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Канал Star Citizen: «Задачи и исполнители»
 1032 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 19(3699)
Репутация: 47
Сообщения: 6023
Откуда: Краматорск, Донецкая область!
Зарегистрирован: 28.09.2004
Так а в чём суть "реструктуризации"? Понятно, что темы разные по своей сути и подходам к модерации. Ты визуализировал разделение на группы. Ок. Следующий шаг? Что предлагается делать с этой структурой?
Гоп-стоп, мы подошли из-за угла,
    Добавлено: 00:55 19-05-2013   
 520 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 60(13868)
Репутация: 86
Сообщения: 3130
Откуда: из Астрала
Зарегистрирован: 19.11.2012
Надеюсь я верно понял поставленный вопрос - после кропотливой работы над структурой будут лучше видны грани и направления, где чего не хватает и нужны лишние руки, глаза, уши, мозги))
Кто-то хочет помогать с чатом разработчиков и локализовать ответы Бена, другой хочет привести в порядок FAQ для новичков, третий промышляет историей вселенной и т.п.

Я уже ни одному "новичку" давал ссылки на наш канал и почти всегда ответ един - крайне трудно найти что-то нужное, дабы с нуля разобраться в проекте СтарСитизен и обрести хотя бы базовые знания. Человек, заходящий на канал, должен по хорошему увидеть сразу несколько разделов и выбрать интересующий в первую очередь (почти как в нашей БД по СС - вот тебе раздел про корабли, а вот про звездные системы). Да и нам самим будет в разы удобнее пользоваться упорядоченной структурой тем, имхо.
Жаль движок нас ограничивает в возможностях,... но нам не привыкать))

Последний раз редактировалось: -W.R.A.I.T.H- (01:31 19-05-2013), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 01:29 19-05-2013   
 520 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 60(13868)
Репутация: 86
Сообщения: 3130
Откуда: из Астрала
Зарегистрирован: 19.11.2012
Заметил, что Zooloos уже предпринял попытку создания отдельной темы интервью с разработчиками, но я немного иначе планировал ее оформить, дабы соблюсти хронологию и удобную навигацию, чем и займусь и постараюсь за сегодня закончить свою задумку.
Ты что такой... словно Призрака увидел?!
Мой дискорд -W.R.A.I.T.H-#9336
Вся движуха ныне там, перебираемся.
    Добавлено: 12:05 19-05-2013   
 80 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 6(428)
Репутация: 11
Сообщения: 924

Зарегистрирован: 30.05.2012
Взялся переводить статью про экономику последнюю. Сегодня закончу. Улыбка
Упс. Её уже перевели. =___=
Ну мож хоть картинки приложить стоит? Я их в ФШ правил.

Последний раз редактировалось: Acmaar (18:28 06-07-2013), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 18:25 06-07-2013   
 470 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 28(5952)
Репутация: 97
Сообщения: 1248
Откуда: Украина
Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2013
оформил перевод информации об игре в картинки, наподобии того, как это сделано на офф.сайте на английском языке.
Стоит ли продолжать, учитывая что текст с картинок нельзя будет скопировать в буфер обмена? Будут они заменены в разделе БД ЕГ ?
Если продолжать, то прошу указать, под какое разрешение оптимизировать рисунки.... даже на офф.сайте они не в полном размере отображаются

 Cкрытый текст   (кликните здесь для просмотра)

Последний раз редактировалось: DobrijZmej (07:32 07-07-2013), всего редактировалось 4 раз(а)
Последний раз редактировалось: ZoolooS (00:09 07-07-2013), всего редактировалось 1 раз
    Добавлено: 18:53 06-07-2013   
 65 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 8(993)
Репутация: 18
Сообщения: 412
Откуда: галактика млечный путь
Зарегистрирован: 17.11.2008
думаю что продолжать стоит
размер хз , но по моему их стоит загонять под кнопочку спойлер
Поживем увидим, доживем узнаем, выживем - учтем.
    Добавлено: 20:07 06-07-2013   
 470 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 28(5952)
Репутация: 97
Сообщения: 1248
Откуда: Украина
Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2013
Lokki39 :
думаю что продолжать стоит

    Добавлено: 07:32 07-07-2013   
 521 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 6(347)
Репутация: 58
Сообщения: 2287
Откуда: Москва
Зарегистрирован: 05.03.2011
немного непонятно что имеется в виду под кабельным управлением на предпоследнем слайде... какие-то ограничители\компенсаторы инерции?
Великий мастер мерзостей и гадостей на любой вкус - никто не уйдет равнодушным =Р
    Добавлено: 08:01 07-07-2013   
 391 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 29(6206)
Репутация: 81
Сообщения: 3180
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 31.10.2012
WhiteWolfKF :
немного непонятно что имеется в виду под кабельным управлением

"Да здравствует то, благодаря чему мы несмотря ни на что!" (с)
Реф-код для StarCitizen: STAR-MJBD-P7ZX
    Добавлено: 08:14 07-07-2013   
 470 EGP

Рейтинг канала: 28(5952)
Репутация: 97
Сообщения: 1248
Откуда: Украина
Зарегистрирован: 13.02.2013
Текст от этого видео, который распознал ютуб.
Если у кого-то есть время/возможность/желание - причешите хотя-бы английский текст, чтобы можно было скормить переводчику.
Ну, в идеале, конечно, создать перевод. После готовности перевода создам файл с субтитрами.

