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Канал Elite: Dangerous: «Обсуждение: новости, статьи, интервью - Архив»
 470 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 16(2765)
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Откуда: Украина
Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2013

Добро пожаловать в новостную рассылку №47 по Elite: Dangerous!
В ходе этого выпуска мы рассмотрим третью бету, которая была запущена в начале этой недели, и объявим о завершении фазы бета-тестирования, поскольку финальный релиз игры уже близок.
На следующей неделе мы опубликуем дату релиза Elite: Dangerous, так что постарайтесь не пропустить очередную рассылку новостей!
Кроме того, у нас есть немного свежей информации о вечере премьеры игры, и видео, в котором члены команды рассказывают о создании игры Elite: Dangerous.
Издание игры Elite: Dangerous Mercenary Edition уже доступно в магазине для покупки, и содержит, кроме самой игры, цифровые дополнения, и сразу два стартовых корабля: Sidewinder и истребитель Eagle.
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Содержание выпуска

  • Картинка недели
  • Третья бета
  • Бета-тестирование завершается 22 ноября
  • Премьера The Elite: Dangerous 22.11.14
  • Новые краски камуфляжей
  • Переписка сообщества

Перейти к чтению 47-го выпуска новостей игры Elite: Dangerous >>>
    Добавлено: 01:57 01-11-2014   
 470 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 16(2765)
Репутация: 97
Сообщения: 1248
Откуда: Украина
Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2013
Cobra MK4 :
Кстати вот это видео из рассылки заслуживает отдельного упоминания

