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Канал сайта: «Перевод контента - черновики»
 1848 EGP

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Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
дальнейшее обсуждение проблем перевода и зеркала в целом переносим в ЭТУ тему !!
    Добавлено: 17:42 06-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
перевод от ArcticA-ZuBR

Freelancer, Знаете ли вы, что...

Whether you know that...

On this page the information on opportunities of game which are not latent is collected, however they not always happen to be distinguished easily. This page can be useful both to the beginner, and the skilled pilot.


->... assignments of keys of management are specified here that bind by default. However you can change almost all in options of game <By pressing F1 button> as to you it is more convenient.
->... To search for files saved games it is necessary not in a folder of game as it is usual, but in a system folder « my documents », and further:
My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer\
Beside some INI-files live also.


->... The third person camera not unique, it is simply included by default. If it is not pleasant to you - be switched on a kind from a cockpit: button Changes View is <Ctrl> + <V>.
->... In game exists two flight control modes.
The first control mode - turrets and guns turn movement of the mouse, the left button includes a turn aside the cursor, right button - shooting.
The second mode differs that turn is made by simple moving of the mouse, and the left button chooses the active purpose. The active purpose has a data card with the additional information, and the main thing - the big index of ballistic anticipation - where to scorch, to get. (Such index is and at other purposes, but it is swept hardly up).
Switching (TOGGLE MOUSE FLIGHT) is made by a key <Space>. In general switching of these modes is frequently used in game.
->... And two modes of the review. For looking at own ship, surrounding beauty and shooting on opponents in rear with the help of turrets without change of a rate of movement of the ship it is the most convenient to use TURRET VIEW (a key <H>) in mode MOUSE FLIGHT.
Maneuverable fight is more convenient than a message, having included a kind from the first person and in a mode of free management of the mouse.
->... GOTO <F2> and CRUISE CONTROL it is different things. GOTO automatically conducts you to destination. It, actually, the autopilot. Is able to include and switch off "Cruise engine" , to fly obstacles by using strafe and to stop, having arrived on a place. You can take at any moment management on yourselves, having pressed a <blank>, and again to give its autopilot repeated pressing of a <blank>.
Independent inclusion of cruise <Shift> + <W> can be necessary in fighting situations. Besides at movement on the autopilot these keys it is possible to include and switch off Cruise engine that it was possible to shoot.
One more moment - after the beginning of movement to the purpose on the autopilot, you can choose active other purpose, for example, that shoot on it by a rocket. The ship will continue to fly in an automatic mode to the former purpose.
->... The computer quite often offers not optimum way of movement to the purpose. You know, what on a highway (Trade Lane) it is possible to interrupt movement at own discretion? For this purpose it is necessary to press <Esc> during movement, and you take off from a highway. In view of it, it is possible to lay itself a route, more effective, than has chosen a computer. The computer to take off from a highway does not want or not able.
->... It is possible to appoint groups of the weapon to shoot not all at once. For example, we shall appoint in one group three guns well working on boards, but it is bad under the reservation, in another - three armo-piercing. That not spend the limited stock of energy, all over again we choose the first. Shoot up a board. We are there and then switched to the second and we finish the enemy.
Groups can be blocked. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3, 4, 5, 6. 3 and 4, it will be logical to put guns universal. Shooting, as well as it is usual, the right button of the mouse.
Still it is possible to appoint keys for shooting by each group, however they do not allow to shoot turns.
By default all these operations are not adhered to one key. You should make it.
And still pair remarks. To appoint groups it is possible only in flight. Procedure of assignment has many bugs, anyway in my version (a disk of the unknown manufacturer, see section "Disks"). Just the appointed group can spontaneously extend up to all accessible guns as soon as you will register another. Falls once again. (sent by 027).
->... If at you already full hold, and about the ship flies the container with diamonds which are to be taken away - do not despond. Are switched in a mode of viewing of a cargo in hold, stick with a mousy into any unvaluable cargo, such as Scratch Metal, more to the right there is an icon similar to a standard garbage can from Windows, stick into it and throw out the chosen cargo in space. Then (in space) choose the necessary cargo and press <Shift> + <B> for capture of it. Simply <В> - catch all accessible dust around of the ship.
->... If during movement on Cruise kill your Engine <Z> the opportunity to do some shooting for the speed in 300 units will appear. At due skill it is possible to have time to award each hero torn across Missile and to fly to itself further.
->... Who as, and I operate flight with keyboard, and a mousy only I direct a sight at the purpose and I shoot. An arrangement of keys: w, s, a, d top, a bottom, left, the right; a blank - a forcing, e - antirockets. Strafe I do not use, instead of it is a forcing.
->... For flight on an asteroid field and near to a star of system, it is better to use <F2>. If from an asteroid you still can evade itself, near to a star burn practically without any warning.
->... I applied the given tactics on the Cavalier (in my opinion, fine ship). More shortly, binding on keyboard should be following - a little finger on <Tab> (all hot keys on a default), anonymous on <А>, index on <D>, big on <X>. You get used for days - two. With the help given by this binding it is possible to change speed and a direction of flight quickly. A reverser we include when the opponent (which we hollow in a tail, in fact) on a forcing tries to leave a field of vision. When hollow us - we cut on the <tab> with Strafe, then a reverser, again on <Tab>. It is possible to circle. Personally such tactics helps me everywhere. Completely controlled fighting unit turns out. On a reverser with Strafe it is possible to meet frontal attacks of the opponent. Usually in first such call I from stungun force down boards, then I sit on a tail and I finish the guy (sent by DeaThKidD).
->... In Freelancer it is possible "to tame" a little bit joining and docking. If you want to join interplanetary gates simply level the ship manually opposite to that gate on which corners burn Green lights is a traffic light if who not in a rate, and it works! Then bring the ship to "Trade line gate" closely and press "DOCK" (gate should be chosen, it is natural). To you and almost "manual" docking. At joining with stations it is possible to level the ship opposite to that dock in which to you has attracted to fly. Have stopped, have pressed "DOCK" and, station officer of you joins. With rare exception, you in the desired dock - hatch also it is thrust. With planetary gates similarly - one gate on a start, one on влет - at approach to a planet it is uneasy to guess, what from them in what side works. So pseudo-tamed docking in Freelancer it is possible (sent by (u-genie)).
->... The ways of flights most convenient, in my opinion, along enemy footpaths in searches of the latent objects such.
We place routing points required to us zigzags, the more, the better, always you know where to turn. Further, if space clean, we press <F2>, the autopilot taxis precisely on next waypoint, there and then we disconnect him <Escape> and the mid-flight engine is started(Cruise engine). Then we open a map, we give increase and it is observable behind desired secrets appearing on it. Free management of the mouse, certainly, should be switched - off.
In parallel we watch over occurrence of enemies in the list of the purposes. As soon as have seemed "Red guy's", we press <Z>, and we rush on inertia. Hunters "fly by"(Autor mean, that the enemy will not catch you) in both senses.
There is a nuance. The vacuum in Freelancer "viscous", and a ship is gradually braked about it. Speed falls with 300 up to 200 approximately for 15 kms. Shooting from guns for the speed appreciablly does not influence. 200 speed fallen below can be adjusted short pulses of a forcing. <Z> we do not touch. Persecutors to fly on inertia are not able, and they are Afterburners soon will die.
If powerful enough, it is possible to press your ship a blank and to treat enthusiasts. I have noticed, that having received heavy damage, pirates start to maneuver and at once lag behind.
If space full of asteroids or fragments, such way does not approach. We fly simply on the autopilot <F2>, a finger on <C> - start-up of the false purposes (Countermeasure Flare). After occurrence enemies we watch one eye over a blinking icon of a rocket, other ear behind the message « Incomming missile ». To wave away it is necessary very operatively, Disruptors speed already 700. Having made some volleys, enemies lag behind (sent by 027).