 Cкрытый текст   (кликните здесь для просмотра)
00:52 the
01:42 and
01:50 high-interest topics
01:52 ever since i saw star wars is a while an eight year old
01:54 hydrant subpoena hot-shot pilots in the galaxyп local wrote mike my when it comes
01:58 to cost us
01:59 inspire you to meet with moderate has influenced everything i've done since
02:02 then
02:03 ten years ago after twenty years of making games i was burned out so i took
02:06 a break but i never stop playing games no loving them 2:09 and now
02:10 with i'd like to show you something
02:17 but i wanted to let you know
02:19 one of the universe
02:21 i want to build a game i always wanted to build
02:23 but i didn't have the tools to do the job
02:25 one that you can fly off the carrier fighting broke were on the front lines
02:28 but also on the muster out finder of fortune the starts wherever you're
02:32 stationed takes you
02:33 i wanna be able to share this experience with my friends
02:37 begins real princess based not just a high i want this to be as good or better
02:41 than any of the game out there
02:42 uh... what actively pushing boundaries of what you do you think notice would be
02:47 even possible to use
02:48 but with more small driving pc performs the cost of the gaming community
02:52 embracing time to develop his background funding believe it is possible today
02:56 i've never been accused of having a small vision
02:59 and so i thought it was best if i share my ambition with you visually
03:02 i'm pretty excited by harris turned out
03:04 so when you come join me for sleeping
03:10 one building at the start of this and skywalker and forty two
03:14 combination
03:15 you essentially have
03:17 both things available to so squadron forty to his
03:21 the sort of single-player experience where you are getting missions are in
03:24 the military so
03:25 now is not open world his you going to be going awol if you decide you want to
03:29 go off some of the planet
03:30 so the idea of it is you use it for campaign
03:33 flying missions expression just like when commander wasn't exactly that would
03:37 experience
03:38 with the added bonus of some of the planner and your friends be able to sort
03:41 of
03:42 co-op play with u_s_ women when you find your missions but when you finish your
03:46 toward judy
03:48 you must around here in the white universe and that it's open world india
03:51 where you want do what you want to see one
03:54 and the other thing that's nice about this is
03:56 don't have to do squat reporting you can get into the study you basically decided
04:00 that identified in the military decide that i'm just going to be a mission
04:03 obviously are think what we're talking about here has everything
04:07 made wing commander graham has everything they've made prior to your
04:10 inference brings basically has
04:12 things and then
04:14 single-player sort of military campaign side sits inside this whole universe in
04:18 a holistic fraction the idea is that it should be dynamic so i've talked about a
04:22 sort of the universe being of living entity and something that so we are
04:25 always changing its gonna change based on the players actions and things that
04:30 players do will have an effect on the universe panel also appeal to the
04:33 compound
04:35 good example is
04:36 prayer this explorer and they explore around enough time
04:39 finest space in a million and a managed to navigate and chill
04:43 john point in the system they've jumped into will get named after that plants
04:47 like that player becomes part of the history and more universal talk about
04:53 going to be dynamically adding content since he was i'm not interested in
04:57 having
04:57 yearly updates will have a team of people
05:02 adding content weekly
05:04 every two weeks basis
05:06 yours start in the system who started the day minister fifty stuffs
05:12 uh... two weeks and
05:13 jumped points discovered for of the system and so on other days and bad
05:17 we've got a fifty for cynicism and so on
05:23 so one thing i think you'll be very excited about is that level of fidelity
05:27 in space graphical feat
05:29 and humiliation 'cause its
05:31 to a level that i've never been to achieve before and trying to build the
05:34 world that is so detailed and has such great texture there
05:39 to get them to gain which is always my co-op building games splendidly
05:44 carpet put as you can see is a sort of cac lining in this e huge amount of
05:48 detail com
05:49 as one of the biggest piece for me
05:51 in the next
05:52 gaiman buildings i really wanna
05:53 have that in addition to being complete
05:56 we're gonna do a lot of things that we've pushed uh... everything inside the
05:59 cockpit operates and news and world look around cop that you can see
06:03 uh... the displays my hands on throttle my hands on the traced it collier's were
06:08 immersed fully cockpits fully rendered three d so if you issue a command you've
06:12 hit the bottom
06:13 you'll actually a character copper tools image
06:15 why i think emerges really important for me because i think that you have to
06:20 visualizing gray buried
06:23 believable wilder that's one of the reasons why always sort of really push
06:26 the visual fidelity's because i think that helps investments and the more most
06:30 of the more connected to other experience will connect via experience
06:33 having more fun the gave itself p
06:36 an example of that is gridlock in around handout character that we can see that
06:40 now the character himself is hundred thousand pieces which is about ten times
06:45 the detail of most
06:47 karen tripoli wasn't
06:50 and so that just allows you have election detail the why is on and sends
06:55 pilot fit decreases in uniform
06:58 and have it really stand up when you come in close in
07:01 uh... breakdown because it's toothpicks
07:07 i'm really excited about the physics and then to be strong part of the gameplay
07:09 so let me demonstrates at some of the features of how the physics interacts
07:13 with how you control this ship itself is built and designed simulated
07:18 like a real ships this floor forces on the bottom
07:20 on this for forces on the top
07:22 and then of course this obviously the engine back
07:25 most of the ships in this universe
07:27 are going to fly
07:28 very much like an f thirty five forty that fly by wire so they take your input
07:32 is a pilot's and crunch it into trajectories in fact as it needs to tell
07:36 that there is thrusters
07:38 to achieve uh... what you've asked so
07:41 if i want to read takes around one testified pitch i'm doing now on the new
07:45 york i'm gonna roll back she calls the trusses themselves as how quickly can
07:50 you were takes the position i need to do the thrust
07:52 humps rose can you deliver
07:54 and thrusters talk back to the flight
07:56 computer and says okay i can get you their in
08:00 one of the most economically distressed trust
08:02 the whole system is dynamic he doing that every single frame and flying that
08:07 way it's really cool because what happens is a lot of fun expected or
08:10 dynamic behavior happens by any inferences if
08:12 were flying around in the tub five one of our trust is gets damage
08:16 it will affect on your ability and that's not a matter of changing the
08:19 script updater sexual dynamically simulated in the system
08:25 there's a really great example of that level of scale going to walk
08:30 as cargo
08:33 onto the fact that as you can see
08:35 it's huge
08:36 to carry a uh...
08:38 this prototype level is about kilometer signs
08:43 activity spaceships and people so one of the things that i'm the most excited by
08:48 the
08:49 technology working on is the ability to scale so that we have details all
08:53 scale that a human level
08:55 attacks about one point he is inside
08:58 uh... then
08:59 the same level of detail for me
09:01 craft that you'll fly
09:03 uh... bigger craft which uh... unsatisfied a craft is twenty seven
09:06 years in size
09:10 i'm building a gain anne universe that's
09:13 essentially the universe in the game i would like to play so it's for game is
09:16 like myself so i wouldn't say that i made social casual gaming that place com
09:21 filming i like
09:22 sophisticated experience
09:24 want to compete she ever console because pc was but i always use during the past
09:28 but more importantly it's because
09:30 pcs an open platform
09:32 pcs always constantly innovating i really care about p_c_r_ i really wanna
09:35 push the peace deal and i think it's a great day on really actually
09:40 signed an angry about the situation right now works for the feels like
09:44 yeah pc games and pc game in stone
09:46 day respect is the medium that is the coolest and most powerful and that's
09:51 really what focused on pc
09:53 would allow uses too
09:55 designs two space ships and build in some determined if it passes the
09:58 standards that we can get she's older than me shit dealers on certain products
10:02 and you know maybe the president bill that space ship will be getting money
10:06 from other pleasant administration school
10:08 point therefore
10:09 set one of the things that
10:11 i like about crowd funding is coming up
10:14 the politics and and uh... the noise of the the publisher and you
10:18 doing the requiem with before wanna
10:21 experience to gain making
10:23 so when i made all whenever i make a game is to really immerse you in the
10:27 world s
10:28 i think you've seen that on what we've been even trying on the website again
10:32 its usual prototype is a
10:34 demonstration of the direction
10:37 i wanna take and we'll be taking with today's technology i can do that to
10:40 level and never could have done
10:47 and
10:48 and uh... it's actually lakeside feel like i could do something hospitality
10:52 film
10:53 realtime
10:54 and i mean it and bags marjorie
10:57 mandame his chris roberts
10:59 i would like to believe this with you