The making of Elite: Dangerous

Есть ли знатоки английского, желающие зафигачить перевод ролика?
Вот вытащил субтитры с ютуба, которые автоматом туда затянулись:
 Cкрытый текст   (кликните здесь для просмотра)
00:00:03,770 in
00:00:06,800 good
00:00:15,370 with really dangerous with not been hung up
00:00:18,760 on being true to the regional eat or to frontier
00:00:22,300 what the the priority has been to make a great game
00:00:25,920 people have this idea of what we should be and China match the idea
00:00:30,500 is is gonna be fun I see really dangerous is the
00:00:34,290 the next step in that franchise which kinda
00:00:37,640 roles in the best visible was games and
00:00:40,890 and then out some more his own as well individually in some ways is more
00:00:44,570 accessible
00:00:45,260 apart from docking trough hand the
00:00:49,210 weather for poems bike build the world's in greater detail
00:00:53,820 and also mapping it to our galaxy use genius
00:00:57,390 you know makes you think that your actually in the future impossible well
00:01:01,220 you know exists obviously the regional games have been
00:01:04,790 big influences but from I P no signs
00:01:08,320 fiction time for a very long time and
00:01:11,390 I've always liked the the soda for the harder and a science fiction
00:01:15,310 where this islam also justification and behind
00:01:19,540 the way things happen you've got but these however
00:01:22,730 you bring in the East China mansion where world would be like in a thousand
00:01:25,940 years time
00:01:27,000 and personal issues you might think this thing is that you think might go
00:01:30,940 easily not nanotechnology or whatever but it may not turn out so
00:01:35,290 we let you go points dark world for China i fix one nice
00:01:38,870 I'm not a fan of utopia by science fiction future
00:01:42,270 love it was in the imagination and now we having to fulfill that a lot of
00:01:46,220 detail
00:01:46,850 not a lot of work behind that we've got a lot of iconic shapes
00:01:50,140 them to work from in a divisional games say been on a tear fell out the details
00:01:54,750 in a shape his a lot of fun but also it's going to mean a lot to anybody who
00:01:58,560 have played the previous games tying the challenge for us
00:02:00,979 is take that my frame and then
00:02:04,040 keep it keep their connection to keep the design but and fill the gaps the
00:02:07,360 left behind so
00:02:08,860 would be filled with the plaza modulation before
00:02:12,040 we've got take that load away we've got a fill the gaps
00:02:15,549 with content with things that would
00:02:19,019 be functional make sense obviously we take quite a lot of influence in
00:02:22,090 different places but sit with empower our own spin on things to make it
00:02:26,020 but play that different
00:02:27,830 a bit cooler when you look at it he looks like a that
00:02:31,460 ballads like a remotely without it sucks I wanna per also
00:02:34,460 what was which flips and spins in the fans in these engines though
00:02:37,900 work together and look like it's a real space should be no it's not
00:02:42,350 just the one for me more is actually becoming and allotted
00:02:46,510 into missus %uh for the muzzle flashes the impact
00:02:50,140 affects am rather than trying to make them all at the same way to mix it up a
00:02:54,300 bit make them
00:02:55,130 look different especially the the bigger weapons like this
00:02:58,390 plasma guns gone into the cooler so we try and do something a bit different
00:03:01,990 times
00:03:02,600 I think the hardest part to bring in the regionally up-to-date
00:03:05,860 who is trying to create funny a massive environments
00:03:08,940 whether that be the cockpit the X series at the ship's
00:03:12,760 whether that be the asteroid or the planet's there's a huge amount of work
00:03:16,480 that goes into every atom in
00:03:17,950 I think one other big difference is bringing the cockpit into the world
00:03:20,960 is something that you can feel like you're almost
00:03:23,960 inside of when they make the cockpit trying to bear in mind any
00:03:28,010 future changes that might take place and
00:03:31,160 that could be the implementation ovett secondly pilot
00:03:34,450 or in some cases attache pilot say to
00:03:37,680 we need to make sure that we leaf and physical space
00:03:40,840 that's going to enable somebody to fit in that city so an early dangerous we've
00:03:44,430 got four hundred billion systems
00:03:46,420 and for us making sure that there's something exciting something
00:03:50,770 thrilling something dangerous something interesting to do need to those systems
00:03:55,580 is a real real priority krajina
00:03:58,660 something the scope for the galaxy is a is an enormous task in itself
00:04:02,570 and we're relying on procedural techniques does the
00:04:06,240 realize that but making those techniques
00:04:09,550 lookers as well as be accurate i think is a big challenge
00:04:13,420 elite is such a completely different game from the gains that we've done in
00:04:16,239 the past
00:04:17,010 I mean are really a game that quite often been
00:04:20,220 by static landscapes with didn't want them light shining down on them
00:04:24,600 and then we we began this project and everything moves
00:04:28,320 everything travels in different directions and everything has about 300
00:04:31,850 lights on it
00:04:32,500 plants look more
00:04:34,300 you know you'd imagine and be the services stars rush remodeling nose and
00:04:38,800 you can see a place for
00:04:40,240 plasma Jess in you know where the richness is going on there
00:04:44,050 the technology now that we have available to us as so much
00:04:47,659 more powerful that it can be kinda difficult to know when to stop
00:04:51,180 and those missions says simulations going on
00:04:55,310 things change in response to your actions and
00:04:59,060 so I think it's just a much deeper and richer world things like the the docking
00:05:03,419 procedure they now have more depth