->... We battle to several fighters so: we include the maximal speed, we come to the opponent into rear, using a forcing (Afterburners, <TAB>), and is shot him. If we hear, that to us have sat on a tail - we use turns and a forcing.
->... Tactics of fight with weapon platforms another: we reduce speed till 30-40, we go on a platform, we shoot, with help STRAFE we move on an ellipse around of a platform (as in Quake).
->... Near to many large objects there are dead zones where do not get them turrets. It is possible to fly up in an emphasis, to stop and easy them to shoot. Thus cut circles on the big speed also disturb fighter of the opponent is much less, than on an open place.
->... For fights with fighters it is better to put less powerful, but more high firerate guns (rate> 5, it it is better 8.33). Naturally, the above a class, the better.
->... If to you have demolished all shield, do not hasten to stick on a key <F>, try to leave on a forcing sector of bombardment and to shake enemies from a tail. In some seconds (about five) shield it will be restored in size about 1/5 maximal and will grow.
->... Try to not suppose damage of the case more, than half. And that then can not be counted any very valuable gun or still that. The equipment can be destroyed practically in a zero.
->... It is useful to communicate is more often in bars. There it is possible to buy any information (then can be useful) for foolish money, to correct the reputation (for rather big money), to listen hearings (while practical application has not found), to esteem news (same), to talk to the representative of any guild and to take the contract for work.
->... If there is an opportunity - that to fly in accessible bases better. What for - in your database all prices for the goods for bases which you have visited are remembered. Then it can strongly help, if you decide to engage in trade. And at purchase / sale it is possible to see, where the best price for these goods (sent by terraformer).
->... It is possible to be friends of pirates and armies simultaneously. In process of game involuntarily there is a temptation to fly on piracy base and to look that there to what. On the similar latent bases frequently it is sold more powerful ships, the weapon and so forth.
1. For the beginning it is necessary to find pirates which to you are neutral. For this purpose, at occurrence in new sector instead of at once wetting pirates under orders of police, open a map of systems, click on info and look what criminal guilds (race) here live. Then in the status <F8> look what of them to you are neutral. If such were found, we make a step 2.
2. We open a local map, we press a button « to show routes of patroling » and we look on filters "neutral", "friendly", "enemies", also it is possible to glance in a political map. On routes of patroling of neutral pirates to you it is possible to calculate a site of their objects and to fly there. Flights on routes of patroling give one more plus - you can find the latent objects (send by Ivanrus).
->... In game there are latent objects. In space along lines of pirates the abandoned ships come across. Sometimes the information on the ship can be bought on one of bases (so I the first time and has found out a similar opportunity casually). But is better and more cheerful than them to search, flying along ways of patroling of pirates. Similar objects on a map are designated by a red dagger. Having flown up to the ship, we make on it a shot and everyone is thrown out of it, for the decent sums. And also the weapon (sometimes the best, than it is sold on bases) (send by Ivanrus)
->... The latent objects are ideally searched by stupid movement on routes of patroling of all fractions - on a map there is such feature. You put waypoints, repeating routes of patroling, and just fly - you'll meet that the latent base, jumpholes, a tasty dead ship with the weapon 10 levels (send by Python ).
->... If you have caught on smuggling, or any from neutral pirates hints, that is necessary to share, do not hasten to press Cancel and Load. It is possible to get away directly with open dialogue in the nearest trade lane, jump gate, etc. About you will overlook, will not catch up, relations will not deteriorate (sent by Vitt).
->... To you a way to press Rheinland battlecruisers: they on a forage have dredging in which it is possible to squeeze on small speed and there to hang. Anybody there will not reach you, and you can easy shoot at the ship and drink coffee. Such way very much helps in game. I, for example, pressed weapon platforms, cruisers and Nomad ships, simply flying up to them closely and hanging so. Objects of attack in you do not get, and flying by past Fighters are too quickly move and simply have not time to attack you. Somehow I thus have disappeared behind a landing gate on a planet and hung there, observing as attacking fighters one by one burned down in an atmosphere, vainly trying to go to me for a back - just hang to itself and take a cargo of stupid NPC (sent by u- genie).
->... When you are attacked by pirates, it is possible to leave from them and on a forcing, minutes 4-6 to run. Then they are slowed down, and your "superquick" person becomes uninteresting for them. Likely there is any zone of their responsibility, for which limits they do not leave. Essential feature: it is not necessary to shoot on them, and it is necessary to maneuver (few times to pass through them build), and that on a straight line boards and force down nuts... Suits, when it would not be desirable to spoil relations with pirates (it is a pity to dump the goods) or police (transportation of smuggling - Cardamine or Artefacts).
P.S. By the way, it is possible to earn not bad on transportation of this goods.
(has sent Fredom).
->... If at you mission « Kill all in the set point » it is necessary to know, that the opponent goes echelons (usually two), on some waves in 2-5 fighters. The quantity of waves and fighters depends on a level of complexity of mission. Usually, up to 20 levels, it looks as 2-3 waves in the first echelon on 3 fighters and 2 waves on 3 fighters in the second. It is necessary to remember, that the following wave of fighters appears right after destructions of a penultimate fighter of the previous wave on a distance in 2,5 kms (approximately). Therefore I make so: I force down all serially, yet there will be no 2 opponents, then one do not finish (I leave burning), I am switched to the second and having brought down him, I finish previous. I still has time on reload boards and take good position for destruction of the following group.
->... And platforms I attack bases differently: first I stop on a distance in 2,5 kms, I wait for fighters, I destroy them outside of reach of bases and platforms. And and here fighters go waves by the rules described above. Then on a forcing I fly to platforms, on 500 m I reset a Afterburners, but not speed. While come, i shoot them from all weapons. Then again a Afterburners and a turn. On a forcing in me do not get almost. And when fly to a platform to bring down boards have not time. If shield have strongly taken off - Fly away on a Afterburners and "have a rest". Take into account, at a start for limits of fight there will be a message that at you have 30 sec to return, differently a failure of mission.
->... How to be, when in subject mission order to destroy enemies, and they kill you with terrible force? Look at the list of enemies - if them so many that are not located in "Target list" and there is a ruler of scrolling your problem, actually - simply to survive. It is necessary to cut around on a forcing, trying that not strongly beat. It is not forbidden to shoot up enemy for entertainment. The main thing - to be nearby, differently will consider the deserter. Will soon suggest to leave from fight and to fly somethere (send by 027).
->... On trading ways (Trade Line) it is possible to pirate not bad. Enter into a corridor, on the middle of a way are thrown out, shoot a design of a corridor (absolutely to destroy it is not possible). All taking place stream will be thrown out of this corridor in your hot embraces.
->... You with someone have quarrelled (for example with hunters), and they strongly exasperate you, if you fly on the affairs. Take to itself the mission which is not demanding return, and all your foes will overlook about you before performance of mission. Accordingly mission should be chosen with destination on a way of your following.
->... There is a fast way to fade from fight near Jumpgate. It is necessary to fly on speed limit directly to a beak and to press joining one second prior to collision. A gate Activates almost instantly. If the crowd of enemies directly before a gate and to fight with them a lack of time, we make so:
1. If enemies still far, we are dispersed on cruise. We disconnect a cursor the button <Z> and we fly on inertia that did not cut by disruptor. Or we rush on a forcing if enemies a beside, and do not give to start cruise.
2. Before the beak(Autor tell's us about - beak of Jump gate Улыбка) <F3> - also we listen how these gates are opening already in hyperspace:)
The same focus passes with a highway(Tradeline) and Docking ring on a planet, but at the last the point of an entrance is in empty space before claws, and to get in it much more difficultly. If fly to it too close, the dock computer will taxi you for a long time under fire.
One nuance with Jumpgate - is probability to be late, somebody can request a gate one second prior to you then it is necessary to cancel immediately joining, will hang differently motionlessly, yet will not kill (send by 027).
->... To learn about new systems it is possible, simply having laid a route in distant area. The router lays the shortest way (without taking into account Jump holes) and through unopened sectors.
->... However, about portals (or holes - Jump Hole) it
nevertheless gives the help. Many natural tunnels conduct in the next system where it is possible to get through a hypergate. If on a way there is a hole, allowing to jump further, on a "galactic" map (a map of sector Sirius) Show up two routes - around on artificial lines and short through a hole. I do not know, whether always, but few times saw (send by 027).
->... The most expensive missions at Rheinland (has sent Krok).
->... Nomad ships start to throw out the weapon already from 34-th level, though really chance of it to receive closer to 36-му, well and by itself on 38-th... It is necessary to kill simply their packs... In the beginning at me too it was thrown out nothing from Nomads, then business went. Therefore at levels 36-38, with a good ship it is possible to break already to take out Nomads - they fly packs on 4 ships. It is sometimes thrown out or Сannon or Blaster sometimes anything, sometimes both that, and another - is just necessary kill them more. (not presented Visitor) has sent.
->... Nomads are grazed near holes and in Unknown sectors. Them only two:
1. If at you all OK with Corsairs (and, probably, with Bounty Hunters), is possible to fly to a hole in Omicron Gamma - there hole in the center of a green cloud in right top a private sector (there still the cloud of dead Corsair ships lays). If with Corsairs are Friends it is possible to make spot-checks in a cloud, even to jump in a hole, kill nomads and back - refuel to Crete.
2) If you are a friend of Outcasts (it is desirable, and with Lane Hackers), it is possible to break in Omicron Alpha. The same hole in a green cloud in right a private sector - there is a lot of fragments of Outcast's ships. As flying to a hole, kill Nomads - it is possible and on that side of a hole in Unknown - there in general anything is not present... And anybody, except for Nomads... And by itself - after fight - fly on a planet Malta.
How to find:
- New Berlin-> Stuttgard-> Omega 11-> Omega 41-> Omicron Gamma-> Unknown
- New Berlin-> Frankfurt-> Sigma 13-> Sigma 17-> Omicron Theta-> Omicron Gamma-> Unknown
- New Tokyo-> Honshu-> Sigma 13-> Sigma 17-> Omicron Theta-> Omicron Gamma-> Unknown
- New Tokyo-> Honshu-> Sigma 19-> Omicron Beta-> Omicron Alpha-> Unknown
- New Tokyo-> Kyushu-> Tau 23-> Tau 37-> Omicron Alpha-> Unknown
There is still a remarkable way:
- Omicron Theta-> Omicron Alpha-> Unknown
(not presented Visitor) has sent.
->... Has found out an amusing chesspiece. If in a bar the muzhik with a badge $ above a head suggests you to increase a reputation at someone's Fraction which is not interesting for you, and positive emotions of completely other part of a society (for example Outcasts are necessary for you or still whom of whom this Guy is friends in the long term) that the output - input from a bar does not work, as a rule - the Guy persistently suggests to increase a rating at same uninteresting to us Fractions.
And if to be kept, being in a bar, and then anew to load saved game - that nationalities for increase of a rating always will be different. It is necessary to choose only under itself... I did not try it to make with types at which the letter i above a head, but I believe, as the information will be different at such revolution has put (send by Lane Hacker).
->... Also I want to notice that for change "Buying fraction" it is possible not only to save / load, but also to take off / fly on base if you play a multiplayer (send by Sadist).