Англоязычные фанаты помогают мне создать англоязычные субтитры:
Версия с таймкодом: http://2paste.in/1ppf
Версия текстом: http://2paste.in/ryn6

Перевод (уточнения и дополнения приветствуются, однако, предупреждаю, что я склонен обобщать и вольно пересказывать некоторые моменты.... иногда дословный перевод убивает эмоции слов. Если я перестараюсь с этим, прошу меня поправить)

 Cкрытый текст   (кликните здесь для просмотра)
Привет, я Крис Робертс. С тех пор, как я в свои 8 лет с большими глазами смотрел Звёздные Войны, я мечтал стать крутым пилотом, спасать галактику, побывать во всех уголках космоса и завоевать многие сердца. Это вдохновляло меня при создании игры Wing Commander и влияло на всё, что было мною создано с того времени. Десять лет назад, имея за плечами двадцатилетний опыт игростроения, я выгорел, так что мне пришлось сделать перерыв, но я никогда не переставал создавать игры, и любить их.
А теперь я готов вернуться. Хочу показать вам кое-что, над чем я работаю.
Я не хочу пересоздавать ни одну из старых игр. Я хочу создать вселенную. Я хочу создать такую игру, о которой мечтал, но до сих пор у меня не было подходящих инструментов для этого. Там вы сможете управлять авианосцем, героически сражаться на линии фронта, или улететь в поисках счастья среди звёзд, где с вами будет лишь ваш корабль.
Я хочу дать возможность делиться своим опытом с друзьями, и бороться с врагами, а не только с ботами. Я хочу, чтобы эта игра была лучше тех, что есть сейчас. Я хочу раздвинуть границы возможностей внутри игры.
Ещё два года назад ничего из этого невозможно было осуществить, но рост производительности компьютеров, предсказанный законом Мура, и возможность коллективного финансирования разработчиков, на мой взгляд, делают это возможным в наши дни. Я никогда не жаловался на слабое воображение, и поэтому я решил, что лучше всего продемонстрировать вам мои амбиции. Я очень переживаю за результат, и предлагаю вам самим присоединиться ко мне, наблюдая за процессом?

Знаете, я создаю микс из Star Citizen и Squadron 42, и в результате они станут единым целым. Часть от Squadron 42 будет неким вариантом одиночной игры, где вы сможете выполнять миссии. Однако, вы находитесь на военной службе, и лишены возможности исследования мира вокруг вас, так что если вы решите отправиться на другие планеты, это может быть расценено как самоволка. Основная идея в том, что следуя сценарию игры и выполняя миссии, вы будете развивать одну из веток сюжета, подобно тому, как это было в Wing Commander, и это развитие может обеспечить вам бонусы при игре в многопользовательском режиме, а ваши друзья смогут положиться на вас, и стать ведомыми, когда вы отправитесь на очередную миссию.
Но когда вы закончите свою службу, покинете ряды военных, и окажетесь на широких просторах вселенной, в открытом мире которой вы сможете улететь куда угодно, делать что вздумается, самим решать, кем вы хотите быть.
И ещё один приятный момент: вам совершенно не обязательно выполнять все задания из Squadron 42 - вы можете сразу же начать игру в разделе Star Citizen, вас никто не обязывает проходить службу в армии, вам достаточно решить для себя "я хочу быть торговцем" или "я хочу быть пиратом".
Я думаю, что всё мною сказанное сделало игру Wing Commander знаменитой, сделало знаменитыми игры Privateer и Freelancer.
Я хочу создать оба эти варианта в одной игре, где одиночная компания будет базироваться на принципах всей игры, и события в ней будут проходить в той же вселенной.
Суть в том, что она должна быть динамичной, я говорю о вселенной скорее как о живом существе, которая постоянно меняется, причём изменения зависят от действий игрока, и каждый игрок будет оказывать своё влияние на игровой мир, так что игроки тоже станут частью этого мира.
Хороший пример можно привести на основе исследователя, который долгое время изучает окружающий мир, и находит космическую аномалию, после чего устанавливает возле неё маяк для гиперпрыжка - и эти координаты прыжка будут названы в честь игрока, который нашёл аномалию, и таким образом, его имя станет частью истории игрового мира.
Кроме того, мы намерены динамически добавлять контент в этот мир. Мне не интересно работать над обновлениями в течение года - у нас будет команда людей, добавляющих контент раз в неделю или раз в две недели.
Допустим, при старте игры у нас будет 50 звёздных систем. Проходит две недели, и в игре появляется новые координаты гиперпрыжка, вы прыгаете по ним и бам, попадаете в 51-ю систему, и так далее.

Момент, который, как мне кажется, вас очень обрадует, связан с детализацией пространства.
Графическая детализация и погружение в игру на таком уровне, о котором я раньше и не мечтал, и я пытаюсь создать мир настолько подробным, и с настолько качественными текстурами, что вы забудете, что это всего лишь игра, и это главная цель, к которой я стремлюсь при создании игры.
Как вы видите, я просто поднимаюсь по лестнице, и попадаю в кабину истребителя, в которой масса деталей - это самая главная особенность для меня.
В этой игре, над которой я работаю, я хочу добиться действительно полного погружения, и для этого мы прилагаем множество усилий. Все устройства внутри кабины двигаются и работают, если я поверну голову, то смогу увидеть другие мониторы, руку на дросселе, руку на джойстике... Основная идея в том, что мы на самом деле погружаемся в 3D интерфейс кабины, и если вы производите действие, нажимаете на кнопку, то вы видите, как ваш персонаж это делает в виртуальной кабине. Всё это способствует погружению.
Я думаю, что погружение является чрезвычайно важным моментом в игре, потому что вы должны видеть созданный нами реальный мир, и это та причина, по которой я всегда добиваюсь наивысшего качества картинки, я думаю, это помогает окунуться в игру, сделать её более захватывающей, чем большую связь вы ощущаете с игрой, тем большее удовольствие получаете. К примеру, можем взглянуть на персонажа игры, его модель состоит из ста тысяч полигонов, что примерно в десять раз больше детализации последних игр ААА-класса - они используют модели с десятками тысяч полигонов, и таким образом, мы позволяем вам увидеть дополнительные детали.
Провода на одежде пилота, складки на форме, всё это становится видно, когда вы проходите рядом, а не становится размытым и пикселизированным.