00:05:05,220 that the players inside the station they see what's going on behind the scenes
00:05:09,150 where previously read it and showed
00:05:10,849 you know entrances and exits the station's our systems can have more
00:05:14,870 complex relations with each other than they have occurred before which have
00:05:17,710 more effective trade cats we can release a love
00:05:19,830 just dial up the whole experience for the plate when a bigger things I work to
00:05:24,039 me since being hyped space
00:05:25,900 as beleaguered fun to work with had a lot of creative freedom into
00:05:29,419 the fact the you can go anywhere in space any point in a system
00:05:33,090 you can look at the planet from any angle
00:05:35,450 the speed required for that create love interesting challenges for us
00:05:39,090 trying to maintain the the dogfighting
00:05:42,240 game for the coming into the regional and on its net against the
00:05:46,730 now the ability to travel anywhere
00:05:50,289 it's really allowed us to keep the core the game
00:05:54,490 well opening up the Galaxy getting
00:05:57,680 the the field the combat right so it feels
00:06:00,979 great and it doesn't it isn't the sort of thing
00:06:04,219 where you immediately by having a bigger ship your major you can win a combat all
00:06:08,749 that something the detail in the turn rates how heavy a ship should feel how
00:06:12,370 light
00:06:12,879 one of the big challenges that we've had is doing great combat
00:06:16,020 in an empty space other games can use
00:06:19,680 the environment and gravity to create solve
00:06:23,750 gameplay limitations and that they need whereas
00:06:27,330 we've had to use the flight model and ships to
00:06:31,810 to essentially create those interesting
00:06:34,810 gameplay limitations making sure that we
00:06:38,310 don't get carried away when the coming up with something for gameplay purposes
00:06:42,849 you know it's it's a game about science fiction but there has to be signs that
00:06:46,479 has to be reality that
00:06:47,710 so you we can just sort of create a good idea because it's good gameplay
00:06:52,169 sometimes it has to make sense within the fiction the world as well
00:06:55,029 people think oh yes will sign such a sieve fixing but actually there are lots
00:06:59,129 of theories in a conflict
00:07:00,699 in lots of places so it's trying to find a way forward which i think is the most
00:07:04,319 accurate the interpretation and some the results we see
00:07:07,719 and it's a process that I've thoroughly enjoyed
00:07:11,219 wanna the bank attention in in in any space game is
00:07:15,279 the idea of no sound in space one creative Diana
00:07:19,409 we face to sound as I regularly is this whole scientific
00:07:22,879 accuracy in realism versus just making a game sound cool
00:07:26,580 as a creative design a I don't really want to think about that
00:07:30,639 particular part assigns cost a nice to just
00:07:34,000 are exactly the same thing it's beautiful to at
00:07:37,759 quite often play up tightly pulling in different directions
00:07:41,009 and we have to make a choice so it should be read as realistic speak at
00:07:44,649 where we can
00:07:45,439 but we've had two I'm in harm's
00:07:48,710 certain aspects gameplay with audio
00:07:51,590 which other to be take the necessary just to inform the plan
00:07:56,350 what's going on anything else I'm and we found it
00:08:00,230 to increase immersion I'm considerably
00:08:04,040 there's a lot of sci-fi sound as I increase aid out there for example
00:08:08,140 we all think we know allies against it sound like your spaceship engines it
00:08:11,780 sound like an yet none of us
00:08:13,110 actually hurt I sounds if has any influence that we always
00:08:16,510 tryin stick to its try finding a different way to do the same thing
00:08:20,910 and create her own specific universe so what we've tried to do
00:08:24,670 is Carver II in style and try and navigate around some these
00:08:28,720 preconceptions and trying different things much you can our lead audio joe
00:08:32,490 says
00:08:33,220 trying to think of something original don't would be poor sleep for a for a
00:08:37,390 going elements create something new we weren't composing for
00:08:41,000 cutscenes and a specific scenes its
00:08:44,150 about moods and changing emotions
00:08:47,590 and describing be to space and mystery space
00:08:50,790 the biggest difference with the Danish think is the
00:08:53,930 the fact that we're not player fact we're online and many
00:08:58,020 it in which is the game play so much to be able to
00:09:02,360 go on adventures with a friend to meet people to real people to actually talk
00:09:07,130 to them
00:09:07,680 i think is loans potential for co-op in the game thing that should be
00:09:11,750 something that everybody should explore I'm
00:09:15,610 when we were testing the voice comms John I had great session
00:09:19,350 with each other just attacking MPC's
00:09:23,260 and with was comes it was just so much fun
00:09:26,900 and to see that the scope for for
00:09:30,330 you know having having having weak man and going off
00:09:33,600 and enjoy adventures together is huge for me
00:09:37,320 the most exciting thing with early dangerous is the whole
00:09:41,750 the fact that the Galaxy Israel the fact that you look
00:09:45,280 the night sky the real nice guy outside
00:09:48,730 and it matches the games place we can every single dot you can see
00:09:52,750 is a star that you can visit
00:09:55,170 because partly dangerous has got to be just how
00:10:00,190 fast the game is and how small you as a player
00:10:04,160 you like a speck of dust floating in the universe it's incredible
00:10:07,430 is really boring to me how small we all on a massive spaces
00:10:12,110 and a distance between planets in the game in this Go
00:10:15,620 the universe is accurately models hand it's just mind blowing the distances in
00:10:20,950 the time it takes to travel
00:10:22,570 there are a lot of things about it that amaze me but more