->... The optimum ship for an initial level, Defender, is sold for 12000 by ship Missuri in sector New York, and other cruisers
(send by Ivanrus).
->... The ships of class Heavy Fighter (heavy fighters) are usually sold on Battleship the necessary race. Battleship to search on a map.
->... Between the richest systems Liberti (Liberty Systems) and Bretonia (Bretonia Systems), in System Magellan on piracy base Mactan is sold good transport Dromedary - Border World Freighter slots for guns 3, for turrets 5 (!), the capacity of a cargo compartment 275 (!) and costs this miracle of 60000 credits (send by Privateer Pankin).
->... In system Omicron Gamma on planet Crete you can buy the most abrupt ship - Very Heavy Fighter "Titan" M10 Class, the price $ 776,380, 6/1 guns/tur, 12600 shield, 70 cargo space (send by Bacek).


->... It is possible to establish the equipment which has been picked up in space and to remove the established equipment, not coming to the dealer.
On box, showing the symbolical image of the equipment, smaller icon burns. Press it to remove the equipment. Press on "cut off" icon of the equipment that it to establish (send by Ivanrus).
In space it, alas, does not work.
->... The same focus can be done and in shop at the dealer of the equipment. To he is lazy to drag the goods in your hold, he agrees only to put guns and launchers outside. Remove guns or rocket installations, the opportunity to buy still will appear. Thus, it is possible to have onboard some complete sets of guns and rocket installations with different characteristics, establishing suitable in compliance with the purpose of a fighting start (send by 027).
->... To repair the picked up equipment before sale not necessarily, the price then simply grows by the sum spent for repair.
->... There are many versions of shield-generators even inside one class - look through lists of the sold equipment on each base where you are. Always there is a chance to find the generator better.

->... In system Omicron Alpha, near jumphole to the Unknown System, (in square F4), or in Omicron Gamma (square F2) live Nomad-U.
From them are thrown out:
Nomad Blaster
Hull Damage: 635
Shield Damage: 317
Range: 699
Speed: 600
Rate of Fire: 4.0
Energy: 0
Nomad Cannon
Hull Damage: 847
Shield Damage: 423
Range: 699
Speed: 600
Rate of Fire: 3.03
Energy: 0
(Has sent Nimnool).
->... Why Nomads guns are good? Before I tried different guns 10 levels of type (in "Brakes" a loss in a second):
Silver Fire (2172),
Guardian and Onyx (2150),
Jade and Archangel (1956),
Bloodstone and Iron Hammer (1775),
And a heap other, less interesting.
If to load such 4 beauties moreover 2 guns of 9-th level - energy is sucked with speed of a sound therefore Nomad guns and are good - they at all do not use energy of a thorn.
Now on a loss:
Nomad Energy Cannon: 847 x 3.03 = 2566 (!) losses in a second...
Nomad Energy Blaster: 645 x 4 = 2540 (!)
And as they do not eat energy, the button of shooting can be not let off at all. Therefore the weapon of Nomads one of the best for all pilots... (send by not presented Visitor).
->... Nomad Guns are good that that do not guzzle energy. But in the game exist's more powerful weapontry:
Cerebus - Omicron Alpha, F4, Outcast Fighter wreck at Unknown Jumphole
hull: 1173
shield: 586
range: 699
speed: 600
rate: 2.0
energy: 293
power: 2346
efficiency: 8.0
Diamondback - Sigma 13, C3-C4, Old Imperial Navy Fighter wrecks
hull: 1173
shield: 586
range: 699
speed: 600
rate: 2.0
energy: 293
power: 2346
efficiency: 8.0
Ideally probably a couple such and the others Nomad then also energy will not come to an end, and damage big (the Python has sent).
->... On same planet Crete (Omicron Gamma) where the Titan is sold, there are guns 8-9 classes, and in a bar - tasks on $ 100000-200000, i.e. three - four tasks and it is possible will have fun;)
To buy this miracle and to receive such missions, it is necessary to have a high level and to be Friends for Corsairs. Small advice: to buy "Friends reputation" it is possible in the same place - in a bar for some credits, thus spoils relations with the fractions conflicting with Corsairs, but not so that they counted you enemies a little, a maximum they will be to you Neutral (send by Bacek).