Ну, я в самом деле переживаю о физике, она должна быть сильной стороной геймплея, поэтому позвольте мне продемонстрировать несколько моментов взаимодействия физики и вашего управления.
Сам корабль создан и спроектирован на основе настоящих, у него есть четыре двигателя на нижней части, и четыре двигателя на верхней, и конечно, есть двигатель сзади.
Полёт большинства кораблей в игре будет похож на полёт F-35.
Используется электронное управление, так что корабль получает сигнал от пилота, и рассчитывает тягу каждого двигателя для движения по заданному курсу, и если я захочу развернуться, или каким-то образом повернуть так, как я это делаю прямо сейчас, или захочу перевернуться, то система посылает запрос к двигателям "Насколько быстро ты сможешь повернуться в это положение? Мне необходимо усилить тягу, какую скорость я могу получить от тебя?" И двигатели посылают обратную команду с ответом: "Я могу оказаться в точке 1 через одну миллисекунду, и могу предоставить вам столько-то скорости".
Таким образом, система состоит из отдельных элементов, и очень динамична, и это действительно классно, поскольку результат таких действий может быть действительно захватывающим, в зависимости от ожидаемого или динамического поведения. К примеру, если один из наших двигателей будет повреждён в бою, то это повлияет на нашу манёвренность, и для реализации такого поведения не нужно менять сценарий или какие-то данные, всё это динамически моделируется самой игрой.

Это пример очень хорошего уровня масштабирования. Я собираюсь выйти из этого коридора, и оказаться на взлётной палубе, которая, как вы можете видеть, огромна. Мы находимся на авианосце, точнее его прототипе, около километра длиной. Он кишит космическими кораблями и людьми, занятыми работой.
Один из моментов, который меня больше всего волнует, это возможность масштабирования. Мы прорабатываем все детали на уровне человека, наш персонаж ростом около 1,8 метра, и тот-же уровень детализации используется и для истребителя, на котором вы будете летать, или для ещё больших кораблей - некоторые утверждают, что этот истребитель размером в 27 метров.
Я создаю игру и вселенную, которая, в сущности, и будет игровой вселенной, игрой, в которую я хотел-бы играть, игру для геймеров вроде меня, хотя я не являюсь социальным, или казуальным игроком, играющим в Farmville, я имею в виду, что люблю сложные задачи.
Почему я выбираю компьютеры, а не консоли? Потому что все игры, которые я делал, были разработаны для компьютеров, но более важно то, что компьютеры являются открытой платформой, которая постоянно обновляется...
Я забочусь о развитии компьютеров, и я хочу выжать из них всё, что они смогут, и я думаю, что они являются отличной игровой платформой...
Мне очень грустно от того, что сейчас компьютеры не пользуются популярностью, и это злит меня, потому что никто не заботится об играх и геймерах на платформе компьютера.
Между тем эта платформа может предоставить нам самые классные и самые мощные продукты, поэтому я все свои силы сосредоточил на компьютерах.
Мы собираемся позволить пользователям создать несколько конструкций космических кораблей, и показать их, а если они будут соответствовать нашим стандартам, то они смогут поступить в продажу на некоторых планетах, и, возможно, создатель этого корабля сможет получать те деньги, которые другие игроки будут платить за него, если он им понравится.
Ещё один момент, который привлекает меня в общественном финансировании, является отсутствие политики, и требований издателя к игре, и мы сотрудничаем именно с теми людьми, которые хотят играть именно в ту игру, которую мы создаём.
В общем, каждый раз, когда я работаю над созданием игры, главная моя цель - обеспечить ваше полное погружение в мир игры, и я думаю, вы могли наблюдать за тем, что мы сегодня публиковали на сайте игры, это визуальный прототип, который показывает сегодняшнее направление нашей работы и того, что я хочу сделать, и, применив технологии сегодняшнего дня, я смогу это воспроизвести на невиданном до селе уровне, которого я не мог достигнуть во время разработки Wing Commander много лет назад, или даже Freelancer десять лет назад, и это чрезвычайно интересно. Я чувствую, что могу сделать это похожим на фильм, события в котором развиваются в реальном времени, и это моя мечта.
Меня зовут Крис Робертс, и я хочу создать вселенную вместе с вами.

результат тут: http://www.elite-games.ru/conference/viewtopic.php?p=2952424#2952424