00:10:25,720 I learned more to give signs who put into it which I know doesn't matter a
00:10:29,950 lot of people me matters a lot to me
00:10:31,660 but it's that richness that feeling that I'm exploring something real
00:10:35,240 and then when I look back into consolation in which the Sun
00:10:39,050 is one of the little dots that that's real nice what you really would see
00:10:43,029 from nap distant system for me as the stuff is just coming in at the moment
00:10:47,740 an ass exploration I love the idea just heading out to humans by Center
00:10:52,700 your out since the election c'mon fine my favorite part leading to the moment
00:10:57,540 is
00:10:58,010 the flight simulation my connection my ship and the
00:11:01,880 detail in which you can go into your ship and
00:11:05,270 everything that comes with it so the docking requesting an and the whole
00:11:08,720 partly because I come from flight sims
00:11:10,620 and so that we ticks all the boxes really like crap the feeling actually
00:11:14,070 being present a ship that he said
00:11:15,839 a real object the you up writing and and not just
00:11:19,760 unit moving a radical and victory target
00:11:23,100 I think for me it has to be the biggest it's been a year and I still haven't
00:11:27,180 gotten over
00:11:27,850 just how good a job the Orleans to with that because part has been the
00:11:31,670 audio so far particularly a in stations things like that having the voices
00:11:36,150 echoing off the walls and just the
00:11:37,690 the sound as you go through the doc important things like that um
00:11:41,610 i think is well the our teams on an incredible job just making the Galaxy a
00:11:45,440 beautiful place
00:11:46,300 the galaxy map is a really cool partly being able to see the trade routes and
00:11:50,420 everything and see you
00:11:52,020 if you have a mission that your currently involved in been able to
00:11:55,390 select to the elements our
00:11:56,779 related to that mission and find a way to rate Lisa going on it such a
00:12:00,720 fantastic
00:12:01,660 bit if design in Coden art it's all come together and
00:12:05,420 it really is quite mind-blowing when you see it for the first time
00:12:08,769 in the coolest part early dangerous is when you fire at heatsink
00:12:12,180 and all your glass frost's up gives your real
00:12:15,370 that ability to have a
00:12:19,199 stealth fighter experience which is really so visceral
00:12:22,660 in close you in a cockpit you're there literally
00:12:26,040 hiding in the past missus pace and I just think it brings
00:12:29,339 this whole vast Galaxy center down on you in the pit of your stomach and the
00:12:35,329 feeling is your sneaking around
00:12:36,730 I think that's amazing because part of the dangers for me is playing on oculus
00:12:40,930 rift
00:12:41,550 just the experiences like sitting in the cockpit I'd like seeing space all around
00:12:46,319 you
00:12:46,660 AZT yet a new world gaming really
00:12:50,509 when I but they ref had them for the first time I was absolutely amazed
00:12:54,949 it didn't matter that it was in high definition it wasn't one day later
00:12:57,850 versions advocate
00:12:58,779 it with just and amazing and massive experience
00:13:01,889 I was in the Sidewinder and looking all around me I could see everything that
00:13:05,579 surround the chair
00:13:06,550 or the place from the floor and also the handrail to read BIOS Ryan friends me
00:13:10,750 and 8
00:13:11,360 you really makes you want to just reach out and touch it I'm a first testing
00:13:14,889 sheep graze
00:13:15,540 and we had country system
00:13:19,009 rings and going so crazy flying in and agile closer
00:13:23,269 it wasn't just texture it was not any see to asteroids
00:13:27,399 big fly in and then on the national field
00:13:30,660 top for me and I was like paper like fifty-some
00:13:34,009 e-cig that we get to play with spaceships will see what to say about
00:13:37,689 this
00:13:38,279 with some people are really lost patience as well everybody is that cool
00:13:42,230 WAP making lead a nurse has been
00:13:47,560 fantastic for us it's been a very enjoyable experience but I think
00:13:51,130 probably
00:13:52,050 the on most important thing is all support we've had
00:13:56,220 from people to give outside the company's was the people here
00:13:59,930 another relationship we have between between
00:14:03,110 that developers in the batter's it's great getting feedback from them
00:14:07,140 ideas from them I'm it pushes us to do a better job gives gifts ideas
00:14:11,790 people have comes back is have been very supportive elite ambassadors
00:14:15,550 all the people who have been evangelize and gaming forums playing it
00:14:19,930 people in the DDF that the book authors
00:14:23,120 all people who have helped ease have been really amazing
00:14:26,720 you know that to support the game has been getting around the world is
00:14:29,650 absolutely fantastic
00:14:30,900 so a big thank you from me and from all the team here
00:14:34,670 for known for making this happen it's a fantastic opportunity
00:14:38,380 wat as you can see we're doing our absolute best make it as good as we can
00:14:42,290 we're not going to stop when we release the game lot of exciting things we do in
00:14:46,590 the future as well
00:14:47,460 so a big thank you from me and from everyone here
    Добавлено: 03:23 01-11-2014   
 80 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 7(555)
Репутация: 6
Сообщения: 542
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 25.07.2014
А станции "ДОДО" обещают?
    Добавлено: 14:54 01-11-2014   
 2835 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 26(5466)
Репутация: 540
Сообщения: 16365
Откуда: The Dark Wheel
Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2005
Разработчики не обещают станции, а показывают картинки - картинок "додо" пока не показывали.
..А поверх седых облаков
Синь - соколиная высь.
Здесь, под покровом небес
Мы родились..
    Добавлено: 15:00 01-11-2014   
 51 EGP