->... In System Magellan (Magellan Systems) is trading port Freeport 4 around of which the ships with not sickly cargoes turn constantly. We fly up, we scan a cargo if the cargo arranges, we cut out the escort and transport, we take away a cargo and there and then we sell.
MINUSES: a seed capital in 150000-200000 credits, the neutral relation with grouping Lane Hackers is necessary, relations with police, army and corporations spoil.
PLUSS: the lightning way of enrichment (a minimum at a normal strike of 20000-30000 credits at sale of a cargo), raises reputation at all criminal groupings at which in the column "enemies" stand House Corporations, action occurs in one system, therefore far to fly it is not necessary (send by Privateer Pankin).


->... It is possible to play a single without a plot? We start Freelancer server and connect to it. If you do not see own server, glance in options of a network. If your computer is not connected to a local network and Dial-Up that all worked installation of Service of access to files and printers of network Microsoft can be necessary, the Client for networks Microsoft and to register IP in properties of report TCP/IP, and also a mask of network, for example, in properties of a network environment.
->... There is other way. To install this(тут вроде ссылка должна быть - прим. переводчика гы) mod of fashions which has made by Adam Pitcock. Simply copy these files atop of old. And the Story line is "Off" (send by NetImperia).
->... It is possible to take screenshots by pressing a key <PrintScreen>. Finished shooting to search in folder My Documents\My Pictures\FreelancerShots (send by NetImperia).
->... Initial prompts are simple to cut. It is made so. Go in a folder where at you game is established. There come into folder EXE. In the editor open freelancer.ini and search for a line [Startup] after it go movie_file =
Finish before them and more you will not see prompts. At me it looks so:
; movie_file = movies\MGS_Logo_Final.wmv
; movie_file = movies\DA_Logo_Final.wmv
; movie_file = movies\FL_Intro.wmv
Has met, that at some versions this file looks as a binary file (that is not text). Then to you in the beginning it needs to be unpacked.
For this purpose there is a utility. It is unpacked from a command line so:
bini.exe freelancer.ini
In result will appear unpacked INI a file freelancer.ini.txt. To which can replace a file freelancer.ini and change that I wrote above. To pack not necessarily. As FreeLancer itself determines, in what kind to him offer a file.
In the same way, with this help Utilities it is possible to unpack anyone INI a file for FreeLancer. And, after editing, change this by your own file. (send by NetImperia).
->... To disconnect initial videoclips it is possible even easier. It is enough to rename or remove the files which have been mentioned above.
->... If has bothered to wait, while the list of servers for game it is possible to not make it will be loaded. For this purpose it is just necessary to start a file fldirectip.hta which will open a window and will ask to enter IP. It not EXE, but is started. Has casually come across... (send by NetImperia).
->... Sometimes game for some reason does not see AgencyB.TTF and AgencyR.TTF, and instead of these fonts tries to use Arialuni.ttf. the medicine is by practical consideration found - we come into the control panel, a bookmark "Fonts" - we click on it, and, for some reason with a small delay (2-3 sec), we see, that AgencyB.TTF and AgencyR.TTF are established. After it start Freelancer - and, about a miracle!!! All again in norm. Thus, that is interesting - any changes in the register or (data/fonts/*.ini) it is not revealed - fonts simply necessary to game though are in folder Windows/Fonts/, but for the strange reason are not loaded into memory by the automatic device! What data on these fonts with "Triada" disk:
File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\Fonts\Arialuni.ttf | 02-04-2003 | 22:14:52 | | 23274572 | 2279837e
File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\Fonts\AgencyB.TTF | 02-04-2003 | 22:14:40 | | 59012 | ef78e62f
File Copy: D:\WINDOWS\Fonts\AgencyR.TTF | 02-04-2003 | 22:14:40 | | 57280 | a3d97cd8
Thus Arialuni.ttf it is displayed normally, and at viewing AgencyB.TTF and AgencyR.TTF instead of Russian letters - "boxes". It is possible to experiment - in (/data/fonts/*.ini) to change references to other fonts. I did not beginb make it - me and native fonts arrange, though, maybe, the glitch with them completely will disappear. (send by uriy).
->... How to install msxml3.msi. On a disk there is file INSTMSIA.EXE (INSTMSIW.EXE for NT) - updates Windows Installer. After that simply double click on msxml3.msi (send by Stomatolog).
->... If game starts "to brake", it is possible to solve this problem not leaving from game. The button «an exit in Windows» (on the keyboard) or banal Alt+Tab, we turn off game, we drop out on a working table, then again we come into game (not restarting it). Brakes disappear (has sent Snakes).
->... How to unpack *.ini files.
For this purpose there is Utility programm which needs to be put in folder Windows...
Then it is created two BAT-files.
In the first we write:
@echo off
FOR/F %% i in (' dir %1*.ini/A/B/S') do ini_unaction.bat %% i
Then save it with a name ini_unpack.bat
Then in the same folder we create a file with a name ini_unaction.bat
In it we write the following:
@echo off
bini %1
move %1.txt %1
Then we keep and it is started so: ini_unpack.bat D:\GAMES\FL\
Where instead of D:\GAMES\FL\ put a way where at you lays FreeLancer. Only a way necessarily finish on \
After start it will pass on all folders and will unpack INI files...
Under Windows XP all perfectly works....
(send by NetImperia)

->... To write in Russian in online to users WinХР and Win2к (for Win9х the responsibility I do not carry - I can not check up) it is necessary to make the following operations.
1. To establish additional language support for languages of the Chinese group.
Start-up - Adjustment - the Control panel - Language and Regional standards - a bookmark Languages to establish a tick opposite " To establish support of languages with the letter hieroglyphs " (the second tick from above). It will borrow about 230 mbyte. It is required reboot.
2. To check up, what in a bookmark Start-up - Adjustment - the Control panel - Language and Regional standards - the Bookmark In addition (Language of the programs which are not supporting UNICODE) stood "Russian".
3. To add the Korean allocation for the keyboard.
The right button of the mouse on the Badge of an allocation in the panel of tasks (on the right about hours) - Parameters - the Established services - To add - Korean.
(send by Kalembas)

->... server for itself in Windows XP
1. You need file "hosts" which sits here "....\system32\drivers\etc"
2. If there is only "hosts.sam" that to rename it to "hosts"
3. In this file there should be a line " localhost " if it is not present that to add and keep.
4. To start a server: " ....\freelancer\EXE\flserver.exe/P2302 "
5. To start game: " ....\freelancer\EXE\FREELANCER.EXE-s127.0.0.1:2302
(send by Tuvia)