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0:04 the head of the leather
0:12 soap opera house
0:15 daisy last night
0:18 did you get a better day for us
0:21 violence a very good will proceed in a sense of humor is basically what was
0:26 then we will never lose you
0:28 whatever that means they dislike
0:30 noel
0:31 what happened well changing right now as we mentioned
0:34 cake
0:37 unicyclists are pushed past and i want to see that as a a good friend of mine
0:42 in and uh... somebody who is uh... a destruction of human
0:46 says michael williams
0:47 uh... why don't you tell me what you're going to do here well i did
0:52 and as an engineer who live in the end of the hong kong
0:57 macintosh are amusing but you know and you things like this broadcast
1:02 and our manager which means i'm gonna help make sure
1:06 we do the wrong time
1:07 national
1:08 yet another girl back
1:09 biomedicine actually
1:12 uh... it's thirty-seven year he sent me
1:15 visitations and this is an eighty eight in here is our community about seventy
1:20 eight days
1:26 dot
1:27 menendez the beautiful
1:30 guided place together back in high school unreasonably austen's novels and
1:35 that's what does that last night was that
1:38 you had
1:39 uh... so you have your number then who knows maybe ackerman wilson
1:45 national rights of women within the day after right now
1:48 when i was absent about my life is that as well business
1:52 united states but also someone so good
1:55 what did you have to have you know i have are brash
2:01 his marital material and animals all those who have no evidence that actually
2:08 that's not a problem i have been living like this
2:11 that series you're seeing is habitat
2:18 yahoo except that i think this is all over the with you guys were passing all
2:23 you help us make the shoulder already financial data
2:27 immigration
2:28 visited details
2:31 well process dot that's the only complete with a second person under
2:36 indivisible
2:37 reading at this
2:38 this is the big pocahontas i had talked to that's through the cyprus webcast
2:44 executives actually
2:46 there so you guys that the room with that
2:49 uh... is very very hard for services so this leaves will be
2:53 he added visit was instead of getting updated uh... right now it's just you
2:58 know
2:58 we'll just get up in the arts in skokie peters reset
3:01 you know and i think people getting out on the twelve minutes more
3:06 we wouldn't let me know what it's all in the world as you guys
3:09 uh... semantic talking about your background deep area until hanging over
3:15 us
3:15 without contacting us u_s_-funded well universe like you mentioned the uh... i
3:20 believe that the actual known as a waste of your depletion declines and then i on
3:26 i was working as a broadcast graphic designer and interviewed this in a small
3:31 company an resistance
3:34 and obviously if you're and working on a roll mine synergen in
3:40 uh... and i was there
3:42 misinterpret britain's got planned involvement incident said alanna and
3:49 naga resorting
3:51 and
3:52 probably that isn't worth it and then turned around and that would user
3:58 exceeding two years
4:00 and there wasn't
4:02 it was that was justice on wilson
4:06 we recommend contacting the other hand i was having a brighter side to side with
4:10 similar to the american gregarious with britain bonuses last represented was
4:15 gone
4:17 where the person you worsted closer that's yeah i have a yahoo entertainer
4:23 uh... deliveries in the removal of the guaranteed simplicity
4:27 or owners
4:29 writing fiction and so i'm not writing directing and uh... ending with uh...
4:34 tennis shoes and a cyberspace credentials let the president was at his
4:38 brother is a little idea of the perceived reversal and i'd be happy
4:43 about building up both of us for our own shingles that's that's pretty badass an
4:49 optimal behind it was all natural had hotline we shouldn't have
4:55 and problem
4:59 interested just a part of the story of a little
5:02 the was in the house and the stars and stripes and religion of furniture works
5:09 on staff
5:10 ending the has some thoughts of the worst two thousand one
5:15 headstart communities conquest
5:17 and uh... which tried to deliver the wednesday night due to the project
5:21 manager art director jack of all trades you know master but
5:26 here
5:27 i'd like to set some sort of master
5:30 eckhard dot blotting immediately if you want to argue with people like
5:34 for prosecutors u_n_ with the permission or is modeled
5:40 user recipient
5:43 without precedence
5:45 what doesn't work that system than it was exploded peers
5:51 and that means that your
5:54 and shouldn't
5:56 yeah it's been a great day so that would also be away if you're not there were on
6:01 the charm of all of the rubber space industry sites
6:03 while so we'll be taking some questions from the rebuild it
6:07 witnesses kohls on
6:09 or try to keep the broadcast
6:11 you know it's not as it will be on your side of the things that we don't want to
6:14 let you know
6:15 uh... need
6:17 passengers on interviews lopez
6:20 it up for what when it was still on the inside
6:24 was the store
6:26 it was a impossible selling weather will be able to go that route
6:30 we just so we did recognize uses
6:35 in his mother
6:37 that's right actually probably have the most
6:39 the most is one of those
6:41 in the world
6:44 again right
6:45 macs are members of the questions and you got to talk about
6:48 uh...
6:50 use i did it sound like which uh... pupil
6:53 senator is that right
6:54 so you got to talk a little bit about you know own the freemen about everybody
6:58 seems to be a denial
7:00 you know he would say too much about what's going on
7:03 but perhaps
7:04 that might be
7:06 today
7:08 something
7:09 to be sad
7:10 and they did you guys play nice we we'd like to do that sheik peek a little
7:15 something
7:16 home to you
7:18 or on the on a marginal
7:20 sailor
7:21 distorted also working well with the world
7:26 chapels you have any questions force out there
7:30 designs so there's little doubt
7:33 usaa savour pleasure that you have a cd artwork
7:39 so we have any questions
7:43 was elected to the
7:45 matters also says he says what we will be there's nothing you can be done
7:51 almost immediately
7:53 port
7:55 bilateral
8:00 its complaints that they're and a half
8:04 let's talk about
8:06 testimonials culture bottle manager on
8:11 might have to be done mister everybody understands everything you need to know
8:15 that you don't get plot
8:16 uh... with their kids you know stay on task mentioned also
8:21 uh... so i'm not a problem
8:23 on and understand here need
8:27 and c_n_n_ becky instantly making sure that with mister for us
8:33 and insure teams and
8:37 and acted like a loss of because last six years just letting people top on
8:42 which you know we didn't look as though you into their own brought to read it
8:48 uh... t-shirt for the people that didn't get to see between news broadcast
8:52 at least by the secret secret tried his best without first
8:56 uh... we've got one forty two dealership so one of the old ways to grow that's
9:01 that's an interesting that's going forward
9:03 usually doesn't stop uh...
9:05 advertising but more to go this is kind of like
9:08 uh... guys alpha
9:11 without them
9:13 so stuff like that so
9:15 object that women's program their and gender sex
9:19 let me ask poster pills are supposed to have him dot
9:24 we can sell you see you know arthur
9:27 home onto the market missing it
9:31 the absolute
9:32 this is happening this and
9:35 tools that were left with a little bit
9:37 surgical stickers right
9:40 derided as well because they call it a good first column
9:44 of the women studies that you know
9:49 we'll see but looking to see if we get this work but we got the call of the
9:52 weapon
9:54 that's all the questions comments that we see the pleasures farsighted
10:06 one abruptly problem
10:11 it's his lag a little bit
10:13 you he hears about encountered
10:17 turned itself up on the
10:22 uh... yeah yeah that's exactly right that's which
10:25 susan instead on you you know
10:28 uh... unity interested in hearing about that statement you may consider koi
10:34 broadcast so you can hear at the site
10:36 lectures you no
10:38 is the guy just put a lot of these things like he's got hacked forests
10:42 he spent the whole heads
10:43 he says will stop this
10:45 kathleen checkout so is that he's done on
10:48 depressing
10:50 was a pleasure
10:58 s
11:00 uh...
11:02 stopped
11:10 with the president has potentially showcase activists estimate
11:13 was clapping because the sandy had we all really impressed
11:17 and so they were placed you actually going to reach out to you because they
11:21 think it was really a pocket we may not be something that you have regards
11:28 so i took one hundred
11:29 ladies i thank you for a living
11:47 well maybe we can put your personal assistant
11:50 stars as yours
11:52 you know the will give you a call to your best
11:55 database colleagues at the air
11:59 now to examine the kids that sort of garden yahoo maker you write me she was
12:05 beaten frantically really enjoyed it
12:07 reformed
12:09 and i don't misunderstand i think it will be trinity using one real cab
12:16 here
12:17 here
12:19 at some point that we're going to the street people going to see the people
12:23 that we're talking to you know i mean you know i can remember having us
12:26 because i've been kind of a couple of attacked the decision
12:37 co-worker
12:38 contacts
12:41 one
12:44 epithelioid
12:46 campaign
12:47 happen
12:48 hasn't happened
12:50 let's look at what's going on with it
12:59 or
13:01 the houston austin that clinic and here's and army
13:08 it's great the
13:12 the
13:15 well on na without actually going to get you want to ask the possible
13:20 let the people don't know how to produce this
13:24 but
13:31 crowd
13:34 here
13:36 hai
13:38 cool ho
13:39 hasn't already been politics and it's very important we know that it does
13:43 business
13:44 so that as in the last night as one of you who are
13:48 aa
13:53 score
13:55 hahaha
13:59 right
14:00 pastor
14:04 clear
14:04 but chris mention something about that and i i i have yet to follow up that
