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 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Au.... Fock yes ! i love Xboron already... to the all of his .oles... Ой, не могу!.. Christmas - - - Fun... , but focking head head in pain... Brain in pain... Au... Au-Au... I need more brandy... be back... Ой, не могу!..
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 12:07 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Ya seichas perechitival vse chto ya tam naperevodil... Vi znaete, golova bolit... Zapyatie, vizivaut somnenie, s tochki zreniaya grammatiki (English). + some (you cannot imagine how many times I've typed the word "some" here.. man... just missing the butttons..). Thx to Xboron, ya nashel some additional places... I'm a good writer, not editor. izvinite, vse peremeshalos' v dome Oblonskih...
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 12:13 25-12-2003   
 955 EGP

чОрный борон
Репутация: 249
Сообщения: 7214
Откуда: Тула
Зарегистрирован: 13.08.2002
2 SunnyGale:
Вот тебе и конструктив Подмигиваю

2 fonCraz:
а с английского на русский переводить у тебя так же ловко получается?
Связь - это как воздух, незаметна, пока не испортишь.
    Добавлено: 12:19 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Bolee iziskanney... Ой, не могу!.. I lublu krepkie napitki and prazdniki ! Ой, не могу!..
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 12:30 25-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
так Улыбка
все молодцы, fonCraz ваще просто супер (жаль - кроме 2.11 дать тебе нечего Гы-гы )

Бороныч, ты у нас редааактор, редааактор, так что все теперь Гы-гы

2 all
Стараемся в этой теме не флудить Гы-гы Сильно стараемся Гы-гы Гы-гы
    Добавлено: 12:40 25-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Starauus', no lica pokazat' ne mogu... nomer na telefone n e nabrat;; stranno kak na klave "prigau'... Ой, не могу!..
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 12:56 25-12-2003   
Sith Lord
 133 EGP

Репутация: 20
Сообщения: 259
Откуда: Литва, Висагинас
Зарегистрирован: 18.09.2003
Privateer 2 Начало пути

After the long intro, you begin your game at planet Hermes. A starting point of investigation.

First of all your alterego (Lev Arris) decides to visit closest bar on Hermes (Sinners Inn - symbolical name isn't it?). There, after some booze Lev meets up with Joe the Bartender and tells his about his troubles - Lev doesn't remember himself, cash - enough to buy a crappy ship and couple of guns. What to do further our hero does not know.

After Lev's touching story Joe advises to visit planet Crius and meet the doctors of local hospital where Lev has been treated. He also offers a little job of escorting arms convoy for a fair price (10.000$).

From this moment the game actually begins. For your investigation i'll need money so my advise take Joe's mission - it's not that hard as may it seems.

Note that from now on the futher course of game will depend completly on yuor choice of a direction of conversation with game characters.

After leaving the bar you'll arrive at local transit system (Transit), which will take your to local spaceport (Customs).


At the spaceport (Customs), like in other places on the planet controls are based on "hot spots" system.

That means when your move your mouse over the screen, in some spots you can make actions with left mouse button:

Leave the Planet - enter space
Exit to transit - enter local transportation system for planet travells
Enter the Booth - enter booth of commerce-info net CCN
Tip: you can press and hold right mouse button at the planet this will highlight all the "hot spots" the planet has.

For now you can't leave the planet, cause you don't have a ship, so that means you'll have to Enter the Booth to buy it.


CCN (commerce & communications network) is one of most essential systems in the game. Usually each time you visit a new planet you'll want to visit this place. Here you can buy/sell stuff and get some usefull info. CCN network has five major sessions (details in corresponding session):

SHIPS - purchase, sell, repair and equip your ships here
BULLETIN BOARD - here you can find job offers.
PUBLIC RECORDS - reference section.
COMMODITIES - trade network system.
NEWS BULLETINS - news network of Tri System.
Logoff command - leave CCN network.


Another usefull source of info is your PAD. You can always access PAD by pressing "P" button on the planet and "Alt+D" in space. This device is usefull for those who can't understand conversations of game characters in cutscenes.

All events that happen with your character are mention in this diary. After meetings and conversations you'll get a short resume in your PAD. For example it is here where you find your first tip about Planet Crius.

If you stuck and don't know what to do take a look in the PAD. Some info shold be there. If not take your time trading, hunting pirates etc.

With PAD you can also:
- get info about your current ship and equipment
- get reference about cargo ship and its hault
- execute system commands, audio and vidio setup and also save/load your game.