->... How to make Invulability. The simple text editor in a file perfoptions.ini we change DIFFICULTY_SCALE = 1.00 on DIFFICULTY_SCALE = 0.00 and it is received God mode (has sent uriy).
->... If, flying on Freigher, you consider, that it cannot consult in a difficult situation with the numerous enemy go in "ships.ini", decode, find a line for Freighter of Liberty (li_freighter) about nanobots and shield batteries, and put number, well we shall tell, 100.
IMHO if this only thing on what at you will suffice will power it can be not counted like cheating, and money will depart on shield near 20к for flight... (send by TOPGUN).
->... We study to break Cruise Speed
1. File Constants.ini unpack as any other modified file.
2. Under line [PhySysConsts] add ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY = N, where N - the maximal speed in game. At me it was put and more than 1*10^10.
3. Under line [EngineEquipConsts] to add CRUISING_SPEED = M, where M - accordingly speed from which you will fly on cruise.
4. Anything to delete in a file it is not necessary!
5. Recommendations:
А). COLLISION_DAMAGE_FACTOR - it is better to remove, or to reduce time in 10 since if you will get for the speed 10000 in an asteroid field alive you therefrom will hardly be chosen.
B). CRUISE_DISRUPT_TIME - time necessary for restoration of functionality of cruise, after hit in you Cruise Disruptor. Can put in general 0.
Fly on health with the maximal cruise - speed. Now any stupid «trading rings» to you not a handicap.
(send by Sadist)


1. If not the created server is seen.
Variant 1.
To create new connection> to establish direct connection to a new computer> to accept entering connections> it is chosen through what we want to be connected (it is possible to remove all ticks then the Windows will not answer each phone call)> to resolve virtual private connections (VPN)> we choose for what logins want to resolve access (it is possible to create new)> we choose programs of work with a network (is possible to miss)> Is ready.

We come into properties of the created entering connections> users> the created login [if have not created earlier, we create new (it is possible to choose your existing registration record)]> properties of the given login> we register the password (necessarily)... For example login free, free (it can be done at a stage of creation of entering connections) a field «a full name» it is possible to not fill in the password.

To create new connection> to connect to a network on a workplace> connection to a virtual private network> we enter the name for connection> to not dial the number for preliminary connection> ip the address to a connected computer it is entered> It is ready.

We use the last connection, we enter a login and the password which we have created in entering connections> all of us were connected.

We create a server (we start for a file flserver.exe)> the multiplayer> Lan games> our server is started game is seen> connect.

B following time is made so:
We choose connection we shall call it freelancer> occurs connection> we create a server> we start for game.
The note:
The modem is not necessary for the given process.
(send by Phoenix)

Variant 2.
Installation of the equipment> Addition of the new device> Network payments> Adapter Microsoft of short circuit on itself.
The note:
It if is not present other already established normal network payments.
(send by МараZматик)

If at a choice of a server deduces the message:
I'm sorry, but a connection could not be established to that server. This is usually caused by a server going offline when you attempted to connect to it. It may also be caused by Internet problems. Please try again later.
Variant 1.
1. Establish DirectX 9.0
2. In keys register the IP (-s127.0.0.1...) for Loc. Networks.
The note:
At start of a server do not overlook to put "dot" opposite «Make Your Server Internet Accessible».
(send by rayden, Delta_Q, NetImperia)
Variant 2.
You start a server, further create a label to exe with such keys-s127.0.0.1:2300-s127.0.0.1:2302 (for example E:\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe-s127.0.0.1:2300-s127.0.0.1:2302) [with two].
(send by CraZZy)


Try to use МTU program!
Open the control panel, click on an icon the Network twice, then choose the Controller of the removed access - press the button of Property, a bookmark In addition and put:
Record of the report - is not present
Use. Report РРТР - yes
The size of package IP - small
Compression of headings IPX - yes
Then press everywhere ОК. Now from the control panel open System, a bookmark of the Device and open properties of port SOM1. Put:
Speed - 115200
Bits of data - 8
Parity - is not present
Stop bits - 1
Management of a stream - hardware
Now the same do for other ports.

It is necessary to establish also Internet Explorer 5.5 or above it will remove some bugs and will speed up connection.
Then install program MTU Speed.
These parameters are established after pressing button Optimum Setting. If you use other utilities be convinced, that the following parameters stand:
mtu: 576
mss: 536

ttl: 128

NDI Cashesize: 16
Auto MTU discover: Disable
RWIN and other caches make game more "Laggs". Then press button Update Registry.
As it is possible to make some changes to the register though it can give only insignificant result:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Net:: content:: 0X - find parameter SLOWNET and change it with 01 on 00,
Then HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\COMBUFF - parameter START change with 00 on 01,
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VCACHE - too START change with 00 on 01

Now we shall start adjustment of a level of a target signal of the modem. The matter is that the different level of a target signal of the modem is necessary for each pair phones (automatic telephone exchange). If at you a qualitative line, and on the opposite end weak that is necessary to reduce a target signal of the modem, differently a signal of a near echo will hammer in an entering signal from the removed modem and speed of connection will fall to reception. As a rule speed of connection on reception and transfer is established different and in an icon of connection speed on reception is displayed only. It is the easiest to pick up a level of a target signal at connection with the provider as its options are inaccessible to you and it is possible to change only the. We begin with a level-6 DB (a minus six). We call to the provider five times, we reject minimum value of speed of connection, and the others we average and it is written down. Further we reduce a level on 1 DB (-7) and we call again, then-8,-9 and so on while speed of last two tests will not cease to grow. It also is optimum value. For example:
-6 DB 14400-10 DB 24000
-7 DB 16800-11 DB 26400
-8 DB 19200-12 DB 26400
-9 DB 21600-13 DB 26400
The minus 12 Db also is optimum value for concrete connection. If to continue to reduce a signal speed of transfer will start to fall.

At game from the modem on the modem with the friend adjustment passes more difficultly as he(friend) should optimize the modem too, therefore the modem all over again is changeable, we write down speed of each attempt from its part and we ask simultaneously a message of record of the friend because as I already spoke earlier speed on reception and transfer different. In this case it is necessary to achieve identical speeds.

Now how as a matter of fact to change this level. As a rule the level of a target signal of the modem changes register S91, therefore we include the modem (if external) we start for program Hyper Terminal and type:
AT (enter) - initialization of the modem
ATS91? (enter) - check of value by default
ATS91=6 (enter) - we put new value
ATS91? (enter) - check, whether the register has changed
We press Communication / finish and we call to the provider
Sometimes value of the register does not change - protection (not clearly only from whom) then we put the country - Japan, and after end of optimization we put back the necessary country. After switching-off of a feed of the modem this adjustment is kept.

Now we shall talk about restriction of speed of connection. The matter is that and simply works on the Internet are necessary for game completely different options. We admit you download a file and have incorporated for the speed 28800. There is a loading - has passed Noise or a pulse handicap - an incorrect package of the data - inquiry about repeated transfer - a true package of the data - and etc. You even also will not notice anything, unless falling of speed of loading of a file on 5-10 %. Now we shall look that occurs in game. We were connected to UT to a server with speed 28800, have come in game - we run 5 seconds - noise a handicap - we sit in ping - ping has ended - we lay killed - we are born, we run 5 seconds - we mount on the lift and we run further - the next handicap has ended - there are we on any lift did not rise, and are floating in a sulfuric acid - try to come up, run on a path - comes to an end the next handicap - appears we already have sunk in an acid. And if occurs Retrain in general we can take off from a server. It is asked on.. .. To us such speed of connection if it is impossible to play? Therefore it is necessary to limit the top speed of connection of the modem compulsorily. As a rule, for the beginning it is necessary to lower speed on two steps - in our case it is 24000. We taste to play from the modem on the modem (without the Internet) and if the red label lights up too frequently still we lower speed. By my experience the best game at speed 24000, if both lines digital and 19200, if even one line analog. If and at speed 19200 the red label the medicine here is powerless frequently lights up - it is necessary to change telephone number. It is asked and how to limit speed - for this purpose there is a line of initialization of the modem. For each modem, even on chipsets of one manufacturer, but different models it is necessary to select the line of initialization using the passport applied to the modem. For example, my line for modem Acorp on chipset Rockwell:
%C0+MS=11,1, 21600, - where 21600 as much as possible allowed speed.
Can try the next lines (if the program will tell that there is no response from the modem - this line to you means does not resemble - remove it, disconnect the modem and be reloaded):
%C0+MS=V34,1, 21600
%C0+MS=11,1, 21600