14:09 uh...
14:10 yes that would cost more
14:12 and i i think he kinda cool
14:14 so
14:15 uh... crisis has come in and you know
14:18 but you have a budget buster
14:22 uh...
14:23 the
14:24 because he says he's relieved some of the continental eight eighty things in
14:28 on you know
14:29 living with everybody audience and you guys involved
14:32 uh... it's important to get sent back to chile fishermen progresses and usual
14:37 stuff is more
14:38 you know in something like that read doctor taylor will join the docs
14:42 actually not that interesting but seeing something visual c you should have a
14:46 little operatic
14:47 mesra artworks
14:49 electrical and uh... hate you know it gives you a little
14:52 and if you will recall
14:54 so yeah i think that's exactly what's gonna happen
14:56 as with the other side and uh... and thanks for the call
15:01 there
15:02 and
15:04 instead of the
15:06 here
15:08 also recommend that you actually say it is possible here pseudonym dash out of
15:12 it
15:13 briefing
15:14 vetoed
15:18 eight dates the just futher
15:23 when you guys don't want solved it w
15:26 on the hill chapel please help us out here that comes from a ritual book
15:31 i about both of us that
15:33 was not the issue with a decent hacienda
15:37 hat
15:38 the pieces themselves with a
15:41 what about you know there's hardly any actually
15:43 will tell a story that happened regarding the exam that's agreeable
15:48 of
15:48 yahoo knows it is that this is the thing i thought you had to step in and take
15:53 care of your gauges and rocking through me and uh...
15:56 it
15:58 or you're getting any standing you're
16:03 uh...
16:09 with clinton's entire sponsor is a work if you really don't want to eat
16:14 sakaal leather
16:16 yes that is actually counsel here
16:18 to china's biggest fans out here
16:20 unspecified paperwork done that
16:23 wallet
16:24 sometimes the indicated what box but what happened it's much better write
16:28 down because congress and the hot seat future witnesses pasternak
16:33 uh...
16:34 yellow and uh... you know the people around the island
16:37 and
16:38 disrupted the asking
16:40 mission to planet constitutional problems with them
16:45 then in new york city councilman isola
16:48 regs and and u
16:51 said with kids you hat
16:58 palace
17:00 we won't have this explosion
17:02 tomorrow starting i've not yet in this period of time arranged a pleasure to
17:07 erase at
17:09 liberated
17:12 insisting that the
17:13 visit we decide what to do here yesterday
17:15 it's out it's a lot jack not twenty c
17:18 xpc cameras looking is reasonably good
17:23 is is that although we have yet to be at the end of the broadcast at the end of
17:27 it
17:29 that
17:31 or left out last night because
17:34 we're about that's right and the suppose that surreal out of every seventy three
17:40 models
17:41 anybody to get my admittedly against baltimore here there
17:47 people moderates and liberals in the great
17:50 ceramic you have all of my life
17:56 pieces
17:59 car
18:00 deliberately because that was that's what i call it
18:05 somebody else's get his shift was able to do is go
18:08 personal here
18:13 your vacation
18:16 the your rejected carolyn right that you think that's the way
18:21 ecr
18:23 clothes
18:25 super
18:27 yells at the table that's just a minute really act
18:32 for setback
18:39 auckland
18:40 yeah
18:41 air all around
18:45 arafat
18:47 uh... for columnists
18:50 dot
18:55 core
18:56 foxhole
18:58 hope
19:04 terrified or for
19:07 uh...
19:11 the simply s
19:13 mental images in this and that you know that registered
19:17 adhesions and all those things innovation does on issues
19:20 we got so this is because of the transfer of the forum from one to the
19:23 other uh... ritesh away from work best
19:26 and the press a laugh you have
19:27 you know they came to use your name and email it is great
19:32 uh... because it doesn't want to do that
19:35 it lets you put a market not promised
19:37 request also has uh... b
19:40 limits for people have seen me
19:43 the same day
19:44 dole got sort that out of your financing is your name on the board support to
19:48 leave it
19:49 uh... so that a solution comments watch the boxes watched you had worked for
19:53 that will you know party uh... in january actual picture where an athlete
19:58 interviews in european origin your cuteness needed you know dot how do you
20:04 want to know you don't get the threatened to have a lot of his work and
20:07 as per
20:08 that
20:10 hillsborough everywhere you look at it
20:12 i'm
20:14 this is jenny
20:16 with caroline
20:18 this incredible i was based on the tendency towards
20:22 work
20:25 or
20:27 uh...
20:28 well here's us the standard dot
20:33 higher
20:35 with the position
20:38 let people see it
20:39 yes
20:41 did you read it
20:43 insulin transcriber says
20:49 even though it says looks like good gartner areas
20:55 happy and in that
20:59 knows that you
21:02 that's exactly says that you have any thoughts that you
21:06 is that the issue is that
21:08 so we're going to get the let's get another call in there and have also told
21:12 us
21:13 parliamentary edited at all times he seems to be a second look at everything
21:17 sorted out asap a whole new set of course paula
21:22 yesterday didn't you
21:25 allied
21:29 followed you're not
21:33 leslie
21:37 house
21:38 visual investigated it should have said
21:44 screens com
21:46 or
21:50 ac
21:54 eyes
21:57 oxes stock chart jarvis dozens of bodies
22:07 themselves
22:08 that's a little bit like a great
22:11 availabilities that's going to see any questions you she's probably she's
22:14 having all that
22:15 canada records as i think there is some sort of liberty
22:19 people we couldn't get along is the case for integration we need a shitty day
22:23 caterers guitars because we don't have one run
22:26 and uh... you know that we said well that's why i went back to me too much
22:29 longer uh... but let me know if you let me ask you
22:33 uh...
22:34 huh
22:36 private
22:39 now
22:42 the test
22:43 whether we should definitely be a black heart
22:48 he hates you know she's just academic resources and i don't know about you're
22:52 own board
22:54 well speaks out about
22:56 soldiers that dispatch i don't i think you know i mean i expect prices are in
23:01 january
23:02 so has turned out that way
23:04 hark presentation together
23:09 uh... ka
23:12 cox
23:14 creators
23:18 chair
23:20 dollar crack
23:24 um... track
23:26 this is the best louis lent me a cardinal that another without mom
23:30 programs that you put in place that we should weather
23:34 you can create mine since that's less than if that's going to written test
23:38 u_s_a_ peter grace systems that we can we plan to have exactly which talk about
23:42 prop stadium but that's going to be
23:45 protected and battle began seventy consisting of media utility intriguing
23:49 germany ratchet u_s_ deaf ear how popular
23:53 uh... i think it was hoping that i don't believe that is going to be anything
23:57 like that in in the scl regular legal modeling
24:02 inundate in the mime-version factor
24:06 at least understated yourselves and stage so
24:10 uh...
24:11 i must present a furniture is not so
24:14 but uh... what information but it was a deal
24:18 secret
24:21 instead
24:23 doesn't hurt
24:24 him walking away from
24:27 also matches are backing
24:30 back in black
24:31 i had called image
24:35 stand dated lacked
24:39 and regina causes joining us detected replanted that's on the president nixon
24:48 i like him with her children were written in the same downright jerusalem
24:53 did you get what i like the second is whether this is the first lady
24:59 he's going to uh... the and
25:04 anonymity
25:06 cables and implies that he will say members would be
25:11 didn't
25:13 uncovered
25:14 food handsome or beautiful troublesome as long as you know i don't think
25:19 anything actually is
25:22 letter
25:24 uh... msl
25:27 but he said about the let's review a call from anything that isn't excellent
25:31 idea
25:32 so it was in charge of that
25:35 contributing members like that
25:39 threats of the don't listen to question the capital city says it's out on the
25:44 uh...
25:44 on skype younger question from our entire i'd
25:48 his silence about the economy surrounding the resort case that's the
25:53 question about the economy happens to them
25:55 dot that said let's do our last live alone is about the economy
26:00 but
26:01 does decide
26:04 at that
26:06 so
26:08 for the economist would you give us a call that stopped by the way it is on
26:11 the abstract
26:12 when they see antibody is shot
26:16 he was shot
26:17 altogether
26:18 it
26:19 michelle
26:22 it doesn't show on me
26:25 pollution solution
26:28 beside
26:29 all sitel
26:31 she was here their expenses which you without getting a little in common sight
26:38 when getting we know
26:40 the basics of the economy is going to look like but uh... now we haven't
26:44 started them
26:45 but billy we've got a lot of things to work out
26:48 well that's obvious and probably won't have a great time it's not because of
26:52 that
26:53 resented stepped in and out
26:54 the challenge of that
26:56 you see much like the economy to have a nice a bunch of the chaos creators and
27:02 have you reviewed looking ladies
27:04 these simple rules q really processing three ridiculed morals are as as repeats
27:11 didn't handle mentions of the week
27:15 served on the planet with the intro
27:18 at the same time all criticism
27:21 uh... chaos in the world that arms natural end
27:25 these you inst
27:28 well pleasures you said that this is we will be director
27:31 jack had completed his studies at the same three feet behind a sensory
27:35 pleasure
27:36 so strong
27:38 because of that you tried to sell oil rehab we got out of it
27:43 disaster he
27:45 you uh...
27:46 ambassador wisconsin at the center and which what do you recall backpack was
27:52 made with a
27:53 the universality basically i cannot katie
27:57 so
27:59 belive he said this but i'm going to head to habitat almost two to six
28:04 relatively afterwards i'm reminded royals in fighting each other entitles
28:09 to repay some eleven percent i mean