так сойдет?
"If you only knew the power of the Dark Side..."
    Добавлено: 17:32 25-12-2003   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
SunnyGale :
так Улыбка
все молодцы, fonCraz ваще просто супер (жаль - кроме 2.11 дать тебе нечего Гы-гы )

Если так дальше пойдет - мы серьезно займемся этим вопросом Подмигиваю Хы...
Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 22:22 25-12-2003   
 560 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(9)
Репутация: 130
Сообщения: 3041

Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Так, ща начну редактить Писатель. Гы-гы

Xboron :

You’ll have to receive so info there. Take off the base and the scout near docking ring.
Здесь не совсем понятно слово so, и, наверное, scout- это глагол? Тогда the не нужно.

fonCraz - пардон, я, если честно, вообще не вкурил где ты взял эти тексты... Это перевод или ты сам их написал?

Xboron :
Then fly to the control point and kill of the enemies there
кажется, "of" здесь лишнее.

Kill off the enemies.

Так, в общем для начала пройдусь по Database menu Вампир

fonCraz :
Freelancer is a real long-term project of the Space Simulation type of games.

Long-term - это долговременный, ориентированный на долгое и плодотворгое сотрудничество. Долгострой - это скорее prolonged.

fonCraz :
It’s a project with a hard fate that was founded by the developer of “Wing Commander” and “Privateer” Kris Roberts. Freelancer saw the world in 2003 with the help of Microsoft and, already, without leadership of Roberts. However, the game is great.

Freelancer is hard fated project which had been initiated by Cris Roberts, the lead developer of such masterpieces of Space Simulator genre as Wing Commander and Privateer. After really prolonged development the game finally saw the light of the world in 2003 - with the help of Misrosoft and, by that time, without Roberts' leadership. However, the game is still great.

fonCraz :
Freelancer is a Space Fight-Trade Simulator that has a story line (game is similar to Privateer).

Freelancer is Fight-Trade Space Sim with a story line, similar to Privateer.

fonCraz :
There operate also different independent fractions

Так нельзя. There also operate.

fonCraz :
A player is submerged in the wonderful, wide and well-developed game environment that lives with its own life.

ИМХО, лучше well-worked-through. И the player.

fonCraz :
Probably, in the beginning, it may feel as “not common”, but with the time coming by, you will understand that it’s a nice and well-made approach to the steering...

In the beginning it will likely feel unfamiliar, but, after some time had passed, you will understand that it's rather comfortable and well-thought method...

fonCraz :
...even if “X2: The Threat” may see the market soon.

Если even if, то will see. Или even though X2 may see.

fonCraz :
- Lags: How to fight in-game lags developed because of pirate-versions and modifications

Думаю, всё, касающееся pirate-versions and modifications лучше ненавязчиво из текста убирать Я не при чем... Тем более что обсуждаемые в статьях наши пиратские версии им точно нафиг не нужны.

Позже просмотрю прохождение, но лучше выложи исходники, если есть, чтобы легче было понять что ты имел в виду.

Что касается меня, думаю, для начала возьму Elitы - я в них по крайней мере играл, да и остальное разобрали уже все Улыбка но если кому-то нада помощь - пищите Подмигиваю Позже займусь BCM.

ЗЫ fonCraz - с крысьмасом Гы-гы
    Добавлено: 00:45 26-12-2003   


    Добавлено: 00:59 26-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Господа редакторы, я понимаю, что у вас времени не особо завались, но все-таки - старайтесь просматривать ВСЕ тексты Улыбка
Потому как я буду забирать тексты на оформление ТОЛЬКО ПОСЛЕ их утверждения вами!

И давайте для ясности сделаем так: вы будете подписывать тексты, уже отредактированные вами, словом edited, после чего я ставлю "edited" рядом с названием темы в моем первом посте и забираю текст на ЕГО-правку. Согласны?
    Добавлено: 08:54 26-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
Sith Lord :
так сойдет?

господа редакторы? Хы...
    Добавлено: 09:03 26-12-2003   



Эту игру ждали так долго, что она уже стала легендой еще не родившись. Титулы «самая многообещающая», «самый долгожданный проект» и прочая, прочая, сыпались на нее после каждого шоу Е3, после каждой конференции разработчиков компьютерных игр, после каждого «закрытого» показа и эксклюзивного интервью. У этой игры было все, у нее был талант братьев Робертс, у нее были деньги Microsoft, у нее была армия фанатов, заочно уже ее полюбившая, предварительные заказы на нее принимались, когда она еще не достигла даже альфа-тестрирования, скриншоты размером со спичечный коробок становились предметом обсуждений на игровых сайтах и форумах. Так что же в конце-концов удалось Freelancer’y, а чего он так и не смог достичь?