Большая просьба уделить внимание тех. инфе
    Добавлено: 17:03 07-01-2004   
 517 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 24.09.2003
Нашел ошибку у себя Улыбка
Раздел читы:
If, flying on Freighter'e <-----думаю последний апостров и "е" стоит удалить...хе хе хе

Раздел читы и ниже переводил не я, а ПРОМТ - я его только редактировал...сил не было+ я там сам половину не понимаю...
    Добавлено: 17:48 07-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

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ок. Ща поменяю на первую редакцию Хы...
Зубр - респект! Супер!
    Добавлено: 18:33 07-01-2004   

Раздел читы и ниже переводил не я, а ПРОМТ - я его только редактировал...сил не было+ я там сам половину не понимаю...

Если хотите сделать хороший качественный перевод - переводите сами, а не промтом - а если у вас нет сил даже за промтом редактировать - лучше совсем не беритесь.

Посмотрел перевод - который чуть выше - ArcticA-ZuBR - "это быть хороший перевод - промт переводить - я нет сил поправлять"

Добавлю от себя - даже если ваш словарный запас не превышает 500 слов - перевод от себя будет выглядеть гораздо лучше - чем от промта или подобной программы.
    Добавлено: 22:17 07-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Корундыч, ну дык... Не у всех же есть время вручную париться - поправлять-то быстрее Подмигиваю

а ты бы вот лучше пробежался бы глазами и руками по переводу и на наглядном примере показал бы нам, чем так нехорош Промт Хы...
а то у нас редактирует фактически один Кримсон.
    Добавлено: 01:03 08-01-2004   
 1848 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
По ходу Зубр сам уже прочитал написанное, ужаснулся и сам принялся енто редактить Хы...
    Добавлено: 02:16 08-01-2004   
 980 EGP

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Откуда: Ташкент
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а ты бы вот лучше пробежался бы глазами и руками по переводу

Скажу, как бывший переводчик - проще перевести самому по-новой Улыбка
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 07:51 08-01-2004   
 791 EGP

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Откуда: понаехали тут
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ArcticA-ZuBR :


->... How to make Invulability.

Повесишся тут с вами...
А ты точно переводил Промтом?
Тады хоть спелл-чекером каким орфографию проверяйте.
All are equal. Of course, that doesn't stop some people from being stupid fools or jerks.
    Добавлено: 16:26 17-01-2004   

But sooner or later you begin to feel bitter taste of disapointment, as all this beauty is shown through the narrow gap of rather bizzare interface. First off, the default view is from-top-and-bit-behind [Как-то этот вид назывался, но я не помню, как. Может, кто напомнит... вроде в автосимах его называют читерским, но в данном случае думаю термин не совсем подходит. А вообще там что, действительно так уж худо с этой камерой?], which would be more appropriate for console arcade games, not a serious space sim, which Freelancer was promised to be, and which it is to a large extent. Neither is it too helpful for fully enjoying the surrounding beauty nor is it very useful during the fight. Once you engage in combat you are presented bright and colorful, but absolutely uninformative picture. It is in fact impossible to see something through engines glow and weapon flashes. Luckily, it is possible to switch to more usual view from cckpit and there is even a different ockpit for each craft in the game, but then your sight becomes dead bolted straight ahead, without a chance of to look sideways. Wanna look left or right? Welcome back to outside view. As a result, you are forced to percieve graceful and magnificent universe only with your peripheral sight, always travelling in hurry between gates and planets.

It is also disappointing that, despite all promises, Digital Anvil didn't keep the joystick support in the game. When you have gimbaled guns with aiming direction independent of ship's course, it would seem the most right decision. In I-War, which has similar aiming system [Замечание по оригиналу - это в I-War'е-то количество степеней свободы аналогично Freelancer?..] joystick was more than appropriate, why not leave it then, at least as an option for conservative players? Mouse doesn't add much to the controlling of the craft and its use in the game appears to be somewhat strained.

Тут я вообще не понял.

Оригинал рецензии:
Так же вызывает недоумение, почему авторы «отвязав» прицел от курса корабля, что в принципе, достаточно логично для прогрессивной техники далекого будущего, «отвязали» туда же и самый правильный девайс для управления симуляторами — джойстик.

Перевод Майка:
The designers also made the crosshair for the aiming separate from the piloting cursor, in effect that would make the joystick almost useless if it was supported by the game.

Однако по смыслу, действительно, на кой в плоской игре джойстик? Тем более что даже роль мыши в игре "представляется несколько надуманной" Хотелось бы узнать, что автор рецензии имел в виду...

Despite all the promises for a living universe, the trading system, which is the base of any open space simulator appeared flat and primitive to me. The list of items is short and there are rarely enough goods to fully load even a fighter. Station often produces items for much higher price than accidental trader would sell it there.

Another odd thing is that numbers of pirates and other asocial elements in well-defended systems are incredibly high; you - a relatively peaceful and relatively honest trader - seem to be the only one to who is checked every five meters to have your id and goods checked by the police. When the pirates are waiting for you in some deserted place in the middle of nowhere that is to be expected, but criminals getting materialized in the center of capital systems just to commit certain suicide under fire of overwhelming law forces are just no good. Also, just like the police, your enemies seem to care about you much more than about anyone in the world, trying to kill you on sight regardless of circumstances. I was flying by and noticed a large fight between a dozen of ships. Luckily I didn’t have to go through that area, but when I almost got to a trade lane I noticed them all on my tail. For sake of killing me they forgot all previous misagreements among each other and despised the danger in form of police crafts right behind them. Soon, I could hear distinct sound when my shields began deflecting their fire. The whole party, including police who were actually aiming at pirates, ended up charging in the spot right between my engines. How can you believe the promises about whole alive universe with its own life after seeing something like that?

Sadly, that is not the end of the problems with the game. Physics engine sometimes behaves just as weird. For example, ramming the opponent, which is a radical but sometimes effective method of fighting, in Freelancer has practically no effect on you or your enemy. The same thing about colliding with an asteroid twice the size of your spaceship and at full speed, there is no crippling damage. Instead of turning into a cloud of space dust you just get some of your shields down but it restores in a couple of seconds. Because of this, an asteroid field is nothing in terms an arena for a battle, it could test the navigation skills of young pilots but doesn’t require you to change tactics in a serious combat.

Despite all this, the AI performs quite intelligently, by using strafe and changing directions rapidly to avoid fire and to simply shake you off their tail. There is a built in electronic reputation system, (like ones implemented in other games e.g. X-Tension) which can be “hacked” for money in favor of a certain faction. That’s quite useful considering that every criminal organization or house posses their own unique weapons or defense systems that cannot be obtained anywhere else outside their territory.

One more boring thing is that all the random missions are totally alike. Sadly, you can’t even call the storyline “kaleidoscope of adventures” - you are just being chased by a growing number of enemy forces. Even “I-War II” (Freelancer has to be compared to something) possessed a more interesting and at the same time less compulsory storyline. Here you are constantly thrown out of a now familiar systems into new ones, almost like the developers feared that you could miss some of the different backgrounds.