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Сообщения: 12

Зарегистрирован: 12.10.2014
Здравия всем.
Я не играл ни в одну игру этой серий и проэтому заранее извиняюсь *банальный* для опытных игроков вопрос : в Elite Dangerous будет возможность создать станцию или флот? Будет ли возможность укрепить власть в системе?

Просто я в X3 AP всегда захватывал системы и создавал *мнимую галактическую империю* продумывая весь этап захвата систем, предварительно создав военную промышленную империю с огромным числом вспомогательных кораблей.

Вот и в Elite Dangerous хочется такое сделать. У меня каждый день по Elite D. слюнки текут с мыслями : *создам огромный флот и военный промышленный комплекс в отдалённой части галактики, затем начну
территориальную экспансию*.
    Добавлено: 16:50 04-11-2014   
 2835 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 26(5466)
Репутация: 540
Сообщения: 16365
Откуда: The Dark Wheel
Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2005
Здравия. Это игра про одиночек-авантюристов. Хотя обещали возможность поучаствовать в строительстве станций, а возможно и развернуть собственный форпост. Или поучаствовать в сражениях за систему. Строительства империи и космических ферм ожидать не стоит, не обещали. Да и в прошлых играх серии этим делом не занимались.
..А поверх седых облаков
Синь - соколиная высь.
Здесь, под покровом небес
Мы родились..

