Rolling Demo.**

::picture align=left src=file.gif:: "Rolling Demo (1998)[http://people.freenet.de/HL11/xdemo03.zip]" - (~3,0 Mb).

::picture align=left src=file.gif:: "Patch v1.9b for english version v1.8 [http://www.egosoft.com/X/download/XBTF/XE18to19b.EXE]" - (~1,52 Mb).
::picture align=left src=file.gif:: " Patch v1.96 for english version v1.9b [http://people.freenet.de/zav/X196eng.zip]" - (~640 Kb).


Some aditional information: about races, ships and others, you can find in section dedicated **"X-Tension[http://www.elitegames.ru/x-tension/]"** - **X-BTF**'s sequel.
    Добавлено: 15:53 28-12-2003   
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:) ;) :D :gigi: :lol: :( :mad: :weep: :abuse: :spy: :interesting: :wow: :insane: :super: :bored: :ass:
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