Talking about the pros and cons of this game could take even more time, and I don't claim that I have found every single secret and surprise hidden in this game. But it is time to make a conclusion. This game surely is well-crafted. It turned out to be beautiful, interesting, but having little in common with the concept of Elite-style free space sim. Trading and completing random missions are no more than a mean of progressing into the next story line mission. Made just like a movie script – we are certain that our hero and key characters cannot die from a random bullet until they will play out their role to the very end. The heroes and villains will only die by a predefined script. The adventure of course has a problem, climax, and a resolution – and you get the same feeling like walking out of a movie theater or taking out a CD-ROM and being certain that it has ended until the next expansion/version.

It had been said that games which you can play forever, those that have no ending and will never become dull – just like light bulbs that will never burn out, are invented and tested long time ago but will never be on the market. Do I even need to explain why?
    Добавлено: 09:57 11-03-2004   

Раскопал тут у себя завалявшийся файлик Я не при чем...
    Добавлено: 10:04 11-03-2004   
 585 EGP

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Откуда: Днепропетровск, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 10.04.2003
хм... хотел запостить сюда исчезнувшие переводы... не нашел на винте... хотя все в одну папку кидал... такое впечатление, что и в той папке время на месяц назад перескочило... поискаю дома...

2Crimson: У тебя остался отредактированная предыстория хбтф?
    Добавлено: 14:58 11-03-2004   
 560 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Нет... Расстроен на винте я его не сохранял, а в кэше у меня конфа не сохраняется.
    Добавлено: 08:38 12-03-2004   
 585 EGP

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Откуда: Днепропетровск, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 10.04.2003
X-BTF - Главаня Страница

So becomes legends. In far now 1999 a little who believed that the ideas of Elite sometime can attract public and bring Many Money to games developers. But the young German developers from unknown team ** // Egosoft // ** did not aspire to the profit - them was more interestingly simply to make the good game.

If to trust stories the main designer of ** // X-Beyond the Frontier // ** Bern Lenhan, began work with concept five years ago (just in the end of a space age in games and after an release ** // Elite 3 // **). It is interesting that the basic evolutionary difference of gameplay from the predecessors was only the advanced economic system and an opportunity to build own factories. But game lose on all others characteristics: small universe, flat story line, player's "attachment" to the ship, etc... But ** // X-BTF // ** became the real hit in the community of old pilots remembering past days, and due to the rather qualitative graphics & sound has attracted to genre and new admirers.

After the release ** // X-Beyond the Frontier // ** (by the way, the world premiere was held much later, than in Germany) developers has woken up famous. On a wave of popularity in the Internet was organized the on-line development system helps everyone wishing take part in creation of add-on to game names ** // X-Tension // **, which should correct lacks of the first part... What was farther - read in next " section (http:/x-tension /) ".

** // X-Beyond Border // ** became the first game in X by the universe. It brought german company ** // Egosoft ** // glory, and to pilots of all world - hope in the light future.

::module data=section template=menu_main::
**Year of release:** 1999
**Developer:** **//Egosoft//**
**Publisher:** **//THQ//**
**System requirements:** Pentium 166, 16 Mb RAM, videocard support Direct 3D.
    Добавлено: 18:19 18-03-2004   
 585 EGP

Репутация: 120
Сообщения: 1065
Откуда: Днепропетровск, Украина
Зарегистрирован: 10.04.2003
X-BTF Предыстория


In the beginning of game show to us long enough, and the very interesting roller about events that happened before described in game.

"Это история о великой мечте.
Сейчас прототип готов к испытанием..."

After that there is a menu with excellent animation (all on game engine) and music. If it's little to wait, the roller about game will appear, as there flys, shoots. Interestingly, I recommend to look. And when you choose " New Game "...

The game begins. The ship very reminding cruiser of a class "Omega" from "Babylon 5" flies. It issues a X-perimental. Its tests begin. For the player it also training. To us speak what to do, rather pleasant vote. Commander constantly tests a status of systems... During tests (in which we also participate) something occurs. When everything ready to test the most important system - hyperspace drive, one of the assistants speaks, that there is a problem with the engine, but it insignificant and in one minute all will correct. This minute commander calming us, speak that all safely - the jump will be accomplished on small distance in this sector. When all have corrected the times countdown up to a jump begins: " 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, Jump! ". The hyperdrive is turning on, the computer informs set of power: " 10 %, 20 %... 80 %, 90 %, Jumping... " Suddenly mechanic's vote informs about loss of a signal from the ships systems. Mechanic's vote is very much excited. He shouts about turbolence, and scream: " Abort! ABORT!!! "... But it's late, the ship already enter in hyperspace. In result we appear in absolutely unknown sector. Hyperdrive is broken - we can't go back... After occurrence in unknown sector a huge ship catches us by a gravitational trap, we have long conversation, during which we find out the initial data on this sector. At the end of conversation ship give us 100 credits (local currency) and let off with the world. And the game begins...
    Добавлено: 18:20 18-03-2004   
 585 EGP

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Отыскал всет-таки Улыбка
    Добавлено: 18:28 18-03-2004   
 525 EGP

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2 Crimson
А отредактированного перевода "Рецензии" из БД Фрилансера не сохранилось?
In Game - Invincible EG
    Добавлено: 18:30 28-03-2004   
 1848 EGP

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у меня вроде валяется, только там пара строк недоредактированы
    Добавлено: 19:09 04-04-2004   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
This game has been awaited for so long that it became a legend even before its release. Я не уверен, но интуиция подсказывает мне что had been. Titles such as "Most promising", "Most anticipated", etc. were pouring down on it.

It has been brought back into the light after every E3 show, every conference of game designers, and every "private showing" and exclusive interview. This game had it all - the talent of the Roberts brothers, Microsoft's money, an army of fans who already loved the concept, preorders even before alpha testing. Screenshots of the size of a matchbox became topics of discussion on numerous game forums. So, what did Freelancer excel at, and what it just couldn't deliver after all?

Disturbing rumors have been going around that Chris Roberts is changing his position from the project leader to something that sounded like the verymost honoured senior principal chief hono consultant who nevertheles doesn't make much difference in actual development process. Compromises have been made such as the loss of joystick support (and they dare to call this game a simulator!), but they have been praising the comfort of mouse control (Microsoft IntelliMouse, perhaps?). After all that, suddenly an “open” and Elite-like game gains a story line that promises not to drag the player with it too much and still keep the game very open. We have been worried, disappointed with the producers, but after all we were still waiting for this game.

Freelancer has all the potential to become game of the year, at least in its own genre. Flawlessly realized with talent from everybody, starting with designers and artists and ending with the voice actors. It might lack the many original ideas that were promised, but when have we last seen original ideas in some blockbuster which racks in cash despite having nothing truly original?

But first things first, the universe and the story line of the game are obviously related to the universe of Privateer. It has the same mysterious aliens, artifacts, police, pirates, the bars where bounty hunters drink their booze, hackers, smugglers, soldiers, and just scoundrels from all over. And, of course, a cool freelance fighter pilot in a leather jacket that plays the main character. If you want a challenge, then find those 3 floppies with "Privateer I" and find 10 differences between the games. Who knows, maybe the game should’ve been called "Privateer III", if it wasn’t due to the poor reviews that Privateer II received. But if you want to forget about the similarities and simply look at the plot of the game, it becomes quite interesting to follow, especially considering the superb quality of the plot cutscenes. The heroes definitely have a lot of character, with animated gestures that portray emotions well. The animators have outdone themselves, not simply doing an “A” job but a solid “A++”! The only thing that seems really weird and out of place are all those rooms with high gothic arcs, dragons and chimeraes in place while the characters that reside there are far from medieval. All those decorations probably symbolize the ancient roots of Sirius sector civilization, but it doesn’t quite seem work too well. After all, the colonists of Sirius left the Earth way later than 14th century.