This game has been awaited for so long that it became a legend even before its release. Titles such as "Most promising", "Most awaited project", and others have been given awarded to it. It has been brought back into the light after every E3 show, every conference of game designers, and every "private showing" and exclusive interview. This game had it all - the talent of the Roberts brothers, Microsoft's money, an army of fans who already loved the concept, preorders even before alpha testing, and screenshots the size of a matchbox that were topics of discussion in numerous forums. So after all this what did Freelancer excel at, and what it just couldn't deliver?

-Eto mne zanyalo 10 min, takshto sila eshe est' tolko spat' pora(u menaya chas nochi v Kanade). Poshaluista skazhite shto dumaete. Ya gotov perevesti etu vsiu stranitzu do kontza nedeli. Ya perevodil bez perevodchikov takshto dolshno viglyadit' ochen' naturalno. Ya predstavil sebya v nachalnom forume s ideyai' perevoda, no ya svobodno govoriu i peshu po Angliski.

Edit: Ya zavtra posmotriu na chernoviki, ya tam mnogo "interestnoi" grammatiki videl takshto ya mogu stat' officialnim redaktorom.
    Добавлено: 09:18 26-12-2003   
 1848 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 5(105)
Репутация: 447
Сообщения: 6886
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 20.03.2003
2 Russian_Mike

ну так перевел бы сразу до конца Подмигиваю
    Добавлено: 09:29 26-12-2003   
 560 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(9)
Репутация: 130
Сообщения: 3041

Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Privateer 2 Начало пути - Sith Lord

проверено Crimson

After the long intro, you begin your game at planet Hermes - the starting point of your investigation.

First of all your alter ego (Lev Arris) decides to visit closest bar on Hermes (Sinners Inn - symbolical name isn't it?). There, after some booze Lev meets up with Joe the Bartender and tells his about his troubles: Lev doesn't remember himself, his cash is just enough to buy some crappy ship and couple of guns, and he has no idea whatsoever about what to do next.

After enduring Lev's soulful story Joe advises him to visit planet Crius and meet the doctors of local hospital where Lev has been treated. He also offers a little job of escorting arms convoy for a fair price (10.000$).

From this moment the game actually begins. For your investigation you'll need money so my advise is to take Joe's mission - it's not that hard as it may seem.

Note that from now on futher course of the game will depend completly on your choice of a direction of conversation with game characters. Ох блин и предложеньице... "...choise of direction of conversation..." Хотя, надо сказать, исходный текст страдает такой же чехардой. Предлагаю:
Note that from now on course of the game depends solely upon your decisions, in particular on how you speak to the NPC's.

After leaving the bar you'll find yourself at local transit system (Transit), which will take you to the local spaceport (Customs). Вообще-то Customs в данном случае, насколько я понимаю, таможня. Куда он прибывает в игре я не знаю, так что оставляю как есть. Может кто-нибудь прояснит ситуацию?


At the spaceport (Customs), like in other places on the planet, controls are based on "hot spots" system.

That means when your move your mouse over the screen, in some spots you can make actions with left mouse button:

Leave the Planet - enter space
Exit to Transit - enter local transportation system for planet travels
Enter the Booth - enter booth of commerce&communication network CCN

Tip: you can press and hold right mouse button at the planet. This will highlight all the "hot spots" on the screen.

For now, you can't leave the planet, as you don't have a ship. So you'll have to Enter the Booth to buy it.


CCN (commerce & communications network) is one of most essential systems in the game. Usually each time you visit a new planet you'll want to visit this place. Here you can buy/sell stuff and get some usefull info. CCN network has five major sessions (details in corresponding session):

SHIPS - purchase, sell, repair and equip your ships here
BULLETIN BOARD - here you can find job offers.
PUBLIC RECORDS - reference section.
COMMODITIES - trade network system.
NEWS BULLETINS - news network of Tri System.
Logoff command - leave CCN network.


Another usefull source of info is your PAD. You can always access PAD by pressing "P" button on the planet or "Alt+D" in space. This device is usefull for those who can't understand conversations of game characters in cutscenes.

All events that happen to your character are mentioned in this diary. After meetings and conversations you'll get a short resume in your PAD. For example it is here where you find your first tip about Planet Crius.

Tip: If you're stuck and don't know what to do take a look in the PAD. Some info shold be there. If not take your time trading, hunting pirates etc.

With PAD you can also:
- get info about your current ship and equipment
- get reference about cargo ship and its hault
- execute system commands, audio and vidio setup and also save/load your game.

Sith Lord :
так сойдет?

Сойдет, даже очень Круто!