28:12 becky plain states have tickets if it's a pretty good for you know it flew a
28:16 schematic
28:19 your life but you're probably looking probable
28:23 these are the best thing about uh...
28:27 that website serb commander
28:31 rigid unit
28:34 fire citizens prisoners will strip
28:37 having delgado six degrees of freedom until you've worked with him
28:42 you promises to be treated as you get you know when a tornado in space
28:46 u_s_ constraints that to be a plot
28:49 the civil rights facing with ours we had
28:52 to design a building their skills
28:54 we need police protection otherwise people just fly around the spacer
28:57 sequence of interest
28:59 points abandons conflict
29:01 once again millions of things like the part of my good basic for chip plant in
29:05 things like that resources in
29:08 unnecessarily exactly he hasn't come to grips with you know that you will
29:13 people applied over
29:15 people to use the legal to upgrade its all about
29:18 the leader yourself perhaps or which are k_c_l_ korea's is shipped
29:22 the emotional on resources mister
29:27 the investor in the arts essentially
29:31 replace what words you said exile
29:34 combat there's jessica is the place where the so
29:40 absolutely
29:42 also you have to give us a car that was to give us a shout we're contrast color
29:45 because the status quo
29:48 asset
29:52 nastier
29:54 at the gate
29:55 you know something
29:59 brown eyes
30:01 eyes
30:03 from soon
30:07 support
30:09 okay
30:10 i seem to have houses across the border and uh... i styles which is what i think
30:14 the country's low-level
30:22 yes
30:26 strong proc
30:28 processes that used to work but also possible
30:32 and it's not always be sweet alliance one of my favorite you have a right at
30:36 you know
30:37 is limited
30:38 well that begs at countries the world is beautiful
30:42 ahead on school
30:45 islt
30:49 optics
30:51 and here
30:58 last year considerable evidence that works
31:03 artistic
31:04 yes as the strike orbit catholics talking because you're right
31:17 usually there's a
31:19 would you please would you show
31:23 ac
31:25 wet weather reports
31:27 was it your camera on spartan the internal
31:30 arguments about politics and so that you know
31:35 override i thought so
31:37 you cat with the problem
31:42 however we need the most effective as a leader something
31:51 investigating
31:52 desensitizing opting out
31:55 the
31:57 restrictions on a level head of hair
32:01 the s_e_c_ hotel
32:03 political so graphic novel
32:06 you stop advertising right now i i i are
32:10 and i think
32:11 plenty other possibly do that is our last minute
32:17 parliament
32:19 have been seeing it
32:22 who have introduced absolute pleasure
32:24 remained stable
32:27 gambling is a completely glad someone update summer
32:33 it
32:36 thank you very much for that
32:38 quark
32:39 what's the best interests of our that's the plan was not specified
32:44 you know what to look what
32:45 if you think about gay making withdrawals making kids twice
32:49 seward don't let freedom ring kids grandkids tours
32:54 that's here
32:56 hall
32:57 this is one of our policy towards a bandage it sends you back to the same
33:01 issue was made in italy
33:02 wouldn't anything white back east is crucial to asses missus
33:07 you know that appreciated in worth the effort work along it was
33:11 to put it into these things
33:13 so that a problem that's uh... classic and we'll see you online
33:19 alarm and he he will also like to thank everybody moments of high allow intro on
33:25 the uh... oxygen treatment industries appreciated i respond
33:31 you're your means you can with her so far
33:38 cannot
33:39 you requested on producer
33:43 anybody in the windows dementia pleasure you know
33:47 uh... does that really plan on the amount of money i need to look at ananda
33:52 yeah i know
33:53 visual wrote
33:56 yet because
33:57 but i don't want to take a look at my walk around and she doesn't see so small
34:01 privacy however some uh...
34:04 and this is what we are
34:12 neither side effects than you do you know
34:19 separately and head
34:22 it's
34:24 beating yourself do not use from i'd be a good one out of business
34:31 quickly
34:33 usage mortal it
34:39 you can see bars
34:41 see i think that was done on the status of the sixties t_v_
34:44 personal and intimate facetiously said well that's it
34:47 and the best disbelief that used to love cohassett actually dot
34:53 lapses way so
34:55 um... dailies lost our contact with sony and we've i'd like to their staff and
35:00 we've got a lot of the clinton and united american public
35:04 team as a matter of months
35:06 he has a new existing obviously anybody's someone's always going and
35:11 insists on those communities and cities keeps reading it here
35:15 it exactly
35:17 we've gotten dentist and i hope that he was that that is we don't get a its
35:21 biggest archival stuff from them
35:23 yeah d
35:24 that she has used the best use net
35:27 piece
35:29 over there
35:30 absurdities cheesecake
35:33 didn't based on that issue
35:36 nine million dollars christopher hopefulness
35:40 or phenomenal hasn't come out here and also
35:46 at his side
35:48 three
35:50 dandelion
35:51 you know i thought i switched his vote last week
35:55 so i'm asking
35:57 disembodied bias able-bodied advice
36:01 uh... with possible sky or
36:04 we do
36:07 with the woman said
36:11 is west of the world will be on the top
36:13 somoza parapsychology does not want to question
36:17 and then we will show you how does somebody just joined us at www website
36:26 credibility's these out
36:28 yeah
36:30 although i doubt it
36:34 so struggling to get you know it was kind of politics is local bus to the
36:37 white house staff
36:39 handled in the game
36:41 actually talked about that right now that i would appreciate if you would
36:44 propose that the bones about that very thing because
36:48 would think that there's a couple days doing anything you may have to have
36:52 somebody like me you're expecting uh... but have sometimes been expected in the
36:56 uk your share details goes down your son or daughter soul error
37:01 we'd love to be resurrected with we provide block so i think we're talking
37:05 about so every ready for war powers
37:13 these if he's already started entrance of the graphics are out of one zero zero
37:18 good that's good to see what you said again to have a question
37:28 this setback its threat not scholarly awesome okay
37:32 worried that will not because
37:36 chris i have heard about that i have another way
37:38 obviously he is a lot so when you must use what's gonna happen
37:42 but i think you guys
37:44 reflect you know you can't put your thoughts on what you think happened
37:48 uh... indiana influence a lot of us
37:52 graduation
37:53 the so are
37:55 disintegrate back on it if you get inspiration yes
37:59 uh... individual has agreed that there was a bit in the office of the people
38:03 uh... you we just got computers yesterday so bom
38:08 yes he's i think once the seventh generation to start
38:12 workable harley davidson dot missiles are look at those things a lot
38:23 at philips disney princess went
38:27 i think a copy of the everybody thought this was back on to shed a little bit
38:32 last little bit me that out
38:34 looks like one of my favorite is greater how cool down intriguing work as a
38:39 willing all your
38:41 last year constantly and introduce accountant resolutely men uh... even
38:48 though she didn't have this will be who's going to be up in a certain area
38:51 we don't even want to make public
38:54 uh... disunity letters didn't really commitment and it didn't mission
39:00 just ask you
39:01 you know and so if your it depends on a speedy trial will be easy to create our
39:06 own
39:07 surveys for speedy like some people are councilman so
39:12 and they give the ability of a way out of that
39:15 in the meantime dosto somebody on the disclaimer that will control right here
39:21 everything is subject to change
39:22 is subject to change the interim comparable in anderson using this kind
39:27 of open source of uh... experience with them
39:31 uh... networks hundreds of the will bill clinton was just
39:36 reelection
39:37 headache and couldn't have continued completes the only
39:42 continued with
39:43 popping the question of into too much
39:46 shadow such pet
39:51 investments
39:53 appointmentindia opening the with them
39:57 uh... himself isn't everybody's oregon on
40:02 receives user understood ends that
40:08 using a at
40:11 so it was around ratio could we start with a quick
40:14 statement that's yesterday but
40:18 interest
40:20 irate but i might
40:26 well subhakar choir
40:29 with my masks at work now
40:32 occasion
40:33 picnic backpacks
40:35 is that you have that
40:38 demands
40:40 wesley gillette was the controller vastly
40:43 effectively with vanessa
40:46 that's that's that's what really happened to be fitzpatrick call right
40:49 now
40:51 scenario dot blots tahoe reporting
40:56 little action
40:57 and that's it
41:02 and
41:09 during her egg hunt
41:14 does the weekend with the
41:18 landed here
41:25 belum
41:27 packages
41:29 with the work
41:33 that's a good access your values that
41:36 positives and that's it
41:37 ability to work that you guys are here
41:41 we are talking about the landmark
41:42 myself
41:43 uh...
41:44 this is the first order of service
41:47 we didn't win
41:50 stanford looks a little late model grazing lands
41:54 thank you both very much four everything you've done for allowing this all
41:57 happened uh... for a lot of all those that you get involved one bacon
42:01 apparently did you guys really want to
42:03 on the without you guys doing it would never do it
42:07 so thank you for the one of our hearts and have a very happy holidays uh...
42:11 enjoy yourself back in the new year uh... you see jack a dull minded maxwell
42:16 chapel
42:17 and will be nice
42:19 happiness
42:22 himself
42:23 big whenever we did
42:24 after the dust as full as they don't like that to me that process facilities
42:28 let us know
42:29 but they had heard much from borrower
42:31 we appreciate it and we'll see you won't like
42:33 yes
42:34 side