Последний раз редактировалось: HeadHunter (17:02 04-11-2014), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 16:57 04-11-2014   
 51 EGP

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Сообщения: 12

Зарегистрирован: 12.10.2014
HeadHunter :
Строительства империи и космических ферм ожидать не стоит.

Эх, 400 миллиардов звёздных систем, но ни одна не будет под моей властью.
Ясно HeadHunter, благодарю за ответ.
    Добавлено: 17:00 04-11-2014   
 160 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 26(5369)
Репутация: 31
Сообщения: 1195
Откуда: Земля, Россия, Рязань
Зарегистрирован: 07.12.2013
Сегодня в 22:00 по Москве разработчики стримить будут и отвечать на вопросы, подробнее здесь https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=55340

Trader - торговая программа для ED - http://imohax.github.io/Trader/
    Добавлено: 17:28 04-11-2014   
 160 EGP

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Откуда: Ижевск
Зарегистрирован: 07.12.2013
4 November 2014
Frontier Developments plc
Announces end of Beta phase of Elite: Dangerous

 Объявление с официального сайта Лондонской Фондовой Биржи, где котируются акции Frontier   (кликните здесь для просмотра)
Frontier Developments plc (AIM: FDEV; “Frontier”, the “Company”), a leading independent developer of video games with studios in Cambridge, UK and Halifax, Canada, publically announced last week that the Beta phase of its development of Elite: Dangerous will come to an end on Saturday 22 November 2014, with the full public release happening in the current calendar quarter.

22 November is also the date Frontier has announced for the worldwide Premiere event it is holding for Elite: Dangerous at Imperial War Museum, Duxford.

Frontier has now raised total funding via Kickstarter, the crowd-funding website, and its own site of over £7.5 million from over 140,000 backers in order to develop Elite: Dangerous.

David Braben, Chief Executive Officer of Frontier Developments, said:
"Development continues to track well for a 2014 launch, and the end of a successful Beta phase on the 22nd November means we expect to be able to recognize a substantial portion of the deferred revenue received before the end of the calendar year."


4.11.14 Frontier Developments публично сообщает, что стадия BETA-тестирования официально заканчивается 22 ноября 2014 вместе с тем фактом, что релиз действительно состоится в текущем квартале 2014 года.

Так же 22 ноября - это дата мировой премьеры ED в филиале Имперского Военного Музея в Даксфорде.
 Фотография главного ангара музея   (кликните здесь для просмотра)

В процессе крауд-фандинговой кампании по сбору средств на разработку игры было собрано более £7,500,000 при участии более 140,000 бэкеров.

Последний раз редактировалось: kydechuk (20:48 04-11-2014), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 20:28 04-11-2014   
Cobra MK4
 235 EGP

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Зарегистрирован: 28.06.2009
kydechuk :
.11.14 Frontier Developments публично сообщает, что стадия BETA-тестирования официально заканчивается 22 ноября 2014 вместе с тем фактом, что релиз действительно состоится в текущем квартале 2014 года.

kydechuk :
publically announced last week that the Beta phase of its development of Elite: Dangerous will come to an end on Saturday 22 November 2014

получается гамма начнется 24-25 ноября

и кстати я думаю дату релиза мы узнаем раньше того как придет новостная рассылка в пятницу, пресс релиз скорее всего раньше разошлют

Последний раз редактировалось: Cobra MK4 (20:48 04-11-2014), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
    Добавлено: 20:47 04-11-2014   
 80 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 25.07.2014
Если гамма, это последнее тестирование, то она должна содержать максимально доступный контент для тестирования, так?
    Добавлено: 22:59 04-11-2014   
 2835 EGP

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Откуда: The Dark Wheel
Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2005
Гамма должна содержать весь контент, который будет к релизу. Если разработчики не сообщат о другом решении.
..А поверх седых облаков
Синь - соколиная высь.
Здесь, под покровом небес
Мы родились..