The sound quality during the cutscenes is similar to what you'd expect to get in good movie theatre and Dolby surroud system would be just good enough for it And that same thick, dense quality sound atmosphere remains through the game. Very clear weapon sound effects will allow veterans to distinguish the type of weapon being fired at them by listening to the sound. The ambient that is filled with radio traffic broadcasts and excellent background effects. This game cannot be fully enjoyed unless your volume is cranked up to the max.

As for the graphics, well – you should see it yourself. It’s the classic example where its magnificence cannot be described in words, because the number of words that are known to me are outnumbered by the number of color hues of galaxies and planets of the Sirius Sector. Literally, the beauty of the universe is out of this world and many times it leaves you wondering where the 3D objects end and the background starts. The nebulas, planets, and asteroid belts look exactly like in our wildest imagination, we can only hope that it will be a similar sight that our grandchildren will see when they will reach similar places. The models of the space stations amaze us with their size and number of all the smallest details that they present. You want to fly around those stations for hours, and curse the person who decided that manual docking is not necessary for this game. Planets have an atmosphere, and you can see the lights of the massive cities on the dark side. And in the almost endless asteroid fields every little piece of rock or frozen piece of gas is unique and unlike its neighbor.

But, sooner or later you start feeling a bitter taste of disapointment, as all this beauty is shown through the narrow gap of rather bizzare interface. First off, the default view is from-top-and-bit-behind, which would be more appropriate for console arcade games, not a serious space sim (which Freelancer was promised to be and actually is to a certain degree). Neither is it too helpful for fully enjoying the surrounding beauty nor is it very useful during the fight. Once you engage in combat, you are presented bright and colorful, but absolutely uninformative picture. It is in fact impossible to see something through engines glow and weapon flashes. Luckily, it is possible to switch to more usual view from cockpit and there is even a different cockpit for each craft in the game, but then your sight becomes dead bolted straight ahead, without a chance of to look sideways. Wanna look left or right? Welcome back to outside view. As a result, you are forced to percieve graceful and magnificent universe around only with your peripheral sight, always travelling in hurry between gates and planets.

It is also disappointing that, despite all promises, Digital Anvil didn't keep the joystick support in the game. When you have gimbaled guns with aiming direction independent of ship's course, the joystick looks like the most correct decision. In I-War, which has similar aiming system [Замечание по оригиналу - это в I-War'е- то количество степеней свободы аналогично Freelancer?..] joystick was more than appropriate, so why not leave it then, at least as an option for conservative players? Mouse doesn't add much to the controlling of the craft and its use in the game appears to be somewhat strained.
Тут я вообще не понял.

Оригинал рецензии:
Так же вызывает недоумение, почему авторы «отвязав» прицел от курса корабля, что в принципе, достаточно логично для прогрессивной техники далекого будущего, «отвязали» туда же и самый правильный девайс для управления симуляторами — джойстик.

Перевод Майка:
The designers also made the crosshair for the aiming separate from the piloting cursor, in effect that would make the joystick almost useless if it was supported by the game.

Майк, ты, по моему, немного не врубился.

Однако по смыслу, действительно, на кой в плоской игре джойстик? Тем более что даже роль мыши в игре "представляется несколько надуманной". Кстати, хотелось бы узнать что автор рецензии имел этим в виду...

Despite all the promises for a living universe, the trading system - which is the base of any open space simulator, appeared flat and primitive to me. The list of items is short and there seldom are enough goods to fully load even a fighter. Station often produces items for much higher price than accidental trader would sell it there. Another odd thing - numbers of pirates and other asocial elements in well-defended systems are incredibly high. You - a relatively peaceful and relatively honest trader - seem to be the only one to who is checked every five meters to have your id and goods checked by the police. Also, when pirates are waiting for you in some deserted place in the middle of nowhere - that is to be expected, but criminals constantly appearing in the center of capital systems just to commit certain suicide under overwhelming numbers of law forces are just no good.

Just like the police, your enemies seem to care about you much more than about anyone in the world, trying to kill you on sight regardless of circumstances. I was flying by and saw a large fight raging between a dozen of ships. Luckily, I didn’t have to go through that area, but when I almost got to a trade lane I noticed them all on my tail. For sake of killing me they forgot all previous misagreements among each other and despised the danger in form of police crafts right behind them. Soon, I could hear distinct sound when my shields began deflecting their fire. The whole party, including police who were actually aiming at pirates, ended up charging the spot right between my engines. How can you believe the promises about whole alive universe with its own life after seeing something like that?

Sadly, that is not the end of the problems with the game. Physics engine sometimes behaves just as weird. For example, ramming the opponent, which is quite radical but sometimes effective method of fighting, in Freelancer has practically no effect on you or your enemy. The same thing about colliding with an asteroid twice the size of your spaceship and at full speed, there is no crippling damage. Instead of turning into a cloud of space dust you right away you just get some of your shields down, restore in a couple of seconds. Because of this, an asteroid field is nothing in terms an arena for a battle. It could test the navigation skills of young pilots but doesn’t require you to seriously change tactics in combat.

Despite all this, the AI performs quite intelligently, by using strafe and changing directions rapidly to avoid fire and to simply shake you off their tail. There is a built in electronic reputation system, (like ones implemented in other games, e.g. X-Tension) which can be “hacked” for money in favor of a certain fractions. That’s quite useful considering that every criminal organization or ruling house posses their own unique weapons or defense systems that cannot be obtained anywhere else outside their territory.

One boring thing is that all the random missions are totally alike. Sadly, you can’t even call the storyline “a kaleidoscope of adventures” - for the duration of 3 or 4 missions you are just chased by a growing number of enemy forces. Even “I- War II” (Freelancer has to be compared to something) possessed a more interesting and at the same time less obligatory storyline. You are constantly thrown out of a familiar system into a new one, almost like the developer feared that you could miss some of the different backgrounds.

Talking about the pros and cons of this game could take a very long time, and the author doesn't claim he had find found every single hidden secret and surprise. But it is time to make a conclusion. This game turned out to be well-crafted. It proved to be beautiful, interesting, but having little in common with the concept of Elite, the free open space sim. Trading and completing random missions are no more than a tool for progressing into the next story line mission. Made just like a movie script – we are certain that our hero and key characters cannot die from a random bullet until they will play out their role to the very end. The heroes and villains will only die by a predefined script. The adventure of course has a problem, climax, and a resolution – and you get the same feeling like walking out of a movie theater or taking out a CD-ROM and being certain that it has ended until the next expansion/version. It had been said that games which you can play forever, those that have no ending and will never become dull – just like light bulbs that will never burn out, are invented and tested long ago, but will never come on the market. Do I even need to explain why?

красным - это вроде комменты Кримсона. Разберитесь окончательно с этими фразами, я все в ЕГО сделаю и Гешке отдам
    Добавлено: 19:19 04-04-2004   
 525 EGP

Просто Гешка
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Репутация: 115
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Откуда: Харыпкент (GMT +5)
Зарегистрирован: 21.03.2003
У! Класс! А я думал вообще всё похерилось...
In Game - Invincible EG
    Добавлено: 03:17 05-04-2004   
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:) ;) :D :gigi: :lol: :( :mad: :weep: :abuse: :spy: :interesting: :wow: :insane: :super: :bored: :ass:
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