Сообщение на офф.сайте: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/455009/#Comment_455009

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Собираюсь перевести рассказ. Т.к. затронута любимая мною тема шпионства, да еще и во вселенной "Star Citizen" Ух ты!.. .
Перевожу я медленно Зомбирование с помощью компа. , так что если есть более шустрые и заинтересованные в этом рассказе переводчики, отпишитесь и Флаг тебе в руки! .

By Griffin Barber
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Да там переводить-то всего часа на три. Но как показывает практика, перевод в два человека столь малого текста обязательно скажется на согласовании названий и общей стилистике. То есть либо переводит один либо нужен третий на вычитку. А это уже пьянка Улыбка

Так что решай, сам будешь или перевести?
Человек весом менее 80кг своего мнения иметь не может!
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Если что, предлагаю себя в качестве переводчика/редактора/корректора. Довольно неплохо знаю английский, легко воспринимаю на слух, так что могу работать с видео и без субтитров.
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Niarlat :
легко воспринимаю на слух, так что могу работать с видео и без субтитров.

А вот это очень полезно было бы. А то у нас практически ни одного переведенного видео нет.
Squadron-42. Fortuna - non penis, in manus non recipe!
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Niarlat :
Если что, предлагаю себя в качестве переводчика/редактора/корректора. Довольно неплохо знаю английский, легко воспринимаю на слух, так что могу работать с видео и без субтитров.

Попробуй начать с сегодняшнего Вингман ангара?
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RedrickSh :
Попробуй начать с сегодняшнего Вингман ангара?

Дабы избежать будущих неразберих: с человеком уже связались, и задачу поставили.
Текущая задача - создать субтитры для сериала "Вингман ангар", начиная с первого сезона, первой серии Улыбка
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Хм. Не лучше ли делать текущие сначала?
Могу помочь с текущими в какой-то части. Сразу все скорее всего не потяну Улыбка
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Deskup :
Хм. Не лучше ли делать текущие сначала?
Могу помочь с текущими в какой-то части. Сразу все скорее всего не потяну Улыбка

Ну, моё имхо - делать с первой серии.
Но это скорее всего потому, что я пока совсем не в теме SC, и мне интересно смотреть с начала.
Могу создать тему обсуждения выпусков ангаров, и там увидим мнения большинства.
Пока что, думаю, можно подождать мнения кого-нибудь из ведущих переводчиков по этому вопросу Улыбка
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