Последний раз редактировалось: HeadHunter (23:02 04-11-2014), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 23:01 04-11-2014   
Cobra MK4
 235 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 14(2440)
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Сообщения: 1567

Зарегистрирован: 28.06.2009
Vitaliy-Sh :
Если гамма, это последнее тестирование, то она должна содержать максимально доступный контент для тестирования, так?

Гамма по сути это релиз для предзаказавших игру - полный контент и прогресс в игре на 99% перейдет в релиз.
Ну разве что судя по последним фазам бетатестирования первые несколько дней после начала гаммы можно ожидать кучу всяких неприятных багов.
    Добавлено: 23:09 04-11-2014   
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Зарегистрирован: 05.09.2014
Стрим, к сожалению, получился бесполезным...
Flight Assist Off
    Добавлено: 23:12 04-11-2014   
Demon Ru
 1741 EGP

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Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Зарегистрирован: 11.02.2001
Cobra MK4 :
и прогресс в игре на 99% перейдет в релиз.
Я слышал, что будет вайп...
    Добавлено: 23:47 04-11-2014   
 2835 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 26(5466)
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Откуда: The Dark Wheel
Зарегистрирован: 13.12.2005
Как много раз говорили - сброс достижений последний будет перед гаммой. Про сброс перед релизом - ни разу не слышал. Но если будут какие-то проблемы, то быть может что угодно.

Гамма, по сути - готовая игра, в которую просто запустят тех, кто сделал предзаказ. Не то, что бы тестирование - скорее просто "стадия".
А уж что там будет происходить в реальности, в итоге - никому не ведомо.
..А поверх седых облаков
Синь - соколиная высь.
Здесь, под покровом небес
Мы родились..

Последний раз редактировалось: HeadHunter (00:40 05-11-2014), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 00:15 05-11-2014   
 80 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 25.07.2014
Вайп логичен, т.к. тестировать игру будем полную и надо ее тестировать с "начала".
    Добавлено: 00:17 05-11-2014   
 160 EGP

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Откуда: Ижевск
Зарегистрирован: 07.12.2013
В новостном ролике на BBC в очень восторженном ключе обсуждают возвращение революционной игры 1984 года, радуясь, что в очередной раз Кембридж двигает прогресс вперед.

04.11.14 BBC Look East: Elite Dangerous

Я хоть и не смотрю ТВ практически польностью, прекрасно понимаю, насколько важно для компьютерной игры появиться на телеканале уровня BBC. По данным Wiki, популярность первоначальной Elite была в 1984 году феноменальной (и этому поспособствовали хорошие превью в прессе, такие же как мы видим сейчас практически во всех игровых новостных ресурсах), что позволило набрать на старте продаж 108,000 копий (практически равное числу всех проданных компьютеров исходной платформы BBC Micro), а для всех платформ в сумме - около 600,000 копий. Учитывая, что это был дремучий 1984, и то, что уже сейчас в предрелизном состоянии игру купили 140,000 человек, скрещиваем пальцы и ждем продажи на уровне 1 млн! В этом случае за долгую жизнь игры можно будет перестать волноваться как минимум.

Последний раз редактировалось: kydechuk (12:28 05-11-2014), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 12:27 05-11-2014   
 160 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 31(6519)
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Откуда: Ижевск
Зарегистрирован: 07.12.2013
Elite: Dangerous Newsletter #48 - From Frontier Developments

We are delighted to announce Tuesday 16th December as the release date for Elite: Dangerous!

Ииихааа! 16 декабря релиз!

Последний раз редактировалось: kydechuk (20:02 07-11-2014), всего редактировалось 1 раз
Последний раз редактировалось: HeadHunter (20:01 07-11-2014), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 19:57 07-11-2014   
 80 EGP

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Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 25.07.2014
Уже скоро. Интересно, что там будет, а то мне кажется ИМХО, что в нынешней бете далеко все доделано и есть.
    Добавлено: 19:59 07-11-2014   
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