SunnyGale :
...я тут хожу и думаю, где бы нам редакторов надыбать Улыбка

Дыбай лучше переводчиков, редакторов наверняка будет предостаточно Гы-гы Подмигиваю

ЗЫЫ И уберите таки эти долбаные снежинки!!!! Гы-гы Хотя бы с Базы по играм.
    Добавлено: 11:32 26-12-2003   
 560 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(9)
Репутация: 130
Сообщения: 3041

Зарегистрирован: 03.09.2003
Freelancer – Database menu - fonCraz

редактировано Crimson


Freelancer is hard fated project which had been initiated by Cris Roberts, the lead developer of such masterpieces of Space Simulator genre as Wing Commander and Privateer. After really prolonged development the game finally saw the light of the world in 2003 - with the help of Misrosoft and, by that time, without Roberts' leadership. However, the game is still great.

Freelancer is Fight-Trade Space Sim with a story line, similar to Privateer. Player takes the role of a free pilot, who lives in the desperate time, when the World is endangered. The story takes place in the Sirius Sector eight centuries after the humankind landfall on one of the planets there. Earth is gone – unknown alien race destroyed it right after the humans took their ships off the planet and left the Solar System.

The known space is divided on four regions by the “houses” of the descendants of the old Earth countries. There also operate various independent fractions like pirates, fanatics and Interstellar Corporations. The player is submerged in the wonderful, wide and well worked-through game environment that lives its own life. Every time leaving the station you will feel that life: radio transmissions, someone flying somewhere, hundreds of unique locations create the atmosphere of free pilot’s life. Also, the storyline missions which you may complete with the progress of the game open new sides of that world, and one more time give you chance to feel the mastership of Kris Roberts.

The game is made as a good compromise between quality and speed. Long development of the Freelancer made the graphics to look not so incredible as it was couple years ago. However, the game does not need a huge resource base and perfectly works on average, today, computers, even if in-game settings put on maximum. In addition, Freelancer uses a unique method of controlling with a mouse, which is different from the Space Simulators of the past. In the beginning it will likely feel unfamiliar, but, after some time had passed, you will understand that it's rather comfortable and well-thought approach to the steering of a space ship, when its guns are not dead-bolted to the hull, but rotate on the turrets.

Obviously, Freelancer has all of the chances to become the best Space Simulator of the year, even though “X2: The Threat” will see the market soon.

Materials of the Topic:
- General description: Game disks, story line, overview of the Beta version, review
- Freelancer’s Universe: History, fractions, political situation
- For beginners: Interface, controls, “hot” buttons, trade and trade routes, mining
- Recommendations: FAQ. Do you know that…
- Other: Our tournaments, Hall of the Glory, Gallery, Cheats and other
- Files and Links: Downloads section for different addons, mods, patches and usable utilities for the game

Release: 2003
Developer: Digital Anvil
Publisher: Microsoft
System Requirements: Pentium III 500 Mhz/ 128 Mb Ram/ 32 Mb video card


SunnyGale :
И давайте для ясности сделаем так: вы будете подписывать тексты, уже отредактированные вами, словом edited, после чего я ставлю "edited" рядом с названием темы в моем первом посте и забираю текст на ЕГО-правку. Согласны?

А нельзя открыть всем желающим участвовать в данной затее доступ к редактированию материалов соответствующих разделов?
    Добавлено: 11:54 26-12-2003   
 620 EGP

Репутация: 83
Сообщения: 4452

Зарегистрирован: 23.02.2002
А нельзя открыть всем желающим участвовать в данной затее доступ к редактированию материалов соответствующих разделов?

ни в коем случае!!!!
    Добавлено: 12:20 26-12-2003   
 980 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 1(3)
Репутация: 50
Сообщения: 12722 Заблокирован
Откуда: Ташкент
Зарегистрирован: 05.06.2001
А нельзя открыть всем желающим участвовать в данной затее доступ к редактированию материалов соответствующих разделов?

Меняю проигрыватель на выигрыватель.
    Добавлено: 12:22 26-12-2003   
 96 EGP

Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 87
Откуда: California
Зарегистрирован: 10.12.2003
Kolbasit, chto-to...
I don't care... bullets are cheap.
    Добавлено: 14:19 26-12-2003   
Sith Lord
 133 EGP

Репутация: 20
Сообщения: 259
Откуда: Литва, Висагинас
Зарегистрирован: 18.09.2003
to Crimson:
честно сказать это уже перевод онлайн переводчика
Note that from now on futher course of the game will depend completly on your choice of a direction of conversation with game characters
так как проблемы у меня возникли с концом предложения Хы... А про таможню так оно и есть в PAD таможня это космопорт Хы...
"If you only knew the power of the Dark Side..."
    Добавлено: 15:22 26-12-2003   
Быстрый ответ

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:) ;) :D :gigi: :lol: :( :mad: :weep: :abuse: :spy: :interesting: :wow: :insane: :super: :bored: :ass:
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